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tv   Arirang News  PBS  April 9, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT

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do . the i will will will the guidelines north korea's leader accused of is re elected after reaching his head as a rubber stamp robin oakley has a section that is expected to endorse person however shuffles. the audio coding discoveries of three suspected north korean browse south korea is pushing to buy about ten low altitude later these realms of better security threats. diplomatic efforts to de escalate the situation in ukraine are underway. the us the eu russia and ukraine to behold minister real top first time next week. the story to more
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than spend one hundred the worst entry i am hooked though you were watching from around the world. it's wednesday april nine here in seoul land to keep a central in things so much for joining us. we begin this evening in north korea where on this wednesday the regimes lawmakers showed up for the first day of its first parliamentary session under kim jong un as a convention is largely expected to serve as a chance to name new commission members all eyes are on the events of the world can get a glimpse of the isolated state policies and power structure i can use this fun funky reports your thirty s thirteen spring people of a family session got underway in town that on wednesday. it
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marks the first fashion that the rubber stamp parliament elected and academic leadership. as widely expected against him was to be present and as the chairman of the powerful national defense commission according to the state run korean central news agency agenda items at the meeting include appointing officials for the devon coast and deliberating on this year's budget plan. the first session of the country's highest legislative body is in a position to find out who was then and that was at north korea's ruling circle and speculation is that a major reshuffle could be in the works. source if the prime minister of toppling to the country's economic policy maker. in fact to take responsibility for failed economic reform plans. a six year old figurehead president of kenya and that may step down after fifteen years and asked if possible set of stairs to the conditions include yes i'm a policy maker in charge of inter korean that eric and by spring here comes up to
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the meeting comes as north korea has the meeting tensions on the korean peninsula with a series of missile launches artillery shelling and threats to conduct another new year test all i care on what kind of a message to redeem us and it felt to me and the united states. on sunday at the end use. speculation is time that south korea the us and japan may be ready to be a bit more flexible in their dealings with him or her case and has more on the latest out of the three way talks on north korea's nuclear program south korea the us and japan but considering scaling back the preconditions they want max before beginning talks with noah korea over its new clip of that. following a meeting of the three countries than you could negotiators this week as the korean official told reporters in washington and they're looking out of body waste of these in talks with counting down. the official said that the parties are looking at the conditions
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with a little more flexibility in mind and that the ways in which north korean show sincerity about giving up its nuclear weapons program could be up for discussion. the three nations together with china and russia have been trying to do new horizon or under the six party framework for more than a decade. the six party talks have been suspended since late two thousand because of repeated provocations by county and in return for u s food aid two years ago has come the agony to suspend its missile a new plant testing place a moratorium and if you make an investment and allow international inspectors into its new credit facility washington and its two main asian allies had been in any county and take additional actions outside of the week with the new crazy framework before returning to negotiations. the official however said there's a need for further review and discussions with china another key six party member
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he then said what's most important and stop the enhanced and ethnic koreans new car and missile capabilities and what not to the moon for negotiations without carrying out further provocations. experts in somalia however cautioned that is too soon to jump to any conclusions about a change in south korea's position. instead they said this could nearly be another message urging them to act sincerely and returned to the negotiating table. she is on the ends. south korea is wasting little time bolstering its air surveillance system after discovering three probable north korean provence on its territory in recent weeks the soul wants to buy some seriously advanced radar systems from the israel that help detect any unwanted visitors in the sky and ck reports. the discoveries of three suspected north korean dramas in less than a month on south korean style has
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prompted tell him to take action. the government said wednesday that it would be adopting israel's tactical air surveillance read our system. a government source said an emergency budget of around ninety million us dollars will be drawn up to purchase ten low altitude rps forty two retards and other surveillance secret and this year. the will be deployed act government facilities including the presidential office and on the west coast next year. south korea's current retards are not capable of detecting ignore its small size throws but the newly adopted israeli system that is they can detect all types of aerial objects as small as half a meter in size within a thirty kilometer radius and has an altitude range of ten kilometers. the south korean military has been under fire for allowing the unmanned aerial vehicles to infiltrate its airspace which represents the national security threat
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any other african boost the nation's military readiness korea has asked the us defense security cooperation agency to purchase more than a hundred advanced missiles agency said tuesday that it had notified congress of the possible sale of missiles equipment and parts to school in south korea plans to buy seventy six i unwind or block two missiles and thirty two captain eric raining missiles at a cost of nearly one hundred million dollars to help counter threats from north korea. did you use the south korean won reached its strongest level in six years against the us dollar today and that has exporters worry. but what about the fierce parked about a year and a half ago when japan said it would weaken its currency to those worries panel to the sector is to report that says korea at me
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thusly spend sleepless nights worrying over again. let us now is on time then president of a shirt on in society the welcome to program and we've been in. the a recent imf paper which you would have it in front of the land argues the new south korea no longer needs to worry about japan's yen appreciation for what seems to be the basis of that assertion and can carry with it and you could go i would be spread through to believe that. so i have learned that when the new product designed to put even the pope should enable opinion but i'm steps that will compete for the issue it is always to put that what you get them to print in one critic called the dti and the fire of one hundred fourth of june thirteen years of companies that are conducive to people. of course to up to get to own the equipment will continue to other countries is too high. does it mean when do people put that up to the bitter put it into print
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assorted given some different in each of you to grow up and running. and she said. these affordable given to jesus that it would be tricky to get into from the upright deal with people. to say no wall street journal article is interpreted the imf working paper who so strongly so part of the wall street journal report did say that korea and japan are diverging in their product categories so that there are fewer overlapping areas of competition. you think that was also there are signs that it is to throw rebuild the trust to use some of them has to do that. of whether queen of norway is acidic and the goal of the season to be condemned with all of you who can beat you if you do know that if also said that overseas production hypertext korean firms from currency swings this is only applied to a major industries like
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smart founded on the true progressive. and though acquitted and made two crucial up of produce and to keep the goal is to sit in one of his own part to more than a student was in. the to sum up which allude to prevent it these can be seen readership is one theme going back to school to mr the books we use the jacuzzi and had to be and to appreciate it too much into it he can sit up which should grow in warm up is so cute on him and korean meant to supplement and fourth tuesday of the death of christ it due to his views as he had some damage. with the justice and doesn't that mean it's cheaper though for korean companies to import a japanese supplies and parts to make their goods out a second factory. that is due to the stewed up with us too
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we give up. it was a part in the intermediate goods from japan. but his continued to misty is. it is misty of the show blues imposed upon an intermediate with while pro china is the worst idea in which i didn't import from japan and europe are also seems to argue that do complex integration is of economy the currency depreciation is that these days don't bring the dramatic benefits as dade city florida soon. trudy was a meagre income to tumble to so would look to his creation. his intent to reappear. reuse them and their precious missouri law. when you need to go so the we of time and in the b team. she knew the changes and that the school of korea in the school community and to send this to the school with the it's called the co principal did begin to degrade their pool. krishna
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has not. you can use. alright mr went on during the president of the intifada society thank you very much for joining us to see them the way. i have for your duty to the day's biggest story in korea and around the world breaking these are the hottest interview and a whole lot more. going out and shot limit and ug have the heart and soul. primetime heat on and on tv next to him chris march job figures around and the employment market seems to be picking up steam statistics korea said wednesday that the jobless rate in the nation dropped last month to three point nine percent from the four point five percent reported in february. the total number of employed people in korea stood at over twenty five million which is an increase of six under fifty thousand from the same month last year the agency attributed
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the rise to a steady economic recovery after a long terms mom. job creation did however slow from the previous month's eight hundred thirty five thousand gain. that was the largest one year job growth since march two thousand sheep. savvy online shoppers year and three are increasingly clicking on shopping sites abroad to find the best deals and to sidestep retail monopolies that have kept prices high in the nation. the government is in favor of creating a freer market by streamlining the customs process for international online purchases and creating more transparency are spongy son has details. import prices of these hikes around ten dollars for the very same product on the shelf of a department store carries a price back four times higher in the sixties when many imported products. after distillation margins and marketing classes are taken into account. to provide consumers with sufficient
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information and to stabilize prices. the guy went as editing for prices of ten industry products like wine cellars and lipstick. to its publicly available list. for price list for this wrinkly sixty three projects the customs office said that she prayed for a price of an identity. the more expensive its retail price became after monopoly among domestic mr peters meant no price competitiveness. this gap between imports and retail prices have played more and more green consumers to directly purchase products from overseas over the years mostly online. direct overseas shopping tripled from twenty ten to eight billion us dollars last year unbeaten in four price list is only one tasted them it is making to support consumers and at the ministerial meeting on wednesday. finance ministry condos have announced that the customs
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clearance process will be sped up to allow consumers to claim their purchase items more quickly. the law also be able to return their cars purchased overseas with less fussy and get tax refunds more easily. thanks to simplify procedures the guards will also increase the free market competition among importers by consulting apparel imports all part of school to miller the retail prices of imported consumer gets by up to twenty percent over the next three years. sunday i means the viper south korea says it will extend a line of credit to state and institutions so they can upgrade their computer system to the latest version of windows. this after the us space opera die and pull the plug on the free support and updates for windows xp. the move comes as some of korea's organizations that have a track record of being hacked continue to use the thirteen year old operating system due to their limited budgets the grace period will allow
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the institutions to upgrade their eyelids now and pay for it next year. meanwhile the government says is closely monitoring the situation will offer free software vaccines to keep xp users secure. and since its creation back in nineteen eighty nine the world wide web has changed the way we interact with the work and away we let the future of the web is being discussed by some of the greatest minds in the field and soul to speak at an international conference attendee on with it. the twenty third and only international world wide web conference twenty fourteen it opened in seoul on a limb fate. the conference provides so well with the forum to discuss the development of the weather. the second night the sheen of its associated technologies and its impact on society and culture. at this year's conference co hosted by titanic treaty in secret technology and standards experts from the variety of web related
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fields address what roles of let me know what opportunity in turn gave my head teabaggers he who first conceived of the world wide web in nineteen eighty nine was among one of the four panelists that discuss what to expect over the next twenty five years previously as part of and then make all the way of me wants that argues for law and order where bill of rights of sorts for on line tree down and impartiality. he said the openness of the web is currently under threat by the government saying current low rates fall by the brand new topic can be removed. do we do the things that needed to reconnect with him. there was to be christians like we'll be there incredible open software which allows you to get her and called for ashley goes as far as to state that a wet as we know it today tat family disappear in the future where larger and eastwood mccartney and some of the dance we currently enjoy. he said the
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needed to be more aware of the possibility. on thursday before will focus more on how to tame the web and its many dangers such as privacy and security breach is a forum held in seoul vines until friday and see on itn news and. don't try to tears out of the philippine to south korean student who went missing last month has been found dead the korea's foreign ministry says the female college student in her mid twenties was kidnapped him and they left unmarked third fall on her way to meet her friends her body was found this week badly decomposed authorities have arrested one of her alleged abductor is that they believe at least three others remain at large. the total for korean nationals have been killed this year alone in the philippines. and for more stories making headlines
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on the global front the goalies for poly happenings. all let's start with the worsening crisis in ukraine we hear the united states has accused russia of orchestrating another crimea style intervention in eastern ukraine. how far has the civil unrest escalated there. the stark warning issued on tuesday came after pro russian forces seized control of government buildings in the city of don't ask. protesters also take over security office in the wilds holding fifty six people hostage until they released or tense negotiations. against this backdrop usa cares to john kerry has suggested holding four way talks with eu russia and ukraine are on so long as the latest. with no immediate answer to the ukraine crisis in sight. senior officials from the eu and us russia and ukraine will try to find common ground and horribly talks next week likely in year out. they don't represent the first such
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meeting since the crisis began. the cops were suggested by us secretary of state john kerry as he accused the russian forces of staring up separate as turmoil in the eastern part of ukraine. he taught maths got to back down or face tougher to new sanctions that would target to russia's banking energy money and arms that turks. nato secretary general anders fall rasmussen warned russia to st for their intervention in ukraine that be of close historic mistake and that it would lead to further international isolation for russia the crisis worsened over the weekend with progress and activists seized regional government buildings in three eastern ukrainian cities. on tuesday ukraine's interior ministry said it had detained some seventy people during an anti operation and car keys but the protesters are still in control of the state security building to new heights. protesters occupying
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a government building and film that's kept declared the people's republic of the match and are planning a referendum to join the russian republic on the eleventh. but the potential potter cake as the polarization of progress since april ukrainians in the three cities is great gary bennett was in crimea which russia next month ago his last. itn news. turning now to some welcome news on the search for that missing malaysian airline air officials say the two french underwater pains detected tuesday are consistent with the plane's black box data recorder. this new me has injected fresh confidence into what has become an increasingly frustrating and costly search mission. i believe when searching in the ryde area. we need to visually identify aircraft wreckage. before we can confirm with certainty that this is the final resting
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place. all the nih three seven zero. search teams are racing against time as the batteries in the locator beacons have are ready to race their thirty day of life expectancy. the black box may also provide crucial clues as to why and how point three seven zero banish on march eight ball carrying two under thirty nine people. and switching gears down to a massive deal call recall issued wednesday by the toilet of mortar company any of the six point four million cars it's the second largest recall in the japanese auto giants history. so it is cited various defects and twenty seven models including the raf or suv and you are as sub compact. after those vehicles produce between april two thousand seven in december two thousand ten were found to have faulty steering wheels that could cause your bank to fail in the event of a crouch the other half which really affected three door models produce between two thousand fines in two thousand and four being the culprit effective seats at this point
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for any coalition the world's biggest on an acre city was not aware of any crashes or injuries caused by the collisions there are some for looking into national stories making headlines around the world i'll see you back here tomorrow night. welcome to prime time sports and speed in check. when you think of the best pitchers theaters in history. so nanny kevin a bit and maybe michelle kwan come to mind but if you look up stating in a french dictionary in the rose hill seeking gone up quite literally a picture of tim raines and gracefully gliding across the ice is prominently displayed on the word and ice or skating in french the now retired champion figure skater is now already considered a legend by many and apparently epitomizes figure skating. according to the editors of the top
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selling dictionary. and for the brazil world cup people has released the official song for the its opening on to swell. we are one olazabal not sung by people in featuring singer actor jennifer lopez and brazilian pop artists claudia lady that has already amassed more than two million views online. now its champions league action the second battle of the quarter final second legs are kicking off a day after rapid rate and chelsea advanced to the next round the first of the political will seek to hold off the broken lamp with barcelona squad who need to score at least one more chance to break the one one time. byron in a moment to thank their one month deadlock with manchester united at home in allianz arena. and having to be andy hard courts have and the rents prolific scoring streak has finally come to an end after more than three months. the okc superstar snapped his twenty five points plus scoring streak at
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forty one games in his team's win over sacramento. he had twenty three points meanwhile dearth of its king who scored twenty one against uconn. he took over the number ten spot on the all time scoring list and the lakers guard steve nash has mark jackson for third in all time assists. now let's end with when they stop bball match up the next in heroes post abt of tigers in local now first in a neck since course i didn't keep it going and coming film roll holders now the day get a couple runs to come a little close but the next and he gets another shot in the six people were laid in a foreign accent. he had three in the seventh make it interesting and easy to set the next day at the bottom of the year. and that he had the other games we had auntie defeating from the sixty two lg overlook this sem before and sk and is out this time five to four. and that's all i have for now this has been
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seeded czech cost effective leader for more on the world of sports. well today was dusty dusty dusty in some regions and more dust is forecast for tomorrow for more let's turn things over tracking them down the weather center down the evening guys. i just love all the time now back to normal however more is on its way from time as though those things holiday on the province will get higher levels from early tomorrow morning to afternoon class for this week the weather and a lovely spring weather would continue before a nationwide showers are forecast over the weekend. as for now dry weather conditions continue mostly in the southern regions. humidity levels and cable hat tip to twenty one tenth of may shades of pink i modified it to stay hydrated. taking out like that the current conditions jason will gradually be at the end of a high pressure system from the west sea that is why we're seeing clouds to end. tomorrow you can expect
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more mild spring weather with daytime highs peeking from between fourteen to twenty five degrees then goes and how ankle in the province of me that might have been erratic sprinkled over night thinking i might get tomorrow's reading or so and that will make it to the low twenties while i do the dems to twenty five of every cent that said it's as if he'd said nineteen degrees bought for two and non combatant reads eleven and eighteen greens. it's at this hour i'll be back with my active again. don't broadcast on this was the ninth and each evening so strong when things were watching season. i know good news. we need covering
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meal. when i first encountered previously i was meaningless. those who came the parties. no new info and. the us. and the story
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each day. excludes any team that works. the top story was the case most intriguing topic as told by nhc premier global content partners back to back in english. it's one am in washington and london into a party happening here in philly this weekend is here. right from the event with me. i didn't take that steely checked in you and it makes the network's gotta work on teammates the ads on
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tv will continue to share with your friends on facebook and twitter the top story on the m a c networks womb mdm this program is brought you by. critically. we'd from norway's mainstream crews were lies. the group exploring one thousand miles of norwegian coastal the report include counters and access to wilkinson. i am the drains our authorities reportedly said the foreign vehicles to define cities in the country's he's pleg


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