tv Kazakh TV News PBS April 11, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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the life of me. every year we will will will will the amendment on the cote de ministry defences was accepted today during a second reading in seven the changes were introduced to the phased introduction of the mechanisms of accountability for exceeding the status quo does the greenhouse gas emissions since cut extent because its international obligations changes were also made to the parts of penalties reduced and ten the five captive in the indexes the belmont of the village due to the need to solve two problems accelerated investor and innovative development and implementation of the quota system and internal training on greenhouse gas emissions is expected that
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the users of natural resources will be interested in the implementation of clean technologies in their production processes and changes to those relevant in the light of the forthcoming exhibition expo two thousand seventeen which subjects are energy efficiency and reducing harmful impact on the environment. at least the money habits txu is one cursed business is not a resource users and businesses that have energy to reduce pollutants and the introduction of new and clean technologies for production. maybe for the replacement awfully that women with you in order to pay your fines should be less greenhouse emissions that of the week. these haven't seen these people but hospital senators also adopted a lot today on the ratification of the memo on the montreal port of call on subsidies to deplete the ozone layer. this will all the small business sector to reduce financial losses ball and it is to limit consumption of ozone depleting substances and to harmonize the master legislation the customs union and also facilitate the implementation of the concept of a transitional extend to a green economy
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yesterday opposition rallies have been held in the comfort of kyrgyzstan and several other cities of the country because of its demanded the president to share is prowess to the parliament to renegotiate the agreement on the goal of the pasta corn dog and also to create the government of national trust at least a thousand people gathered in the square named after maxine corky which is in the center of bishkek. i let it rock in the morning here the protesters said unanimously that the problem of terrorism was not properly developed. little has been in since late last month because people tend to stand divided his bow in the two parts cover was given to parliament house the president but the president received the trump cards in politics it's the power structures through the power structure he controls all this is what islam is the same in the move put it. there were no one forced officers at the rally although the approaches to the square named after quirky were guarded by soldiers of internal troops in bishkek police are also water canons of the special equipment that show both the police forces have been put on a strong regime of service before
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their service of the two previous revolutions in the recent example of the ukrainian my darn applies to please to be alert although the opposition sure that they would not allow the riots when you're pondering over them. no this is impossible. we're not going to be like when done everything you see here is a small number of people and hid there will be no my dog and we can break it up very soon. it is the performer them. back to school. but the rally in bishkek protests were held in the south in ocean about two hundred people when an opposition rally in tijuana bought about five hundred people covered by lunchtime the protesters dispersed in the leaders of the opposition movement protested in bishkek said that now they would defend their interests but intellectual ways through conferences and roundtable meetings. in southern china accident occurred which was often overturned bus with students on the way to a picnic accident judy teenagers with and another thirty two injured according to witnesses the driver lost control and a sharp turn and go into a ditch. kind of rescuers are working in
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the accident location all affected were immediately taken to the nearest health facility on forest officials have launched an investigation the us military of condition forces of the european union arrived in a couple of central african republic then wait for the peacekeeping mission the eu approved sending peacekeeping contingent in the ca are to help african and french military in january. today there are about two thousand soldiers and nearly six thousand african peacekeepers place in the country the situation in the ca are escalated in early december last year when a clash between the militaries of the islamist group's alleged got in the opposing rebel christian started the week according to the un during the conflict more than a thousand were killed and about one million residents were forced to leave their homes. i'm in for twenty eight the third context any communication satellite pass out three will be launched from biker north for the first time in context and orbital grouping of two telecommunications satellites will be introduced since the last of the third satellite control over the context any grouping of the telecommunications spacecraft will be conducted only by celtic specialist and
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only from the context any territory today the senate for the space communications picked located near all monkeys fully ready to receive that there has been a communications satellite costs at three this object is alternative them in one situation the village of popcorn of our own region the object of coke at this moment in the main space communications station and awkward thirty specialists of the object but the equipment and the level of equipment if necessary allows conducting anonymous twenty four hours monitoring in the management over two communications satellites. the storm and that the bush pressured to do that certainly is a big step forward. this is a big step of progress satellite communications and as expected a very serious figure. firstly it is information delivered in remote areas where cable optics fiber and so on are not up to conduct the signal can be sent from the spacecraft in any area firstly it is a breakthrough in science are specialists in italy have made a big step within ten years and we can say with great confidence the context of his break with the palm estates and are great on this a space technology. dustin was in
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business and with it. as usual he was in the business the less i like os that is located in the assembly and test facility the ninety five period of the bike and or cosmic are on the satellite is mounted on a special stand where pre flight testing of all this system is conducted to launch a proton and which will deliver the spacecraft to the point of stating fifty degrees in geo stationary or rapists get to work for it with twenty eight together with the cars extent sound like and one missile the russian telecommunications apparatus which fight he will be launched as it is known to us and three was built at the hearing of the company information satellite systems after the condition of entry should nip in the russian city of suez nobles also all the software systems was designed that in the specialists from kazakhstan have been trained ca sector is considered a more powerful and reliable communications satellite which eventually will become a staple in the space crew implementation of a strategy to expand two thousand that the will of the country to enter the top thirty most competitive countries of the world. this opinion was expressed by european experts at tonight's meeting configuration club of berlin
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that the purchase of and share their views on the development of modern cars extent in line with ideas presented by the head of state much attention has been paid to the possibilities cooperation between context and in germany in the field of trade and investment as well as education and science. don't get me out. yes i think i suffer from a political standpoint of i reports of strategy two thousand fifty are clearly seen in the contents of the ukrainian crisis especially the paragraph about it at nickel quart of society. that is accumulated a lot of experience in this matter thus ensuring successful economic development. i'm sure that germany was actually to dissipate in the formation of innovation industrial economy in kazakhstan. it also will support an international arena such as the entry into the wto. then it tends to be a part of the international community it is the main message if we want to be a part of the global community and to meet international standards it is necessary to follow the best examples which exist germany in terms of efficiency degree of organization is certainly among the leaders in europe and even among the world's leaders. cos every joke of
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the drama theater up to you yes lot of open its corn us now with the performance by the play tells the story of the last years of outstanding cause a poet and educator and artists of the theater did it on to get to perform the role of oh by the right to say that the language of a bike is unique and rhythm musicality in his power and towards the audience think that that does manage to convey this meaning the cost of the drama theater. it is the first big torn awesome during the week guests and residents of the celtic cup will be with a c another eleven performances of different genres backers of a county. the dp to make the rolls. the play was perfect act is performed on the highest level. it was to do just that the ticket nights will perform such places proper tunis thirteen kos was john are also sergei use him and place in the us model for the first i wanna perform the play go but i often citing our performances educate people in youth to adulthood. there was a new
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hello under the title of the exhibition of french artists martin off on the bus he opened the doors have been exhibited in galleries in france norway in austria many times the last five and half years mark has lived in comics to stay here according to the artists gave the new appeal is to work in her works is devoted to causes that period she showed the local beauty about the steps of the particular source of inspiration was great to have . this exhibition is the unique gift of mrs oh five the boss he can pick up in before leading her friends but more in the midst of her connection with our country would not be dropped i don't have to call mom. yes i think so. in france because this seo. three b is a kazakh down and friends. soul sing with me so much when i was gone and done we got back to some that's not meant to be good to let two fronts and sean stuff from the sea can laugh because i felt so well and that he or she will release
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it saps the charts at stake he adds the spartans ninety and skinny tags the latest news is that three w dogs cuts out that stevie got kate said. every year the governor has it increases the number and quality of social programs. thus the new program within the framework of bcs has been developed which allows guaranteeing future payments for studies in high education institutions from the moment that a child is born parents or guardians may open a so called education deposit the money is deposited in st and the banks offering eight percent annual interest rate plus a tad oh five to seven percent premium from the government's member of the bones were not cleanse your skin. this financial instrument has been developed to the framework of the state support program on the development education for the year two thousand eleven
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to two thousand and twenty everyone has the possibility to open this type of deposit accounts. the maximum amount is paid by the government is one hundred thousand tanguay which is quite large. this is a long term deposits. he pretty much done as his prescription. this deposit is quite novel on the market because the majority of banks offer clients deposit account for about the spirit of five years. this decline however is the long term contract the minimum period is five years in the maxims twenty eighth minute of people who need the human cost of the typical implanted with which it is a minute. it was pretty useful. this will mean a company many parents are hoping this accounting most likely do not know where their child will study them only when they graduate from school is the inverse be chosen. that is the university is located in catholics and the monies used here and if it is a university abroad than the money is transferred abroad. this was a chance to
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post them soon. he said was in the second was this position because one he was in town and he not much into sunday's edition. so the market but this is that the popularity of this financial instruments will be increasing every year. over the period of less than a year the fear of this product to the deposit market least one percent which is a decent result. every month deposits for the future education of children grow by three percent. it's our aim government officials have lowered their forecasts for gdp growth in two thousand fourteen one percent to zero point eight percent. also approved a plan for lowering taxes for people with no infants which would require four point five billion euro decrease in government expenditures the end of its reports. there is also planned to raise two point two billion euro for the state budget by increasing taxes in the bank is here. aside from this the saudi government has put up for sale on e bay auction site one in fifty one cars from the government on a part of italy including nine the statues of the ministry of defence. the jaguars of
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the ministry of justice court tv and the pleas of the ministry of internal affairs. the comments if that is expecting a downturn after the increase in the consumer tax twenty percent. however after the summer period economic growth is expected to resume according to the head of the central bank of the tenth of the pope quoted mr crowther confirmed the extension of the central bank maintained its course of measures adopted in april of last year directed at increasing the monetary base of the limits of sixty to seventy billion yen annually for about five hundred feet to six and a two billion us dollars. it also intends to receive it. it is at its subsidiary pt thumping devised in the second half of two thousand fourteen fifty pieces were temporarily suspended during the crisis period of two thousand and nine prime news agency reports. some of them by diamond exchange have signed a memorandum of understanding today the annual treated to tea on the sixteenth exceeds thirty nine billion us
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i did. sure or scolding the book is a rusty sword in a raucous show. two of the markham site has been his director since two thousand and six. still makes show all the students arrive on time with my mood i still get to go in. one last ditch bid to show good equinox he is the issue the local cpa which
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to sew the little one up on it. gonna start as a scene that improvements in its educational services for default that our bunch who doesn't know why audi tt thousands of white meat in children's court where carriers. this is international intervention he has recently been in including premium goes up with five million children still out of school the government is working hard to provide the much needed ox is the dish. will put it out to do the job on top of it well you know something. the tow truck through. though i'll put it out though the idea that the chip. most of its type in the dock. the present
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coalition. to get back to you in the digi and what not to know what yet. she does not have approved of the beauty of the decision but a television that that that is that the bottle at night. and i ain't it. these programs which include classics at least receive arcs biology and a beach in the short course code has been able to provide education to men and women up to forty five years of age or some of them score means that once in a lifetime opportunity. but the photo above it says so that it was it would assess the pool but they did i break it with you well but then even more to that. that was monday and there is no dummy pass he didn't he use to post it here you can do. it does little to cheer for them all down the stairs. there are twenty five but spending. horsemen
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you could hear the terms and he was fed to them. the man woman and child actors. it was a candidate. ice and snow of maturity. much like to stick to my best to step it took us about them. but the ticket sales. same. but all the small adult. love you if you let it heat it is thus a small short videos that even more tony shepherd of the body. i get on a budget in increasing numbers of tourists and poisons close enough to start minister that the patients biggest challenge is currently facing debacle trained teachers essential equipment unluckily infrastructure nevertheless mr maher the inside says prospects for the kitchen in the country
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are talking out loud will chew on it. he was eleventh of august. so if you don't know the speech. it was israel's top scientists are leading the charge in developing alternative energy bio fuel from one of the world's nose and didn't like foreigners to algae fossil fuels like oil rapidly disappearing. finding the new energy sources is critical. that's why dr meets more of an eco energy is finding ways to help local and international energy suppliers and infrastructure companies go green. she believes algae is extracted because not only reduces costs and outside and smoke stacks. it also doesn't compete with cops for farmland. algae as a biofuel could produce thirty times more oil per acre than other crops such as corn and sugarcane. it will also be non toxic. jason also provide
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context and that i don't agree quickly the dpp group and the ppt fee of up to the twentieth anniversary of the eu single market. we're also looking at the future of the single market and how it can cause acute europe's economic revival by creating more jobs and strong regrets perhaps the most promising prospects is the digital single market sector. abbas potential to win hearts our minds and our prosperity early this year the european commission tabled a proposal to reform what's known as collective rights management many artists and performers use of organizations called collecting societies to myself that what the commercial uses like tv stations radio stations and online music service providers. collecting societies also collect income on to halt the band members in the form of royalties reforming the way the society's what is a major focus of the commission's proposal. ariel got a fringe
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member of our group is parliament's rapport so on the commission's proposal and she's in listening mode just yet but still medical dossier eight. i'm looking for it to descend into a bull fight the debates. ppp has organized the hearing and might go to work together that the affected countries which are sometimes taken a negative view of collecting societies. and to avoid disputes that we have previously hands for some copyright issues. to work in the general interest and in particular in the european intact. but you don't have to mention a funny comment to take the puppy out of tp collecting societies themselves acknowledge the need for more transparency and the need to adapt to the new opportunities and to months of the digital single market dun accept represents the swedish performing right society. our structure from our western society is to not act on a purely rational basis test of all the bases but seem to seek partnership
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with other societies launch pad european services. that's the debate she cheats for teaching a double take the commission's proposal is being driven by the possible economic benefits of effective manage digital marketplace but also by the sheer depth and breadth of europe's cultural heritage he does a nomad. the market is enormous and in comparison with other digital markets such as america we have an extraordinary cultural diversity. it's an economic effect of that's very important for jobs. i don't regret it. we need to get meeting on base to achieve a satisfactory result of one of the songs. a dual grateful for the most in a bbc poll pdf has been that are sexist the commission's proposal is part of a wider strategy to develop the digital economy within the context of the eu twenty twenty strategy to build a sustainable knowledge based economy in europe. any piece of home being champions of the digital economy for the benefits it brings to the citizens they represent
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at this be a guy is a kurdish member of our. it's very significant to the proposal. sale for like weeks ago a group e g pete bought specially i think we're close ups. the co's than this that are looking proposal on from the european and a commission. specially not of course looks performance and publishers thus becomes us. cause you'll always be able to watch the ppt these digital content online. whether you are. the city on a few days in a sixty eight to compete at any given. and this and often on the tv and the skin by this time it's the vandalism of the cba china's white skin tightening the money saved to get to speak. the white city of hope that those who have lost inside. pity she didn't get the three hundred bc to
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compete against sun that he can apply for jobs in the private sector. it's a nice because he just gives me the paper gets to watch it on the tube system and tenth of what you come on to his yuppie computers the foundation for growth and prosperity with the world's economy so closely connected. having organization with a mandate to keep the international financial system and an even keel is more important than ever. the international monetary fund has warned from the lessons leaders took in the great depression and a global conflict the fallen membership has grown two hundred and eighty eight countries the imf is a forum for discussing policies that promote stable economic growth. it's a form of credit unions whose members contribute money can buy when they aren't. major blow for the imf has helped prevent crisis and resulting when they occur. so when the global financial crisis began in two thousand and
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eight. the imf policy advice was to good use by countries to create ordinated global response. the imf also provided funding and an unprecedented scale. i want also on the web. and they've seen the torrens title. i get to the sun to heat the deal in paris and those are headlines for you this hour every hour on the l twenty four received a lot from friends twenty four news for the filling is updated every fifteen minutes in the morning and evening prime time. in eighteen thirty seven and on the way france twenty four got caught. sch
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