tv Newsline PBS April 13, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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and new wounding one. i do all that welcomed a nice line it is monday april fourteen fantastical by ashley and tokyo. the meter so that ukraine's interim government of one separatists to disarm or face a full scale anti operation. no russian activists have occupied government buildings in several eastern states government leaders have given them a monday deadline to lay down their arms or with a military assault. acting president elites and attention on that delivered the warning in a televised
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speech he said government officials have made every aspect to avoid casualties but he said they're ready to counter any accent msm the activists moved into government buildings in the city for dani and skin tight end and the pounds a week ago demanding greater regional autonomy. three promising amnesty to anyone who puts down their arms and lease the buildings over the weekend on group sees police stations and other facilities in the city inside the ask a special police security unit headed to the area to admit that i've gone to the fire fights. one police officer was killed five others wounded. nato secretary general anders progress nuisance as he's extremely concerned about the escalation of tension in the eastern ukraine crisis and released a statement that said he sees a concerted campaign of violence by pro russian separatists to destabilize ukraine as a
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sovereign state. its appearance in eastern ukraine of men with a special introduction by thin. on to infinity and family to that worn by biking trips during my shoes feature of many susan called on russia to de escalate the crisis and pulled back and a large number of its chips from ukraine's border. he said any further russian military interference under any pretext. deep in russia's international isolation. he was a nice cousin joe biden will visit the key fa later this month he plans to meet the interim government leaders to discuss the situation. white house officials released a statement on saturday. that said i didn't trip on april twenty seconds is a show of the u s support. i did and the ukrainian leaders will discuss recent developments as well as a presidential election scheduled for
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the end of may. the steering committee of the international monetary fund has warned that the crisis poses of disputed the global economy in a communique the committee said the economic activity continues to strengthen. not to become great is your friend john and downside risks remain. expressed strong concern about a deepening divisions between russia and western powers over the crisis in ukraine the palm trees and paulson goldman called being so quick to respond to a children's chorus quick to stimuli situations. the committee also more in the canteen tinkering of asset purchases by the us federal reserve could ring ring in volatility damaging my kids. it's a very low inflation in some european countries represents another potential risk
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the united nations panel state government seats and faster to keep climate change in check. otherwise they see people around the world will see more. he claims floods and droughts them and daily it in front is from about one hundred and twenty nations take part in a week long session of the intergovernmental panel on climate change. they released the latest instalment of an update they put out every seven years we had estimated that there was a limited amount of space available. in terms of total emissions. the bid to limit temperature increase to within two degrees says written comments to an attendant in cases t two degrees celsius above pre industrial times and places as the guide for them expense that to the front and has an ac at the state by two thousand fifteen
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countries must cut global emissions of greenhouse gases by forty to seventy percent of their place as planned and that a century. gavin's need to reduce emissions to the news the real key and a second lease and could force them to use a little after technologies to extract greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. when he is the interim prime minister under tommy says he's stepping down less than a week after assuming the post last tuesday. he committed his resignation to parliament on sunday. he says he and his family were recent victims of that outwardly attack. sunny said his resignation is a way to head off further violence he plans to stay on as head of the cabinet until his replacement can be found when he has had success in antrim gavin dance after the regime of my mouth down fee was overthrown in two thousand eleven. i think a situation remained unstable as the interim government doesn't control the entire
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country. militias and looking into gaining ground in coal producing regions in health plan. after helping to oust the daffy. friends and family and colleagues have gathered at a church in germany to mourn for a photographer who was killed while on assignment in afghanistan earlier this month. ay ay ay ay ay ay ay. associated press photographer eyeing an evening times was shot by an afghan police officer while traveling in a convoy of election workers delivering now it's on the eve of the presidential election hundreds of people attended the funeral held at the change in her hometown on saturday. when the counting in the presidential election now underway order is a major concern in afghanistan. in other towns intentions targeting journalists and foreigners killed a swedish an afghan reporter with afp
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i know. just a small one is turning her battle with an incurable illness in no way to help others. she comes with a disability teasing him and she's been ample share experiences and her formula are facing hardship with this mine. the second term. i'm going to get even an amount you'll feel a little uncomfortable. please be patient. chinese amount cheerful police yet again you know i'm a week delicately tea a dark story told with the unexpected humor. and i went to the struggle with incurable illness money also has a rare auto immune disorder that has been cured her eyesight and numerous creeks room. her works part time as a teacher at an elementary school. she
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usually keeps the right side of her face away from the children that's because she's going to her right eye though. her illness struck suddenly. seven years ago she woke up one morning in town she lost her sight in one night. doctors couldn't tell her why four years later she lost the use of both legs she had to stop teaching finally identified the problem. mural violate this topic the optic nerve and spinal cord. it's an incurable condition that greek or anytime. and one day it would paralyze the rest of her. i ate the first thing i thought was whiny. then i ask myself how i was going to live the key point. initially
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it was called herself she would be cured but soon a really cute when she realized this was permanent. she grew depressed. i wonder if one day i'll choose to die she eventually started walking again. but she didn't go back to teaching. she didn't want people to know about truth i realized i would never be my normal self again. so the easiest thing was to just stay at home over time her daddy to slowly change. she decided she wanted to share her feelings with others people stare at you. that's what happens when you're a hero. high tea. you can't talk about the lunacy and i
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think that i can tell. begin reading a book by telling others about her hardships and embarrassment she wanted to read some hope. her strategy was to use humor let us in our city not too late but it reminds me of who makes the screen. when i look at myself from behind in the mirror. i want a shot it's fantastic it's a work of art. was positively to the face of hardship struck a chord with readers especially those with serious illnesses she's seen some presence in the hospital who also have auto immune disorders. open to others at first i didn't want people i needed to see if i was disabled. and i want as many people as possible to
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adjust to life he says courtney undergoing eye. i don't feel good to let go and be depressed. i think i'm getting more positive entry day. honesty ensure that helps my second turn her into her room. through her book she tells others that seem positive tool it can work for them. i know senior japanese and south korean officials will meet in seoul on wednesday to discuss ways to improve bilateral ties. she had enhanced the japanese foreign ministry's asian and oceanic affairs bureau to be joined in the times i e sound south korea's demand in general the northeast asian affairs the realm of terror trial and historical matters including the so called comfort women issue. japanese prime fishing zone out and then south korean president
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could have held informal talks last month. but the first time since they've seen their parents. us president barack obama mediated a trilateral summit with the two leaders indicate discussion centered on security issues in northeast asia. the particular focus on north korea. officials in southwestern japan said they had detected the age five that strain of the bird flu virus and dead chickens at a poultry farm. the officials think the more too pretentious add more than one thousand of the climbs and fifty six thousand chickens had died between friday and sunday morning. nothing is confirmed at a time straining to attend tested for its handling of the farm runs another one in the prefecture the prefecture officials decide to data transfer chicken and alex took the fun spooky been in three km of the two farms. the dishes and also ban shipments from on within a ten km radius at
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such a menace to the ocean as high as she says the initial measures are essential kendall. we worked closely with the relevant ministries and local prefecture. to truly tackle this issue officials said they decide to call all one hundred and twelve thousand chickens at the two farms the same vehicles on nearby roads have been disinfected the mongol we may feel if john has and that the different type of irene and it was a grand champion hung in the fishing has enrolled in at masters course at university in tokyo to study economic developments. will. though the tamarind dress that ended his career seminar on saturday just after returning from a tour. nothing fancy and hosting grant its goal of
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regional policy defined is going to major in policy this first if studies programs to activate regional economies the model to parry believes people can learn to engage in mission bay. there is of such opportunities the scientists as he can tell how enthusiastic his pupil is about learning. only government must get use to be concerned about the earliest backdrop of rapid growth. he seems keen to study ways to help this country to become a more stable society. like japan i'm officially completed a correspondence course on law from the mongolian university last year. he also became qualifications in mongolia as a police officer and the leader. the theme association says hi lethargy is the first being the person that to attending graduate school. i want you to serve
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as a person can become blurred into waterways there's many world struggle to master something. with jude. i want to become a better wrestler. she would be is this your eyes on him as he wanted twice a week to complete his masters degree the chinese official has spent a week in japan and trying to mend strained relations. he's the son of the late chinese leader and found that chinese presentations including japanese helpless if that's what helped with tyson back on track. hk was almost a month the dow points. would it be arriving in japan on a prefix you for money service as an addictive chemical was this chinese people which of course it is difficult for us the company that hope which advisory body. your eyes and
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lanky and keith quinn to cause a huge key to quit the show has had two was according to khaki green poo relations with japan. he stressed the importance of a potter county promoting ties he also invited sweet cause i'm too young the japanese to peter's china went to p e while i was too cold for the princely has to choose i am always the new callings at the coffeeshop with keys across to prevent the team can and is able to call the director weekend could cause an hour and a free coffee. instead i wanted to beat japan but he told us he might face creeks in our home so it can be found to be read as of last week in pursuit of greenland. jeff and also due to be the book was easy to be important since arriving in cocoa. he has a mentor to scream all
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the cabinet ministers and senior political future. let alone make of this eye candy hastily arranged the people can be. oh so you know felt all the time i think it's very meaningful but mr who is visiting us. she was so hard to achieve so much with china japan relations. when we were going through difficult times it's still on board with more than forty years after diplomatic relations. this has become partially damaged the only option is to take a broad perspective i maintain that good a bilateral really good at. pray that machine or in producing keep the book mentone the public's he could get to it all around cp to meet the group companies joseph gilbert from slate has a warm cotton. it depicts many japanese who want to
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help her get time off to the police to prosecute two crore. he too was due to be in play tennis. they tend to meet you in two thousand and twelve. support is in custody over normalizing diplomatic ties. but the way will i meet a japanese demonstrations to protest the policies of prime end of the tree. lisa was old courthouse to produce color and includes should apple me to the possum know who have come to people's dirty it's not a good idea to let bilateral relations. it becomes crazy. working together. friendly relations should be develops the various parties on both sides. don't know if the window could be sticking with me to come swarming kind in japan china the nation's
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economy to put the colts peek into government. more chemo to the hq wall coaching and china's role in brooklyn. get the bugs. it switches over to withdraw its relations with its neighbors. don't be too much china please. new store health authorities in china's inland province of guns soon have come under heavy criticism for their slow response to the discovery of contaminated drinking water. state run to my news agency reported that in tests carried out on thursday evening by a water supply in the capital city of non gel excessive levels of toxic been seen with the tainted in tap water. i'm falling morning and the numbers had risen to two hundred micrograms per liter which is twenty times
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the national safety level however officials did not repeal the problem until eighteen hours after the initial test results were available. the phillies one man says not to drink the tap water for twenty four hours from thinking too much tea shops but bottled water. so to get into the wilderness and trucks is that i was rewarded in three batches together with supplied to the one hundred and sixty times. chemical companies accounting blame for the contamination falling and when a leak from a pipeline close to drinking water facilities. me and ending coming the incidents and highlighting the delayed by a health authorities in disclosing the problem afghan insurgency in nz i suspect attack killed at least thirteen people into a tax authorities believe the rebels want to disrupt the five week long general election. six people died when a bomb tore through a vehicle carrying soldiers in this dentist even taxis gone an hour earlier than other
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blasts hit a bus carrying election officials. seven people died in battle tank authorities have blamed the left wing extremists to the communist party of india maoist for the explosions insurgents have carried out several attacks on police stations in central and eastern india. they say they want to protect the right support farmers. mikey hundred and ten million people are eligible to go to the nine piece band rights which runs until may. whilst there is the security situation will worsen as the election contest. and there. a sino french and the weather with wind chill it seem like good morning it seems people in northeastern australia tv was stormy weather conditions so what's the latest. the mining cast and well we have been talking about this a storm system this is the tropical if i cloned by top which ai li
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haven't i can die from last friday and it made landfall as a category fine which is sel of any animus to the strong is that the we talked about so far this year and a weaver and looks likely to be talking about this for the whole week. it has been going on then on to star on and off for a few times that is now a category one who grew wider. pulling away from it anyway and the northeastern coast of queensland. finally it is still packing that the seven hundred twenty km route which means any person arena and into prosper pint. probably about twenty kilometers per hour glass with the remaining two stormy conditions will likely to be targeting the area for the next several hours at least as i tot will be moving into new ceiling for the next couple of days filled with lots of rainfall we have reports of what the two hundred millimeters that has fallen here in prosser plane airport. looks like the line is very little frustrated. any additional rainfall could trigger plus
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planning and land size as it pulls him away from london says it will burn away into that means it means the land your peak of the stormy weather there will be on your thursday again start to feel this and conditions on when sailor keep a close eye on this assistant to the north of added tropical depression is impacting the science especially in the philippines this is the exiled to post on that we have been talking about. and then next couple of days were likely to see more rainfall possibly about to plant in interest on lucy's head the shout worst that could trigger landslides and mudslides as well as the flooding. the tentative around he's also still looking at what in windy conditions where it was the precipitation though is in and around beijing now a lot of precipitation there to be seen as likely to cause try and calm conditions which will worsen the situation with air quality care the christmas looking beyond fine and generally speaking dry and sunny across much of japan. we have had that happen to bring all here across on pushing nine
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the south western islands of japan about a hundred fifty eighth in the meat as a fallen over the course of twenty four hours and that's fully awake still. japan has ten songs on mom. light showers as well as thunderstorms and chilly side here in ten to seventeen degrees but clearing and lots of things to be seen but for the course of today in cumbersome it with you to decrease. now with new year and really messy across the black sea region and more snow to be found in the scandinavian peninsula likely to be some heavy announced and it looks like it's going to be pulling into central locations of europe islam. the latter of the precipitation here cause they are the centerpiece event to the east moscow at ten degrees with a green importance of quick wit here in us the severe weather is hounding them in sections especially the clientele we have a report of a cake sized hail storm that has been reported that said they likely to see more alike and severe thunderstorms including corn and a cake to take effect as we speak we have returning a warning in place in parts of texas
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monthly to see more snow the minnows from the beginning of spring already into the course of today in ontario and in the back look at these temperatures minus nine win win if it were the average is usually at around ten degrees don't really like to see some snow at seven forty or hype leading up to and from the protest. i am going to lose. i am. as i was dying to
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share with you before me yelling cherry trees are in full bloom along the banks of the potomac river in washington d c trying crowds of people. enjoy a stroll under the trees on saturday the first weekend since they came into full bloom and the jim crow said twenty degrees celsius. the blossoms the reader than usual this year following a cold snowy winter. in nineteen twelve in sydney and tokyo don't need it she said the u s capitol as the temp in a french jet here are some people are happy and quiet and peaceful and beautiful spot. a symbol of friendship with the jumping incident. david jones the entire marching bands and intend to introduce an anti disco and pop concert was held near the capitol building and apply to us that is a limited edition
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enemy's line and counting comanche and says yes the church is to expose to call it relaxing. jude and denmark job recreating. they don't go to school. he really didn't match the design. it's considered more important than mine i just saw. gay games on the wing of. study the scientists also the humanities education and ten. it's going to work with the people. multitasking
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multi disciplinary approach chit chat for the benefit of it. davies. just like you. so that leads to the farm and get used to know the first english. the regional languages. stu he begins to drown the age of six. you never stop learning. he says the teens. students asked questions. in relation to the day. turning the wheel you would need new ruling questions. in relation to the day. turning the wheel you would need new ruling will
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