tv Kazakh TV News PBS April 15, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PDT
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was. rather. shh shh shh cheated by trade she commented in the sa awfully but it is an official visit to austin on private in a large meetings as well as a press conference with two has already held an awkward up as a president of kazakhstan has often as a buyer stated standby rate should increase trade and economic cooperation. moreover the official austin i believe that my mom is one of the most important allies among arab states the parties have signed several agreements including an agreement on the cooperation of industry investment in the number of small and medium sized
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enterprises and food security moreover the leaders of the states discussed opening of direct flights between the two countries that state stressed a piece of cork of the people will be provided at the airport. in addition to the parties discussed a number of internationally she's far i opened the scoring will support our country during the non permanent members of the un security council as a member of cic a great intends to contribute to the process of the transformation of the cic i was ready to join the islamic organization food security issues the intention of the government of bahrain is to disobey actively during expo two thousand seventeen into the stand was also announced. the food court either that or dishes mina we're interested in close cooperation has extended the moment of our relations the contest for us what expressed satisfaction with the signing of the memorandum of understanding in the field of diplomacy food security
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agriculture finance investment in education hannah mclean for the business council a corresponding member item was signed today by representatives of the chambers of commerce of the two countries at the business form in austin on the heads of about forty three new companies and cause extending businessman and representatives of the building institutions discuss prospects of cooperation. speaking at the business for the ministry of industry new technologies satc can show to discuss about the advantages of investment climate in context and denoting industries which are prospective for cooperation. these are called her and its products. tourism in islamic banking. boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo national context and taylor is in russia for the customs union it is a market of the hunt and seventy million people therefore from imbibing the investment company's cars expand market is the best for investment in the region the friendliest tuba playing in his decree on business to enter into the markets in central asia the caucasus western china or russia
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the baboon the interesting during the first agreement on cooperation in the sphere of small and medium enterprises aluminum processing in financial sector development or sign today. extending people have the opportunity to legalize or capital and property in two thousand fourteen to two thousand fifteen according to the deputy prime minister of finance pockets o'connell the legalization of funds will be made by creating them to special counsel to extend second level banks where they will be accruing interest also can't people be able to invest in the country's economy by purchasing government securities shares of national companies or facilities under the privatization program in the case of these options do not satisfy citizens. they're entitled to withdraw the money from deposit account in this case the bank will hold ten percent of the legalized capital. on the book looks really that is the cd. the main approach to legalization the money is mitchell benefit for the state is the reduction of the shadow economy the use of additional reserves for its
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revival persistent realizing the money will be on one hand a white washing of the funds on the other hand will be getting really come from a used cd with them. so most of them. and it is mrs and was determined. poaching has ended. and although this was going i'm going to or relocated from the national fund for the developer small and medium businesses in kazakhstan. the main operator in this direction will be the national minute reporting by to take along when the mall development fund it's a way for twentieth they will put money in second level thanks to money will be available for small and medium businesses. it is planned that the team going to be used for landing new projects in the other fifty million seeking to refinance existing projects. osbourne do is receive funds at a rate not exceeding six percent for the term of twenty years but the distance and jim knows what it is run prison in conditions which have never been in the economy loans will remain in the national currency which is especially important in the context of the last evaluation. we leave it to base its preferential conditioned to support small and medium sized businesses
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are not available in the cis customs union except in kazakhstan. the key post with a quilt tomorrow will show you and so does the stairs and get more than two hundred companies in the national welfare fund some new guys know what it is today in the privatization program designed for two thousand fourteen three two thousand sixteen. after braving the chairman of the board of the foreign minister choo keong was the preliminary list of big companies thus the stocks and shares of companies such as ethics the team initially got some from some milk and then go and k g o c will be transferred to the private sector was up to kiev noted that the companies that compete in the private sector have no strategic importance and did not affect the national security issues will be transferred to the private sector. also some committees will be transferred on the stock market within the program people's ipo. the students compared to nine in the greatest thank you. in two thousand fourteen when to bring to ten percent of k g o c shares to ipo and seventy five percent of men without electricity distribution company in two thousand sixty ml their shares because it's
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good to manage all week and shares of cars on a prompt as boastful engineering and service companies can cause my gas for the people's ipo when the muscles great. they were soon as the company. it was my best. the cog on scientists believe the capo in the seat initiated by the state as an overall benefit from a businessman holding their money abroad in the country economy according to this innovation is especially urgent in the context of political and economical peoples that are now experienced by the number of countries in the world and easy to get a ticket which is a domestic capital is the beneficial measure for businessmen because there's a variety of macroeconomic factors that affect inflation or political instability and in this connection it is necessary to invest in our economy for the benefit of state. it's the second thing is to get a game of love making in on the ship on the nickel which the shag inches this summer with the knots out of a much more money can be returned back to the country's economy. this will boost our economy and improve people's welfare
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therefore i believe that every patron of our country to invest the money in the economy of our country and abroad two bombs exploded in a bus stop on the outskirts of the nigerian capital abuja the last two in the seventy one people and injured and twenty four the incident occurred during rush hour when the streets were crowded with people and vehicles previously similar attacks in nigerian capital were organized by the islamic group vocal i'm fighting for the creation of an islamic state. this year more than fifteen hundred civilians were killed as a result of attacks in nigeria. a group leading the research for an amazing bone malaysian airlines we use the un or the robot bluefin twenty one breast or so. this machine was significantly accelerate the search warrant. the robot is the fighting or device able to operate anonymously and do acoustic scanning of the widest bottom. it is assumed that the robot would transmit data to the australian ship where experts will carefully examine them. the session of the device within twenty four hours restaurant opened by using such advanced technologies they would be
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able to find the missing plane. the trading of highly qualified personnel is one of the main priorities in the implementation of the president's address on the way of entering the top thirty developed countries of the world every year tens of thousands of cars expensive instance leave the country to study abroad and undergo professional internships according to that other journalists. i was by a specialist in each sector should cause only improve their skills in developing countries. after gaining more knowledge in the field of pr and a cement. he teaches feature journalist four cup of cocoa is inspecting the ensuing for the kids and the pressure of the country entering the top thirty most developed countries of the world if i bring the contribution in social media marketing and pr. i think this will be my contribution to promoting the country. the mullahs shocks color study more than thirty countries and i think everyone makes some contribution to the frigid is all the innovations and technologies of a country that will probably be our greatest achievement the moment so and medium sized businesses is also a main dish and the future and austrian social modernization of kazakhstan according to
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forecasts by two thousand due to the comic standing enterprises been produced at least half the country's gdp cost of the businessmen say that the state government support accomplishing specific steps such as the moratorium on inspections of small businesses the suspect in the business moment my big benefit for us choi a strong business is a strong state and then will allow us to rank the top thirty developed countries more than dazzling so was the boston opera theater chicago going to perform the leading role does indeed it is aidan in bucharest national opera the first performance of the cause eczema was in romania was a stunning success. artistic advisor to the general manager of the romanian national opera me was rock in the conduct of christian sound and biden is going to do enough to perform. i got last year. they were impressed by the amazing process or the lyrical dramatic soprano after the international opera festival devoted to two hundred anniversary and baby that took place in austin now according to the soloist he was a great honor for her to accept such an invitation
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the ick . rule of law he has a wonderful difficulties the voice of the parties should be remarkable for its range and read this. i knew that that means i'm very glad that this invitation came to visit the festival organized in austin we celebrated two hundred years its bid is worth an event attended by the remaining copper crew after the performances i received this wonderful invitation. i'm very content which to think the whole romanian team and artistic manager mr cause mum who was the one who presented invitation to me. i had already made a few people from cars extent you imagine various recordings or by reading international chronicles and we know the fact that there is an important musical cent over the years and offer that doesn't seem important artists and on events that are being realized with maximum quality. the justice of the warm voice of the soprano impress me that i
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can say that during tonight's performance. he was the leading voice on top of the oh so its effect. with its thousands. the latest news is that three w dot cardstock stash tv got kate said. and. thursday is the political risks we see negative economic consequences. this is similar to the tenth international conference on this night it was held in the month the best evidence of evidence to the expression might be like silence is the situation in ukraine and russia. the realization of a number of political risks as our team at various negative economic consequences for both countries. however they can be transformed into positive incentives. travis and experts have introduced a new term during the conference. some of the media. so i could answer
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nationalism. discuss the situation in countries strive towards the development of their economic resources which would allow them to function in an isolated state without significant risks you know are you kidding. experts say the recent political risks also the ones related to regional economies have risen significantly. he spoke to him so we can submit to the unique due to the recent events in ukraine there's a new global political configuration will now securitization says the un cannot play the leading role i can make certain strategic plans and to fill certain functions to keep the folks at the moment the most important consideration of the dialogue and discussion of risks but not concealing facts is that open discussions and consultations on residential levels the move will be composed of the experts know the countries of the central asian region are in keeping the economic superpowers china and russia if it is obvious that the country sometimes the conflict of interest. this is where additional potential risk exists which experts are most critical is the possibility
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of drastic changes in the situations in those countries. however in the years each year releasing an updated forecast for now it is quite unlikely the fall of us who holds the most interesting about them but in the fourth book the teapot dome in preaching the benefits of such as exam is perhaps the most stable countries ventilation for three reasons firstly the stable currency which is very important. secondly there are no interact with conflicts and thirteen the last twenty years has it that has been conducting a smart policy of maintaining friendly relations with neighboring states which in the rubble will probably be constantly moving. this is the safest route to success of foreign economic policy the country. the pity is that this is a customs union if it never does that to a union member countries has increased but several times at the same time last year for the first and the patron of the china exceeded the turnover with russia china with the rest of the world has decreased by nine percent in march announcing the three hundred
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and thirty two billion us dollars three and august reports said as exports fell by six point six percent in comparison with the same period. doesn't that seem to want or need and seventy billion us dollars. imports fell by eleven point three percent the level of one hundred sixty two billion us dollars. the bank of america will pay a six hundred and eighty three billion dollars in fines for misleading its climb to the credit card operations. bbc reports seven hundred and thirty eight to remove the fetus compensation to the clients and the other forty five million as a penalty fee. i ran three million clients became victims of its leading actress of the bank. the eye
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reaching into was the anchor leg on the twenty fighters and six we categories competed in the finals of the national championship the competitions were held among both amateurs and professionals as a result coming and the fighters became winners of the chippy cheap local fighters won five gold medals. the court said such a challenging task with opponents were very strong did they. this type of martial arts is very spectacular and when you do it in the format of a show audience loves it. we want this blog to become more popular not only among athletes but also among ordinary people. did because
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extend team on taekwondo ninety of one to the park to speak in the asian championship forty three athletes including young athletes will represent the country on the asian championship. also yesterday the international junior tournament on taekwondo ideas just come out was held in el monte young athletes the owners are yellow and green belts which is good in it when ice is intended to hold these competitions every year. the unit study for the twenty thirteen. one week of . the twitter point two million tonnes in twenty twelve three. or was it
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the foreign buyer. with thirteen to twenty four to the production is expected to help. each night at present with pork prices are fifteen percent lower than wheat prices twenty five percent lower than stuart price. in china. more important. green surface higher than expected a twenty four to china with thirty point eight million pounds of pork. beijing expenditure which progress in the reserves has broadened interns there was community and everyday life people. what trends will be dropping them under his name is and how will the international markets evil. randy tells watch
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well known picture as national park in kazakhstan located in the eastern part of the province. its total area is eighty three thousand five hundred and ten actors including forty seven thousand to the porcelain this nature reserve is a domestic production. by its remarkable and is one of them beating a well known for its local tourism. the four who wish to experience nature in the quotable quotes chipmaker will buy their first stop when asked about why losing weight to the bench. many travelers it was by saying that this is one of the most beautiful places in the country to visit. there
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are about twenty large and small lakes that is closely linked to buy chips. molloy was shifted to improve the schools in the territory the lakes are crystal clear almost no one can get these magnificent bodies of water are well built around the country with many gifts above eight hundred species of plants are sprouting up everywhere on the territory of dubai. both of them out on the bright spot in the red book. sixty five percent of trees growing along the cliffs of time one thirty one percent for purchase in the remaining trees that aspect even tried to grow. by which to greet all inspiration to many people just love this nature has in store for you to each border
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and still has its own history and story to tell. there are a lot of stories for tim to buckle to get this sleeping bag and shoe but it's still to this date is unknown if there's even a grain of truth in these stories are to these bizarre rocks appear under the influence of women who do not know. but the great history is what keeps wondering why i'm sticking to itself. what if all that is what the but you really want hundred thousand tourists visit whereby resort. every year into actions by the sword during a bbq meeting ceremony for the course that your taurus can find it very simply means that you think you can see the whole stadium was not only in the summer. also in autumn or spring and especially oddly enough that we have many tours in with you. the greatest artists of the violin is nature itself in winter it seems that when
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he's trying to keep the pine forest contract free from this season's colors and covers them with the white snow we'd like. only the week behind with god. however due to sharply cut in them. but despite the changeable weather. even in january frost we have a lot of visitors who enjoy the fresh air into my marvelous nature i never get tired of surprising beauty of the one i like to see again and again my family and i pray often come in every visit is unbelievable. like the best part is coming to the most part supported by the winner we have the opportunity to reduce noise in our souls can enjoy pure nature. we came from the city of al and we were excited to see and places. we are very proud that they are such an interesting period in our country. already today the pope causes them to attract many tours to the country. thanks to the end of revenue to
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the budget increase of five hundred million. all necessary conditions are created. it was to be more to come and stay hotels resorts and sports facilities are equipped to meet the strictest modern requirements. besides they're also excursion programs offered. if anyone has good pictures. the and. since
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we're in the eighteen century aboard the will of the concerts take place. his hunts headquarters remains clyde is considered to be an important court wrote in tourist attraction goodbye in two thousand for president so that the ecb to gaza via the dissipated in the ceremonial opening of stella. the money ms is a great time in there. this optical my teammate tells of considerable efforts of all the lights on to fight the germs are in the region and preserve the integrity of the state. i was little cousin special place with your clean hands. thanks to its been exposed to sunlight and surrounding areas course the human body absorbs more
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energy power and strength the eye. should i try was to come to this area not only my offically here but also get up close and personal nature over three hundred species of animals live in bordeaux by force in the local zoo you can observe year by year red deer on the twenty four days instead of creditors which ran the country. as a recreation area with one of washington's resort area coming here you have to blink twice because you might feel like you're in finland
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or is it you inside a christmas card catalog. most impressive moments for the travelers in this place the day. use. i don't. all sixteen twenty two to write it in with twenty or so horses. he did not get into court because we're so thrilled. there's even a shaman still with copics and after putting people's houses covered with skin to appear in other animals. the hurt in the middle of each one the local well known chain week's guest and tells about the ancient traditions. i
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truly does and it is clean which is used in conjunction with life. also there is shame and devices went off in the process. among which there is a culture in shipments at the college on with the herb mix and treat people with concoction. so many people come to us they're very interested to learn about our liking. then do the very least. children start of the hustle and bustle of the city's lead your carefree. each and every child for three something for him or her to do however it really fat mystified and does not leave anyone can get
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that majestic beautiful step of stories of rocks and three here. like many more to it. the kids are supported by the utility walk your talk is of course the corner. just drag the tightest everyone we considered what might it the secret place which had been visited by dickens. i just. the you will know what
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