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tv   RT News  PBS  April 16, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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you would who will the eye lonnie. several be plenty of that vehicle produced switched sides to join the protest is as kids but this time of the blue for more of the peace talks. or maybe it's in the air. more ships on the water. and more readiness. lance bass who announces a major builder that the minutes before sister brought over russia's european borders. shay given and removal centers accused
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of abusing inmates resulting medical care. except that difficult the new. it needed to do to you here to teach pupils much it cost eleven pm here now to get the top story tonight. seven credit ahmed vehicle crews that was sent to east ukraine to suppress anti government protests of switched sides joining activists ukrainian troops in the gathering here in nz and the tunnel the boulder that the mets can haul coal regions us with a protest movements been the strongest form letters columns that has dented from across the nelson study for the dole to slow back to hot spots of action again over last weekend with his big trouble. these depictions to get from the area an armored personnel carrier with a russian flag
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which the defect is using instead of the ukrainian want this budget mr graham phillips to get his autograph and instruments for us. i was in line. beyond that i was going to russian flag reportedly giving to the radio made. it is good show for the locals. pcs. if it's any good things for them but then it will be deployed to the series. global position obama succeed. for what is the day. of course the pretty horses the interiors of the house defections. we were able to speak to someone other than to receive exactly the us forces approach. to surrender. we thought her little one who had been agreed reacted quite normally all you were a lot of very
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hard one it was awesome common test on his horse not to ascertain what the situation is. sundance kid i wanted to stay with attack helicopters and planes on page of monday's and tuesday's these notes the people to be deployed to iraq to be upgraded to six hits the pianist which is what i like it which is effectively a state of siege two trips there were just a recap of tolls course the fuss to the city's held by the activists to come under attack. the soldiers took over them a triple there is a kid most operation against the pope to address this overwhelmed you can se protested across the region to bother me all hooked on the frumpy and they say they cannot recognize and to appoint a government that the authorities that the stress that if the protest is to lay down their arms they will be cooked just rolling the situation in comatose continues to develop his amateur footage meet on the surface the wind today with residents managed to
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stop called the vomit vehicles. during the army you're supposed to protect us. i would like. we're not going to shoot. we weren't even planning on the wall goes up in the middle of the night and told us to heaven addie is now the video also showed increment asked showing some of the upgraded military vehicles meant raising russian flags the soldiers of the bespoke sleep surrounded by hundreds of locals as they did it . the i do. we do it and
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the bbc to open. homeboy of the vehicles stopped them in the wake of the soldiers the offices for the ticket that he didn't threaten to pull the paid to be up to which people didn't have with and chased the road by activists to the bus. western media's swansea obliged to point the finger of russia saying it's time to run ukrainian still open to the head about these social media team to win just about privileged online. is a developing story for the very very fast and it is quite hard to verify thoughts on the ground. there's a lot of people pile of reporters in as healthy as can come of course. and that's where the story started this morning when the time. a series of armored vehicles rolled into college course and apparently changed lives and is unsupported by the nissan to move either spiegel who posted a picture as you continue to your screen. all of the flag will
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be a pc's leaving a comment or send me personally and after changing their ukrainian like a russian flag isn't the npcs the grave just reported on or thereabouts was at what happened was that of course the abc's on routes from. i'm opposed to some yet to resume short of dreams. of course that it was picked up that witnesses had seen armored vehicles plying russian flags on the roads between chronicles the struggles confused with the kids gave rise to the kind of a new license office my coaching waters where our russian flags and armored personnel carriers with roti. that's the kind of tension plum tree still stands. as i think everybody still interested in what's going on at eastern creek this morning as well. or even arabia. mike was also picked it up and it posted in that region reported that again would be much obliged in eastern ukraine. this was mrs today was partially true. it misses the box toward the context that which is
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very very important in an area like east ukraine where everything is going pointed to what is on the ground yesterday. i would describe the situation so the us has a fall before the likes of which they've never seen before. it was social media team in the meantime they too said re deploying its fleet to my response to crisis of ukraine in the us that book says it's now beefing up its presence across eastern europe right on russia's doorstep is more about that is our correspondent in washington. got a kitchen cabinet. i see the us and other nato countries sending warships to fight it gets right to purchase doorstep nato secretary general indicated there will be more to take a listen. we will have more peace in the air more ships on the water. and more readiness. lands. for each member. they have received their properties
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writing more resources over the board the region. at night shifts. we're going to the port succeed the eastern med to write them. and elsewhere. as required. in all this witness for lack of course this all sounds very alarming but very few believe that a new blog here well actually he used the bananas from blossoms and doesn't believe it. we agree that's according to the solution is the only way forward. an eight or forty supports the geneva talks. i would be a part of the international community to find imported to juggle sian. and just this to say that the chief said. i also said nato was not discussing the latrine options for how can you send warships and fighter jets if you are not discussing military options. these few months and the soulful think
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assistance is that frankly it's becoming difficult to keep track for a third less than two months ago the us thought it was terribly wrong nokia to use force against protesters who stormed government buildings and now it's awash in protest at the knees of the country who took over government buildings. washington sees it appropriate that the use of military jets that some of these differences are so bleak and that he would be funny if he weren't so upset the digi cam this big meal of the above might achieve didn't specifically comment on deploying forces around ukraine but several us warships have already been sent to the black singlets and the pounds at three vessels of them and putting the us destroyed the local customs and the carrot of mobile missiles of the coding theory be supplied deep into the mainland. also the two two more ships including a french attack croft are all the way as well to join that naval crew. what button for my uk on the office and shall shew bridge even then he told me believes the situation will be viewed very
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differently by the west if the roles were reversed it if i am the announcement by the intersection. janet at the marriott. not even by an elected politician polite and gentle. from the russian army fix uncle is no doubt that yet in my stomach and once in a bus with accordance with its estimates for the pulpit is done the other time in what you get when we look ahead when a strange situation i would wear. not much to how much that the media in the west might refer to a promotion. that amounts to buy the new system to describe the evidence that the west it seems that it was the talk box that our parents don't turn them into how much terminology like americans alike the captivity she said it's impossible to compete in westmead at the moment that the costs which are two people on the ground in eastern ukraine who are taking part in protests against the iraqi government
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to course but the us the new house has been sent to accept the call. cox has to do with the woman at that the statistical quirk rumors that these people regard this is what's been said and what form that immediately that all forty three to eight people. well cos whatever develops in ukraine. we've got a cabin full even get the full picture online and on to go call the droid it to auntie to match. in the next in the u n official responsible for holding on violence against women is being detained and did not sort of tempted to just be good not to give that strike access to the uk immigration detention center suffer raft of complaints from detainees about abuse is the lack of medical care the facility probably should tell the decision to bought at
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the gates came from all levels of government. this sentimental about his pain at the center of controversy started stitching is of low prices pull the god know what's interesting to see that detainees have repeatedly accused gaza physical assault and sexual abuse. the baby hunger strike in response to protests that living conditions. he also wrote to wood to islam but rather controversial come pickled the second group controversial because they've been involved in numbers scandals from overcharging the government to allegedly covering up abuse at the facility of the smaller as well. this last month. a full two year old woman tight enough to report that the pig denied medical care. aussie surfer investigate. also it's a case that exists that doesn't exist at the same time because of the sky was soo long i kept in detention and allegations that the east it denied access to the un
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to investigate said welcome to yell wait. this is basically places the game to get the aisles with immigration detention centers at his briefcase in the business park will slap together and any fat that i just wanted to have a look around to listing the things coming down hits a day where the chair which is the english countryside the peaceful sunny day actually the inferno for the controversial detention center is based in the business college is on the full fine ten because even if it myself with it he'll switch to call themselves the detention center at the pathetic even bicentennial of the contract from the same offense despite themselves as the residential center awaiting the email said he was healthy meals with the three months back empty thousand and seven has a different name for them there is more than eight to two goals. tickets for each one is so appealing to
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parents this accuse he covers every way till very streaky slapstick security and fuel they act like you are criminal. in true islam media detention center on crisis we can pack a citizen. this is christine chase because you're legit make one in heat like everything they had expectations that she has the right to medical attention. christina's that kerry has sided with a visit from the un special effort to cause with investigating but it's against living in the uk but despite repeated requests to visit dealt with the right to possess. she notes that there is no different. by the men infected and they said. she had to seat to her hardcore that i wouldn't be enough she indicated that the quote was from the high standards of their comeuppance hamilton takes cousin said
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that he'll play it was never a clique of parts of this fact finding mission. wilson has launched a campaign to have deals with clients and witness some housework that's why i'm talking about the aisles with the building itself it's about the people who are in. it's about this innocent women. you are being oppressed. women have come to court to re finance. he gives the lie that the british government will study tonight access to the un expects that we went to some lengths to teesside have that many of you just look this is the gills with high knees sarah had a look see. coming up and crumbling heritage was buzzing cause. but of course chose to begin to ascend to the misery these days. he is in the senate seat the message to these historic buildings and ruins it could be such a beautiful place where political map just a few minutes from now
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the air. i was a phobia the irrational feeling hatred of all things russian the west mainstream media echo chamber is consumed by what should've been a relic of the cold war appears to be an essential part of the westport policy today this is not only tragic but also dangerous. the air. if you are. ours. the it was to total extinction. you can't afford. well it's different
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the last repeat the same old job. of course hitler. ex girlfriend. stupid tear jerking poetry the job ignore it. a post on what we know this. don't eat your face you speak. if you don't rice is the only industry specifically mentioned that's because a regional comprises critical to our democracy should out of it in fact the single greatest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government we've been hijacked by an awful transnational corporations that profit by the store. the show we repeal of the picture of what's actually going. beyond a
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doubt. real discussion. ready to join them. walk with it is yes. the again thanks to complete. portugal's the store to get four to one think it's going to his popsicle of attracting thousands of years is inhibiting sticks with its neighbors that isn't miserable slabs. that is a very hard years of the stairs to the length of this disease descent into squalor of his having fun with the next thing to look around. every eight eyes as it always come to enjoy. portugal is pictured ice got cca is a will have rich excitement increased impressive architecture and fight with red wine but theres a new taurus trial on the bill
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the report site design dish ipcc by touring sides softly likely to reach for each one took myself on the exclusion which calls itself the wooden stools. at the beginning phillies won the prix de canard taxi stand to be just a preview again tired of seeing the city's infrastructure crumble during the economic crises. like what got us through the decline. if you already like milk. their daily lives but still you do really can we fell a tourist or a benign had tried to console that the two track with the good the city's buildings lie abandoned. we didn't take long for us to find out the swamp into the building hahas i tend to be. one of the it said it best to buy he's just thirty six in their ninety cents authentic and in return for a plate of
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seventy eight the new race who truly care the portuguese government is mike's we can cut backs white cheeses and expanding have been slashed. well there it is useless because i kind of damage to our city the bad and the replay because people know but look at the wedding speech let it cool to upgrade or remix by devoted to renovate them. time is not lying when it comes to the decline has been designed to fool fancy buildings that have been abandoned. as for the sedation to run and i received an engineer from portugal told me he isn't too easy on sat. typical record when the money. get a little wet in the government is to log on to eighteen and insights into the un summit late evidence that this is the intersection the discrete the country but one that would at least give life to the school for some time yet. andy found a
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font a full time. use a new look online for muscle to go call me at the tourist was without monitoring unit is fun to be disbanded. not that it was a police surveillance system to closely follow the kennedys everyday life of highly rated more online you can find out what was up to white men shall pass ingesting chillies cynthia has followed this brilliant example but recognizes the existence of the agenda full story to an article called the number of people in britain result of the food banks to survive just label the shopping bug the largest charity which campaigns to feed the country's ports but the book was actually prevented the act hostile chuck's fact that russell top the six russell trust christie and charity says the number of people coincidences twenty ten has been shopping rising. tickets one million uk residents received emergency food the record for them so far the reasons why people out
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of varied from being up over this whole being in debt to domestic violence in some places but the majority asa help mainly because the two top braces that was low income and benefits of days the cost of rising living costs and unplug it and promise of wealth i have also contributed to a situation which the group says it really just the tip of the ice but i think ms jones is a trustee for the food but provide expanded to more closely. the uses of the bags all people who are coming as result of benefits tax and benefit based on the break down debt. people who are unable to make ends meet. for whatever reason one thing that happened freakin break down some chicken casserole that joke i'm not saying it's the fact that the actions by mentioning that day. the money that what we think of the hypothetical statistics of one hundred thousand thousand bc and the three hundred and sixty three percent of duke's i'm understanding of what's happening without the banks
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across the fact that this is that at the pianist but there are many people allowed me to stretch when actually the cost of living has gone up in comes the stock take i'm so many people living on the edge so he gives us understanding that people are extremely stretched and eighty eight when saying that this touches on things that people do not want to be back and we'll be and to the right time and said it's a people are coming to upgrade the extent of the officers who are pushed to happen come oh plus a can of coke and two cups of money but it's pretty much go make a visa or mastercard of russia was to break the stranglehold with the payment system that especially since the two people stop providing services we slink back stopping by the us sanctions one of these or mastercard representative of the will to eighty five percent market share they share the stupid lasted like domestic retailers for the kids liked the snow. local merchants in the us pay fifteen million
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dollars annually for the services fees which uses across the globe have to play samoa to the budget where is the sum of its money the full now is to be re directed to boost the russian economy instead. that's why they are full. rush is considered a module with the chinese hybrid system called human impact. the appraisal with the world's most used as the cause of the tenets of the products most populated country sick of it stacks up founded over a decade ago is already the world's third largest prison system and that she is in over a hundred in forty countries to at the moment the numbers going fox match the standard i'm told that see an alliance of the russian and chinese systems it could have a great future. we'll lose cause actions of young people don't believe it. why was the company's by western governments home. this is of course is because the us dollar as the reigns supreme on the absence of a credible challenger. however this is
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changing. it opens up the opportunity awful russia to maybe all the way. deputy health premium prices. while because if you found the time on those who feel that in future. total energy use will become european countries dependent on russian energy when the mall really awful rely on russian energy when the new times for his presidency was useful. his last twenty four was the most go. the two countries russia in july police on appeal. aaa on the mobile browser that the confines of the future of one two thousand and eighteen cars corridor would be the biggest cost them up on all russian energy novel this is a huge tray of course the tree we'll always go because he misses the patent also called
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the vilification of russia by the western media and george in the uk can even touch a program to use it with a passionate and zephyr going underground to watch and read the watching audience the air. nice landscape works express nature using seasonal colors from the trees. this routine during the heating symbol of japanese culture the japanese reading into it there. speed is nice to be the city. just as the national. you get to his turn. is it. steve. is it. he
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is. last years mr all of us went to the car. it's great a hundred years. mr goss try to predict our campus this is our spot for visitors to walk the route. st st. the car the landscape. create and maintain current cost of the shots and is tailored to the wishes of the garden. and
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it always the trees or province. early on. it gives instructions to his young apprentice is as the cherry trees into the garden branches. he says. it's unfortunate that it's gone this reserve. getting cheap and four. the score he says trees are like movies with
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the theater. there are trees that played leading roles for men key supporting role in minor roles in a lot more goals. on the irish promptings has blown out of their own are few the trees and during scientists in time to play in a balanced arrangements to create a garden that can be joined to you i know the course mature trees must also be taken into consideration. when pierced with more money into the middle of the tree. and it allows the winter clothes through water to come and the discrete a number of minutes. japanese landscape i mean my hand the connection it and this is how you can use it. being in nature. do you know
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personally. oh the womb. ah ays for joining us here's what's coming. some nights you bring the troops pour into a town in the east end of the vehicles would want to plan. in response to fears among its nice to memphis beefing up its military presence in the region. and tragedy and the upgrade your character. after we almost three


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