tv RT News PBS April 17, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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why . he praises to jesus at times against protests this is outrageous that tomorrow is this what it meant that injury is on the look you in a with the russian people. we bring you the key points this out. oh and i've been told to geneva russia the european american diplomats agreed with the ukrainian capital of the piece is unachievable until radicals from both sides and disbanded. also the ukrainian police and special services told the journalist from a russian news web sites captain raul is interrogating him without a little ahead of the stinger net. i'm thinking about this
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and he succumbed to bring up to speed on mother's well. i think it slaps embattled russian men and three new cranes that moscow's instigating trouble in the south and east. not to prove that visits the bullet solution to see what's really causing strife . she will be thinking what's going to stop from eight pm. this does not seem to match with the cat when i'm first to let off a million questions sent in almost four hours on it but most of medina putin's annual culinary session was donated by the ukrainian crisis its effect on russia's relations with western nations. these lectures if he takes a look of the key points that came up the player dissent has been hurting in the east of ukraine four days town after town sometimes leading to
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gunshots and casualties to keep sent me the tree troops to quell the uprising. yes when popular do i tell people in tn and julie on the away from the civilians are you completely and if you mind if it is a pc's kind of tutoring and propped against the league and the usual an escape to. his heavy handed response is exactly what course to try to avoid in crimea according to fortune brushing off the idea that the more sixteenth referendum was held down the battles of russian guns or that the peninsula was annexed by force he says that the modem island presence of russian troops in short the right of the crimean people to choose their future. but nobody we had to take measures to prevent a situation from developing the wait is now released to you crying. tanks and well um radical nationalists all servicemen activity recently decisively and professionally when you could have become a serious headache for russia if things had turned out otherwise set foot in moscow is concerned
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with nate does manage to build up in the black sea region which has been going on for some time with the alliance's eastward expansion it's nice to shoot deployed in crimea. russia would be practically push them to the black sea commenting on a sour relations with washington which an image of that trust is lost his career he blamed washington st exercising a policy of double standards when judging russia's actions it contends that the us ism i know too much light they did in yugoslavia iraq in afghanistan and libya. it's unacceptable for russia to protect its interests with me today is the backdrop of the eu and un sanctions russia will seek an even closer friendship with china awful economic player but as far as manage the blokes are concerned which he said their time has come and gone. makes your chest he thought the area. among those lost in the present questions of whether a familiar face american fugitive whistleblower in full and
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free stuff but it's nothing to a mason issues to take the clothes for him. the us anyway the mutations of millions. it was awesome joke about being a simpler and all the intelligence services while the president said that no such thing can be done without hope of achieving a reduction of the state that the special services to use mobile communication methods of oak on the counter terrorism but there are no mass surveillance programs in place of availability went on to say that the russian special services there under the state's strict control of the moscow cannot afford easy to spend as much money on intelligence in washington it's all glass of red. we can secure an angle so put makes her sick with the general the back foot and this reform christmas and spokespeople of the heavenly denying the bed posts secretly taped the russian tv during private oaks park and peter mullan has been following the developments come out today. blood between
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a sew in russia it continues we saw during the question and answer session with them but admit that when all of this data he said they had spoken to any nation trust one another work with one another if they were making it a secret recordings no case is related to you a token entry to the unreleased and following the data and prime minister of denmark did not make a second sheet general and on this fo rasmussen around now. it's been claimed. this jewelry and the recording of a document she did a private conversation a private meeting of it being requested by the bed. danish president between himself and present but to me a prude was secretly recorded and then put some tv and got to the world's top of this document she smelled. after questioning whether there was this recording i had been had it being fall weather and it being taken place. it was said that although this was just a recording for posterity this was the history of meeting between the two world leaders
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attending put out into the said document he said the things that they may be some that calculation behind on so it has prompted this reaction from bottom it could meet up with them and for dresses themselves say that no this didn't take place it was a secret recording the recordings world agrees to an all getting on the activist also of note getting on of the ukraine the tensions in the vo conflict between the two spilling over in the buckle is certainly visible not just in ukraine but also in the diplomatic relations between the leaders of may so the leaders of russia. in all of them coming to seoul some published an awesome attacking russian dismissing the criticism that held the lions so that everything though seems to arise a few questions as to whether the news will it say to justify mentors expansion of the alliance ivanhoe well back to the progressive success with members of the bailouts almost exact quote from a to z came out in
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force in the dozens on the coast especially to look at it said to keep resistance member of my two is the most gentle its jail that of any country in the world at the beach and china in iraq other factors here that contained them to call scope of the greek government into the most and did the heroes of cubbies but ushering in an impressive due to depression for the continent. a new member albania is what is known to be a hub of european cried its rent in fact is under the sixteenth most corrupt country in the well by the transparency and thanks again to molly look at this the less the same glowing pitch it stacks up the lime salsa brushed off criticism of its operations the bolivian intervention for example this is a tough it is legally justified the alliance was tossed with establishing a no fly zone by force if need be made to re interpret it that in its own way and you can see the result is so graphically illustrate the resolution is also clearly said no troops on the ground to make the fed to be denied what looked like british special forces who filmed in libya at the time the town back in ukraine to russian gymnast apparently
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been beaten by ukrainian troops and intelligence service agents the door of the oft about the failed siege to the protest is against ukrainian minutes the base of many helpful but feasible to christine above given to scramble out. i've just been released from the local police headquarters will ever be taken against today. like aunt maria is still being caught. you know how to shoot up last night economically. it was absolutely kill it the troops seemed to be firing up the way to a soulful sound like the belt morning. i even heard of elites who is going the party to troops in ukraine's intelligence agency began arresting everyone including off and on the peaceful protest to the paper off the ground feet and couldn't eat and then danced to make a move because i'm the one i got off relatively lightly. some of the men around the baby to fall conference after bob hope in allah they heard nothing to police. i was sent off for the police station with security forces
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the resting ground and people the sotong grow. when we got there i was close to twelve hours. the new one was a hefty my idea but insisted that i was involved with the militants people who had spoken to them on the phone as for the move here. the cd is in lockdown people i've prayed and the shop stocks don't know at what we know about the anti contentment sentiment and the fact is unique because it is due the twenty oh four was a witness bloodshed as we just said that three people reportedly killed and dozens wounded trust a woman to grace the other hot spots on the map it that s's meantime the key to gain control of the key administrative buildings to money local referendums in the city of the comet asked that troops sent by kiva met by a huge protest and retreat to make the base of one point. access was heavily restricted the gym is graham phillips place to film inside. i can use it for overhauling the week after the ukrainian forces the air look a bit
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gritty only withdrew at the moment everything here is relatively calm. to be strictly prohibit it. i squinted in the next week to film and was refused. however we did manage to some secret that each office on the grinning face. this includes saints' attacking the ones who will bestow. we want to tune the real story no union opposition and if one needs a new backpack to couples who you'll meet emission car hit a tee the trail for several years between two very different they turned out nice again that i was reminded why we did not want the soldiers had come to their own people the oakland raiders. just go send him a lot of terrorists and separatists can put on the team. mason asked andy to palestine. but today the chin and demanded them to send more troops don't think it's so nice and the dundalk liao
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there were emotional scenes due to climate exchange which holds point in the air con reports of injuries the citizens here. over the town of these human the hawk over aged people that say they're frightened by the sudden loss of soldiers is one local resident told us. they need to make forces appeared to monte almond vehicles passing through the town the critical to the plan and the fonts. with so i sent to soldiers and our ukrainian troops. people say that it's all the stuff that went on to steam the green opal broken shell to erupt. police blame the coast but we never had so many such incidents may fall to one client the role of the hollis to it than that it now. and suddenly people in mosques canto are as bad as being the stupid guys for people say they rely on any of the tents but they want ellery troops on their land but i was a kid is nuts about which prevents all russian men aged between sixty to sixty from entering
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ukraine s according to the country's support of control said this pc mac stock from the token and screens that summer has already been affected by this new policy and the project is the entry by border patrols the most over the central went across the south and east of the crying the most restless to regions tiffany's russia is fueling anti government protests in the country code. softball than seven hours of talks between russia and ukraine the us and eu diplomats were unable to make a significant breakthrough according to the russian foreign assisted in the broth has given details about that said big meeting today from otc brokers can offer. i rolled him act aimed at stake easing the tensions in ukraine. nevertheless it was torn up and it includes the international community basically demanding that all due to go armed groups in ukraine took their weapons down and they teach that buildings that these captured feels after refrain from any further violence of war provocations. also in honesty has to be granted to all protest is except for those
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found guilty of capital crimes and said the hike and abilities and gifts from us to conduct a transparent and effective constitutional reform which will hold the rights of all the regions including the southeast now it looks pretty good on paper but the question is how effective would be in real life says there are main sticking points for instance the neo feast of armed groups are simply out of control also the gap between the south east of ukraine and keep his soul and wide right now it's a question of even if this amnesty was introduced to will this be enough for that these people to put their weapons down and also how effective for the constitutional reform to eat knowing that he was a skeptical of this meeting nigerian genial together the words and would be good enough reason to actually fall. this of me. there's also another aspect to this story which perhaps isn't so much concerned with ukraine but is more about political gains have been seen between the west and what surprises with road from us secretary of state john kerry blamed
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the moscow for the loss of the events which have been happening in the south east of the country. talking about some possible fracture and more sanctions which possibly isn't as irrelevant to the situation there in the ukraine pull together and also what analysts have been saying could be a possible major problem. when it comes to putting this fall back into real life is that the south east of ukraine these regions were not actually represented here at this meeting in january the official brainer to me more news pundits increasing effort in afghanistan after the presidential elections medical laces and a lot more
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afghan policeman of the portly been killed by the time about not been kidnapped in said seasonal rise of the presidential election was held in the country in its first democratic transfer of power cuts due to caffeine off but the family of one young woman that became the victim of one such attack. he loved ones to enjoy it with. in the sun not hold located in a middle class suburb of the afghan capital. this is a daily ritual. here early evenings are reserved for family. it's time to relax and catch up with each other's busy minds and these days no one feels much like talking. the twenty one year old sister honey father is gone. you're supposed to be preparing for her graduation. now there's a tool to plan. she's so
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excited about finishing his studies. she's to tell me i will become adults and in this way i can help the women of afghanistan. this is my dose is rich but unfortunately it didn't come true day. he has afghanistan's presidential election on the phone became one more casualty in a televised finals campaign to disrupt the vote. we were filming nearby newman the attack took place. it was a familiar tactic of suicide blasts cleared away. gunmen stormed in inflating to the death. the insurgents thought they were targeting and day care center for western families. i got the wrong house. this is the spot where honey fall lost her life she and her brother were crossing the street when a suicide bomber detonated his device was an incredibly powerful blast to compete the impact it's had on the door here twenty five died almost instantly and her brother was critically wounded. the news said that an afghan child was killed. it was honey from
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she was small. she looked much younger than her age but i can tell you she was a guide for family and its duration. she leans her head in some book encouraged others to study harder relocated the family just a few days after the attack. in going to be films despite the potentially deadly risk of being exposed to insurgents. with memories of haneef all around. grief is still too drawn from miriam she shows me her sisters possessions the most prized of which was her voter registration card. honey phone was too young to participate in the last election was determined to make her mark this year yes very important. because of any candidate but because she wanted to make it easier for other women to vote. fall was a volunteer with afghanistan's independent election commission. she was killed while being escorted home by her brother. he still doesn't know about his sister states. my son has very bad
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he had to go when he's awake in the us banking system. we told him she was into decline i just called bring myself to tell him that day. each time there was news of an attack. i've cried many times about these incidents and a blank line to my insistence it's no different. she was a symbol of the dinosaurs potential bright educated passionate about helping others. haneef on the night because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. i was always afraid of the suicide attacks and try to keep the cheltenham but he can convince me otherwise she's just a sneak peak on tuesday to keep you from waking the welfare of others lucy can often of rt couple most of the such tragedies and realized that come from is the most from a daily basis the command of the gruesome reality than last year i love more than five hundred children were
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killed in the ongoing violence will many more of their lives irrevocably altered since the us invasion of palestine suicide bombing attacks american terms of trade the lives of all that twenty seven thousand civilians. malnutrition. lyla drug addiction. the merchant in a secure room. what are the bad news. reports on the grill and cheese. today monarchy. when i met three other to syria but to others and people from western europe and travel to syria to fight alongside the rebels against president assad the study ensures that most of the blue been recruited to social media stuff at the ball somehow to fears of running high in fat
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the radicalization and extremist return home to the rule that any of the cornflakes in the pot the full facial media play a key vote when it comes to what is taking place in fayette. they fed up with that guy. thanks to media platform fifteen day and make it and pick it off then in real time. the debate the debate how the light well thankfully right in my life. we feel good bye to cost around on how to cook for that. as somebody who gary able to design it actually was one needs often as possible. dd in heartbeat yet another hospital and it would be a cake to travel to syria with that family will enjoy himself like a school in social media commentators have made and some may think you finish the joining us today. how important it is the fact is if we look at the social structure of the british troops toppled most interesting. you've got eighteen percent. all british
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muslims all over the public's mind. i've been feeling incredible amounts of alienation that discrimination and marginalization. receive a tax increase. what's that some would say mccall feast i have to cheat or some muslims in some parts of society in europe and depleting percent effective fifth issue and we've got the feeling that i mean how much the content but she was whiny. if that team. all governments are able to have struck cheese which offered a job people to bring them into the center to work with them to help others that radicalization of these trials strategies around typing radicalization. and of course the real problem. to see young people with hearing messages online looking for the election that if an outlet of a child. they end up going overseas again people. these cupcakes one it's that they taste like a train ferry at the weekend and then deleted the top and how they get a few key thing
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that really isn't the best estimates are that around eleven thousand to four points this out syria for just a guy that had been two times a day to that needs re integrate into society. serve with a comeback. should that be on top should be arrested are they then put into writing comes about by station programs. i think these of the courses they don't sit and think of a motion to any effect as effective place to speak and request that they giving out buried cable falling into what is happening online engagement both the base young men who gang of supply from thereon. it's a triple team him on the map. so the picture paints a thousand words sound the extreme tosses in greece said taking that message to heart literally documenting the struggling countries strike from hope's nazis not as an ex that goes to make some of the people using spray paint. to make a point . sadly familiar sight in athens. showing their anger
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and austerity and famine conditions they've been forced to endure. downtown athens to look like a city under siege with riot police abandoned buildings and repeat. but look closer at the graffiti. in greece even the tigers are talking tough about the crisis. o'shea and unfortunately people looks that way. on the cards find in the us in the rulebook of astronomy. that is what it offers us because find a hero to believe in a bubble the greeks like cdos protest more white. but with the display that last longer than a march solitary and usually anonymous. he and his fellow activists also bring their messages to the streets he says greece can find its future. i look into its path a less than doubled that of course it tells the story of odysseus with all the temptations and his enemies. but everything that will go three more pieces on tv. when he read it but me
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thinks it's more weeks of bubble gum and artwork like this is all over the city some of it. such. some of the start. some of that. so blah this is one of course the roads in athens a place for the sting of austerity it's especially hard. street artists like this one have offered up their prayers for this city and for this country together. zapata price is back on the road to recovery a very long road according to leaks. he moved back to athens from the uk at the height of the crisis to bring his warning that the city for us. what more people tend to conform to a prom is um mass media. from the band's email for it is propaganda. so you don't really get the chance to listen to other voices. um i've become flavor of the production of the spider there are few references to ancient history were made in his work. it's a more in your face take on austerity and its consequences and the only
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thing to chase his prophet. i guess you know well to people but. and they don't have to be about well if they can be a little less well in so some of us could leave at night both beliefs and he goes hungry for what he'd work along with their street art but like everyone increase their friends and family who aren't so lucky. ultimately you think their nation will recover but they say that change will come from the people in the markets will keep showing them the writing on the wall. an actress or fourteen packets what is going to be local struggles to look into greece is heading right now the government says the fragile signs of financial recovery good news them but the numbers on quite so optimistic the look of it the deck hardly constitutes a hundred and seventy three percent of the country's gdp almost to the ten people come to the fold enough to eat. because of
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the population of two of the line overall employment is more portable than twenty five percent would see young people whatever that is small inhofe the olive able to wed in bed the next generation the people there that should be taken the country folded hopes a long way to go yet it's a command to twenty seven minutes plus to eleven it might be the most good things to be with this lp but another update that in thirty three minutes time. after the break though more extreme economic stay at macs and stacy whitman the wings that make the skies the report ay ay ay ay ay ay. ch the legion media for dialed journalists politicians and the feelers from east and west riding of opinions confrontation of you the quest for compromises and new possibilities with
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you our current world affairs you're asian media forum april twenty fourth the first time. i love him in the room over one million children have voted with their lunch money and i've stopped eating lunch is based on the standards of michelle obama is anti obesity campaign. many students find the launch is offered under the terms of the healthy hunger free kids act to be either far too small for two baffling. some of the meals are so unappealing that many youngsters are growing up photos of the food on to twitter. firstly yet again the federal government is meddling in education when the constitution does not give that power to them knock it off. but secondly bush obama is very into this one guy we know has a lot of pool so she really cares about what kids are in a shipping channel get her husband to push for dumping things like jim wallis hormone fueled beef and corn syrup which are pretty much
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everything or eating nowadays when my parents were in school kids choose what he was the big deal because the four subsection nutritious and upload up of chemicals. there were waves of obese children pack that even though my dad ate bread and butter with greasy meat every day of this job but this is just another example of the government are to treat the symptoms but not the disease of overall awful quality of food that is going around fascist lacking the room. we knew he knew. it all the thing off. it is
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decorate your thing. that time. sth. you will. we will eye. the licensees to me which adds to the bus and thanks for joining us. he knew the west russia and ukraine agreed to step in the adelaide tension a little list of some of the sand and go home. the russian protest is being used in ukraine's any player that might die it will feel more from our correspondent. russia's president wonderful calls for diplomatic efforts to continue but doesn't rule out sending in troops in ukraine
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