tv Taiwan Outlook PBS April 19, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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the world. when we were going the eye. we need too much of the tv that will come to a brand new edition of the time while that the program to present the different pieces and the gpa because the voices on sky one of the host recall for those of you went into town one else will travel to the tiffin beautiful sights are on the island. kabul the sounds of taiwan on today's program was delighted
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to have a true expert who's been collecting sounds mean come on over ten years and he's andrew ryan is currently a program host with afraid he'll come when international and two will come to the pope i remember everybody's going to be willing to put it in half the pm a probe into the into one of the start of today's program asking you to tell is a little bit about yourself. well i recently came to taiwan about seventeen years ago this time from the united states originally. and i came here and a fulbright scholarship it is this service guide to fit some co sponsored a taiwan and in the us government. and after being here for your doing researching and studying chinese. ah um i ended up staying at was the guy who is staying a night you know a lot of people say you know did you know your stay as long as he did and had no idea i was only planning on staying here for you know maybe you're in the know it because it came in and then i know if you have that kind of outlook on things than you
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noticed it was especially together. you know strong personal connection with the place of course they will want i want off all the places that you could've gone you want i want to know people ask me about all the time is the end obviously this has a lot to do with with having studied chinese um in alaska as canada line which race in in college and bombs i was always fascinated with the mandarin chinese and weeds with learning chinese indian which is part of the world as well. indians in university i had gone to that china and i'd stayed in china for us somewhere in shanghai this is back in nineteen ninety four and sewing. i came to taiwan with my mind down on seeking a business in there's something about taiwan there really. he attracted the attention of relief you know in chinese is a good thing to sliced diced and a piano and they any good citizen test is often a probe that granting that it actually consists of a real connection then you feel a connection with the placement
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d don't ask me questions you can go with the universe is winning. you say you did above the years researching taiwan going to research what the time we were researching the feasibility of teaching english language in elementary schools in his back at that point on the english education started in seventh grade. okay and so how was it was kind of dealing with this whole no idea do we get kids to start learning. they're great. or is that too early. of course that i want kids in such a full schedule and have to learn so many languages though. if your native tongue is his taco word no i don't mean i even own a mini speak mandarin in school and the new twenty first of three languages use for third grade as long as you know when i was a kid we need to learn secondly we've been told to high school. so we are studying the feasibility in it and working with kids in looking for ways of teaching
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kids that was the end of the most effective way and let me ask you what there's some of neil's well with some of the major tasks that you have to thank bill for example language in an unfamiliar line it's perfect today he'll mandarin chinese is notable there's always more to learn. of all fruits and the making some friends from kingswood with a new peace deal became the chief we know it's it's funny thinking back so far i feel like you're questioning and instantly transported me back to nineteen eighty six in its entirety remember what was going through my mind it at the ninety s but um you know obviously you have a lot of issues of culture shock home of different foods that might not be familiar be no tears up with their lot of students you know what i smell them the first time i come. even simple things like radishes will fall like when i would smell that. you know the smell of a baddie with you if you turn me off. you know seventeen years later i actually cost of food for her
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and let all those both knew that i was afraid of in the beginning of all kinds of i've revisited them as i'm you know that somebody has to endure for a long time and in it you know you can use it as you learn to appreciate things that are going to be and exactly ok hold on to will for ever get serious it's not that big hi to everyone that iran is the news of the u s but that's the extent of that stinky tofu the first time i have for you. strangely enough i recently joined and then there's talk over twenty two now as i mentioned that the kenyan the pool then you run a program host revealed taiwanese national our . but oh well provence to do at the rti and also in addition to rti. you have other programs available for example that pt testament to the syllables back with pretty upset when it is the reason i wouldn't slide i begin working. back in the basin is called essential broadcasting system is unique i went to the big transformation mom and i that i was in nineteen ninety nine
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the diapers in working there it feels like every year ever and on the up and across three the year has seen our goal is to share taiwan with the rats the world. which is very summit of the no usefulness of this program does is welcomed by the end to it and i've done everything from politics to doesn't mention food collecting sounds to tell telling stories. you name it anything about how one that we could into the side i've done in the program is very lucky this. and in addition to rti. he also holds a probe into started recently. on the hill from here to there and tell was hoover's about the program because that's when you'll be the people the gift of note i want to tie ones sound and tell with all that well from here to there lactation pie star topper for telling our listeners too. i don't know the cure is dispelled any tga darkness that has the year
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and we could clearly hear this on to scuttle plans words on that basically with this program. i would be done is they paired me up with a visually impaired co hosts that was completely blind in a minute to us. i've tried this old taiwanese car and from nineteen seventy nine is the nineteen seventy nine. it is a little older to me today of the button to go on from the seventies and i'd be the driving of course. okay i'm here although my co host unit has been to one researcher. the next season to learn that until we take this cause we tried it you know all around taiwan. it's it's it's a typical kind of highway show with a road trip shopping and selling the anemia see an indian american tv in the mid scene shows were you know people go on the road in the whole concept of a road trip in and that so we do with this show something that the people i'm really done before in taiwan and so we introduce places
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around the rbc three sounds that's that's my baby is recording sounds to tell stories and my co host of course also relies on sound together. believe me as to how we can conclude that this will be given and with the oval here today. well he's going to address rona going to a temple know how this one. well basically that the program each program is not based on one highway in taiwan so could be in a provincial highway number two on a knob which goes through you and in the northeast coast of taiwan taipei it so we would start off where the highway begins in taipei i'm in that we would travel all the way to soleil been all along the way i'm into the production team is an amazing job of helping us to find an easing of people and getting that their homework beforehand. this finding people to talk to people who have opted to a traditional family business people for doing things that i've never experienced before. i've been so lucky i in my stomach i want i've been very very
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fortunate that a lot of different places in the week this program. i haven't been to any place that i've been to before. ok so that there's a fine three leak of fun places to go. in a really special parts about the program are what we read it to somebody that we were planning on reading into the wheel we come across a sound that we were expecting to come you'll come across something in those things become part of the show moves or has this organic kind of traveling feel to it like we're actually going there and see friends in a car. you know. we obviously do have a planned visit the pink and she of course just like a real human adventure with us sometimes. on the standard program to start it and then do you think is going to places like the state never been to before i took a meal to share with you some stories you told it was very touching. you know i know you miss some people they like the city didn't expect but there were some of the stories the hat. you know i'm always amazed by
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the resilience of the taiwanese people and i think that the people that we interviewed the most fascinating people that when we come across this are people who have gone through hardships have overcome them and they doing something fascinating. you know these people are very good. i've met some the most inspiring people and misadventures of on tv one example we meet a nice three hour hearing impaired artists. one who works with rock and when you work with its marble. one who worked with a witty and went to work with metal. and they all create completely different types of art pieces when they are creating these are works they have completely different sounds and all three of them come from three completely different backgrounds different pop up bringing different commentaries experiences in unto them were aboriginal from different tribes. and so coming across them and hearing their story look at what they create as their part in ensuring that
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talk about their art. and in my car was seized near the visually impaired been communicating with someone who is deaf hoh so blind person to person to think about this. have you ever seen a blind person to person communicate directly with one another not here not impossible. is it time you could buy a computer due course but face to face. it's a very very bah. you know moving experience for me to be part of that view not that i don't i don't see myself as a personality. i'm not. i'm not somebody who's personally interesting but i'm here for other people to come and meet each other. this inferno for people at home or watching on tv to meet other people doesn't like to argue my rose colored like a condom use and so for me to be there while my co hosts and the stuart duff artists are communicating with one others you know it it's it's an honor for me i would use only very modest because santa will mean to the program for
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steve the sea the eye welcome back to the second segment of today's world and feel that while the compost report will continue our conversation with mr and to my paralegal program host with radio taiwan international rti. angela talking about you know comic and sounds in town want you know i know you peanut feel the heat shield program host and rti for many years the twenty two first became interested in open in collecting stamps as well be a kind of the beginning of my intel fascination with sounds
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you can probably i would say in two thousand of our three lk two thousand street to the support and i had basically i had gone to china and had stayed in a gene for a year. and when i came back from dating back to taipei modern went back into my old job the radio station and buy i started hearing all of these sounds that i remembered from when i lived in taiwan before i come to china. a villain in many ways you know they're in their similarities between taiwan and china but they're a lot of differences as well. in a lot of those subtle differences or audio difference is really kind of struck me as i came back to my job in radio and i was going so i started to collect them. no not have to point out that there is some serious sound recording artists put out like professional equipment in use that's not me. i have to have to be a little bit you know here and it's something i'm in i have great respect for them than that. here are the ability to do field recording something i would love to do learn how to do
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but for me. i've always a look at idea of collecting sounds is more of a hobby and then something that i can use to share with other people. so i always envision how is it so it can help me tell the stories that i went for an audience it's never been here for. as i start off with that and then obviously this is spread out and everytime i hear something i might be enlightened to the recorded yet. believe me and she let me you go around the city in making sounds with their different times of difficulty of people leaking a bit differently eagle was i going to look for here the temple was seeing those communities have collected this is a guaranteed every experience that all the time all the time in on end and i understand that because you know you know it's not everyday you see some guy and especially if a foreigner is doing something quite unusual in your bets. i'd try to be incognito about and who
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invited the stealth about it has been you don't record when nobody's watching because the problem with young people discovering we are doing is they say something. and then i record it is no panties in a witty doing ok well you know what we do just that i have a safe now. that is effectively covered up by winning two of this different from p taking pictures and you know when you take pictures. you may be asking when taking picture of but i'm still taking that picture there mean you're not in the picture so it's it's kind of cleansing to navigate through nine denied trying to be is the stealth about it is possible. but there's also other things to do things like. motor scooters or toxic banks war or a cell phone rings and it seemed to permeate the entire collection of courts happens quite a bit of what we i mean
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it. it is the same everywhere is just different sounds that are affecting you record it on here. i'm sure given the state's you'd also helped hundreds of cell phone rings mean you know if it means olivia's hand to me when he'd go around clicking sound certain people can ask you you know mr and whoa what you doing this and what's the purpose namely to do this i mean what they have been times that you fill pages to sustain on them looking for haven't people to collect it in place from taiwan. may i state it feels good to go to iran like that. days like this ever had. eight sometimes i try not to state it because a lot of presence on the stage it is you can tell it's not been good but it didn't happen properly test of whether we would in real life marketing example there's a very funny moment our very first episode from here to stay there and we go into this market place in this is the love marketplaces
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marketplaces are awesome for collecting sounds in for meeting people in humans love to talk the best interviews the most. i included interviews with often happen the markets it's very problematic. so we go into this market place and there's some that this wasn't enough maybe it is on the northeast coast. i think was in the teachings and come in and out. we go up to this day we were to record all these different sounds and we taught this. this one wonderful woman in jeans she's stopping me this is like me she sees me coming in i know i explain what i'm doing to so that she doesn't think it's strange to have that video camera crew behind it. i'm starting to know something's up trend. and i can i explain that you know my co hosts the shoes the second time tonight. he loves to record some swap with two weekends ago and she's recording it's not me
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this can of beer can alter the right and that he he he he i explained in his recording the sounds and he's getting this hour talking to me this is that although many images of extra topping something like this really nice to see takes the knife out and is no need of the top lock. it uses kind of like being the motion is unique in here because there's no need hair and is intended to be tough to get some of the sebring of the vegetables and fruits with a whole week we were partly we got her act a topping to be the beginning but it just goes to a lovely moment when she wanted to help out. indeed i think the answer probably also realizes of the little bit different. we have learned of the engine has collected over two thousand files of different sounds in round one what was settled themselves a christian the most well at the decrepit state that goes to the other sounds. not all of them are or aren't bake actual thousand tv clips of people talking in interviews and so the news of
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the announcement of activity have yet to categorize them it wasn't that into big things of the csa this up win over thousands of them is awesome. and there's this fascinating sounds everywhere you turn. i love traditional sounds of love songs the temples of people doing you know traditional things lost arts in taiwan i love him more than a decade at the helm of sounds that are connected to people and says that if you hear a sound and then you automatically think of a person or you know his or her story. that makes it sound much more interesting example. i think the guys that sell the tv is usually a guide to the somewhat see that quickness rights of call centers in all of its one times the car will make this clicking sound to cut cut cut cut cut it in the aisle. i'll update as i love taking a sound recording and playing it for people in asking he knew what the sound it's been
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a lot of times people didn't really remember it and then only one person on deck. i know that is that's it that's why the seller in and for me theres no more the seller was this guy mr wong who i use to be near the agents on the mrt station i haven't seen him in awhile something. i am somewhat concerned of the dom does this with about ten years ago is already quite old but this time. but the note she told me about a story about hockey. it was richly doing business with a friend in them that this is kind of fell through. and then he turned to selling while she is in at the time he had no idea that the rest is like this could be spent selling its traditional dessert. when i heard him say or eat in and innocent you know this sound has accompanied him for thirty years. his head from what we did have a unit of the brewery had to be or you know that obviously is was on all the time is the point. an easy in and i said that this
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was the sound of broken dreams wrapping goodness rights. he notes. when you think of a sound is the thing connected to a person takes on a whole different level of meaning of course and internal note the following questions a fair question but what would you think your nail painting. this discount that this represents a lot of it a great question. new identity as i'm busy answering it's hard to whittle taiwan down to one to one specific sounds awesome i have to get back to doha to have abounded in two segments of the year. ronaldo has created. over the years you know for collecting sounds from taiwan were some of the places that you feel you've been to. they never did prior to the collection sowell. for example some of the temples and denise ago for example the phone call
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the firecracker to hold the team gold it's collect sounds that's one of the places that have been to yet in existence and i led the league this year yet separate but equal in the dark about this news so we can remember in these places yeah i know i'm over the last ten years specifically the quiet sounds. i actually haven't gone to too many places just to collect sounds ok because i actually bring my recorder with me all the time it's the taxi my bag right now. ok so whenever i hear something i'm ready to record. but you know there's been some fascinating some moments of our dvr to be in another example the time i spend a lot of time recording even if you don't intrude in the net somewhere that i'd never been until about the pink baby three or four years ago which is strange because i think every every foreigner in taiwan is good because it is down to the southern tip of taiwan in the beaches or not. that was very fortunate how about a week to spend there looking around it and
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experiencing the place in. i was invited there by the appeal and county governments that to do some blogging into a taxi record sounds from an arm. when i was down there and i was very very lucky to meet the owner of the cafe. and that willy willy and he introduced me to his whole group of friends whom they brought me to some amazing places and five they introduce me to um. timo was that. one of the people in the mood and village which is of the pie one tribe village is on the mood and i think incident at the table i don't have to do a lot of recording their own. then i met this fascinating tackle to the incident. who is a moon shaped loop lately. it's this and i recorded the sound of him complain that they didn't seem to live safely. and i remember when i was sitting there and was eating and playing on. we are so close or closer than you and i are sitting right now i am i i
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can feel. the entire energy of his heartbreaking story pouring out to his singing and three is playing the lute is yet a very young. based on stories wife died when his car which is played and heres the officer put his stuff and i can feel this in a wee bit like a minute of him starting to play in this insane like that. tears streaming down my face and like trying to hold the record. and on. that was on his own deal with something causing a scene right into you you know those credits hear your song of the things we need to take another break of a program for the ride. i do. it isn't
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prequel will continue our competition with mist and ryan who scuttled the program host with radio taiwan international rt hon. angela top of the different stories from the collection of sounds that you have done over the years and that the issue with it you know some of the stories that you may have experienced. yes jerry as i was just thinking about another older gentleman units i e i feel really strong connection with with older people in taiwan that i interviewed because some of them. you know what they're talking to you does even in the sound of their voice. you can hear the history or you can hear that connection to this korean share their stories of the album at their pastel like most time ago and on to another there is this other one home. i use to create some postcards and i still created similar programs computer the grounds of its basically giving people a feeling for a sense of place or person within. in a short bit like two minutes
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three minutes and vietnam i've never created this one some postcard that is based on the underground tunnel near near national taiwan university in seoul on the walkway in. every time i'm going in there. i would share this like it's somewhat companies which produce music you can eat them every time i walk down there especially this summer was really hot outside and windy outside many can walk down the stairs and it's cooler down in there in the underground tunnel to hear this music. get this feeling that it was like walking into an underground temple. it's a totally different kind of feeling it it's a very calm kind of like the atmosphere was not and there is a guy who was sitting there on time slowing down because it felt like this was his temple because the music is playing the music in tucson to come in and so i kind of you know felt like everytime i walk down there for two minutes i was in the skies temple and so i'd recorded the sound of
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your footsteps of oprah's the traffic outside in the footsteps coming down and walking through made it a real time so i did stop when it's kept going. he can hear the music getting louder and louder and then quieter ride in the footsteps of them in the traffic here. tonight i just love that i love the idea that this guy had transformed the space. it was kind of like you share it with all of us since then it's a completely different stories. the only experience they'll compare with others you will experience my half going to the underground tunnels in other parts of taipei. yet only different is because of this one guy to come so i can answer that was i created that just for him i don't think ill ever holy cure it. no he's another guy who haven't seen in awhile hopefully million sending this to the rain has started to lower the blood. yes it's a lot of people including myself of course fascinated
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when you might want to be doing clicking sounds from taiwan then he'll share in that meal with friends and the at large. but the teacher ever think about getting to know he'll are using this opportunity. the off by sharing it with your audience is good at getting to know the taiwanese culture and to heal percent of taiwan in because a lot of people with no dry history take full of grass. he'll go to the sights and sounds of things they can learn about the colonies coach or the oc news believe it. so people have to use it to from bb an altogether different scents. you know trying to get to know that i won these especially the contemporary colonies called in for example the electric bill or a techno appeal. this bill was sent to be handling things in the living. what did you ever think about your experience and such an angle. you didn't know the local culture through the collections is absolutely any of this is
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this is ben murray had a very very fortunate discoveries said in a very unique as the eyes of men never thought i would do. um can i get so grateful that you know i was to a job in radio and i have discovered this new passions it's that enabled me to conceive or go here. a completely different i wanted i wouldn't you know. next year otherwise and cannot i think. whatever you put yourself in a situation we are doing something you're not used to doing. you know the uhaul so the initial person in the human human beings and the official people of color when vacation we take photos there so we come back we looked for a photo albums. it's a very visual experience pm the world know the sun was going to restaurant to pay to have the freedom to upload it to get the syrup in the face but i did a great player you know i can see the best way to appreciate that isn't even the reds. we will share with
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people he had to get a taste what's the trick to share your thoughts. yes you're here to see what you have in common with other people at all but i think when the people that i have been when smith have kind of tried to steer taiwan the way that i've heard a bomb had and reported to m experiences and that they weren't expecting to see things that they saw as well as hear things that they heard from me when you when you approach something from a different angle new kitten different understanding of it of course ended with a shovel and a nod from here to there with my vision impaired the most is this. aikido people say that i'm taking them around taiwan that's that's nonsense. i just arrived they are taking me on this amazing adventure where i'm forced to experience one in the same way they are that takes me out of my element in unforeseen think you know what this unit says a north sea when they're in this environment. what are they feeling with a searing
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new knowing that his ankle that is really no need to use this phrase to open my eyes of course we live and the neo throughout this experience and collecting stones. humans have come across the different ethnic groups in a long and in the present with information about some of the inti students people who fail to try to stay yet been to couple that different from the new variety of dialects that i have been exposed to the site also will tell you little meal is some background about the culture the history of town. how absolutely no idea i pride myself in it and trying to be a good student when it is nice to know the longer i stay in taiwan. the more i realize now that the languages i speak in on me i've tried to speak mandarin and that's nicholas teo been very active reports that it would be relatively quickly and has studied the hardness of the meal difficult language. a lot of
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repetitive you know i'm getting there. it's odd that i've had a lot of time to also learned that you know one of the things i've noticed in these tv shows and is the top my taiwanese this is pretty terrible but he will calm you know it when the cancellation of time. yes i hope so. that night when i first came as i wanted to six was a taiwanese an idea now is really taking time to come as no additional time soon. i believe that if you have a basis in mandarin. well yes that helps tumbling from an arm. i found it incredibly frustrating and the kids closely that is you really need the letter when you're a child in the door when you're in the environment and as i tackle this thinking a lot of that this behavior to that no you have to be surrounded by people feel that we'll be sending me an order for the language that i'd like to come up i'll absolutely silly and yet as i'm doing this show never come across people who speak primarily taiwanese can i feel like you to come back to taipei it like watson
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soap opera has to go to karaoke and sings them you know tony songs and can really build that up as an act of kindness to him but i'm confident that with the passage of time doing the open chilled more more they use on it before winning his own colonies before the up. they were looking for to that day and i can come back. i am rather well but we'll still know that you have been to indigenous tribe in kendall county in hand and those who we have spent a lot of time with them. same with this story. yes you're absolutely actually knob when i first laid on the radio. i was very fortunate to meet a number of aborigines are numbered and it is people are primarily from the prima tried it or not i don't use it as i was with incredible is the no car just minutes to meet the other ten family. i'd
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like. everybody in that family has now come out with an album you know we have a wonderful time sydney in anz's only hope is that john doe extended family all extended family taking a loan it now is to name our new and good and they've all won no awards for their work in the one that the golden melody awards in enough that i would admit that none of them to come up with albums either side while the lucky charm to it i think it's going to stay there all really good season. this happened in a universe that it seemed that everyone you know. indeed his background was an amazing singer. i'm right here being friends with them and kind of having been taken into their family. i don't has become increasingly did not want village has become like a second call from the interns. and so whenever i have a vacation or a little extra time i always go back to title them. i had to bite me in japanese but they always say hear hear
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the above studies thousand year and a second. and i'm not mad at them with them for show only fifteen years. anna has a long time experience all of the different kind of markers of life from birth to death and everything inbetween. and it's. yet i mean it's it's it's my family it's it's it's for me it's become second nature to be there we also understand that you have come to turn he worked with them very patient with this some of that spirit i would never admit to having a charity run. it has forced into going to sit in it. well you know i say i like to hold the mike and i had never done that and in title i know i have. i was originally planning and going to do of another village isn't seem to harm you. it said those cult novel that's a very good friends who are also like family there as well that from the account at the end
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of my friends now when her family and friends has plenty of helping our union committee working with the kids and give it a little bit of teaching were on time as helping with them with a lot of their different projects like they did they sell fried some vegetables to the city to help the local farmers. my friend works with people who have disabilities and illnesses like turmoil mrs. in the she's doing so much amazing work i was thinking oh i could come and become a part of this. and then you know. you might first conversation with or just drag on and so like i keep going back there to continue the conversation and i haven't actually started one. we lead a team that entered this process i serve the court and six. you know my second nature to not answer recording things and in these recordings actually went on to be of great use to them and their family. that's wonderful. aren't we need to take the final calls on the program to gain will be back. the i went. it is. six
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the back to the final part of april then you know how wild look honey whole wheat will will will continue and hopefully read this fascinating conversation with mr andrew ryan who screw me a program hosted would reveal that i won international rti and you were talking about throughout the course of the program be interviewed by the experiences you had the clicking sounds throughout built from parts of taiwan. then this coupled with a body or in the job when you go program host was revealed telling a national poll had to be doing that one of the programs they used to in the current western in nineteen eighty nine. of coz i guess i've been there for only a few senior citizens
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today is that when you mean by it. right now i save money and programs are when this piece meets west located in peace meet us up with another plan where is this chorus and that of course that would manage and bits of the fuschia is a variety of things i want yes as in the state's west to. i hope co host with the gi lee allen is two years and we've been working together for about twelve years. when the gap so that we reasoned that if the program and we realize that all of our topics are related to the root of a tangential easily change the name in case the payment at posting but now with the two thousand and ten minutes. and though the bulk of the dance east meets west i have my summer program where i cheered when something that's called here to the ground. ok of so it's there all tangentially related the year was the heat here from here to there to those that see me once that that we also host a program called here in taiwan. we are in the dc area of and i we
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just cut a panel discussion with the new steam every tuesday and then on the night that he couldn't use of on today's sewing very busy this allowed her to the somewhat like. new video and was actually very modest because last year in two thousand thirteen. he's in the many wonderful words that the rti is to be read in the news that he received not one but two golden bell awards. one of course he's in that category and comprehensive bill programming or variety show on the radio and twelve east meets west and the other one is for a classic shorts that i was told no blood no host kate ellis a little bit about the categories and also about the award surgery i had to start by saying that you know when they announce that we had one i was still thinking there must be some kind of state and i did a pretty purple check in the wrong bar isn't what's wrong with
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the judgment of the father's hands. listen to your program and then i was very impressed by how they keep the earache i know of. yes indeed it's been said that the weather that we went for feces wes was that the hosting awards our innate it i really think that that's due to my co host alan too because you know we've been working together for so long that we can finish each other's sentences in this utopia st the abbot it's the chemistry you know about something they think this certain thing the uk you can get overnight snow. i did feel a connection with her in the beginning and we had a great time connecting from episode one thing but when stuff like that. the last for five years. once we brought food it's the new stores so we really can we really tell in my eyes i feel very very thankful to work with her on that. i think you know if i've done a good job as a hostess you know because she's been there as well with classic shorts classic shirt says is the five minute piece in the news radio plays to introduce the coffers of
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taiwan to children. so as insurance is a fun little show at the time i played the dad. my ai coast alley so please mom. we're not married to one of the program is cnn we are. we have two great kids in these two kids are actually brother and sister rely. starring columbian they are there to help the gutter with that said taipei american school in the weekly family together and together we explored different things like free sample. you now with the gospel. it's been a week compared to how we serve place the cream of the dash into the kids' questions that only a story in the acting up then dad for some reason i know why we did this and i still regret in this little bit. i sing a song at the end of every show. it is really a silly songs were handed out about not missing it around look at those. but as you know it's the turn out to
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become a full and also chemistry with that the four of us together and come out having fun cracking silly jokes of all scripted to because it is a radio play very good though. rigid structure but you know i'm only five minutes is to get everything serenely the total chinese the park rock legends have been for something some reason i clicked and it of the judges liked it and was not best feature short feature. and given a fright and reveals how one seventy years they've been doing the review program about me all of them fourteen fifteen years and feel what were some of the aspects of the local taiwanese culture. they really feel attraction the most known for example to me what's kept me here's the end. the way up high. no wonder some of the things that impresses the books well i have to have to put a plug in air fatalities. they loved it. you know if you go country new one and i really
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love the country and stay there for one tiny half did they like the people which clearly idea i would have stayed here that long. these people have this incredibly friendly. how will we receive we read this i'm kind of feeling to them. um can hear it read everybody's just like family. but beyond that you have to be all enjoy the food if you are interested. it really see it with all the entries for the extremely frustrated and sad to say that cyanide into the food and enjoyed the experiences that have come along with it because it's such an important part of life you know every little milestone of life is a company with tears and the talk in the foods has gone back to progress the season's class illnesses so will award winning program and this is something about food completes the radio program that people really listen to tv audiences can see from here called in to get the tray and company will
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hold the fukuda is no taste light colored you'll feel slight cool or whatever you do it that's a great question because now it is kind of a bit of a penance and talent yet. finally yes we had you can taste it you can't on so as you can see it you can touch it though so all the hindus reliable years. so this is good practice for bream on a note to traveling with my vision impaired continue to arm but you know we use stories to talk about and that we use descriptive language the park raw food from there we all see sounds so of course the inner if you want somebody that you experience a night market you bring them to share with the sounds and maybe talk to the people the vendors about the stories in you know what we're doing is we're not necessarily promoting the foods themselves is very difficult pharmacist actually make them where to find tony stood in the neighborhood because their international or to come that i wanted them
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so we do is we talk about food as a way that reducing everything else. and this only gets a different angle no wonder a lot of the travelers who visited i use to clean and given the fact that angie being here. you know for seventeen years that you still need on your part in tears trying to make one. no more internationally oriented for example the program's a new post. and there were some of the recommendations suspicions. you can make allah to help come one thing in the process of becoming more integrated regional we are economically know the organizations and trying to think i want even more international than what it is today the house. yes the taiwanese my health. we had so much going for it and it's the one thing that i would say in the email and i said this before is. howard has so many great things about that i wish to tell these people could be more proud or like even arrogant
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about their coach and the thing is there's so much you know it is incredible to some incredible things going on here is some nice stories and people then you know of traditional cultures been preserved here like nowhere else in this day in the chinese speaking world in which is such an amazing thing to happen. you know i think tony's people here should be the air get it the very problem that unity let you know we we don't need to rely on other countries to all this and we may be marginalized in the national community believe that summer is going for us. you know will share with you when you come here and he'll heal knowledge about how exactly does and that's why we need more programs like yours and mine and also program hosted by tuna well the bottom and left in the program into the bsu if they are people back home in the u s latino program today and is thinking kate. andrew said this is a
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wonderful place. i wonder that deal with the irish money taken out and it will be your suggestion to them before they embark on the journey to town one and two each. well you know be prepared. you know that's that's number one thing we did traveling on some plan but also be ready to experience anything don't stick your schedule know you're always going to meet somebody is giving come up with an idea or want to take you to their house or what it said he'll bounce in it is a great view over there looks to have a cup of tea and be ready for those moments will be open to them. i have a positive attitude can also leave the city. i was a beautiful island. he's been in taipei thoughts anyone and certainly being wonderful wonderful fascinating experience having no probe into the into this or ranger way you stories with much i wanna wish you all the best in all future personal and professional endeavors. thank you thank you rain is headed by it. thank you for watching the program today i'll see
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hundred years. when you and rejuvenation are occurring again in east africa this time through technology. some say the internet revolution is underway in africa. it's cold is a broadband internet than centered on kenya. i know. in his job three places but the stuff because i found them. it's indian ocean port city of mombasa is linked to the various submarine internet cables that connect africa to europe and asia. but based development bank of southern africa specializes in financing africa's information communications technology sector. memphis old as the ict sector the cables and does dishes and devices that connect people to the internet. to me
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that the us we are experience the mission at the k x six. one hopes that the underwater sea cables siegelman into the uk the east coast of africa. and the position that includes mental cable. she makes is that exists for the occasional of ict products the bed as a result of these gorgeous the cables and the andean set to rights arguments and every everything that's in the next two years of constant change change is already underway in kenya where it tries to establish the government is moving whole sectors of national administration online the cost is also a hobo opal investment and the new government but that was going on in prescott. we are well a video box in front of a mile. the middle who
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will help with the form of government when it was with his stuff was open to him it's a muscle that is. then we have done. a must buy bubble tea which links to this form of a calm peace it's just the beginning kenyans could soon skip a whole generation of standing in line filling in forms and mailing in checks. kenya is aiming to kill them one above what we're doing now. his grades or that the disputes within the go. and the muscle to stick with smuggling of goods. who wants the kitchen's moresby from when the mall playground for the course teaches you to access it at will. what is yet to support within the comp. governments use the continent's whitening internet access to increase efficiency. so does comics which has taskforce is studying how to harness girl bands to business. yes how
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did he promised the crisis using it using accidentally phones. we have been there and clean this up. this program more money transfers are next to the will of its well established in east africa's fishing came in. it gives me such as whiting up to date global real time this crisis should be shown today is that the artist and a guy makes daily basis development experts say it's well worth african countries investing in broadband infrastructure as a top priority. the ferment of roads railways and utilities that's because information communications technology ict will ultimately help us and enable the other investments in one of those who wants to be two rail systems the buildings due to be in addition ict infrastructure so touching. he he he
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anything that interesting she has other sectors. it was in twenty oh six dividend has been on crutches. with such a decision. simple and being able to define interment will be or more you can get this week's mumbai with a display. a week or so. easy of use to promote this has been in houston. i speak to the stumps at the same time you can do the best one when you think it is. i do. it is. good
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