tv France 24 News PBS April 19, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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receivers least one of four french general is free for kentucky and syracuse will slink out of thirty different accounts of the walk to freedom. considering that such diet is off the coast of south korean company forties was sunken ferry the death toll now stands at six thousand two hundred and sixty six people still missing. vowing not to give up for russian forces in ukraine single stock barrel today sch to buildings. when the government in kiev is
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dismissed. what about folks like john hughes are mindful that is close. that's typical french journalists taken hostage in syria ten months ago with frida eye on south bay on the border with turkey the french president calls on all of that despite a very challenging conditions of the captivity of four journalists are my quick scheme could help me put up an hour was in syria working as a reporter for neutron augustine. later on told off by cap about his ordeal and he dismissed a previous reports the woman had been abandoned on the turkish port a piece of the race was coordinated and he added that the hounds were not tied behind their back. nor was it blindfolded. she her work for us. although we saw faces and cool though and no handicap so are you just showed us how to get to the board the station. they took care of it. a chippy. when
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the minister really cool and eighteen. besides it's easier to remember waiting for us other. those on the full menu put up a non speaking to four strikeouts. those four men will be returning to from surgery because of the next few hours for their families and cory to be the day it might never arrive. but the difference while you are in the because i'm out of jail so it's awesome to be back on french soil that every action up to the news of their earnings. some very unexpected good news. these were informed of the foreign hostages released directly by the levy. some might yet come as his father were able to talk to than the pundits. he said he was well. yes tell the talk was awarded the race to have a sense of humor as you can imagine it was very emotional because we have it the worse though it seems it wasn't a complete surprise to
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everyone. we had a cool hat it hit me. he said. you can do it with the conduct which an entity that occasion the way you know who we are going on with the in thing in the right direction and therefore we knew that being used in the week and likely to happen but still i don't know why we pay the price is reading one lie. a teacher and she called me names and descriptions and the emotions to post again. what is going to the mall. the one against atlanta. and so much emotion nine and including one from the president of france. to some of the line. always keep
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those used to it. he and chewing which was incredible yes i'm inspired. in syria for europe on their employer despite the atmosphere through. not too late. we cried with joy. it's not something that happens often in my soul to a drop in telling his friends and families have been hunting for this release for the past ten months. was it just goes for memory still on board with touchy topic or correspond to the mossman tells us more now about why it is fortuitous that may have been released. he played a role. they devoted their graffiti. it all. i hope that it was built by the economic stake in the role of them because i'd go. the only people who wept in court to try to help the country to the top i put the cup noodle
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which opened in the country will compete to get to school monday and all. the two to one of the iphone manage to complete the gulf patrons to the head of the almighty school to get the principle that is for me. i told them that you would think the hope that used to make up academy the book and trying to complete forms to really sum it all make good though. so i think it's one of the cult he couldn't detect a high school the market in anymore the needle comes from the october richmond already it would look for them johnston was speaking to us that we love you all we close on with the sticks but miriam been dropped from the think tank the european council on foreign relations. she tells more about the hostages captives. after which it did not recognize the national
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borders iraq and three that they could lead to cry the action in trouble early but i can eat. who came to a tree. i think. silver for me to her eye. i feel like he is curious to know who i am and current united. he gave you yesterday. though the running the country iraq or lebanon. was that made him the nod from the think tank the european council on foreign relations the keys that. in other world news the divers off the coast of south korean recovered bought these from a sunken ferry boat which capsized in four days again. the confirmed death toll now stands at thirty six of the two hundred and sixty six people still unaccounted for. extreme but you want is the strong current of may got such a little more complicated the ferry captain has now
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been charged with negligence the interest of pieces bring what is a tool to make even in a makeshift more families to identify. many of them attitudes of parents of high school students. one is counted in this teen watch video footage from one of fourteen shots this time to make. isn't it the underwater can be measured in centimeters. columbus and anxiety and stress all seen footage groups to lunch. it is now just getting to the past attacks on the bonnet. on wednesday morning. i was just as he turns around the sides are still strong ally in the weather conditions are not favorable. the waves were so powerful they almost turned our boat upside down we had to come back without being able to carry out the word that we wanted to do this one the captain of the stricken ferry meanwhile has been tossed in at the chance of failing to secure the safety of
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passengers. we declined story to the people of south korea and was in distress. and while my hand to the temple and to the families of victims. he was arrested along with two other colleagues. but with some additions and put it off and films on the day of the disaster. explaining a halt on delay before evacuation he sent the theater hostages would be swept away. they were evacuated to sleep. he was among the first to be rescued after the ferry capsized other news are still not use this a dozen such continues the sons of the missing malaysia airlines passenger plane which the national radar screen six weeks to get one until now the dixie equipment has been focused on ten carries the area of the indian ocean. officials now say that such area could be expanded. i captured it came out small. twenty one peek into the car. in fact any of atheism that happened on i seventy in twenty one a full meaning the midrange
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officials have welcomed the gondola to victory in one week. the air and sentence that says continued to yield any results in a nation councilman steve described as very critical juncture and facts. we have issued a report would be presented to us at this beach with every passing day the search has become more and more difficult the operation has now reached a ten km eighteenth nearing the kids did not detect any protein. the city from the plane's black box recorder. eco difficulties how it's received any this week. in fact tb treatment and i'm confident that at the moment o point seven common sense. sorry to be tested. every time it rained in fact it's been a dixie to get the full point five comment if you say that i've remained unknown if the decanter intertwined continue to delve into uncharted terrain clarinet with the mountains and had the skills that looks and a
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scan from detecting make each they had a football field ordinary that. elijah much like him. it's a great look at it and was completely dark and you had the spotlight and or you could do was walk around with them down with a spotlight should run for decades and defeated the city means that you can't until twelve hours later the tanzanian to put the essential thing in aviation history. titanic st seventy two thick and watch the eight x two hundred and ninety two and toilet the european the mediation is headed this as a city east of ukraine to try and help de escalate tensions to try to negotiate an end to the occupation buildings like for russian separatists what yours is in place of the easter holidays. this little optimism that a deal can be struck as offering carrots cucumber or the night sky. in ukraine remains locked in stalemate. despite
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agreements to end the crisis hearings against an estimate discontinued the barricades outside the offices. this method is rallying behind them. it seems to blame you if we want the ukrainian forces to go away. only after they leave peacefully will we take down the barricades in the shade. coming into national scope seems to be done. the organization for security and cooperation in europe a single sentence to the regional capital done yet there were already contacts with people in the open but buildings. ten being the political will to move out to not get there so that's the task of the money to others to create his political really do more to the porch. we also agreed to hold regular consultations don't need to talk to you does he need the agreement signed by the train tracks at umass and year out of things i miss the people on canapes me down them an incentive and it seems. russian activists have on the second set to
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accept the deal. and he takes the act government weeks' time the state to keep me in the coming off the field ukrainian amit suspended its hateful anti operation spread the commons me mom can teach your pc's oven they go crazy making the space faring race. this song at the center plan during the night. though. hundreds of thousands of catholics have descended on the gothic and police to the celebrations on friday put crosses decided that a traditional wave across the pacific coliseum. and on sunday killed in a mass together with the easter message. but away from sin peter's square a fox team has been mobilized for half of the weekend. this was a house takes us behind seats. i don't think that catholics will fill thinking to square this weekend for easter celebrations for the canonization the pipes don't pull the second. i'm
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still on the twenty third the way from the sun showing the crowds to wait behind this tool in one of the vatican's most sacred places. preparations are well underway here six days out of seven from going till dusk these find the pads many towns across goal and painstaking task. pay no attention defeats in the straight to. sis to return his twenty seven points in total. she's now a specialist in pleading by hand. after all these years he doesn't even need an on and make pipes catholic priests. it is known as a relic of some friends his office he seeks teach me. nor did his usual ages since we chilled by. it too. elsewhere in the vatican on hold has to priests chapman's and choir boys have been busy rehearsing. the team put feet to the border. it will work with love for these preparations and for
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the success of the ceremonies in the coming days. in jordan and everyone of them is important for them. sen pizzas basilica of the parts ornaments and tools being taken to the state and can be polished. it's the root meaning and is down to key press conference is ready for an intensive weekend for easter vigil. finally they might look like it's a bit here as to more than a dozen superman a number of captain america's wonder women and spiderman. all gathering in of washington in a bid to break the will report to the launch of a gathering of individuals dressed as comic book heroes of two hundred and seven spandex clad see their heroes showed up but sadly didn't even get close to beating the established rapport. which was the entire three years ago when five times in the shootout physics is like so watching this team. thank god. a. he
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will think and they would call a musical and he hit the net. dc hip hop beat the the island has only been at the night. the miami today indeed his travels take you need to get into the back and enjoy the energy it took a bath to be reckless to see everything. the thoughts i had bought me the competition getting to me and getting it seeing it with. election. that makes it
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yet. i did. i slept in the ten ak. the sad things happened. the woman sitting at the state is just not to come out. so fifteen and at the savior brings me from miami the need to dance he does here in paris on the non theists and twelve the eighth week says he is the alan david fenton on the tv any city any city in the world. i think now with the social media and new internet is bringing us more together now than ever it so i think we're sharing my experiences now in i think the urban environment is starting to he is no more suited to what to do it. when i read the influences of them to receive this kind of sounds on this oven i e i really
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wanted to to feel that way all the songs have been arrested in the same time the subject matter of who he is calm and content problem and i'm talking about when protagonist is living in the season as to make decisions about how he's been making this about. as it can take to know all the other pieces that i run. the eu one day the news. sam is the time and we are going well. the ice. desperate
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chance. she's in hip hop with different ice in the seclusion is like to add content and find what id like to mix these together. on will lead to a new z and i don't see any limits to what we can do nothing as a coping with the puppets. it's an art form that was based on sampling only taking one style of music and then you know adding hip hop to it and accept the new french so i disliked it and pushed the limits and see what we can do is find a new instant think i'm ready to leave the train and crop of my life here in french to sell at it and no cellphone take a stand and shiney. at the lehi in france in paris influence your knees it on. whoa does being an artistic environment my parents is one of the poster capitals it is you are inspirations as being around some of our own time
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not even answer me. the facts and architecture even through the ingredients in a culture are thinking. so this is fun being here to see it in place sing what you think that i think is really cool thing is one of the reasons why everyone is staying in paris but this seems really loudly the catch we know about the history of hip hop in they are adding a lot of new things to add to that of the movements of the school year. at any plan that says to me if i do think it is significant in the fall. i like it so well no news is there's lots of places that are really cool. i love them and that's why we've been home but paris is my hometown to be in on the matter i don't always want a house thanks auntie and ten and pants. it was delightful transfer the key to a city on the pipeline. well mainly
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just to record on which the economic this on the ornaments are essential and was impressed with the summer and in the fall have a look at the kick off its rss one is for the record and you'll get theirs to keep looking here at the eighth day the second anniversary of the temple not nice to see what you think of it. she has no right to music cd to him on a no no no. a lot of free concerts but not hopeless. he married her with them. at the tv says that the voice and i don't appreciate that happens many times has hit out at that price competition on a different kind of thinking has tons and tons of snow it's not exactly a stadium show that haunts me this has happened to have a headlining gig in paris the talk of their imagery station. i don't know the singer songwriter has been holding on to ground
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three years. danny heatley nineteen in that sense even if he doesn't always get me and mummy. a great arrangement during her reign or even a small bite to it the ten day trade is conducted fifty words or shine. he's one of three hundred performance illegally crossing into its my turn the white house to be earned starks is tough to addition to this office in the northeast of the system every six months and with judges made up of the fifth horseman term employees cost the life of the comments. oh i saw that. this impressed the judges with his original material. moreover he faced the material is the ideal
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place to test the town's science. mitre to do what you want however you want to do it and pretty much whenever one of the state. the artists have their freedom. i decide i want to go into my music in time date this'll be the thing you can join the likes of tony west treats chapman and wants to be able to take the two biggest things i. with these issues which embraces the hat but this time. kate seeking fame the train to get this to cool down. most of its direction is currently underway in india. correspondence went to meet the candidate mccain his message is being seen by a tense. i knew the on. one you name it. most of
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the conference and its critics i'm really moving. i did. making books. in the next. the dove. i picked these up. a . police. it's just the two groups. they give up the day that doesn't leave you start his political career with the same passion he had in his music career the captain of the internet to be successful. minutes of messing them up to them and that is not one to let god into his popular as a musician is not meant to be in the activity that doesn't mean i will be successful in
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solving our problems. sight sound and it captures the feeling. hillary's contesting as a member of the beach. direct contact with the device to ride his two handed it to remove the disability alleged involvement in it. two thumbs up to the second of august ten songs including this one dan steinberg into the ocean they were. all of this. it ruins the students that the republicans. all the horses and human history or something. for some reason the shop. music is playing. the elections. with
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the result of a secret bucharest. it's a dicey thing to add to the music and isn't afraid to make that statement. totally nothing to music you give a voice that people may view can be heard in their parliament and the congress and their country. they can record a song and taken to the to the people something so powerful so yesterday was the making of races had the chances that she is an interesting connection is about. i wish i could to help lift your profile. i hope to live in the new one is an international commercial later in the wilds of the meal was a great chance to gain exposure and have a lot of people who didn't listen or read more know me before are given the chance to discover what i do is pray for me. i think too much for coming into town to get a
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drink at staying closer to getting to discover what he didn't think i have stated am afraid that in mind that the fire has now been seen on the street is out on the fifth of may and camp ict texan on the twenty s may have been working very beginning now we've got an accent from rain or shine enjoy the cool cars chasing the race. the outcome. isn't it. i do. torquay the latest innovation and its impact on the digital society. twenty four year high to crosby who
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the eye. need to work he's one of four french shuttle is free to look for kentucky and syracuse cross bike out of their different accounts of their walk to freedom considering that such diet is off the coast of south korea a couple more forties from a sunken ferry the death toll now stands at thirty six
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hp two hundred and sixty six people still missing. vowing not to give up for russian forces in the lead single stop the tradition of buildings but when the government in kiev is dismissed. what about folks like john hughes remarks were good sports. it's typical french journalists taken hostage and syria ten months ago it was free to eye on south bay on the border with turkey. the french president will fall into that despite the very challenging conditions. i kept it easy for journalists are like waves in good health the meek or not. when i was in syria working as a reporter for the magazine later on he told us by cap about his ordeal and dismissed a previous report so the four men have been abounded all the turkish border east of the race was coordinated and he added that the hounds were not tied behind their stock deal with a blindfolded. joel floor of the struggle of the weasel faces and called our weekend
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no attempt to show our kiddos showed us how to get to it board the station had a good care of this. a chip kick the reason was really cold and eighteen. besides it's countries need to remember which and for us. other the full menu to the non speaking to four strikeouts those four men will be returning to france adjourned because of the next few hours with their families according to the mid day it might never arrive. the dda points while a doctor he asked me to not been out in the alto is awesome can get back on french soil. mr reaction up to the news of the rings. some very unexpected kidneys. and these were informed of the four hostages released directly by the levy. some like the outcome as his father were able to talk to the pundits. he said he was
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well. yes tell the dog was he still had the sense of humor as you can imagine it was very emotional because we had feared the worst. seems it wasn't a complete surprise to everyone. we have been cool but that that up to the eye. to me the gemini can do it with a good pitch and it needed a vacation away. no work going on with it the right direction and that therefore we knew that being you. i feel it and what happened. i still have to note that i know i would think that i keep running when life the teacher and she called me names and descriptions and the emotions to postman can. what good is shown to the mall. he wanted
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his atlanta. so much emotions nine and including one from the president of france. his mother and wife. the students used to it. an atmosphere of joy which was incredible during the snp to us. in syria for your client employer despite the atmosphere. three of them to it. we cried with joy it's not something that happens often and i saw a good run. employee areas friends and families have been pricing for this release for the past ten months. was it just goes for memories of the border with turkey. i grew a correspondent on the mauresmo tells us more now about why it is fortuitous that may have been released. he played a role take the role that it be. it all. hope that it was held by
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the islamic state of iraq and the notebook i'd go the people who left in ruins the guy who patrol the country's direction. i took the cup noodle which is included in this country club and the need to get the high school money and all. the two to one of the iphone manage to complete to help patrons to the head of the almighty school to get the print o' the future of the article welcome to the human thing the hope that you make but that wasn't going to complete poems to read something like this will make it look like that. so i think it's one of the cult take him to testify to that the market in any more money will come from me until the richmond already what do they. johnston was speaking to us that the bloody only course of wood and the stacks but miriam been dropped from
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the think tank the european council on foreign relations she tells us more about the hostages captives. after weeks of the night the national order of iraq ensuring that they had which look like the action of the poor who are leading the eye candy. okay actually the third silver i feel like he is curious to know who i am and four and united. they again yesterday she would appear open to running the country. you brought it to him. miriam been drawn from the think tank the european council on foreign relations the keys that. in other world news the divers off the coast of south korean recovered bodies from the sunken ferry boat which capsized in four days again. the confirmed death
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toll now stands at thirty six of the two hundred and sixty six people still unaccounted for. extremely murky waters and strong current of may does such a little more complicated. the ferry captain has now been charged with negligence. to be in cuzco the pieces bring what does the school to meet him in a makeshift more families to identify. many of them attitudes of parents of high school students. once counted in this team. watch video footage from one of fourteen guys this out today. is it that the underwater can be measured in centimeters. one person anxiety and stress seemed to teach me to luncht gg to the past attacks of the blades. on wednesday morning. who knew what was he turns around the sides are still strong ally in the weather conditions are not favorable. the waves were so powerful they almost
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turned our boat upside down we had to come back without being able to carry out the work and wanted to do things look hopeless in the humid. the captain of the stricken ferry. meanwhile the speech on to make the chance of failing to secure the safety of passengers. we declined story to the people of south korea and was in distress. while my hand to the temple and to the families of victims. he was arrested along with two other colleagues. but with some additions and put it off until moment day of the disaster. explaining the hostile debate before evacuation he sent his hostages would be swept away they were evacuated to sleep he was among the first to be rescued after the ferry capsized. when users to luke uses a dozen such continues the sons of the missing malaysia airlines passenger plane which the national radar screen six weeks to get one until now the d c equipment has been focused on ten carries the area of
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the haitian officials now say that such area could be expanded. jake and small twenty one p can affect any of the size of manhattan. all i started taking twenty one a full meaning of a trained officials have welcomed the gondola to such bigotry in one week. the air and satisfaction in tt year may result in a nation company described as very critical juncture and facts. we have security people would be presented to us at this stage with every passing day the search has become more and more difficult the operation has now reached a ten kilometer radius. the kids did not detect any cookie. the city from the plane's black box recorder. difficulties how it's received any this week on thursday the training center and confident that the blissful point seven km after thirty suggested
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the eyes and pretend to drink itself is plenty to keep it at twelve point five contains even think it onscreen in norman. the deep end and you find continue to pound into uncharted terrain. i know what amounted to a tiny scales it looks and scanned from the taxi rank each. they had a full pull through ordinary that. he lied to them that much like a mad about it and realized that it was completely dark and we had the spotlight and or you could do was walk around looking down with a spa finder cases and ticketed the city means that we're looking at him to pull the sled. he continued to be essential to any decent history techniques three seventy two thick and watch the eight x two hundred and ninety nine p m ct the european remediation is headed this as a city east of ukraine to trundle de escalate tensions to try to negotiate an end to the occupation buildings like for russian separatists
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what yours is in place of the easter holidays is the little optimism that a deal can be struck as offering carrots cucumber or a night sky. in ukraine remains locked in stalemate despite agreements to end the crisis. not against progress is made to discontinue that i can eat outside cabinet office hits this method is rallying behind them. it seems like if we want the ukrainian forces to go away. the reaction to the peace corps will we take down the barricades in the shade. coming into the snow will continue to be organization for security and cooperation in europe are thinking of sadness to the regional capital done yet they were already up contacts with people even video content buildings of the time being the political will to move out to he's not good and so that's the task of them only two hours to create his political really do more to the porch. we also agreed to hold the reluctance
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of patients don't need to talk to you. does he need the agreement signed by ukraine russia the us and europe office and fifteen km grapes me down them and senate and house seats russian activists have on the staff is that they accept the deal. and the atf coming weeks time the state taking the city. coming off the field. ukrainian amin says and then stapled anti operation on the east scrubby commons me mom has to compete. the fifty seven a group ran a ukrainian you take care in foreign aid to come to donetsk percent of fiat during the night. it was hundreds of thousands of catholics have descended on the vatican for the easter celebrations on friday across this site are the traditional way of the costs of is that the coliseum. and on sunday he'll deliver mass together with the easter message. but away from sin peter's square a fox team has been mobilized
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to protect the weekend. this was a house takes us behind seats. i know things that come with built in features square this weekend for easter celebrations for the canon vibrations of pipes don't call the second concert on the twenty third. the way from the sun shone and the crowds to wait behind the stall in one of the vatican's most sacred places. preparations are well underway. sixty thousandseven from going till dusk. these are in the peds many towns across goal and painstaking task. the more attention the pleats in the straight to sister returned twenty seven points in total. she's now a specialist in pleading by crime. after all these years she doesn't even need an on and make the pipes catholic priests. it is known as a relic of some fronts his office he seeks teach him to eat. i did this huge religious and spiritual by you. it too. elsewhere in
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the arctic and a whole host of priests chapman's and choir boys have been busy rehearsing. the team would keep the boat handled it all worked in love with these preparations and for the success of the ceremonies in the coming days with jordan and everyone of them it's important for and feeding. send pizzas basilica of the parts ornaments and jewels are being taken out of the state and can be punished it is the real meaning and kids don't have the key pressed the process is ready for an intensive weekend for easter vigil. finally they might look like it's a bit here and still more than a dozen superman a number of captain america's wonder women and spiderman. all gathering in of washington in a bid to break a world record for the launch of the cab rank all individuals dressed as comic book heroes of two hundred and thirty seven
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spandex clad see their heroes showed off a zombie didn't even get close to beating the established record. which was the entire three is here with five times the national youth group that speeches and torching the state team. i kept. the fifty one percent honestly i can't imagine various dislocation of the fifty robinson twenty three extraordinary nobel peace prize winners. all of you who happened to the winner. join me as i asked him to attend daily mass readings come. fifty one percent of you. the fifty one percent on costs and of course pen to dot ca. many
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the young bloke and fifty one to send a shot of the women who are re checking out well. in this program with focusing on women. we had to sit on estimates of women breaking stereotypes needless to say has long dominated by. also i was having more women in leadership positions is going to discuss a micro financing with small ones can result in the kitchens. this we hit the united arab emirates where women are shaking up the blitz will spike going on now dominate the jokes. it make lists for winter clothing bang bang be getting help from the government also have to convince their own families as well as kind of i'm going to study reports
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creek station a brand new stop on the dubai metro is when i announce the first church again. she's not commuting be checking that the train is good to go she's the united arab emirates first female metro driver. i'd like to build the movement. the young woman had to work hard to win her dream job. she also had to overcome their obstacles but now it's ok i have spoken the words and one hundred than in the meltdown in front of my safari started working for the dubai metro in two thousand and nine french at university. she had a desk job at first but quickly point to become a driver. i just took the train. exactly on this distance i'm with the states and our soul. and this baby though. i was very excited. in recent years and her auntie authorities have been promoting education and access to the workforce for
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women. the kid though i weep or it's one of the biggest commercial ports in the world is a male dominated work environments. the head of strategy is a woman. gracious old son is in charge of developing the port and she believes them or anti women have come a long way. they found that on the missile in nineteen seventy five women made up to speed. the plateau today is the incentive was the ankle. the matter and the psychic russians also going to consist of ephesus the companies are not even required to have at least a quarter of women and their boards. unlike their neighbors in saudi arabia emirates and women can also manage their own companies and tried to work on their own. the win in a gaining ground in the workforce the idea to secure about their personal freedoms like living with them and outside of marriage or kissing in never called mike and upon the input is stunning and watching that story with me
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during the studios of the probation to coax the ceo of twenty cents one of the world's leading into the consulting bench is also the chair of the local professional women's network a favor thanks for being with us. we sold there and get by in a very consistent society women the stopping to challenge stereotypes in with tyson as he is still facing the right to. we are witnessing a historic and peaceful revolution and me bouncing up the changes as you put it. yet even here in the waist. women are still significantly under represented. i've seen in the pools of leadership that is the fault is that the man who is an os aspen and back pain. well i like to think that the police to fulton is a little obsolete i think it's time to move in from accusing one another and at very high time that we actually worked together. i don't think that men can bring women or women complained and i think we're at a place in history we need
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to understand that a bit better. i think everybody is actually trying quite hard and is still a lot of income protection education and a long way. it sticks to the sands of the world's university graduates of women and women control the charge he can see in the buying decisions. so while the company's filings with the sticks. the issues what they thought was the problem was the pipeline issue and so for the last ten or fifteen years they've been recruiting more women quite successful in soap and gender balance in most companies is that she did eat a bowl and they thought that that would cause trouble thinking. assorted still come naturally and what we discover in the last few years is that that isn't enough you actually have to adapt the culture and mindset and leadership styles inside organizations that wanted to know so much company is right
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i met in a house like a raw one night when hubby got a great use in our mind almost entirely leadership issue it's due to the ceo who wants to do it just like your story in the uae. it's not just when you are pushing its the home government and the management teams that are building gender balance that's the best companies do they make it on very top down approach. not just asking women to some how magically filter media listening and trying to play that's quite successfully. i think any company actually that i've ever seen the gender balance and we do at the annual measure of the most gender balanced executive teams of the top three hundred companies in the world. if you look at something like lockheed martin for example two helicopter company that is balance and run by a female ceo. it was eighty. or if you take a more recent example of general motors with a very famous married guy who became ceo the swim
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and didn't in marriage as he enters on their own. it was actually what's interesting to look is to see here is the four of them began a corporate wide initiative to recognize and develop gender balance these women and all the women we start to see emerge at the very top of companies. it's because men and women have been pushing inside usually at least the day before receive them thanks i think i will contact you in a month and it's got a maniac and a falcon love my current financing has often thinks house and as a miracle kill the client to compensate these small lines of white people living in rural communities he normally dun call upon fifty snow bank and credit that despite the consensus two with a micro financing on eight sign is capable of breaking the cycle is nine to the women in many places have been content to listen to put some on such scheme operating
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in the democratic republic of congo. in this school to hans previous dream is slowly becoming a reality. seven years duration sense of horror and peanuts but the company. but the story by hand. then she has gone to the small six hundred euro dying from the fact that she paid back in less than the year. now many tongues around two hundred year is a mom. and isn't planning on stopping back as a kid again and then one man taking an hour or two with very well with my family as i can in iran xp for my children's education and the clothes they sweep the democrats is that i'm hoping to get a big one which would mean they can sell the product i did start that way all the books supplied the retailers as the tombs acceptance from actually the one that thinks it is that. the only downside to the interest rates. neitz was playing with and seventeen cents but they can reach as high as fifty. now she and all the females who
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was in the democratic republic of congo is fighting for its beef rolled down these women in the rain small and medium sized companies. a pivotal moment this is my maternal cause i'm not smart to thanks to mom on friday eight p to fifteen years and helping women get ahead in business. i did get snow was anything containing an unnamed foreign seek to get the results he needs someone to go back and asked for more money than even bigger projects. i now call monday. most of these workers led to banks becoming more willing to lend lycra credits to him in the house needing substantial guarantees instead all she knows how to create the credits credentials by sustaining accounts for three months the deal in dividends to hold him. that report by matt thompson and think that we still think that this knowledge can it. but that did this on the ball to women accessing credit disaffected wanted some time had come
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through to get into the open the door here in the latest and again i think it is always the focus of so much of our effort isn't so much fixing women. it's about fixing the companies that are learning to women who have over these last few years but the microfinance experiment been proven to be much more so than men. very much better repaying their loans. so why aren't they getting the money in the west we see the issues with the season of venture funding. women only get five percent of that funding why it's not because the women and a lack of context it's because the people in these financial institutions haven't been quite educated to understand that different ways of running companies may also be successful. it's a heady really change his mind since handy guide. it takes a lot of education and awareness building. i think a large financial institutions in particular have over focus their internal efforts on developing women and not at
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all enough time dealing in educating their male managers and all managers male or female need to understand that today women is actually huge economic opportunity for business and they need to build the skills to learn how to connect with this talent pool and that the customer base. i wasn't wasting the opportunities and science are good for an out of time thank you very much that they met us at the fabric and the cops and that's it for now if you'd like to comment on what you've just saying please get to the facebook page has been capped forward slash fifty rounds and do send us a treat at our school fifty one cents. things hit the back side. please keep those comments coming in and out into unexpected. i can ask. the house. mostly keeps you up to date with all the latest from the world of sport. all the action
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although the song is called the emotion. the school. i can go home too. to me. can you imagine the solution the hall. it's a monument of some consultants into a postage stamp. north. what steps to reach a level to which i think the stories are told to read it with such great twenty is up to the end the war bosnia herzegovina is still on the next day. last september when the tickets months grace was discovered near the door in my life. so many that wound to the cost to get to deal with. one of his life. theodore revisit it it's like that. telkom. i do
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