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tv   Newsline  PBS  April 22, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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destiny and we knew we were wheeling with them. the rules welcome to the world newest one in chino tummy until chilled. here's a look at some other stories we're following this hour. i am salisbury officials say they recovered the bodies of more than one hundred people following last week's ferry sinking. keep its officials in seoul say that the reason to be actually be gearing up for another nuclear test. any university in west received an sms a research institute dedicated to helping the local paper industry to
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get back on its feet. divers and south korea or continuing their search inside the ferry so the wall almost a week after the ship sank off the southern coast authorities say more than one hundred people had been confirmed dead in about one hundred bb remains missing the ship capsized last wednesday four hundred seventy six people were on board including more than three hundred high school students. officials now say that one under twenty one people died and one hundred eighty one are unaccounted for. prosecutors and coast guard officials are still trying to find out what caused the accident are investigating the captain and other crew members. families of the missing have been staying at a gymnasium near the port of kindle and its key roles. john has this report. i am here for nearly a week now and very emotionally. rescuers to find
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survivors. but that hope has all of you. it seems to be costly to both kids up in the same. however some people this state have him back and forth to the forty two costly and can be quite the lucky ones. crews continue to bring more bodies sure. officials have passed the media to stop aggressively pursuing peace with the family is into them and they ask them to refrain from focusing and as it is worth reading and in pain mia had agreed to the past a pretty sight the first half. this time combing through the fourth and third levels of the sunken ferry it is located on the fourth amendment and the restaurant lounge and three from beyond the thirty. it's believed that most of the missing were all got enough on its aussie accent happened around breakfast time that the person to brag for a wall so that they can access to restaurants with the seven hundred fifty of them are
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taking part in operation today. the weather conditions are helping the wind and currents haven't gained as strong as in recent weeks investigators are also looking into what caused the accident. two losses during his set at the time and experience everything that was the components and the speeders are also looking at how the ferry to liberty before it sank antique copper any cost partition. also trying to determine if it might be sensitive to the sold out to accommodate more of the plane's cargo it's about balance. there was a major role tonnage on pinching the dough south korea. south korean defence officials say north korea may be preparing for another nuclear test. a spokesperson for the defence ministry says there have been signs of increased activity of the test side. south korean men of military leaders are increasing their surveillance
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defense ministry spokesperson canyons oaks and the north koreans could conduct a nuclear test soon and people knew the test side authorities in pyongyang have already carried out three tests at the same facility in the country's northeast. but the spokesperson said the test isn't a forgone conclusion he said north korea officials have fake preparations in the past. us president barack obama is ready show is so called pivots to asia and is there is still in his play but that is he starting off for a nation four of the region this week. his first up is japan were to meet with prime minister shinzo wanted to talk about everything from trade to security to regional relations. nhk world hostage tanaka has more from washington president obama wants to do the full asian countries to come then south korea. my days yet and the philippines during his time in tokyo. he'll be
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the first us president to be welcomed by the state guest says ukraine think in nineteen ninety six. we're three years ago that obama said he was most us engagement in the region the policy became known as the key to its creation. dare i say just when our attention to the vast potential of the asia pacific region the uh. since then the administration had died with christ is in the media rounds. and he's in your life i did last year the government shut down for scanner to pull out of two major conferences due to the stage. my kid meeting with senior director of asia on the bass new security council under former president george w bush. he says there is a lot riding on
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the street. their overall objective is to demonstrate that he of so called reform and aussie asia is still very much alive. remember president obama cancel his visit to a show last october forty pack in the east asia summit because of budget. no politics in the congress. so he needs to make up for that obama i would be in a chair at the time of heightened the reason the pensions of chinese and it has the assets and sell at sea. closing costs and in japan the fifties on other nations it reeks of relations between japanese and south korea and he has had the chance to train to work to find out how to organize this tea with honey not months to get my news got out to watch and present politicians to officially meet face to face for the first recommendations to work laundry instead of the us position on stage it
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is my baby with me because when japan and south korea at the office. these are our two most important allies with democratic values the host of most of our military forces and the difference us because north korea thinks that on the democracies and the regional powers can come together to punish them also sends a message to china green says the busy day. she hated the gym and a distant as on the nation where they could coolest house korea or other countries away from japan and the us. he stresses it's crucial for obama and add it to strain see that the kids all with an audience of pines been nations. so i suspect has learned the nature of the chinese regime. the new prohibition but the fact the chinese into power. when americans are about power we forgot our
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economy. the military and our alliances. so what show this point so strong. ha ha only help prevent about not do that. his administration was sent to the sun they would destroy yet to japan. in this case seems to be created the us is determined to maintain its presence in the region. my thigh as she knocked out and it's a warrant washington. i don't the mayor of manila has visited hong kong to try and patch up the string relationship troubles in ireland bangkok is falling the store. the hong kong and the philippines have been frosty and the sins of bus hijacking in and i'm almost always ago. a tourist from a chinese have achieved and the man of the philippine capital adjusted the sky that was expected to apologize to find a nice end to the teens as i was accompanied to hong
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kong on tuesday by an aide to the philippine president aquino eighteenth of march for peace. estrada said he would compensate the families for the deaths of loved ones the hong kong government says the hostage crisis in august two thousand ten was mishandled. it's not an apology from the fifteenth of may nd. kenya has expressed regret that sinn fein stop short of apologizing. in january announced it would stop allowing simple sentence from the philippines and be set free entry to come home as a sanction for the lack of apology. hong kong and the philippines have strong economic ties. some one hundred and sixty thousand filipinos like in hong kong and my precious source of foreign currency at the same for the country. i economic growth rate is lagging behind its on cnet news and the country's main doing physical standoff. almost six months off the protesters began to monday's resignation of prime minister and the election a lot and this
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piece to be using them in a tent. but the sect is of the economy such as tourism and foreign investment have forty something that meets risky loans that was once owned by pass the details anti government protesters at one time had in the intersections of the thai capital. many of them have now shifted to look the part in the heart of bangkok pleasure of catching up. as he got up thinking that our businesses like this one st hotel in front of the park occupancy rates of less than thirty percent each arctic wind from the two to seventy percent of the hotel staff rooms facing the protest zones are off limits for safety reasons. what i was trying to attract guesses with new promotions. it's even offering thirty percent discount. photo is still
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struggling as the political crisis shows no signs of abating. this situation has become worse if every the hotel in the city center's effect. our business is suffering because of the political crisis. and then when we tell potential customers. the most impact of the hotel are already open they've already gone somewhere else. the tourism sector is struggling as many foreign governments have a future travel alerts. i'll answer it comes to set the number of arrivals in march was down almost ten percent of the same month last year. the trouble this this is a stretch of the balls for the political unrest in the la liga was on the board raises ing away. agencies them on benedryl more than two hundred for companies have been forced out of business since the beginning of this year this agency closed in
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january. the farmers for comedy master said to last more to eighty percent of its customers. old. we close our business because of the worsening political situation. i die. about ten pounds. the investment sector is also being affected by the texas nearly four hundred foreign funded projects waiting to be approved by the board of investment. each one it was awarded six million us dollars. he conquer it in round one there are three hundred bb projects that have been waiting for approval for almost six months. i have a total value of over route fifty three billion baht that happened in the finale is the protests continue the latter will be significant because foreign
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investors will lose confidence in thailand recently downgraded finance gdp growth forecasts for the year to two point five percent. that's a huge drop from the last forecast of five point two percent and lowered somewhat rusty and agents. iran's economic losses will be easier to convert as the political situation is far from being resolved. i was once a month and a scare when bangkok some of the tent and some sun in bangkok. i know japanese and us negotiators have ended their free trade talks for the day. defence negotiator says too many issues require for the discussion for working out a trans pacific partnership agreement the officials are expected to meet again on wednesday
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good as deputy chief negotiator quito she avoided and acting deputy u s trade representative wendy cutler held working level talks in tokyo. sources say they discussed tariffs on us beef pork and other dairy products the gap remains especially wine over issues regarding these items boy has said there are too many points to consider. shooting a matter for debate we have made some headway but we were unable to narrow our differences significantly. officials are considering minister level talks between japan's economic model as its minister. i cannot lobby and us trade representative michael from him. before japanese prime minister shinzo of it meets us president barack obama on thursday the head of japan's major farm lobby has as the government to remove the five key agricultural products out of the tariff
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negotiations. chris and i can have the desire of the central union of agricultural chua for kids demands that the government comply with the diet resolution seeking to protect these products. the rhythm and reportedly melts japan and australia agreed earlier this month on a basic outline of an economic partnership agreement but points out that its impact isn't yet clear seth really nice a chairman cr new issue of the japan business federation of tea down and met with senior vice minister in the cabinet office. yes the cbc would she i handed him a recommendation to the draft of my keys and then in the american chamber of commerce. the call for an early resolution of the ttp times. meanwhile u s house majority leader eric cantor has expressed hope that president obama will make progress in the cdp talks with prime minister of it cancer is in tokyo with other bipartisan lawmakers ahead of obama says that cantor also noted that us lawmakers from both parties have introduced a bill to speed up trade
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negotiations he said the trade promotion authority bill is now working its way through congress. the members of the house representatives are going to cast a vote on tva. i'm reflecting be the color if you will of the agreement on to the pace the so called fast track bill would give more authority to the executive branch of the government and trade trucks. about one hundred fifty japanese lawmakers in a cabinet minister had visited the us can a shrine in tokyo for its spring festival the shrine honors japan's war dead those remembered to include leaders convicted of war crimes after world war two the law makers from ruling and opposition camps offered prayers at the shrines me all they include keeping peace out what's the deal a senior member of the governing liberal democratic party they belong to a cross party group that promotes visits to yesterday. the group pays its respects at the shrine in spring and fall. and on
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august fifteen today japan commemorates the end of world war two. at a news conference what's a g refer to prime minister shinzo are the true sense and offering to the shrine on monday without paying a visit. going on. i believe in souls. those who died in the country in which the prime minister of justice the decision to protect national interests will come in and out. you mean you'll wonder what i did not owe you a new agreement. some lawmakers are not so positive about the group's visit. ldp upper house senior official said he can probably understand why the legislature's want to visit the shrine but he himself has never gone. i am concerned that visiting the shrine could escalate various problems given the current environment. it's better to avoid any action
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that might touch a nerve the leader of the junior coalition party says repeated visits to tuscany are undesirable with neighboring countries are protesting them one of the month. we should get serious. the idea of building a new national facility to one of the water with anybody from japanese citizens for him to get through to the emperor can contribute to any conflicts between the couple. when she and it's their business is trying to generate diplomatic problems. visits to the us could a shrine by politicians have drawn criticism from leaders in china and south korea. they say it is an act intending to glorify japan's military history. japanese car companies are learning from the thug regime and the need to disaster and stepping up safety measures against impossible earthquake and tsunami. the research institute now has a new facility. i can create artificial tsunami waves to test the safety of nuclear power plants. the new
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facility is located at the central research institute of electric power industry near tokyo. it has a wonderful twenty meters long and four meters wide. it generates way they can travel as fast a centimeter per second the speed of the tsunami that devastated north eastern japan in march two thousand and eleven. he can also create continuous waves as high as two meters to three minutes. consider the various weekends the bedrooms and bottom it's important to her on to what extent do you feel helpless and with style at the moment you. clarifying the president's lead to a high level of security appliance for them. these tickets will also test of all types of breakwater and study the force generated content breaking the tsunami. a lot
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a college in western japan has put its best brings to work on an unusual problem that's been hurting the local economy for years the recession in the paper industry. now if you're a university is operating a research institute to work with paper companies as they did to come up with better more useful products. more than three hundred he prefers under eighteen s an ep features a secret that you receive depends because teacher supply. earlier this month. sydney university said at a peak industry innovation center in the city to create a new kind of paper were used in commercial products. well the paper industry has potential. we need to make a production with something extra. during the interval
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manufacturers are going through difficult times the prevalence of mailing out the diesel technologies has reduced the need for paper. i'm too cheap crap from china and other countries is pushing down prices. from. back when the intent is to distort or motorbikes . green tea leaves that help eliminate quarter and harmful bacteria. it was that consumers would lead to three years to develop and the cost was a headache. that total experience with the company has high expectations of the new institute the university and pianist to have essential agreement that we don't help ourselves. he also had time to for human resources. i'm looking forward to working
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together with it. we expect that the insurers have already started work on several projects. this one has used a special material that changes color and light temperature. now they're looking for ways to utilize the people in places where it is difficult to use the thermometer. and this paper uncritically quickly and that doesn't come out the espresso. it's intended for use in food packaging to present god as a deeply when exposed to the act. no more we should feed our ideas that industry. rather than keeping them in the lab. we want to collaborate with businesses and new products yes but that the university's innovation center not only bought two new technologies and concepts but the also break out the best ways to sell them in every one else. together with some as local industries
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they were thinking in your direction. you might just change the future of paper itself. not one days and cold but definitely signs of spring here in japan our meteorologist robert spencer has the forecast record. yes that is a very typical for spring recess the city's warming trends in and the cooling trends last four days of an exceptionally cool across parts of japan not even reaching the twenty degree mark for the past four days but things are going to be improving with denver in the school letters is there in cloud cover to station a boundary which has been lingering over at korea a light misty rain now going ahead into mid week on wednesday that the move outdoors is unclear whether the un is still the threat of afternoon thunderstorms we had the tiny black cardstock to costs and steely so if you're in tokyo. don't be surprised to hear a rumble under two but for the most part this is the remedy some of the clearing weather vip even across the korean peninsula high pressure of the dominating need for decent weather there southeastern china some
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precipitation there for you a new low will be developing self beyond teresa some areas it is much as fifty paucity of fifty millimeters of rain falling in the hong kong to miss the weather there for you on your off wednesday in a workforce there is a type a as well as the northeast also across the gobi desert watch out for yellow sand pm two point five if you're in beijing. your qualities likely be going down by thursday and friday as i start to kick up and worked its way off their tours ease the tropics still remain rather warm out here for you though temperatures into the mid to high thirties dolls that look over here towards the americas where we are continue to watch the storm system push on shore up the pacific coastline into the pacific northwest across british columbia. some areas of higher elevations you can see as much as nine centimeters of snow coming out of those events leading to work its way off your foresee still out there for the central plains. this could be a big severe weather maker leader on this week before that happens though it is drawing in some warm air from the south and that's creating the threat of fire weather very dry conditions into
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the southwest las vegas phoenix your new these critical fire weather warnings that means any person with all the happenings of the eighty commerce park. spread on the beer eat quickly so they keep an eye on into eastern seaboard. others like some rain showers in the forecast property on wednesday the sparkly ribbon and watching a week bushes off their toys these good news i hadn't even seen some pretty decent weather at sea temperatures really call me and into law center park in new york city. oh that is the corner of the cherry blossoms in full bloom out there now. i guess that electrons to move i bring some showers new york and equally often more seasonal temperature by thursday. even the workforce watch the scene in philadelphia also starting to cool down in the mid teens for your constant accorded this across the gulf coast as well. things are really warm there in houston thunderstorms in your forecast is sunny skies in miami now wrapping things up into europe we are continually watch a little pushing of northern africa that the pump in a while the threat of thunderstorms
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there in two thousand forces in an entry and also had a bit. the sefer and dusted the respiratory issues out there some imports of the balkan peninsula eastern parts of the league. who wants is to usher in some of that era falls in the atmosphere also thunderstorms in the crockpot romanian much of central europe for them that even within the threat of storms and that'll give this another low starts pushing into the parts of british isles eastern portions of western forces of france spain and reports portugal. the doctors will reflect much to gain the lead to the teens on on wednesday in london and paris on a wrap things up here as well with our remembering that today is earth day april twenty second of the few things he did do everyday i'm not just a green patina save money bring reusable bags limit the use of water and also turn off lights when you interrupt that. i use this forecast. i do. choose
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life for this direction lists. use. see here and takes it well. tp. a selection of programs from this week's lineup carried out with our ears the speaker who is the destination on this edition of drinkers the writer wide range of treats all thought it was towards. as we explore the beautiful nature of skirt my international on sunday
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this time is the likely characters and cartoon icons to the local mascots. japan is the end of your characters bottom line about the secrets behind their deep appeal. last is cooled it had also been sent to foreign reporters give us their take on japanese culture. did you know ninety percent of lots going on in its content to us in your. the japanese are much more hesitant to share their news online reads like this and other facets of internet usage. check our website. schedule your time zone and state tends to nhk world tv. chief. it was
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the start of the fiscal year in japan. how many women who join their first company will have worked for about three months. i hope they're keeping up with their seniors and eating well. here we are at the cafeteria. what's for lunch today. with brian's how much traffic and you can and cannot attend but she just loves carrying. at. the this particular pair he promotes better health for the employees. but how. all


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