tv JN1 Headline News PBS April 24, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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new and more. ukrainian police and set up checkpoints at entrances to the eastern ukrainian city of the net for art and interior ministry troops and traffic policemen were checking driver tiki think cars entering the city from russian separatists have declared an independent people's republic of the dance in the east's biggest problem and that made themselves but they're still both in town and city an agreement between russia and ukraine the european union and united states which last week to offer a wider conflict has not
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the escalating tension in the region where pro kremlin to protest government shows no sign of surrendering government buildings they have captured. as you. one heavyweight champion boy humor which donated challenger al actually apply fact that they are more than ready for their april twenty six valentino browsed in germany the target date ukrainian expressed disappointment that the fight will not be broadcast live in russia he said that he heard about people complaining that it's quite rather one sided and therefore pouring bleach the center will not be easy to point b apply to boxing ability as an insult to insult australian media via pipeline would be the sixty second proposal by for klitschko the current debbie away like the app wbo and ibo heavyweight champion to a different older brother vitali has been a leading political figure in a protest movement in ukraine. use one
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international news on one the men seen in context and has angered the kremlin but publishing a cover showing adolph hitler alongside an article comparing the leader to flatten your putin. each month the knees and a magazine profiles of famous person who is change the course of history previous issues and featured profiles of such controversial figures as the soviet leader joseph stalin and mongolian warlord again this time. the russian foreign ministry criticized the publication of the killer profile ahead of next month anniversary of the defeat of germany in world war two which is celebrated as a victory day on the ninth the trick to hitler comparison has grown in popularity since russia began its aggression against ukraine. former us secretary of state hillary clinton in early march computer as his muse and creamy it to germany's resettlement of ethnic germans similarly in
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germany's conservative finance minister wolfgang actually bought earlier this month said clinton's tactics and creamy and eastern ukraine reminded him of hitler's vows to protect ethnic germans in czechoslovakia in iran after world war two. the russian president has said his country will act to protect ethnic russians in eastern ukraine as a pretext for sending in military force is encouraging separatist elements. the koreans themselves have also taken to comparing aid of hitler to bite me or could it to third countries revelation earlier this year. signs displaying the words with their cocoons have become commonplace at rallies throughout the country and the diaspora to compare it is especially sensitive from cricket since he views the civilians victory against the nazis in world war two to foster patriotism among russians victory day parade in moscow and for our actions have helped so i sent a nest with identity for many russians on the collapse of the soviet union. the company's critics including russian philosophy professor and raised above who was fired for criticizing
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erection president putin's actions are looking more and more like a imperialism hitler carried out during the second world war. great news for new england troubled or olds the throne group's co director of commercials launch a social network has been fined and has fled the country in the wake of allies of the chron in grabbing full control of the pope is on it it had been used extensively as a top form while position groups against russian present the connectors in the takeover of contractors that makes a strong tale of a crime in media clampdown which began when the team rose to power in nineteen ninety nine paul was good news that hudson has crippled media freedoms. it is also going to north nations campaign of propaganda against ukraine former soviet bloc countries and the west in general. in his palms ukraine and the baltic states of estonia latvia and appealing at all and russian tv for what i have cold war propaganda without those
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bearing to follow suit the kremlin's media tactics and drawn considerable scrutiny that the rush of accusations of a korean provocations allegedly propagated by progression media in order to stir up sectarian hatreds and foment unrest as a precursor to an invasion to protect russians from the so called ruins told fascists in kiev. turkey of media ridicule russia last week's bloody checkpoint shutouts misled be honest the ears and shut the uneasy peace the trees are russian media will fuss that the scene showing off christine freshly printed business cards all the leader of the far right wing militant group rights act to conveniently found at the scene along with crisp hundred dollar bills and according to janice nate a weapon or a special song in a foreign meddling. another classic tool in the kremlin's propaganda tool box. unlucky circumstances around that the incident which left several prayer were some ants instead a dispute it's typical that the publication
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of the kremlin was quick to agree with the pro russia reporting by accusing rights act to and claiming that gm was complicit. bringing the key of government as fascist dictated to by rod sector has become most ghost and a description of the new government in ukraine despite the fact that there are no rights or two members in government and the political wing of the policy is polling at less than two percent the owner of any stripe bookstore who's been widely priced across the country faced a bunch and takes readers on his korean racked up is an oprah like that second punch bowl. fifty seven year old. it's my lefty who wants a second humble stall in the port city of place i've been dealing in the second tumbled tried to leave that when she is such a holy life of books sold off the polite his customers' lives he said he undertook the crayon off his own experience the typical house
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in raleigh top. he has to come to britain looking for books he need it so he knows how desperate people can be when i cannot fall into fall the team in the office telling them i told myself at that time i was lucky enough to find the books that i needed. as with other people may not be the likely is it today he'd be searching hard for their books. i decided to search for second hand books for my customers provide anything but short of finishing by monet. let the shelf rack really think i'm fine that's awfully sweet pea appearances as a guest already on programs like if i'm close to listen to some readers requesting his services to locate specific books. she shuffles managing people. most of the readers ask me to find second hand books of the stone show some wanted their children or even grandchildren to read fairy tales that they use to read as kids so i want to try my best to satisfy their wishes to bring back their memories and experiences of war
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the tables on hunches and no probable factual ring the postie the holidays people were bustling they baked provokes a depressing topic the new ones that are quite affordable and many kinds of books as well when she grew up reading books and say here with me to be books the band. the deal was a run of books themed hotel the hotel has attracted many points by folk acts including his friday president shimon peres we visited at the end two thousand and eleven initially the mobile too julian wright won the booker reader i have the sense of accomplishment someone says my job is great and important but i don't care but that i love books and i love to provide books to others and is in the pacific a trial country with a population of more than seven million people the quality of title thirty five million books each year. there are more than one thousand four hundred publishing houses in the country with more than six thousand new toy it was
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published every year. crowe took out that on the streets of cheltenham gloucester ship armed with cameras in small towns hoping to get a glimpse of the work of many guides street artist banksy often he tipped it sprayed around a telephone box showing three men in tights wearing sunglasses. i'll try to get them he is listening devices the town of taliban is hard to pretend spy agency cc hq which according to an x by this type of foam and a slight contract to edward snyder can cause top flight baltic eiffel was the sky rate in central fund and into traffic and a shattering loss on the soft pastel information with the u s national security aitken said the mysterious office by next eight years on since he reminds the secret is not in a phase until fall or terry and black alike stand still images become a paid all around the world often claim the target in theology on the tree of western governments. loves his british newspaper the guardian said snowden
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provided access to documents about otc excuse the next table topping off bryson as part of these efforts next part is the largest program of suspicion lists of items in human history causing the label. i'll write it great news for new and one a veteran leader of crimea stocks of qut has been banned from the crimean peninsula until two thousand and nineteen. stop pushing me if a member of the ukrainian parliament and the former chairman of the crimean top top assembly was handed the dentist barring him from the russian federation. when he was leaving the crimean territory to kiev on tuesday russia's federal migration service declined to comment jimmy had a full essay the distance is nice to carry note one of the world's longest hunger strikes of three hundred and three days the talks on council also
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known as macy's did not confirm today felt than that it is. russia has yet to establish a fool can touch the land border crossing outs of crimea which ukraine along with most of the civilized well except for russia still regards as part of its territory. the measure this allegation came a day off to prison but the madrid team mate and good will gesture towards the crime unit on cars many of them wanted to remain ukrainian by signing a decree ruling that the mass deportation was starving in the nineteen forties was a twinkle of guaranteeing thomas writes for them and other minorities. the techie speaking talks house to make up about twelve percent of crime is two million population was deported to central asia on suspicion of eighteen knots german invaders. to for them to write on the journey. large numbers there were tons of to the collapse of the soviet union pakistan city of old
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hindi its recent report women of all new buses which have been warmly welcomed since the mill community. in the muslim country and for once the doors never dared to travel alone as a result of this their demands for the taking into consideration when it came to the transportation concerts now however many women are coming in to decide in their face with many problems the bus project has been launched to combat the courtship and harassment of women commuters in the country's male dominated boston concert society with text and often run the risk of being physically interval the abuse while traveling on transports the previous attempts to introduce women on the buses in other cities expand to fail. at present fourteen buses are not enough for the women traveling between the twin cities of islamabad in the opinion anyone choose to opt out of jobs due to the problems with transports. however some pakistani wouldn't have been trying to get rid of the downs and elevate their status in society there are
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more and more famous peak of the teachers doctors dollars in government staff across the country. fan international news on one second is to be sainted. but the catholic church the priest anita became the first moment i lean protein four hundred and fifty five years following his election in nineteen seventy eight film set to continue to grow nearly twenty seven years until the frosting in april two thousand five hundred sqm it is remembered for me because he knew chuck steak is normal people. we knew that he was an emotional man. they haul but the men reacted to what comes to mind as well as some of his from jones's which was sometimes necessary in such circumstances and i remember an episode when he visited her often in one of his priest is making problems
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for ten min away so the archbishop. we decided to take my driving licence he said he could run lessons he added. you can go home on but the difficulty and it is indeed a duty to attend the session attended by a via media past. jong pulitzer minutes of being the most unique leap in history having visited hundred and twenty nine countries. the names of saints and wispy possesses to the lanes and greet that some seventy million pilgrims to the mexican catholic church which the younger generation of great new st. in the gm deal with the added that it is silly but it's an id. we believe that apart from the traditional media and the tv. the cuts that television was logical skip i promise that this great evening in the program and sugar bowls every child to young people and we need to reach out to them using the language that is used today we've also seen copies the saints with their youth that way of communication with the children. join cool
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succession to put it open and escape from communist rule would say beyond russia's kgb suspect there will be rising the failed nineteen eighty one assassination attempt on the phone to join the pool so that death is to establish destroys that when i'm feeling strong catholic church and the orthodox christian church. the saint is the phone system will employ as his hat to so called miracles which succeeded in going with oxygen requirements will be on a joint ceremony will take place in a twenty seven recruitment to speak to hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to visit for the spectacle. the us. three thousand three hundred year old broken coffin containing the remains of an influential candidates man has been revealed in israel the counterpoint coughing and which is soon face is depicted is the first to be discovered in the region and over half a century and the merest after trench was dug for new gas pipeline in
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the north of israel. our challenge is to be israel antiques authority can be defined managed to detour means to the thirteenth century bce and believed the very man who was serving the egyptian pharaoh seti at first because of a tiny golden seal which bore his name. a bronze dagger sauce or some hammered pieces of bronze and a member of clay vessels also found in the burial site suggests the deceased was an important figure in the local community no one was issued in june it's possible that the family which we think a candidate was buried he was one of those people who serve that administration of king study the work we don't rule out the possibility that it may simply be a wealthy rich person who knew the egyptian burial customs and prefer to be buried like an egyptian in my opinion this is less likely the air before the op discovery was made last month that israel's for touches real valley plain sight smashing twenty five square meters of land was a thoroughfare from egypt and syria which the ancient egyptians also ruled that the time according to the three of the excavation director the new
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international news on one their role has labelled the us government decision to seize a manhattan skyscraper housing and ringing and persian cultural center as a violation of religious freedom the building was confiscated after us federal court judge ruled late last year than all for profit or loss the foundation which she he owns the building was deliberately shielding and concealing iranian national assets the proceedings from the sale of the thirty six story picked up a new building will go to families affected by iranian agent attacks including the nineteen eighty three bombing of beirut you aspiring barracks killed in a three hundred people the iranian foreign ministry spokesperson said the claims against iran while unfounded and baseless and lacks the legal justification tehran's condemnation came just days after president obama signed a bill
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preventing iran has chosen you and employee of obtaining an american visa and has links to nineteen seventy nine us embassy hostage crisis the setbacks are unlikely to de rail line that will need to talks between iran and six will paralyze where officials are expected to start dropping a final agreement next month or a new president on sunday connie has attempted to tame down his country's hardline image in a bid to persuade the us to scale back sanctions on iran is strange for me international news or new in laws. syrian christians and other residents from the town of men who are attending to ten times around a week of two was recaptured by the syrian army from islamist fighters. by the welcome team in a sign remains largely intact mania for several thousand inhabitants have found that honey was destroyed the ancient town located in the rocky mountains area just off the main damascus to homes or it was one spoke and it was a
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christian a muslim pilgrims who sort of things. some of its inhabitants still speak aramaic the language of jesus christ. many tourists used to be attracted to the talented self described by ms has a star in history. money has changed hands at least four times since the civil war began in two thousand and eleven calling various attacks by government forces and jihadist rebels. looking ahead to today. he s to eighty eight it appears that turn into town. the houses are damaged and the whole town is damaged i can't describe the damage. even when it does damage to the town is cleaner than stronger than they hate you because it only to fail to bring its residues and candidates. but the end of month. this is the greek orthodox monastery of mar they were built on several levels the pilgrims believe the constable to stream is filled with miraculous properties. many of
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the priceless relics and have been constable bright can the patriarch along with several government officials joined when she presents an easter service. many of the faithful praying for safe return of those kidnapped islamist fighters some from an al qaeda affiliates cream cake that we have announced last december when they took over the town. the were released in march and didn't feel right it might have been on top. in a slight increase in syrian army can use to stamp out child aside to make the red beast appears to molina as he seeks to persuade minorities the government is the best protection against hardline islamists. he told another of the town's most recent loss of key is assessing the damage as well as speaking with church officials residents and soldiers. christians account for about ten percent of syria's population had become increasingly succeeded in rebel held areas britain's prince charles recently so it counts down to their plight saying they were targeted in a campaign of persecution. in
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that period the jihadis grade nine as i saw no amount of christians pay more than these and have their religious practices coldplay staff. in late in the least forty five worshippers were killed in the town of saddam and ended this month dutch priest in his seventies who shot dead in homes for refusing to leave the city assad is a member of the lights minority an offshoot of shiite islam has the backing of iran and evidence has been on. we motored to sit back toward the gulf arab states i've been listening besides opposition has recently been plagued by infighting between different to integrate which is held the cup and timetables my s likely to die for third time in office when presidential elections held in the dingy news on when. us president barrack obama signs new
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legislation aimed at barring their own was recently chosen un envoy from american soil his involvement in the nineteen seventy nine season of the us embassy in tehran. the new dual role saying the un representative from entering the note states whose films have engaged in espionage or activities. us officials already refused a visa for coming out with some lovely about two weeks the death of the ignore list is limited in time to negotiate enrolled in a group of student rebels captured and held fifty two american hostages before leaving for today take over the embassy in tehran. the incident was an embarrassment to the us in its attempts to undermine its institutional and iranian revolution which eventually led to the overthrow of the pro american constitutional molik beat. us officials are privately said they hoped iran would quietly dropped the issue to name an alternative. however they have an excuse to make republicans bridges to the formal complaint to the un accusing us of such hiddink is precedence for not turning out to obligation to
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issue doctor and patient the diplomats go to work at the women's new york headquarters. what does that the private use on legislation was accompanied to the signing statements he she still went on to the coast to see it as unconstitutional a promo at the communal would be used as garden it's the only decision has proved to be a couple in the foreign relations between the us under rome's me more for a regime that our present course i'm the only countries that control to negotiate a diplomatic solution to run the program when he is deteriorating relations during the tenure of seven to present my mood with vintage ads. when most people think of relaxing in a tough i'd like to tuck into a new cappuccino and tight but what lumping the flight has given the customers and other means to relax like the team has come to korea were iced in short it on the fringes of london's financial district is the city's first half by giving customers the child's
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chicago on friday but the lead in to rescue cats while sipping their coffee any light in a concept first popularized in japan the cat is walking on the growing popularity of the loans on the internet and social media with the dealers sometimes playful antics on not its diabolical like the is the brainchild of australian lauren ten as the token the past two sundays when not on the type of total cost of the items before finding them up later in an area of london fix this. the project is called fallen on my college funding complaints which rice held a one hundred knowing i was in power in less than two months copy of the storm the company's online booking system within the first few miles off the stool and talking on the three thousand bookings and cause the system to cry. the russians see rehabilitation center which opened the year two has been working hard to say steals suffering from climate change and pollution. he sent
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the price of a seaside resorts and beaches but it scared the crap that you can amuse the warm winter. what's new. it was a little of the postwar period was over we really respect this animal because he's managed to survive. he was tightly covered in oil byproducts and there was a high probability that he would die from going intoxication. but he surprised us when we talk to him he was a good new phone for two to three days though i mention the very attached to people. which creates a problem for us all. we will have to specially work with him to detach it from people in the previous night in lhasa the gospel which decided it was cool to see most of the animals the seal since alexa off to relate things to medical residents who often find them on the seashore exhausted or wounded. new york reuters sales of fifteen quarantine been duped into separate
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enclosure where they rest and train in preparation for the spectacle. jeremy has been crowned a marble champion after beating the uk at the annual world of marvel championship in west sussex it may not have been the most anticipated event in the international sporting calendar for marvel diehards the game was the one to watch the moment is a very solid team who really good to get mall with her running through the pain is a very tactile the times when you shoot a ball boy into a feeling of knowing what you doing to the attendances to achieve something. so it's a kind of achievement as to when i need to study. in light of it to his mother was an unavoidable spectators turned out to enjoy the sunshine and watch the annual event which attracts players around the world. it can be used in the marble games calendar and
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the top. i have. i don't want to. chat chat chat one and tedford on first and politics. according to the ministry of economic affairs china as the top trade partner for most trans pacific partnership members and maybe in a position to prevent highways entry into the ttp but crashing ppp members of the cross strait trade in services agreement has not come again to demonstrate a manipulation on
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