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tv   RT News  PBS  April 25, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT

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heartbeat idea. and new and new long one this program is brought you by. her group we'd from norway's mainstream cruise for this lies the herd. exploring one thousand miles of norwegian coastline. who can provide local encounters and access to wilkinson. i do. the end of the lord. it is the state sponsored russia today
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programme. the us secretary of state uses rt of historic events in ukraine by his russian counterpart says is not concerned over journalistic standards that's bothering. john kerry. i guess that was immediately had to absolutely nobody would miss the race competition. two russian journalists are reportedly ordered to the ukraine after being kidnapped by unidentified armed man was called to witness the sun all happen. and. the south eastern ukrainian city of leon scott braces for an assault as kits troops move to block a hallway a deadly attack on checkpoints there as a government after this day as civil war is starting british police urged muslim women to tell tales of their loved ones. the bid to stamp the flow of uk citizens becoming radicalized. here in
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civil war. a new. i will. in the recent happily knew what to do. afterward we readjust welcome to progress america's team diplomat john kerry has accused moscow of using a t as a tool to distort reality. propaganda bullhorn. that is the state sponsored russia today programme has been delayed deployed to promote actually russia today network has deployed to promote president putin's fantasy about what is playing out on the ground hours later russia's foreign minister responded to his counterparts allegations and let's have a listen. who knew they'd use us in deploying
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pigeons propaganda ball wholeness joined kerry said referring to auntie festival it's not exactly polite to use expressions like that but i can understand why he said it will tee off is serious competition to cnn the bbc etc i guess the west immediately had an absolute monopoly and would never face competition. adoptees attracting huge audiences in the us the uk and western europe in general the lead lap america the middle east and other parts of the world somehow deserved were the state department allegations and why now. his activities now i see personally i do think it's a compliment i think it's a sign of how far reaching art is meant is that an appetite to see a different side to see the alternative and was coming out of washington i also think that it demonstrates a really serious the concert which is whenever. at the state department are in dc is mine does not agree with everything that it opposes it is labeled as propaganda by the way our colleague ann and
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she can actually cause of the comments on amazon told the washington is possible involvement in the ukraine ukraine's his identity is will she go in response to afghanistan to get that old time skiing phone ordered troops to east ukraine. he came right on the heels of the top us officials visit to kiev for senators john brennan and his kindness. as president joe biden had it as vice president joe biden. it invites kids to take such action or was it just cool as the years simply a reef knot on the laptop ludicrous claims from silesia was on a screenplay written by sandy think that's going on with all parts are all it's not an exclusive on mm response from any press conferences in washington our reporters are on very often treated and answered in this matter it's the same because a lot of their questions are questions that the world one that says steele. ah but this has become sort of a trend coming out of the washington i think it's it's important to highlight. i mention this
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before that whenever you don't agree with the line you're trying to get an alternative view to a different picture. you're automatically labeled as propaganda for starters he was labeled as propaganda before it even opens held by many that were even given a chance. luckily we did very successfully been able to sell both sides of the story heaters report was focusing on of police violence which we did this very fairly thin tea every cupboard and artsy cupboard is an example of that that report is actually being sent to festivals but we also covered some other aspects of august i think you know one of those situations was that the riot police were being attacked they were being attacked very violently the rocks with bulldozers any reporter from either the west to write so that was on my tongue nose for store it is a dangerous place to be because it was violence taking place on both sides and that's not something you see a mainstream media another situation we covered was in the east of the country before it became the focus is now with the main focus of all media right now let's have
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the eastern uganda we were there in january when it was protesters who were opposed to what was happening in kiev again something you do see i'm on mainstream networks and falls into the line when you sell something they don't want to deceive you become propaganda not what's happening to our team and i will okay don't see and shona child's it to be more apt to be about the perceived as more balanced budgets. it's a challenge i'm launching a program which airs on monday we've been trying to write as many of the so called problem and two baths at night and secretly experts who will come on and say the other side and we just mentioned user receives about twenty of me an email today saying no we won't come on rt because republicans the tunnel in sicily garden that we're inviting you want to say the other side to give your opinion and your only response argument that were propaganda. it's ridiculous what if there is a journalist and escobar to a t it's not the journals and that's bothering the us but the competition. this is
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information war effect and america's absolutely petrified because now it's not only see amanda will the world like after the war in bosnia or doing a bit of the first iraq war. now there's rte. that's al jazeera best friends pretty far to go to bed xd that cctv and one day we gonna have a brazilian tv going global not only for turkey. the refund of breastfeeding in the run which also broke out sending me to address the be all over the place even if you have an alternative to try to see if you are bad they don't even talk to you because their flight. and john terry also denounced russia's failure to disarm eastern ukraine self defense groups. though he still murky its own military tax in the east tennessee town reports now on whilst this interesting failed to mention. john kerry has blamed russia for the part that gets awful beating ukraine party dismissing the whole protest movement in east ukraine has sponsored
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and controlled by moscow the world those that peaceful protesters. don't come armed with grenade launchers and automatic weapons. well two months ago washington cheerful capacity to have the weapons and bottle bombs to achieve their goal of overthrowing the government washington called key of context to school secretary kerry now accuses russia of direct involvement in the protests the east of ukraine to back up the accusation secretary kerry heads with her two photos which earlier emerged on social media. some of the individual special operations personnel who are active and rushes back to chechnya. georgia. in crimea have been photographed in slovenian it's done that's a new heights. there's no confirmation today that deals with the same people that they took direct orders from moscow. the photographer from home from close in the ground the state apart and get borrowed one of the shots and claimed it was it'd be taken in russia lady came out and
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said he had in fact taken the photo in east ukraine the state department has acknowledged the area but secretary kerry had this thursday has still refer to the photos as evidence of fortune operatives presence on the ground in ukraine. not a single russian officials not one has publicly gone on television in ukraine and called on the separatists to support the geneva agreement to support the stand down to give up their weapons. alcan has banned major russian tv channels that even ukrainian channels to pick out. russian foreign ministers in law brought up call a halt illegal armed groups to lay down weapons citizen whom they were legally owned groups must be disarmed. all in the feces buildings must be returned to their legitimate owners. all streets squares and other spaces in all the ukrainian cities must be vacated. in moscow saying that russia does not have control over
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everything that's happening in ukraine. the us approves the key of smell that reaction against protesters in the east even amid concerns that its leading to further escalation nevertheless washington puts responsibility for the escalation on moscow alone and says it will punish russia if it doesn't exert its influence on eastern ukraine and essentially forced him to give up their protest well to russian journalists have reportedly been ordered to leave ukraine after being kidnapped by unknown armed men the incident took place near the city of dundee ask. in the east of the country and we spoke to the friends of one journalist. you can read from a checkpoint near the russian border. she's six and have much time to explain to me exactly what happened and she just said she was fine and that she was being deported to russia one. all you issue a strand of the aisle little skin the work for the life you see the town where on their way to do an interview with
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an anti government activists wendy who were abducted earlier we managed to speak to a man who says he witnessed the moment he were kidnapped. i do mean our soul groove on him. they were not wearing uniforms that were proof that the new weapons one of them had an automatic rifles in the other side marker of handguns. they told the high looking down the fuel and asked him who he wants the city was the camera it took him away. she was there and went up to the second jewel in the league then they told me to step outside so i was told that when they arrest you. i did not see what happened. i just heard them talking to each other. i heard them talking on the phone to someone. i heard him saying we've got the merely a cynical to eighty people this is not the first on life these journalists have been attacked in ukraine just over a week ago christine of the bottle was detained by the police and was questioned for eighteen hours. she said that she was beaten during the questioning and was
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allowed to contact any of her friends the footage has emerged from the city of the mentors in eastern ukraine. leo. the is a series of blasts were caught on camera at an airfield which governs troops earlier recaptured from acting as a local hospital report several injuries in the explosion reportedly destroyed a military helicopter and some say there was a gunfight afterwards ukraine security service has already blamed a sniper shot and hit the aircraft fuel tank journalist graham phillips in the area for our tea. if you haven't told the footy show naomi behind not just been speaking to them asking what the hidden from people who live local people to come on to the same question on the boards on top of it which we operate should be in procession be on the weight of the debate on the way to keep reading on these pages the report to the scene at
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the store when i was a command center for the day to be the typical age that the soldiers have refused to its written statement to the book of records center for the exact position is believed that reaction here with that of course the stakes in the us yesterday. if you believe that reaction or so will post it here. the situation. now the typical bh up with this one but many of the civil war what to do that. as a neighboring city oxley downs is being put under military blockade according to keep authorities and to govern active as they are bracing for a new attack on the seat up to seven sell the fans fighters were killed during earlier assault on the checkpoints the setup i picked up the man who says he was in the midst of the fighting the first few hours before the offensive there was an exploratory attack that killed one injured another. back to offensive team from there there was seven armored vehicles. i was keeping watch we can for them to come close to die so that we control multiple two of them
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they stole the ball thirty five meters away from the checkpoint and started checking that out we began to shoot that injured three people there was dressed all in black. then he opened fire with their pals with sea view in sleep. they even shot the dog. all numbers were small. they will repeat of last year. we didn't use them all just because the attackers were too close to the gas station. we had a back up though so they aren't people still forced to retreat. i mean interior minister has denied reports in some meaty and that the military operation in so that is being suspended. how every tree media quotes the special forces commander who says there's no plan to solve the city for fear of civilian victims are disposed to your travel to the city to assess the situation. we are now using the main point yawns. his name is the most dangerous. though the rain
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not opened yet. on sunday my windshield. as i carry an extra reinforcements to get reinforcements have lived in the town and the pushing the ones that we did. things actually the matches away from the text yet at this point it had me on the panel had it set alight finally he gets so full. first it's not the youngest person in the photo is a twenty two lbs he was killed as a comedy legend is incredibly tense ukraine's security forces say that this exclusive carrier for once it's out of control and our weeping that they will continue without warning the reasons for keeping the town today filed a bill continued to defend themselves. we see on t cell counts in eastern ukraine activists to ask a region where the so called people's
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republic was formed sake its military operation is pronounced frantically signals the civil war and it also called for a full mobilization across the country se in light of the soul while all the same time demanding ukraine's interim government withdraws troops from the region according to a mosque as abstinence more than eleven thousand korean soldiers have been deployed in the south east along the way is that one hundred cc tanks in more than two hundred armored vehicles. the military operations with down's comes as nato holds the drills in eastern europe with the us sending more troops to poland and the baltic states. white says his response to the situation in ukraine russian parents as ali is about winter forcing it to pull its own military exercises near the border with ukraine. i see this cough is ahead of the foreign relations said kami in russia's parliament told our team why it's not one scale as presenting a threat here with babies being said that those russian prosecuting its
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threats. russia has been the same distress in the united states russia has long been building in those realize that we've come to the american borders. unlike the united states. that was supporting the expansion quotes rule those near us off to russia. he's not sending russian troops to any country. bordering on the united states unlike the united states while sitting on the greens and pilots to pull into the baltic republics and snow russia does not possess in the three lines like me to princess and the soul own party. just want to express the hope that the use of reason will prevail all in bringing healing assignments around in ukraine to rip out the day and coming up after the break. careful what you wish for your police department got a huge response plan nasa share pictures of officers on patrol but for all the wrong reasons the eye she's going
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though. she is the key you can use that degree. it used to access key to haunt you the door to greet the international and use the social media account the light plane was on fire or something the new york police department's found out by giving birth. that was what was meant as a campaign on twitter to boost the department's image and about a publicity disaster to
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remember to explain. wenger has empowered millions least revolutions and generated successful brands. but for america's largest police departments house and activists has turned into an embarrassing epic failure on on on. on tuesday the nypd integrated systems to upload pictures with police officers tied in the photos by nypd within twenty four hours some one hundred and ten thousand people respond to the house that was trendy and mine nypd turned into a virtual archive of snapshots showing the department's my next using excessive and into force on on the pr disaster has equated the copycat move and documenting heavy handed police tactics in los angeles chicago and albuquerque. i think those initial a good idea but the guy completely backfire especially with the reputation of a seven unit. he's always been this is that he was opening
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the eyes of the guys is going on at the then thinking that like the cinema tickets. bk if that wasn't a bad idea the device nyp to stay off of social media. no don't do it. this is a good citizens and for them to be a better social media campaign aims to promote the positive side of me or one force that not only back i hear people it only happened to pass the world was watching. and speaking part. twitter doesn't have a filter. twitter it's very easy for people to express what they feel and this is what people feel the streets people hate the cops in new york city then to her refit reputation for what they've done to people all over the city and and that's the outrage that people feel it it's it's reality. nypd commissioner bill bratton shrugged off the on line anti cop sentiment insisting that most photos uploaded our old ones. incidence tied to previous administrations courtesy of mine nypd police violence in america i turned explicit overnight. some politicians would probably advise the to never let a
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serious crisis go to waste kareena cornyn r t the work a british counterterrorism police teams have appealed to muslim women asking them to record and your loved ones if they suspect them of wanting to join tie fighters in syria is the government's latest move to curb the flow of uk citizens to the civil war party surfers joins me live now with more details. so omar the british police during the muslim women. well this place is the meridian of the sign of how consent british authorities are about the luncheon on days at yale which is predominantly men to that shopping outfit if i don't think one of the chase a senior counterterrorism office is about the flaky skin has taken different about. not necessary due to its knees. there are institutions organizations and artists who work in this area and community members so the boys helping comedies but this does is continuing
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and realizing the young people. now that i was already received at christmas isn't sitting on was to pull out with another that they made it is not addressing the core issue is about why i guilty to engaging in the conflict in this way and wanting to travel out this area in the past making this entry this might be at pleasing the dough onto the walls of windows. and it looks like this is the problem that the whole eu is facing isn't as big as a pow anyway the city this is a europe wide web and only so fast and often the impact that this can happen the nice weather the young people. i get out to join the conflict not difficult and expensive date of the story at the father from belgian feel that went out to sit himself to try to make up in his teenage son. he joined the cold drinks at the beach people and put six and death it's great i couldn't see other examples that will we
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fit in a team looking down at your prototypical announced cuts into a neck is a miserable twenty two and the like the end as was the number of high profile examples here in the uk and european officials and scientists and see what happens if and when some of these young people that enhance the country radicalized up with skills and training that ibm's was then a very real threat to domestic security and to give this one scale criticism of european foreign policy in this area because the same european governments that allows the line saying that support the rebel claims that with the backing of discussion we have around the extremely complex and fragmented nature of the battle creek's themselves and say well the thing is that young european people getting out the serious thinking that that support seem to favor people at life like he gets to play to resume in fact that the coming in. wales at sixteen with a finance lease on the inclines was taking
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place amongst a speech themselves. i unfortunately within the consequences about my trial. preserving is a must for this of its era first reporting from london despite the world gang and they'd wake up call last year when a massive me dear i exploded over russia at causing carnage and mass injuries few heartache and dangerous killers space invaders seriously. a new study shows that strides by asteroids and meet your rights with the potential to flatten seas are a lot more frequent than previously thought i'd ease when costs are to reveal how lucky we've been up to now. if you thought the asteroid that need to write anti tracks were there any rare. you'd be wrong. there'd been more than twenty six us with explosions around the world since the year two thousand and one which could have destroyed this it's me are you. and yet here we are still totally in the dark about where my next home last night. this video a while and every last year
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detroit exploded the rich and that is even more than a thousand people injured. that meets your rights waiting around thirteen thousand tonnes which is quite a bit more than the eiffel tower is the time. imagine my life was traveling at sixty times the speed of sound and when it hits it hits with a four to five hundred total consul tnt this actually thought to be the largest known natural object of the incidents i was there since nineteen oh eight it sounds pretty scary right but even scarier is the fact that there cannot be contained. it was coming away as an old one will tell you because no one doubts. we just don't have enough ideas on this guy is and where we have a day late as the explosion capture don't bash scams and the russian city of more months. there were no injuries reports that there but somewhat haunting me to write sweet shirt every single year many are small that doesn't mean that there won't be that one in which white tiger sitting in a matter of seconds the explosions were seen so
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far have ranged between one and the six hundred killed times but let's put that into perspective you can see the pictures here the atomic bomb that destroyed hiroshima in nineteen forty five exploded with an energy impact of his fifteen kilo times now in order to better prepare for sixties fashion asteroids. apply foundation dedicated to protecting the years from such strikes is now building the central space telescope. this will be able to try and deflect asteroids millions of miles away so i stood crying. it's not suitable only be led into town and even that's assuming everything goes according to plan and of course that were not wiped out by dan marino costs are about artsy. and who knew him in. the book
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soon. henning as it did you read. and in many of these seats about forty years of age. ninety six to five. msf two to the reason i was going on fourteen if i made myself and i was fourteen i wouldn't or so. this of course that person today is the same spot on the slide. normal for all to read and see what i know everything about them and cut it off. what did she know these guys could be the same though. will post it interesting. what really makes you will be interesting is the fact that these changes and you will not be the same tomorrow us don't so i try really try to work
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into credibility to conduct a life changing. no goalie during the deceased's the changing opinions of all things but in all circumstance. crowe will last a living person. i believe this one c to twenty years becomes pope. i fear the cops it all. i can't do that these were more job is cool it is the home. it's not use the b c and e and quite another direction and in use them. the same vintage. this mole in the us. is there the sea. nature makes you in no way around. nosy. looking
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at the horizon and new year songs or something. you don't know what to do this. along the backside to the horizon and you don't know what it is too long for. i think this is a move by love. it's a man whose longing for something he's only in a slump or something but he doesn't know what is wrong. i mean. you can watch bbc world. you were ever you go. macy asked for your own tablet to access program schedules on demand video. my name is pete over by play. each. enjoy the us versions available to secure the marketplace today
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research makes the network you knew and knew i knew the a new england. us secretary of state john kerry has announced a dramatic fashion that the united states is drawing closer to imposing more sanctions on russia for backing to protest in ukraine's eastern and southern province to carry to us readers know that russian intelligence services had been involved in backing pro russian malaysia. brett's more than a dozen buildings ukrainian deputy foreign minister danny let it teach teach welcome kerry's statement and also blame the kremlin for undermining ukraine security. the kremlin has for months and i get goi r


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