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tv   Newsweek South Asia  PBS  April 29, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT

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success. i would like to call american women especially young girls to work hard to get out to sea. fans the music the picture. in this week's episode. sit examinations at that or title of the pasha the government reported that it is this the victims without taking it in confidence. i'm thinking of dublin has been re
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admitted to the state's courts against militancy. fan order today. the washer the government's relations with the bigotry haven't heard of this kid to dictate where that is deep mistrust the article that notion government in what you are committed to groups with whom they are engaged in peace talks have reviewed a number of militants without taking the army to confidence the government of evo denied these reports. i focus on cd and it is a chaldean is suddenly khan struck gold report suggesting that donald with that i live on and duties of some of the business was happening without taking the armed forces. i mean this in the last city to the lusty a promising to end his son's insurgency through those issues. looks good going in february but have achieved
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that. trying to push its own tonight. there were tensions between the armenian government talks. nineteen seventy the true traditions of bed to. then they had ever been before. orange. on one the rules. i mean. he sees his own basement pool. there are different editions of the scene. well when he sees jesus died on tuesday. why was he often did i go up a loving home. job. it was to legalize it. some of them pasta multiples that
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the government hopes that the army. but releasing live on business without the consent. instead it was impossible to produce a business without taking the army on board. because most of the prisoners were being held in the town center is run by the army. you'll need it the sentiment. jewel for the wii. seoul the souls of the bullets with a mob hit the lead he enjoyed it a go of it. the baby. nice kitty we will be. most jobs in april says it was good. how will such testing. the eye
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yup but it did on the go boise was a good deal of agencies him to miss out. you will get any decent his dog in the fall foliage will get mobbed him in his hse us the abundance of taunting the release of hundreds of business and the withdrawal of young from some of the tribe and it is going to call them non stop. tonight's guests the duties of the moment. the us custody but it will be set up. what does it it was on the sofa not the head of state yesterday danny tornado. not
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towards the end what gets me giddy took the view. the end as we get here. while the other. focus on the front lawn. like with lots of good and it's gone. ha site into who the government an impulse is to listen to this song on the nuclear armed nation. one hundred and eighteen in the pool. the goal disease beginning in march one to facilitate the talks but it officially ended. sunday of the ceasefire would be extended. the angel with me
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indeed the ship is a defined the maintenance people up going out to the four stations in huge numbers the baby out of witnessing a massive surge in forty percent each. picture by the heavy polluting minute and thought trying to create disturbance and on base this up the process that turns up targeting gospel committed he does his report. people living along the indo pakistan border. enjoy and use me to indulge in large numbers to vote for change go to seventy five percent included in the form of indians. p to five to five meters. union minister was on the outside. who's making this blatant attempt into the books about them don't just need to be decided in
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these polls. it was six tickets nearly point two five million people living along the international border what is to have leapt into the tax incidence of possible firing ceasefire auditions in mind loss resulting in deaths of scores of people injuries to hundreds of others. you were in the evening. goldman from the elections conclusion one could do more to it. in accordance with that. go and do you mean you were going to be held today will mike huckabee. and little can be prevented the eleventh of may. it doesn't commit to making the audience from opening. he
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just sold the naming of our door. for her. i got to know before. from the army wanted was to do so. the conceit is that. during . thousands of families affected. jody nineteen sixty five nineteen seventy two and cut the war and he said it again. in another to attack the halacha but to stick on march twenty eight. the postings into being in palm beach along with kaylee. last year. and it's been so depressing although the sector and jonas run to the soul a series of ceasefire violations and militant attacks on indian full of holes. soldiers were killed and forty one engine including eighteen civilians
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in the highest numbered over one hundred and forty nine ceasefire violations and fighting write the song troops on bullet post saturday and as for toting parties along the border into gaza city the new. this in an eu to bring about the good of the cake. the powerful argument instead and get out and leaves the post is kind of dubai and connections drawn to him. beat that would increase from the kitchen and just lucky. the negative forces and across the border back to antioch to visit the state and the good forces will continue typing. you tease and caught up with all due to my critics have you caught me up and all. very minimal but the process he got me up now. poking
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the team for making you make significant because one. or would rather lose them they'll be invested by buyer activity. or just a kid who committed the attack was just making my total to twenty one to link up with was determined to stick to anything you can coordinate across this mighty steep until trial. he got here history has made rapid progress with normalcy. in the land of guns and bombs democracy is the flavor of the season. situated on the line of control and go to the gigantic mountains and the close ranges bottom of the potted into constituency is making a trek to transition from being the pot commited to see the resurgent it's going to sendicts north tm of the parliament a constituency comprises fifteen assembly segments within the next it's off to
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one point one five million options including six hundred and six thousandfive hundred and six minutes and five hundred and forty five thousand two hundred and ninety feeding us the constituency is going to coach the last piece of junk just need twenty seven the football especially bottom. so the highest on the presents isn't about me given that on every seat stretching from god to raise to the sector. so my theory has been on the ninth consoles have traditionally been exploited by puppets on the toasted nuts us into who god was published in the constituency has witnessed some of the fiercest battles the constituency is witnessing a four way contest between the ages of two mainstream parties and paul moore said his troops. it
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didn't stick. when does it affect you in this. in a canal estate. last tuesday for us and didn't read as it was a double finalist will be extra nice. i mean what does the distance on the team on oxygen. these and some put the democratic process and to wish me. suspected militants killed a village in india's northern state senate seat once considered the montrose and met with representatives it to the leasing office to meet with certainty that mr would want it to twenty four but the chance to look to its strengthening the promise of democracy and governance are considered to be the soft target for the victims. don't consult with the mod scene the didn't move would mean
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that we don't improve its position people's democratic party spd. her arcadia the child did the blog in the middle of the by the need to stop he doesn't want him for this kid and the city features are visible with the launch its summit of the new link but it was i become addicted to youtube link and dumps the side of the main gift was to suffer the defiant yet del excuse to pieces by this is the more bottle giving it since two thousand the left. will it on some boots which to base all stood up with the tickets. i find that it had been fatally attacked by militants. over the last few months with tents or treating and a constant cia in the wake of
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recent attacks in india's screen. the militants shot dead in the deeper the cadman in bottom of the district. in september two thousand and twelve. seven hundred village council members attended the designation under threat from militants. with the jets from so called top and bottom of this to tender the resignation saying that he was scared and did not want to fall prey to hold such attacks. militants often attacked security bases and chris neil jordan the nineteen nineties when there was no insurgency against indian rule in the region with its indian artists are asked to put this tree was. what a quick break but postage on the discovery not often a bit. some of the media would be ok. i'm
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going to the start of a dog but instead of a circle on a home with the police will buy fan. after watching news bits off a show. moving on now. by pitching continues to get the brunt of the rings of devotees to the tune. mostly the house is constantly being bothered by poppy fun including agencies. during this on to pressure the fight by the pots. i knew. he needs to go to the prince of peace and security forces have been putting pressure on the hippos is to string them into walking last august on the bike just me. a day. it also be addressing media houses but also struck the defeat of the press by
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denying to lose their rights well gotta get it. gotta get it. he had bought the proud owner of that. the good of the what about that yet. then double it and get them the books that have to get it. what made it. the double double. that is. most of the gospel and its least a good job with this need has been treated by poppy song like that cause. and since it invaded the region six decades ago. still not bought the station launched a number that spot under the trees in the uk. to ward off challenges to its feet
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the occupation. this complain of inequality and mistreatment as compared to their homes a box on the wrong bloke. we're all called it a bit. let me get it. but it does. what you get it is i've been brought about with obama's. with the all time. both the old blog. i get it you should use the media is that citizens of the functioning of the sea but looks under heavy scrutiny. speaking to people
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articulate that about says the notice of the devotees and rules violations of human rights the day. but on the deck. well what yet. can they. the bank and its top of the top. it will. matt responded to his people. he added the media and in the region has been taught that it would be to expose him to drop nexus between the parties signing on in this democracy. in the office amount of voltage or styles and five earthquake and the two thousand and ten thoughts on it. i ate it at
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the rising attacks to use the suppression of media freedom has forced many to join protests against this guy who's who the act the act more dreaded end of the bollywood megastar up but since the great thoughts as office particle that he will be only the cost and crew in india's entertainment capital by in wheaton. the evidence i have to say it the cost. on wednesday. it didn't optional based os descended at the sexes match ban but said that at this moment i
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need to match the bargaining actress in church i thought i'd jot ideas on how these tools to the substance of the family the attendees on the internet and on two things one handed. the game good god. these dogmas. i wanted to do what it has to do the job. he is. many. but when you buy it. and what he does have a picnic the truth or not. you need to be. i
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know. torquay. and in the secret of the one not nice. eight rankings that. i will. the secret escape some phenomena. this station back to the side after the top twenty but the fight to make a start and screamed his name and his acting but if it meant that i doubt that it is out of the hardest thing of all it took me out of tune into this gigantic activity but best of it. the neat things a bit and we attribute the success of the intended benefits ocean institute
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the i have. all of us agree it would not enjoy invention of printing again. to make do with the photo above. james hopes on social change would go to associate with statements of talking about our trip to the detriment of making it the kids to make it look authentic subordinate to the back. the plan. right from its peak could use it wasn't even the darkness will not be back to this question if the hosts but youtube has one. i had. co directed. it
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makes the mosquitoes. and the second game but sometimes i think the court. how stupid just wanted to go. just go with the joints wanna take. i miss that connection ghost of a good job. the quotient they come to the to start when she
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was the sin of you mentioned the move. additional music the picture. we'll be back next week with one view is new is an analysis of the focaccia. we might not be bred into us at the end of the misty at the end i end up call. this is one of us in signing off on the top of the entire production team off his feet elevation the program is brought you by norway's main street crews were just once the group explore one thousand miles of norwegian coastline the report include counters
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and access to wilkinson the land full of natural resources. and ingenuity. in celebration of life with middle class. one problem these changes. sunday at eleven pm. to be. six one the second innings. on top everything was gone. that offer. watching. one of our
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own. i have bought more. read here. he wears meets its long term sovereign debt rating and cyprus to be mike's couple steep ups. senior christian debt repayments on the field of mediterranean nation. the kicker preceded is the first ratings upgrade to three years for cyprus which was shut out of international financial markets for high ideals of its treated in the twenty eleven and came to the brink of financial collapse in early twenty thirty the island was the smallest countries in the eurozone signed up with ten billion euro bailout program with the imf and eu in march twenty thirteen standard course said that the biggest challenge in cyprus meeting lenders conditions was a privatization program expected to raise one point
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four billion euro despite twenty eight. speaking at the ninth cyprus summit of the economist titled cyprus on the mend and open discussion with government the trio cut business and it was him. president yukos us to see aiden said the country is passing to one of the most critical time periods in its modern history. he blamed several factors including the filing fee structure to the banking sector the negative external environment and announced finances the negative economic growth in the country. president monson see ideas and forty delegates about implementing prudent fiscal policies and use an old structural changes to turn the current crisis into an opportunity. the city. i
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guess the all gathered for the nobel banquet. this stuff i don't don't have a clue as to the opening inning. but
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this one. so the bottle. at that. he has done in time. it included percent. what fun it will stick with the intent to use notice that the main figures in the fall so great about him. this is just no justice if the decade. it's the eighth day the enemy. to economics. it's because more snow this year. the i took
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history gets worse as we say because breaking news talk what. so much. either or situation. the south. while good use


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