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tv   RT News  PBS  May 4, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT

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the first two. not to expose kids to come. jensen massacre as some of the many comedy people in print and nine suffocated to death. we shot into the net has become one of the nineties continues to distance his three sons who are today. the bands that led to dozens of tasks to complete custom company's newly added. this is coming to roost. with new residents and members of the so called self defense units. good
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choice. hendry says. usually these crutches for a peaceful sites managed to agree with all climates. the first to start out rather violent and people lost their composure and ready to go to them. yes happened. this is chewing his hands. this into a contest i suppose is a means to a solution. this is where the simple might die in accidents iraq. this morning he and his sons. many ran to hide inside. shelter. since the printing was set on fire holding on to the building i die. along with the winnings and we knew that this was nothing short of an execution nation with people and earn the right is the source is the first time since the crisis in the country stars and accused russia of
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being behind the violent events you are able we demanded russia stop using terrorism diversion and its military threat as a way of putting pressure on countries was that. the russian president is dressing up is divergence was a new headquarters which can be identified because he wants to destabilize our country dyson told them i suggested to me the group. along with my diet so this post is you don't see the miracles and descending know anything about the island's drinking and celebrating labor day. he was all pre planned and police were ordered not to interfere the day. read them they want. will you
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stevenson its clean lines of the two least twenty people had she seen this usually means that seeking something crazy. many email the year it was nice the gap between people and authorities the two thousand and three each. while the paint will be too strong to overcome scotia not tea. my dear son the us to moscow from the beginning of this week and love to date no sunday evening following the protest of the interior ministry building sixty seven anti government activists would release of several hundred reichstag to radicals in the so called my self defence causing the roaming the city streets. then the ones who toppled the protest is on friday thus members of the far right groups police of ukrainian flag. this footage to what's left of the hood and trade union building then the mosman know that god is headed to the interior ministry to protest the release of the anti government activists has
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bought the new head of mr addressed the crowd the previous into the cheap stuff aside by the interim prime minister. the filing of a product of the country's medical say that we mobilized and waiting for reinforcements to come from kiev and cocoa. now moscow could pay the price if kiev fails to take control of eastern ukraine after the upcoming presidential election due this month washington and berlin boats and the armrest is bush's fault on the wall mat next to the sanctions will cut the cover that makes with the progress. the i'm. steaks execution went horribly wrong this week in the united states the prisoners spent almost an island during a slow agonizing death. up to be given lethal injection the whole bone chilling with with america's death penalty on the whole system and is
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on trial again. inmates are supposed to die within six minutes of receiving the lethal injection but that wasn't the case for clayton located. he took forty three minutes to die casting and writhing in pain before it up on the cave that. port i've been looking into these untested drugs that have been used to kill them the america is among the top five nations that leave the world in executions. they are reset lethal injection gone back the typical execution to take it that way about six and twelve minutes forty three minutes of singing birds blinds were closed because that was going so wrong is casting a spotlight on the inhumane methods behind capital punishment in the us the american and the world is getting close and personal look at the get go he acted really operates and what we're seeing is ugly. on tuesday oklahoma in me clean unlock it died a slow and people that after his lethal injection was administered
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witnesses say he was withering for forty three minutes telling dr something's wrong. before eventually suffering a massive heart attack. it began writing security. it had ended. the league. he tried to speak too much. well the first two were inaudible we could clearly hear the word and deed. she then had a few times. my brain and body shudder to think that low. according to reports the three drugs used to kill our kids are not primarily intended as an execution drugs and come with a host of warnings about suppressing the respiratory system and causing more trouble in recent years. drug makers mostly in europe have stopped selling their medications to u s prisons because they don't want their products being used to kill individuals as a result states have scrambled to find new suppliers and cattle old recipes for executions. he
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made he says officials refused to disclose which drugs or b use and where they're coming. when states are refusing to provide this kind of information the tragic result we saw in oklahoma are what we're going to get. in january in ohio in me took twenty five minutes to die by injection gas being repeatedly as he leaned on the stretcher in oklahoma another prisoner complained of feeling his whole body burning after being the three injected the injections by the way are being administered by prison officials are not medical professionals medical community of doctors in particular are prohibited by their ethical old concrete dissipating in executions in this way and one of the issues that come up over over again is whether the people who are actually a ministry that tried to gauge the executions have been training and an experience to do this in a way that is consistent the constitution oklahoma has granted a two
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week all to all executions but in many other states critics say experiments on to row inmates will carry on during the i am rt new york capital punishment administered across thirty two states in the us usually lethal injection or electrocution in use but other options include gas chamber fund school dream honey sometimes bought one the biggest concerns the prison compound is is that one and twenty five executed inmates could well have been innocent. when the going was no coming back they will the authorities of the book of sparta but who and how they can. there's no question that the bad things are happening or resulting from the use of these new largely untested drugs that the government is not providing information on where they got them or some cases what the drums are the state reports that it is executing people. on behalf of the to keep the safe as part of the republic criminal
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justice system and so on. if that's the case in the has a right to know what's going on during that process what drugs are you seeing what the effects of the drugs are and where the drugs came from the notion that our government can execute people basically in secret the same drugs that they're not disclosing where they got them from or what the terms are used. and bree a moral issue. it's too little too full from again. one is shilling for the local iraq's pre election violence this is a team. exactly what happened that day. i don't normally get killed. years later is harder for us to pour. what did i do it. we have been numerous cases where the sun was just lying down polygraph results. these people and you
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can see the results are still the people anymore but it just happened really. in the courts interrogation. why because there's been this is like men. bill because the psychological techniques are more of that. in obtaining confessions and physical abuse. asked if they can do what they wanted they decide what they want. and there was no evidence of what they get it for what they stand. xian. they are
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the and i would continue to wear to write. this week's parliamentary election issue still showing no puppies secure really but didn't cost peace with the thunder and fifty people killed is extremist groups. this series of nationwide bombings the capital next looks at whether this poll could eat it anyway. harold and peaceful new chapter for iraq the election best described by the numbers. more than nine thousand candidates are vying for over three hundred seats in parliament that obama lacks the next president and prime minister some twenty one million iraqis register to vote in the first national election since the looks on the u s troops three years ago. there are other features to consider the growing number of iraqis killed in escalating violence has displaced and more. no single political bloc is likely to win a majority of the prime
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minister and oreo monkees seed of long lines is expected to be it. she's seeking a third term but it's hard to leave the past few years maliki has the country was sixteen percent unemployment. widespread accusations of political corruption and crumbling services. but the real concern. catastrophic levels of violence the cod wars in the run up to the vote campaign rallies targeted by suicide bombers. both sunni and shia militias have been out from my auto. it was canceled in parts of western iran. the us led invasion brought shiite majority rule to the country which turned the anbar province into a focal point of sunni discontent when i was a collegiate this time last year the province was in the midst of political uprising. demonstrators have been demanding the release of sunni prisoners. and to what the song as political marginalization of their set these days it's a no go area
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al qaeda linked group seize control of key cities looking fierce clashes with iraqi troops. the government hasn't been able to restore order and atrocities committed by both monkey's forces and militants to sit least a third of the population more than four hundred thousand civilians and refugees within their own country. it's hard to see a new path forward onto the scene government at the opposition is too premature to mount a serious challenge. regardless of who wins the food is just the start of a long process that took months to a korean coalition after the last election the same is expected this time around. which means that iraq will have to wait even longer to change it so desperately needs to see capital. our team. you see we've taken it to look at the grim statistics around two hundred people are killed in iraq every week as a result of sectarian violence since the beginning of the four thousand people cross the lines of attacks that's up to the grim tally of twenty thirteen considered
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to be the deadliest for five years with almost ten times and die. rebel faction in peacetime to miss michael prisoner told us he thinks the killings are a legacy of the u s murphy campaign in the nation. iraq had gone to this transition to a perfect peaceful united government they would still be faced with a very very difficult legacy of complete destruction of the country's infrastructure. it's hard to collect legacy about the uranium and things like that lah. i cannot even begin to face those problems because their lives are still dominated by the violence of war into sectarian violence all the strength the scene today is a direct result of the us occupation. if the us military didn't go to war against any army in the us military went to work i get to ride a national uprising against the occupation and so to find it and had to exploit all of the ethnic and religious the division they can find fuel them with violence. and today we're seeing the aftermath. we're
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getting a lot this morning the uk police and unstoppable risk approach to the large number of criminal cases on the topic of recent study suggests as many as twenty five crimes in britain recorded all the details of an investigation just a click away. mama check this out to the us has been spreading its influence but of course something recently that struck a deal for access to manage the basis for the pigs to watch the game plan while doing it for a video about to go home. washington's rumsfeld that a small skillet stir in the unrest in east ukraine to white tennis shoes these photos of people ate played with russian agency even up to those of pictures of actually being debunked moss has also been accused of manipulating dates or propaganda. and next is gonna teach it and finds out the claims of more than a little tedious. secondary character bringing up for grabs which he says confirm the presence of russian operatives on the ground
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the state apartments on them and the same bearded man now in ukraine and in georgia back in two thousand and eight then without any doubt came to the conclusion that it's moscow's hand. they pointed at the bearded man in a current photo and claimed he was taken in march the number of soldiers and the photographer that very shocking not been said he had taken the photo in eastern ukraine not watch out. anyway john kerry accuses rt of making false claims went back to checking his eyes at his department strong suit the secretary for diplomacy and affairs which are single so that the fall of the foreign secretary kerry's attack on rt last week were to call the sec propaganda pool for an asus angle is accusing rt of making false claims that he gives examples she writes. consider the way our team in you to leave it in the telephone call involving former ukrainian prime is the duly tymoshenko so selective editing the network made it appear that too much into advocated violence against washer what the constant reference to a new plane in a post or
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russian takeover of the of the country as a what the questioning repetition of the ludicrous assertion last week that the united states has invested five billion dollars in regime change in ukraine. these are not facts and they are not opinions their false claims. well first of all i knew it might reduce heat to a conversation with a single accuses are typically get here. it would appear that mr advocated violence against russia and you have to get it going to play anything with a person actually said that way excited. chick on on the movie it was a blip the divisional court in excess of five dollars invested in ukraine as a single makes it sound as a part of that amount out of thin air. here is the assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian and the tories no one dancing in the high billion dollars to assist
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ukrainian use in articles that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic ukraine and in our coverage will continue to challenge everything the less said about ukraine because if you only listen to what the west the department says you have the most distorted understanding of what's going on there. the washington post account art. in the meantime russia's foreign minister said lasted me get out as a crime propaganda or other of the sky which is the competition be present on a trip to france to say we are some pasta to rush through facilities growth has something to be said about typing this crap becoming aware awake. with a red one it shows how well various news outlets including on youtube news you can see on t washington to spare. topping the charts. nominally accusation of us who still read walked in ukraine and was told that the us and the eu are expanding sanctions against russia about fact this week washington targeted seventeen russian companies in the room is pulling to president putin
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according to the y cups full of belgian parliament speaker that of an osprey these small scale could react this time too. so he didn't mind that these sanctions have some economic team. which do not over emphasize them. so far it's just that you should not forget that the sanctions basically it's a relations purposes here with us actually if you can see that the current situation there are still white wine. she's known to say that they are the symbolic and freddie and i didn't see us at one point the show will have to. it was formed to defect jim and tons of mud colors but the idea of more sanctions to moscow despite the country's business leaders urging him not to follow washington's lead that point is that the us does not have meant to be speaking anyway much to lose as much to lose its try to brush it recently. only
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twenty seven billion dollars last year while though the fig if he was a whopping four hundred and ten billion according to government business consultant crystal close to any further restrictions. also it. nobody in the game can afford any of these things since they would expose the gemini for example it is the biggest the impact of russia and russia is the biggest in the teapot of forty or so what's the use of anything since that is washington's idea and the europeans. i'm not very much the best and that means that there is in his court now a disagreement between the us and the european union even if they come up with the same kind of sanctions right now so far as to what the that's the question more meals appropriate to make something imposed check it out to go home together lights rather than fighting between rebels in eastern syria killed sixty two according to uk based war
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killed sixty thousand civilians of the fed will not carry a small group revenues and islamic insurgents had been fighting them for months now. the captain of the two kg of fruit. it estimated one hundred and fifty thousand people died in the basement when he isn't stupid. more rested and yemen but officials at least forty three al qaeda militants or been killed in the clashes with the army in the restive south. this is suicide bomb also struck the same region the six soldiers and dozens more. as we get close to full speed. to eliminate al qaeda militants have repeatedly been targeting civilians and security forces. it's one twenty seven the molding cover up off the brake good cop bad cop week's poll the methods used as an american policemen another thing that really helped reveal the truth here. on our team to match. i do the room
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a pennsylvania widow had her house auctioned by her hair is covered four hundred sixty thousand dollars to cover the cost of an outstanding debt that she had that death was six dollars and thirty cents. the idea. the price of lunch it all took an old lady's home away other two things that need be said about this. firstly private property is one of the pillars of western and especially american civilization. however property means you can feel secure in your home under feudalism search didn't own anything you are a lot to be right there with their tyre life to pay some bleaching lord tells about the death of trevor prop really that's what makes it feel it or going back into the dark ages show and this one's in all our homes be our castles even if leo was speaking six dollars in debt. secondly what is going on in the minds of the people who put this woman's home up for auction i could see if there were some kind of con men would get profit from the sale but these are bureaucrats on this once home does nothing for them to get nothing out of it except the pleasure of doing it so i beg you if you work
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of some sort of covered iraq to see the next time an old lady's about to lose her house over six dollars just in this place the file for a month or two is really worth throwing a life of a us citizen to give the government another one hundred thousand dollars to waste. not at all. just typing the room. in the atmosphere kitties in drama means nothing and no one are what or who they seem not distinguished looking to win. now police officers. not only has nine children. or even old fisherman. eleven it is super nice. don't answer that it's inspector
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frank was there he was laid back manner belies his drive to get the truth. i do love i so fast. see salome was that in the chain. it's good the team is from kaiser groups and earnings. too soon some areas ability to uncover the truth may be his greatest strength but also consuming constant conflict with his superiors. sydney nsw minnesota like the real thing. it is devoted to get a properly basic issue in the final two companies. most of them really. as a monument in his conduct. it recently scored a goal come up. you see. recently fully to him mason wanted the name of the stall. most of the time
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he maintains an impasse and exterior which masks the ever present grief over the death of his wife with whom she began consuming. get the sooner you can preview trick or so. i. when the visibility of the mountains. the series this into question. i am chicken. i drew. she didn't
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stitch. the eight zero show is he is not comparable with other people's expressions of feelings. which leads to what may be one of the tyne television's most genuinely awkward moments the kid the guy is somewhat more open. fall in crime stunned and enthusiastic television audience in italy. we ran for three seasons between two thousand five and two thousand ninety eight the story is based on the novels of the larry ovaries which became popular for their sense of history and their exploration of the aisle causes of crime only to his novels have been translated into english and the books serve as a departure point for the series episodes rather than providing specific storyline. mary is played by
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a local barber and he who brings a depth to his trail of a complicated man. in addition to his acting career barbara. he is a well known figure in italy because of his political involvement having served as a member of parliament since two thousand and eight he became famous in nineteen eighty three his association with the notorious heartfelt cannibal holocaust. a film so unrealistic its director was arrested on murder charges barbara. he was one of four actors killed in the film who sign contracts requiring them to stay out of all media for year. in order to fuel rumors that the film was an actual snuff movie. only when the contracts were canceled and the actors appeared on the tv show where the charges against the filmmaker drop and as you. she is. he marries him. the love interest and funding crime displayed by russian actress natasha stott can you tell who began her acting career
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after winning the look of the year contest in russia in nineteen ninety one. she then traveled to italy and began a career in films and as the popular tv host. before stephanie who became famous as the model and actress. she earned an undergraduate degree in moscow study metal engineering. stir until smooth. since the news the students. it's winter conditions. i know. during the series is the river hull it shakes alinsky the climate and the lives of people who live on its banks both rich and four. is anyone who tries to look beneath the surface it seems complete. or its effect and its history can never fully
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understood. new issues to people far. and it also hides her sleep. secrets that one species are discovered by people like ghosts and harry who have eyes to see. i do cz the already each day exclusive any team that works to top story was the case most intriguing topic as tall but it makes the premier global content partners back to back in english. it's what they mean washington enlightenment you are never lacking here in philly this weekend is here the seventeen with me. the advantage that i can take that steely checked in you and makes the networks
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to work on tv to see the ads on tv will continue to share with your friends on facebook and twitter the top story on the m a c networks. i know this line and take the guy in socal. russian activists in eastern ukraine and not giving up their current donor referendums on expanding the economy at the same time classes and escalates between ten and into government forces. pro russian protest isn't putting up a fierce resistance against the minute the operation launched by vicki encouragement to them some buildings they occupy the clashes that left eighteen championships dead and this is a comatose team did an excavation. russia's state run news agency says the introduction to this diet hans region


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