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tv   Kazakh TV News  PBS  May 8, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PDT

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the eu. giorgio with the rise is not a top story this hour polls close in style this election will vote is from the born free generation make any difference to the outcome also ahead to nigeria's google abductions office of international assistance to find the missing children pour in. as more details than that of another but the remnants of the country
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bus routes in promises a positive approach to peace in ukraine russian prime yet calls on for russian separatists to cool off a referendum. it's a treat and not minding the country's border. i'm in thailand the courts achieve top of the protest did not. the thai prime minister is the ultimate joke censured for abusing the house. i knew the eye. i do the check to see emma is widely expected to be returned as president in south africa's first election since the death of nelson mandela. despite growing disaffection with the leadership of the nations of the new political party poll suggests the anc will have claimed more than sixty percent of the buttons for eyes news to an amish on reports the twenty one
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comedian rich but to shut down rocky planets to go to the outlet box that time since the end of apartheid despite being described is that for reelection. only one that has pulled through the end of the apartheid era actually registered to vote my goal is to me that i'm ot poet's name. i wanted to make it different. i mean the wind but it does make a whole lot of things again. that bodes me. but oh eight seems that way than we did the night at the foundation the government spends. it means the talks. oh sure the summer to rectify the current issue which has been criticized for its cool hunting of the economy and accusations of corruption the main opposition party the democratic alliance is due to anti gay men are to appeal to an institution the john c y connector. i'm going number two pumpkins but within the party and support him and put to death and made
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some progress. in the least political and economic freedom. why is that by the huge main aim of the month today. despite not being expected to be more inclined to stand on her the cpu unemployed youngsters. i note the lack of competence and could not benefit you in the end of apartheid. that sum total of up to contentment. any funny viable alternatives many viable candidate and downs to me. eighteen level off on populism which seems to resonate deeply with the working class particular the un people on the protected with people on the ground. it didn't take extreme act of making paean to campaign has been very challenging but by the cooked through. it's widely expected that the african national congress and the key issue will be re elected. not because of a political ideology. it's because the anc has to be confused on which political party in front of the crop gave in and
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fixed a carpenter but to no connection to animals on the nineteenth. office of international assistance of flooding in to help find the hundreds of nigerian school go still missing having been kidnapped by a predator omnipotence. their actions are being described by anita's across the wall is able and sickening intensified my latest reports of further atrocities by the terrorists creek where burns reports. the taste of blood economic bulletin ninety eight attacking leak isn't about that day. he's also attacking play and attention on the wrong sort of outrage continues tomorrow the kidnapping of henderson school goes like the content minute and it's intensified by the detection of in nothing that the cows too sweet. that means but to see patients simple. and today shooting chief of the rides that blacks and former uk prime minister gordon brown stated that the nation to
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make nigerian school state fair. all along. i was sitting with me. it's designed to use the disease does that sin. mine is still all centered on to say on the top ten. this is an actual pure evil eighteen ninety people across the planet to stand with nigeria to help fight these children and return them to the parents. richie security expats have no rights to join teams confront america. to be fine and eighteen dollars and ninety in place of all the gifts we painted the same time towards anyone with information leading to that pesky fact is that they can head out the cost to the next minute it's also a nobody to txdot it handed to people in the north the tv screen could it be an office or two people to come back to go to
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the city. and while they remain missing and snacks to talk to people when added to the addition to a two book of economics to attend the nineties. meanwhile global political and commercial pilots have a tree in front of some nigerian this week as the world economic forum for africa continues. today the session sick of that critical ground was soft in our reports. off to the high profile are all evils and fan fan. it's down to business today. nigeria's president goodluck jonathan says that education is the key to unlocking the potential of africa and in a very nice young people to compete globally and create job is in the new knowledge economy. he'll be addressing the forum today alongside china's crimea. li kai calling his presence indicates the importance of the critics seem to now have on the world stage. events today went to the section called africa rising the last hour of questioning you see
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these africa's growth story will be sessions on unlocking job creating growth on the continent. securing the future and the investment outlook for africa. it's insidious agenda for the serious cummings the nigeria and the wider african continent. this is the twenty fourth twelve economic forum on africa. and it's attracted regional and global leaders keen to discuss the structural reforms in investments that could sustain the continent's growth while creating jobs and prosperity for all its citizens. the insurgency in nigeria's north east highlights the challenge is that the continent faces. it remains to be seen if the wtf can provide at least some of the ounces. knox southgate rise means. russia's president has described in ukraine's presidential election as a step in the right direction president of an occasional say said the independence referendum is being staged by pro russian separatists in
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eastern ukraine should be spent for eyes business you don't send reports. it pays to be a shift in motion pontiff a confident he can said this meant elections in ukraine were amazing and the like an accent. he said the independence referendum on the beast weekends should be constraints on he said pushing the hope he sleeps in the court that the potential to break late in the west side and the three months than in the last thing the college world. we were told over telling doctrine that the ukrainian boulder with consent which hold them back today than offset the ukrainian boulder been in place ease of regular exercise. it's the training grounds. he's my attendance feinstein rights to a satisfying the ski train tapes percent increase in fact rendition of posts to see small can attest and hands. mundine said he felt the plane on the society's tough responded. i say it's hinted that he posted
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the sign. most trouble the kimonos and service of the story has anyone reaction to this statement. all the people of the hunt region went to this referendum and that is why the people of the hunt region have to decide whether or not to go ahead with the referendum as bountiful our star in the snp says comments suggested a potential destination of the complex is fast closing costs will be ukraine's prime minister said he's in school for that offence and was contact pleaded with local companies me people what the dvd there is no point in dealing in holt an especially for the presence of the big country. russia is asking to this but in the referendum on the eleventh of may. i think that the russian president needs to be informed that there was no referendum until the eleventh of may the terrorists and separatists supported by russia. but in order to display something that doesn't exist. well that's mean settlement for them. snp seems like he's calm and sunny crying decent chance to
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sit in the comments position i'm at my feet i had a taste of it did not seek solutions to complex. but alas he's like cctv threats with caution. i might just be with the fact i have on the crimes pc dos in the mines means it's my london court has ruled the prime minister yang the channel is guilty and step down amid charges that should he step out the constitutional court in bangkok. roll the dice game that acted illegally when she replaced and national security heads. the court's decision also boarded at knowing cabinet ministers involved the transfer to step down on rogue circle begins with russia to with a the optional i wasn't even cool to hear the judge's decision. those who work with coach eat the peas that position by shifting the national security chief to another post in twenty eleven so that the rabbits that could benefit from subsequent moves the decision will give the supporters of the government's survival could take the sting out the protests planned for this
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weekend they pick use the constitutional court of bias because of its frequent rantings against the government's anti government protest is that in trying to oust the prime minister since november twenty thirteen in a press conference up to the judgment she continued to deny any wrongdoing. i will work. when i insisted that we had his honesty to administer the country and we have never done anything that can face any dishonest actions excuse for a while. there were celebrations in the streets with more than a thousand demonstrators waving flags and that is tearing the court's ruling. it is an entertaining expected to hit the prime minister. actually she should invest in and time again. the court has ruled i know that calling for a new prime minister. we will move on to form a new government this is what the people's democratic reform committee has been at the kt since the beginning. if this happens we will see a youth minister. thailand's
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political problems one tent here. opponents of the government say they'll continue to push for reform while the former prime minister's supporters insist they will be no political vacuum in her absence melinda ms and ms. they can really get a rate of one third of the cabin. the rest can still function. tomorrow they will try to do that again. they will not succeed and the little peanut with black and white the government's remaining cabinet members have chosen time and scoreless minutes to the one time rome bombs song by some to replace you know what alan ruck. a rise in use lebanon's presidential science is being inspiring for third time to make his point cost to the parliament recession to agree on a successor to president michelle sentiment. members of the has a lot dominated march eight neighborhoods where many of sense meaning that they want it and pays
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for two thirds quorum which was necessary for the vote to go ahead to the next session it's nice to know maybe fifteen ten days before sunday's ten expires the country's two main political blocs the pro has a long march the anchor lines on this month the fourteen rivals have yet to agree on a consensus candidate seeking gone a majority support among the one hundred and twenty eight parliamentary deputies china has detained friday human rights activists after they attended a weekend making the call of propriety and the suppression of pro democracy protests in tiananmen square in nineteen eighty nine. among those held was perry cgi a prominent free speech delay is represented many dissidents including optus our wheelie and an activist on the new citizens mavens and agreed that the edges. chinese leaders to disguise their sats is attained on a charge of causing the stand ins to know is that i photograph released by one of the activists has paid and others attending the meeting on sunday just a month ahead
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of the sensitive twenty fifth anniversary of the crackdown on june the fourth nineteen ninety nine. rose has its own to transporting syrian rebel find discount of almost one in the last rebel strongholds in the country. the operation was part of the undead brokered deal between the rebels and president acts as ami which is surrounded revels in home city for more than a year. the deal and any rebel presence in the hall to the sixty one is called the capital of the revolution against the sides. meanwhile the syrian president and his wife ros men have made a rare appearance together in damascus for the next orphans whose parents are being killed in the ongoing conflicts. the pair came together from on tuesday remembering the students executed and often an occupation in nineteen sixteen. the situation in syria has made the news in jordan of the raga for all the different races are set to tv guests are sharing that differing opinions on a share
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of property cold between opposing views. one of the guests at his the other ingredients the syrian intervention when a fight erupted after several pushes and shoves the table production stopped on the part and can be seen in to the hoop at the table fell apart. one of them then walked across to communicate this planet gas. no police charges to be groped. what's your eyes is nice to head the international business and sporting headlines including tributes to the former heavyweight boxing champion jamie evans has died in the united states at age seventy four. i will find out what these young men in china during climbing a tree in london. says . sticker was
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his not need of a drug deal today's my headlines polls close in sabah this election will look but it is from the born free generation make any difference to be out there. nigeria still
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the abductions more offers of international assistance to find the missing children or in the decal from the edge of the bypass around my sister in the country. i'm gettin promises a positive approach to peace in ukraine russia project for some pro russian separatists to pull off a referendum says his troops and no one in the country's border. i know. breaking news just any interest right now regarding the south african elections of the partial results in the news being counted in the anc have a definitive in the lead according to you twenty percent of the pirates signed up. and they cost sixty to fifty six percent of the votes according to the latest results but will have a foal are expecting a full update on my wall this final results are good mates run today lunch time gmt price is rose red with the united states is said to
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him and that increased international scrutiny. after a new report alleges israel's spy on american more than any of the country. here we sped to our washington correspondent liam and dal announced that explained all well the us and israel as being in a long term average and there is certainly no talk of divorce but this battle says may not quite trust one another. us intelligence officials are saying albion very quietly behind closed doors on capitol hill that america's israeli friends and they stressed friends have gone too far with their spying operations here. according to classified briefings that took place on the hill bad then that this means we're about legislation that would lower visa restrictions on israeli citizens. israel's efforts to steal us secrets under the cover of trade missions and joint defense technology contracts have quote crawls to read the lines. israel's espionage activities in america are unrivaled an unseemly keller
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spies have told members of the house judiciary and foreign affairs committees going far beyond activities by other close allies such as germany france the uk and japan. now congressional staffer i spoke with who was familiar with the briefing called the testimony very sobering alarming and even terrifying israel's primary target america's industrial and technical secrets and israeli embassy spokesman flatly denied the charges and said that they could even be anti semitic. the limits our forcing them on top of the business these in british crime is that david cameron has said that he wants more commitments from fines that one is potential taken for british pharmaceutical company astrazeneca. pfizer's sold to a late visit his proposed one hundred and six billion dollar take a bath of astrazeneca for the deal it but it's a drug research saying the new company when polls to innovate to science and speed the development of new treatments possible deal is race is the resulting cost cutting would see the loss of thousands of skilled jobs
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undermining the uk has signed its banks. astrazeneca is britain's second largest drugs containing has rejected a number of approaches from its large american rival nigeria has africa's largest population and is also africa's largest oil producer last year the nigerian association of chain is in comics industry mines and agriculture. granted the oil sector of the country was killing the economy according to the land and oil brings in ninety five percent of export revenues and fourteen percent of government income. a rise is israel by an inspector general to the ceo of the energy company a one day he started by asking him when in nigeria is too dependent on the oil industry. we're going into the room. since clone of it is one of the us pleasant dreams and visions weather comes full of good night to sew. foreign exchange earnings. that is
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going. and i think it's less than ten to fifteen percent of gdp to square two. then tonight because it is open from six percent to one. um of the services of fifty percent. we close and in my heart to belong to the citizens. this is sometimes sold on them and for a common with buying news will decline. series it's a good time to be in business in nigeria. so they're going to ruin the look of the book the three key elements in this they would welcome to the new demographics. and you knew them when she reaches into the room is keen to to deliver on its promises to do to open it. it would look great but good. over sixty seven kw engine and committees and twenty one and in every twenty six and two. the number of them and says that with the false in
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the middle class. on the continent and doom that is going to school for investment. there is increasing. local. the second cricket is how the major indices closed ahead of this morning's i've been eying a post of picture that an across africa are with everything heading in the right direction the jsc finished it back to attend the lincoln center bombings in nairobi were appended to stay on the disc on the list nigeria and to the world economic forum this week and enjoying a rise in romans three ten to make sense on that day. in europe there was speculation about the uk is barclays bank announcing it to fifteen thousand job cuts thanks to thank the sponsors the strategy that would be significantly more than the ten to twelve thousand of times already announced as many as seventy percent of those jobs will go in the uk but she felt that we can commit that both finished up on the day's trading. it's wednesday banks investment firms and the rice us dads were left with the smallest share of the us treasury ten
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year note auction in more than a year amid rising demand from pension funds and foreign central banks the markets are mixed and the nasdaq down to a three week low end but the snp on the dow jones up the dodgers faring best that with a risible was three quarters of a descent. this was a zealot in the english premier league matches this season to this that close to winning the title by thrashing aston villa to goals from andy and jack allen ago a pastry wheel that age and to a sealed a comfortable win. see teachers hated chore now from that final game of the season it's hard to west town to seal the title. elsewhere so the man in show that premiered a survival for another season by beating west brom that you know when it means no originally the final team to the renegade sit alongside for the mankato. that is is now in defending champion ross ramadan is safely through to the third round of the madrid masters after thrashing one monica. the one on the wall was in sparkling
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form as he looks to win in madrid for the full timing is korean. he went six minus six now and is now in the last sixteen. on the same side of the door to succeed thomas edison made short work of the big seven kevin on the same winning six mm on six for what. allowing the washington wizards beat the top seeded indiana pacers in their eastern conference second round series at them the wizards came out winners by one hundred and two points to ninety six from the field scoring twenty find the bad points. memories that made all six of his three point attempts as the wizards prefers to live in the best of seven series two reasons turned heads when they predicted target goals in just five games in the first round of the pic's in the second time in the second round since two thousand and five. still with basketball intending to run to the oklahoma city thunder has been named as the nba is most valuable player in the two thousand and thirteen fourteen season. your eyes
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won the mvp award effect on his senate career. i kneeled by a landslide after capturing his fourth scoring title in five seasons in leading the front of the northwest division title in the nba playoffs. in an emotional speech to run but it is climbed into his teammate individually until top is younger than these also let alone win it goodell. make it the crows nba. instead of today and yesterday view. is this. to some real soon. what i do it boxing champion jamie evans has died aged seventy four born in louisville this entices muhammad ali and is seen here in the red had gone for fifty three times as a professional in creating and using bounce against on a golden gloves champion as an homage to an extent pro in nineteen sixty one on the minister's career peaked when he won the wba world
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heavyweight title in nineteen sixty eight against jerry quarry. if anyone is against floyd past and lost it when j phrase is still three full rounds in a heavyweight title unification fight. on a rather unusual festival has been taking place in china the china child one festival takes place them on the day before leaving the chinese calendar. once upon a time that the ritual for fishing communities the right to safety from pirate attacks on to a drive away evil spirits these days it's more of a cultural checkpoints the centerpiece of the celebrations is the largest not for the young men from the fifty foot tower chinese buns. the higher the turnout was a surprise to clean the whole bit. some strenuous activity that the right time for the ad nice break risen from around the world now and that this day and morning in some traditions are enemies of the usa today best. on the front page that we've got to teach skills as the outcry as of this is related to the air the story in nigeria
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the abduction of the goals the ceiling and a shattering the world economic forum which i've been at the check out this week said the uk and the us and france now despise team of ex pats to nigeria to help recover the kills you when me saying i very recently. i'm going around the gratuity behind them that did the missing jealous. i'm happy she did at the d a s a nobel for it though both stressing that there seem to sell them as slaves. i take august next week cause we get more excited every time said this is the story make it to the south african interactions. the african national congress take to mean that we decorated the table fifty six percent of the votes which is being counted safe our results expected to add it later on today lunch time gmt and expect to win more than that and think that sixteen cent of the votes of the opinion polls said there is some concern that this infection via the country's leadership
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at the moment. the china daily next he thought he signed a nigerian deals signed st and the nations there are agreeing to cooperate on a rail and ag in farming projects and let it be seized in a nation. she had chinese for any kid can i hear is a greeting presidents could and jonathan on his arrival in a pitcher as this week. i'm devouring strong support for nigerian many ways in infrastructure projects. middlesex her name on them and is very much in the new sentiments to do defines his terrorism hang onto the bike around kidnapping of the kills today saying that set in china can can and says stuff like technology and many resources deep and nigeria's quest for finding the bills again on the most good times we felt kitchen in the war says ukraine elections on the front page there we thought said how weapons in many cases appearing to play a wallet on saddened by saying that he said in a green sweep the elections take place in ukraine but it remains be seen how this'll be a source of in the west
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i'm sure some trepidation from the us the dominion is a new craze promise to us to be yes and it isn't immediately expressed skepticism that about the tickets and justice the stiff enough that they are ready to give it a silly show prices on the rise these occ the eu. ay ay ay ay. i
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mean. i do. i feel. the hall what would you. the dentist cd brought about changes to


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