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tv   Newsline  PBS  September 2, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT

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>> glad to have you with us on this edition of newsline. immaterial ice tuesday, september 2nd, i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. pro-russian separatists have sat down to be prepared to keep the country together if they were granted a special status. they say that includes the right to form a military organization. separatist leaders met for security and cooperation in jurp. the separatists want to take control of quality for education
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and promote more integration with russia. russia president vladamir putin met with delicates who have been trying to arrange a cease fire after months ofeparatist and go forces. the delegates are can she think wam ed walled again to meet on friday. they're planning to create a rapid reaction force to help protect member nations. nato leaders will meet starting on thursday in new port, wales. they want to create want they call a spearhead force of several thousand soldiers. >> we are faced with reality that russia considers us an adversary and we will effect to that situation.
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>> nato officials say the troops would be expected to deploy within 48 hours. putin took part in a ceremony near the city of yakusk. >> translator: this project is possible because of the high-level interaction between china and russia. >> they agreed the gas prompt and the china national petroleum korngs will build the pipeline.
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it will deliver natural gas to china over a yod of 30 years. after almost two months of fight gting some don't know where to start.
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but nhk reporters discovered that most cross border deliveries of food and daily necessities not construction supplies. officials say israeli air strikes destroyed over 20,000 homes. >> translator: i want my home back. there's nothing like home. >> translator: we're all worried. the battle may begin again. no one understands our situation. >> the officials say nearly 60,000 people are living in schools and other temporary shelters. time now for the latest in business news. >> india's prime minister is lo looking to strengthen relations between the two biggest asian democracy. modi met japanese prime minister in tokyo. the leaders signed a joint statement. it says in the next five years, japan will realize public and private sector loans and
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investments of about 33$33.5 billion. and it will also double the number of first names it has operating there. >> i'm determined to work hand in hand to deepen ties. >> translator: japan and india bear a huge responsibility on how asia and the world will develop in the future. >> abe and modi agreed to improve the environment for japanese investment in india. abe committed $33 billion to finance projects in india. modi will reform tax and administrative restrictions to encourage investments.
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>> executives at citi groups want to sell their struggling retailed banking business. they want to hold an auction and are asking rivals to put in bids. they offer services to individual customers at about 30 branchs. they control deposits roughly the same size as a mid level regional banks. their retail unit is not profitable enough, so they want to off load it. industry sources say the bank will conduct the first round of bidding as early as september 12th. soi sources say managers are already
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showing interest. >> trading volume was light in london and paris and the day ahead was flat. >> good morning, yi. it's the central bank policy officials will have to say, we've got the bank of japan policy meeting and the european central bank policy meeting this week. let's have a look at the opening levels. both indexs well into the positive into the first few minutes of trading this september 2nd. the nikkei larchly on a weaker
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yen against the dollar which has helped exporters here in japan. just to make it clear, every time the yen drops against dollar, a lot of exports such as auto and consumer electronic makers see significant increases in the pruktss they make overseas. >> yi? >> where are the major currency pairs trading this tuesday morn? >> the dollar yen and the euro doll larp, has some movement there. a string of data has reported to
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a possible risk of inflation. dollar yen, right now, 104.35-36. the two key events will begin on wednesday abds we'll be watch out for friday's u.s. august payroll numbers for sign that is the recovery in the u.s. is on track. i'll also keep an eye on asian indexzs. there's a key commodity, such as iron ore. a lot of focus on china's economy.
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for now, the nikkei and the topix trading well into the positive. we'll see that continues. >> all right, ramin. thank you. that's all for now in business news for this hour. i'll leave you with a check on some other markets. >> the governor of frksz ukushima has built a plan to store radio active waste close
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to the crippled plant. bags containing soil, vegetation and other material continue to pile up. without storage facilities, decontamination throughout the preif he canture will be hampered. the plan will see the waste placed at intermediate storage facilities. it will be stored for up to 30 years while the central government continues its effort to find a final disposal site. >> translator: it was a difficult decision to have to make the community bear the burden of hosting these facilities.
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but i decided that it was the quickest way to clean up the local environment. >> sato met the prime minister. he asked abe to lay out future plans for the prefecture's no-go zones. he stressed the need for continued financial support to revive the local economy. abe acknowledged the difficulty of sato's decision and expressed appreciation. a group of japanese lawyers says the poem that run the fukushima plant are going back
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>> none of the 14 fire fighters on duty saw it. >> translator: we need to investigate whether this caused a delay in the release of the evacuation advisory. >> the deadly landslide has brought to light other problems with the disaster warning system. dozens of sirens were set up across the city after torrential rain and landslides claimed 31 live ins 1999. none of they want were evacuated. >> translator: if you don't use the sirens for something like this, what's the point of having them in the first place. >> the volunteer fire brigade in each ward is in charge of operating the sirens.
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but it doesn't specify who is ultimately responsible for sounding the alarm. >> translator: it would have been easier for the local fire brigades to use the sirens if they had received a direct order. >> fire department officials say they'll study better ways of providing residents with disaster warnings. the japanese prime minister shinzo abe will reshuffle his cabinet wednesday. he is creating a new post dedicated to revitalizing rural areas. experts say depopulation may cause half of japan's municipalities to disappear by 2040. >> translator: revitalizing japan's rural areas is the second major pillar of abe-nomics. we have to carry it out as soon as possible. >> some leaders are working to tackle the problem and share their ideas with others. >> reporter: this village is in the hills of central japan. about 4,000 people live here. 70% of the area is slopes. it's tough to navigate and cultivate. this man has been mayor for more than two decades. he is devoted his career to
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saving the village from disappearing. >> translator: the population was falling rapidly. it would have continued to drop if nothing had been done. i vowed to reverse the trend. >> reporter: officials focused on attracting young people. they built apartments and charged rent less than half compared with neighboring cities. couples with children or plans to marry could apply to live in the buildings. now, more than half of the
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residents are from outside the village. the day care facilities are larger than average. families pay a reduced rate for their first child. half that for their second and nothing for their third. medical coverage is free until children graduate from high school. this woman is among the young people who rushed here. she and her husband have a 10-month-old son. >> translator: i think i can have a second, even third baby here because it is so family friendly. >> reporter: they boast one of japan's highest total fertility rates or the number of children a woman delivers in a lifetime. so how is the village paying for all of this? well, the mayor used to run a company. he took a private sector approach to saving public money. >> translator: i could never
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excuse the traditional practices of local officials. i told them it was essentially a crime to waste taxpayer money. i had to thoroughly change the consciousness of the staff. that was the hardest thing to do. >> reporter: he instituted a lights off at lunch policy. and he used the reverse side of used paper in photocopiers. but more importantly, he cut his staff in half by not replacing people who retired. he also reduced spending on public works projects. officials prepare materials such as cement and paint. then the residents build roads
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and ditches themselves. he poured the savings in child-rearing support programs. now children age 14 and younger make up more than 15% of the population. the national rate is roughly 13%. however, the mayor says it faces its own challenges. he argues the new minister responsible for rural regions will need to listen and not just hand out cash. >> translator: help municipal leaders upgrade the regions to make them more attractive to young people. also, explain what the central government will do to support rural areas so young people feel they can raise kids in these areas. >> reporter: to stop the decline of rural areas local governments efforts will not be sufficient. the new minister will need to consider the views of people living outside major cities and national policies.
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the leaders of japan and india have met in tokyo. the prime ministers agreed to enhance economic and security ties. it's the first time they met as prime ministers. abe expressed appreciation to modi for visiting japan. >> he took time away for his busy schedule to speak about his agenda.
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indonesia has the largest population and biggest economy of any country in southeast asia. national associates and large domestic demand have supported growth. but the pace has stalled. indonesia's roads are often congested. its poles are inadequate.
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>> indonesia has prayed to a central role since it was founded 47 years ago. but this has merged along the sea. some are rit kal of beijing's policy towards disputes. others depend on beijing and have taken a softer reign. joko said he will do everything in his power to resolve the issue.
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>> joko's victory dissatisfaction. the country has been dom nated by powerful reviewers for almost his entire history as an independent country. joko needs to exploit indonesia's economic potential and how it brings stability to the region. but he must also carry the weight of expectations on his shoulder. >> time now for a check of the wealther. >> i don't think i can stop talking about the very heavy rain across eastern china, unfortunately. it has been an ongoing story, if you can recall. it's still pounding the similar locations. shanghai has been seeing quite some heavy rainfall.
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this system has a cold front stretching across the area. enough to bring the flooding conditions. another system, this is a low pressure system over towards northeastern areas. it's pulling heat -- the moisture, i should say. that's likely to bring rain there as well. this is pulling into the yellow sea moving to the korean peninsula. the estimation is small. i think it's about 200 millimeters in isolated locations akroft southwestern air kra yas of southwestern korea. the rain is going to be tapering off here in the contour region. we will see sparkling sunshine here across tokyo. but another round of wet weather will be incoming from the western locations and make its way towards konto. look at thchlt it's going to be back to summer, but not those sparkling sunshine and weather.
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it's going to be very humid and the back of that return of really muggy summer conditions on your friday. not looking forward to that one. it's going to be hot. do watch out for heatstroke. across europe, the country off low is still being very active. severe candidates are prevaming across italy. we have two tornadoes touched down reported. that's likely to continue to propel, especially with the rainfall accumulation for the next several days. it's going to be spinning in the similar locations, possibly about 150 millimeters of rainfall, enough to cause flooding situations. look at the eye beerian peninsula. 37 degrees. you will see plenty of sunshine
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hanging on there. very nice condition here in london at 21 degrees. it's going to be dry and calm out there. across the americas, we have a couple of things to talk about. one is the trough cal depression right over here. it's going to become a named storm any time soon. possibly make land fall over mexico. so we already have a tropical storm warning in place in the eastern part of this area. the wild spread rainfall will start to be incoming. by late tuesday, the stormy conditions will start. it's likely to pull the moisture into the western areas of
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mexico, too. watch out for flooding here. flooding is also an issue with flash flood watches in the heart of the country, especially in and around kansas and missouri as well as oklahoma. the eastern half looking very messy. washington, d.c., look at that. 35 degrees, back to summer. new york also looking at 33 degrees. you are likely to see the thunderstorms continue across this location for the -- throughout the day on your tuesday. i will leave you now for your extended forecast across selected city around the globe.
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that's all for this edition of "newsline." i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. thanks very much for joining us.
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>> "euromaxx highlights." >> hello, and welcome to the show, which kicks off with us taking a unique tour of three european cities. first though, here's a look at what else is coming up. kitesurfer gisela pulido is aiming for the top. why capri is one of europe's most popular destinations. and tourist magnet bavaria is , germany's top vacation spot. if you are on the streets of a foreign city, there is one vehicle you will not miss when it drives by, a taxi. that is because most cities use


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