tv Journal PBS September 22, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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>> live from the dw studios in berlin, this is the journal. >> great to have you with us. but our headlines at this hour -- attacks right up to the border. more than 100,000 syrians fled into turkey, fleeing islamic state militants. >> with two thirds of parliament destroyed, kiev says there can be no promilitary victory over pro-russian separatists. >> and students in homs go on a massive strike over what they are calling -- student in hong kong go on massive strike on what they're calling beijing's erosion of rights. 130,000 serious refugees have
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been flooding into turkey, driven from their homes from -- by iis militants. most are women, and children. they are armed with some of the latest u.s. weapons, captured from iraqi depots. but they were taken from towns near the border where villagers said they have been kidnapping women and beheading victims and burning homes. the current fighting is centered around i and out of rob. >> they have close the border to the hundreds of young men wanting to return to the fight against is. >> the pressure is mounting to fight back the massive mounting refugee numbers coming from syria. there were even reports of live rounds fired.
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more than 130,000 syrian kurds have fled to turkey over the past four days a learn -- alone, fleeing the islamic state fighters. turkish authorities are struggling to cope with the latest influx. serious civil war has already pushed more than one million people across the border -- syria's civil war has already pushed to the one million people across the border in the past three years. but not everyone wants to flee the jihadist. these steering kurds are lining up to leave kurt he -- to leave turkey to go back and fight. >> we rescued our children and women from their hands. we brought them back here and now we are going back. i don't care if they behead us. >> the jihadists have advanced to turkey's doorstep. here, and is flag is flying just across the border. clashes betweenpeshmerga forces
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and is militant are in full view of turkish authorities. how long will they keep them from advancing? >> on the turkish side of the border, first, can you fill us in on the situation where you are at the border? >> the situation is pretty tense. syrian refugees are all over the place, all over the border cities of turkey. they're sleeping on the streets with their children. they don't have anything with them, just their clothing. we are expecting that there will be more and more refugees coming in the next couple of days. you can also see that there are bad clashes here at the border, on the turkish side. the kurdish people are very angry at the turkish government, because they are blaming the turkish government, that they are not doing enough against the is threat.
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a lot of kurdish fighters are joining the fight against is. but as the turkish government -- >> has the turkish government not indicated what it is willing to do? would it consider crossing the border to attack elements of is, for example? >> the turkish government is responding more and more and no last couple of days. they are providing syrian refugees with food. you can see in the back the children playing behind me. it is getting more and more tense at the borders. an attack against is is still speculation fasano know if that will happen. >> on the turkish side of the border, thank you so much for the update. >> in a related story, a man suspected of fighting alongside islamic state militants in syria has been arrested here in
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germany. the spokesman for the public prosecutor said police detained the 40-year-old on friday. the suspect returned from syria last month, where he was allegedly seen in weapons training in and i asked -- and is cap. -- in an is camp. more than 40 countries have pledged support against -- support for the campaign against the islamic state. >> president putin has discussed working with the international coalition. this after several countries say they will back the u.s. and france if they decide to expand airstrikes into neighboring syria. earlier this month, is threatened to attack russia over its close ties to president bashar al-assad. victory over separatists in the east of the country is not possible, this as both sides
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withdraw their heavy artillery from the front lines. >> five months of fighting have left the military in tatters and unable to go on the offensive. >> preparing to withdraw artillery and heavy armored vehicles after detecting "a lessening of fire." that is in line with the common for the creation of a 30 mile buffer zone between the two sides. in a televised q&a session, president poroshenko defended his peace plan, and reported that two thirds of the military quitman on the frontline had been destroyed. >> i underline that it is impossible to win the war in the cities of lujan's -- luh ansk and donetsk using military means alone. the more trips that are brought
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up there, the more that come from the russian federation. >> on sunday, the army released 28 captives, and the separatists release the same number. residents near donetsk say they are relieved that the prospect of fighting in the area is winding down. >> i don't favor one side of authorities or the other. i just want peace for my children and grandchildren. i want life. that is all. >> the withdrawal of artillery could be the first step towards peace for this war-ravaged region. >> and let's see how that is going. we are joined live from kiev with katie logan. has there been any progress in the implementing of the withdrawal of this heavy weaponry from the front lines on both sides? >> not that we know of. there was interesting language by the defense ministry, saying
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that they are preparing to withdraw it. it only takes about five minutes to do, and they have been procrastinating for several days now. i think they are wary of moving back. and they are keenly aware that they are still brought up in the fight in areas of the next -- of donetsk and other areas. both sides are still posturing. i think they're going to be very cautious. the language is interesting today from president poroshenko. the fact that he may not get this territory back. >> i would like to pick up on that. from comments last night, it sounds as though president poroshenko has accepted that lujan and donetsk will not be one back. is that the widely accepted view of the ukrainian people? >> think it is accepted. -- i don't think is accepted. they do not like the idea, but the rebels have a very strong
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grip. they have sophisticated weaponry and are very organized, and they are locked down in all those areas. a believe very much that they -- they believe very much that they control those regions. and we have seen the ukrainian military has tried to take them on before and failed. it seems impossible that they could take those areas back. this is not what the ukrainian government wants. it believes this is its own sovereign territory and it does not want to let it go, but right now, there seems to be no movement on either side. >> as the options diminish for the kiev government, katie logan for us in the capital. >> as represented is from kiev and moscow try to work out a lasting truce, the reality on the ground is very different. separatists and government troops are still skirmishing. >> and with vastly depleted supplies. as our correspondent reports, this has led to some desperate losses among the men there, and
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plunging morale. >> a hero welcomed back home. images of happy soldiers returning from the front are broadcast almost every day on ukrainian television. but pictures like these are not shown. they were recorded just a few weeks ago as ukrainian soldiers were surrounded by rebels. it was a brutal battle, a bloodbath. this medic was in the thick of it. he says, of the 400 ukrainian troops fighting in that battle, only one third survive. he himself was injured. >> we don't have proper weapons or vehicles. i belong to a special unit of the interior ministry. we were taken to the front in a large taxi. the taxi was with outbreaks. i sat next to the driver,
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providing cover with a machine gun. >> the battle was the ukrainians forces biggest defeat so far. michelle believes it was only god that enabled him to survive, not his gun or his generals. >> only nine said they were prepared to fight. the rest refused, not because they were afraid, but because they were smart. we barely had enough weapons to defend ourselves, let alone launch an offensive. >> four days, they look after the survivor of the route. they conducted operations in makeshift facilities in public buildings using supplies that were decades old. outside, desperate troops waited for a convoy to be evacuated to safety. many never made it.
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>> we only had two doctors for every 100 men in the battalion. the regulations say that there has to be at least 10 doctors for every 100 soldiers. there was no transport to evacuate the wounded. we could not carry them on stretchers for 20 kilometers. i could not -- i felt so sorry for the wounded. i stroked them and told them everything would be all right, even though i knew some of them would die within minutes. what are you supposed to do? this is war. >> a war that is still going on, in spite of the cease-fire. and a war in which a safe homecoming is still something many never get to experience. >> the world health organization says the deadly ebola outbreak that has ravaged west africa has been mostly contained to the affected countries, senegal and nigeria. but that comes as the death toll
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across the region has risen to 2700. >> sierra leone is among the hardest hit nations. the country just ended a three-day lock down, aimed at containing the virus. there were 130 new cases reported in the country or in the quarantine. >> life is slowly returning to normal here in sierra leone, as people once again go about daily business. for the past three days, members of the public were ordered to stay indoors. during that time, some 30,000 health care workers and volunteers went door to door looking for unreported cases of ebola. the results, 100 dirty confirmed new cases. -- 130 confirm new cases. >> it was not all new patients. these were patients that were reported that we would otherwise not know about. this is a very successful result. >> some aid organizations warned
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that lockdown could stoke fears among locals already terrified of the disease. but most residents welcomed the effort. >> because we have to stay at home, according to the instructions the government has given to every man. this is for the nation. >> with the death toll approaching 3000 across west africa, authorities need all of the cooperation they can get to contain the virus. >> we have a short break coming up. stay with dw, because coming up, school is out in hong kong because of protests. >> thousands of students are boycotting classes. they are demanding greater democracy for the semi autonomous city. our chinese leaders listening? -- but our chinese leaders listening? and leaders meet to talk about reforms. >> do the measures go far enough to get france back on its feet? that and more coming up.
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>> welcome back. france is not the sick child of europe. that is the message that the french prime minister brought to berlin this monday. discussing ways to stimulate growth. paris is trying to convince berlin to ease up on austerity and be a bit more progrowth. >> the meeting may be cordial, but there are significant policy differences between france and germany. france has called on its european partners to give it more time to reform before it meets deficit targets. the prime minister has set his agenda lacks real reform without the excesses of austerity.
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>> i have not come to ask for anything in particular or for pity. we are facing facts. we have all to assume responsibility, and friends listen with response abilities. >> german conservatives doubt that france's reform plans are enough. paris said it will get its budget deficit down to the 3% allowed under eu rules until 2017, 2 years later than agreed. >> i see the great effort taken -- undertaken. it is up to the european commission to violate them. my concern is that europe or remain credible, and that means sticking to the agreements we have made, namely the debility and growth pact. >> both sides want to avoid a public argument about economic policy. reform plus growth versus hard-core austerity. a slugging match between the eu's two biggest economies would probably do more harm than good. >> which way forward will it be?
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our correspondent from the studio in berlin, teri martin, joins us now. what is the sentiment in berlin about france? is their willingness to continue accepting france's violation of the debt level? >> we get a taste of that here in berlin during the press conference. the chancellor was asked if she agreed with the twisting of the rules. she said it was not up to germany to judge france how well or poorly it is implementing its reforms. that is the job of the european commission specifically. the message they're being, we don't have to judge you. that is what we have the commission for. her second point was a bit more sympathetic. we feel your pain and have been there before, alluding to the painful reforms that germany itself put in place before the
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crisis. >> what about moving forward, though? can the relationship, which is right now very close, in fact, remain so? if the french economy continues to fail to improve? >> german austerity is quite strong and to go far beyond the economy, even a week french economy will do little to damage those ties. germany has put a lot of effort into cultivating relations with french, and france have, too, in the postwar era. but there is a need for austerity and reforms that during the crisis became very clear. there has been a lot of pressure from germany. they're looking to put that same pressure on france. at the risk of applying a double standard, germany could put -- be put into a position where he has to exercise a bit more pressure. >> difficult choices ahead, no
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doubt. >> to some businesses, and air france's pilots union has rejected what is being called as the final offer in the strike. >> they want to delay the mentation of the low-cost carrier until december. the strike is costing the airline up to 20 million euros per day. >> air france has had to cancel about half of its strikes since this -- half of its flight to the strike began one week ago. the protesters -- the union wants them to delay implementation of trent avm -- transavia low-cost airline until december.
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>> it is normal. they are protecting their interests. all we ask is that passengers are not too affected. but we understand them. >> every strike is justified. >> the pilots union says air france is trying to outsource jobs to countries with lower taxes and cheaper labor. is amazon a retailer or a logistics company? here in germany, the question is at the heart of what is happening. the company's 9000 workers here in germany say they are paid to be in line with a higher rates in the retail sector. amazon refused, and said it is a logistic company that pays its employees a cut -- accordingly. employees are promising strikes and walkouts during the
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lucrative christmas season. >> it was a negative start to the week for european markets. our correspondent sent us this summary of the day's action in front for it. >> mergers and acquisitions have been a big topic here on the frankfurt floor today, an engineering expert assignments -- siemens is buying a u.s. company for 7.6 billion dollars. he is an expert in the oil and gas business, and siemens wants to expand their -- there. investors have been delighted by both these acquisitions. the market in general went down slightly at the beginning of the week. but we can stay in -- >> we can stay in front for for a closer look at today's numbers. the dax is finished down 1%.
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finishing at about 30 to 57, crossing the atlantic on this hour, the dow off by 170. and the euros is a tad stronger against the greenback, trading at eight value of 28.39. to poland, where the government was sworn in this morning under the new prime minister. she was recently chosen to head the european council. the change in government comes at a time when the country is facing some real challenges. after years of a solid economy, the polish economy is slowing down. >> over the last decade, poland economy has seen significant growth. it was the only european country not to slip into recession during the global financial crisis. in part, that is because the economy is highly diversified. agriculture is equally as important as manufacturing.
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and the country sits strategically between the baltic states, eastern europe, and germany. but in recent years, international events have taken their toll on growth. during the 2008 global meltdown, polish gdp was though growing at 6%. but the eurozone debt crisis dragged that figure downwards. last year, growth did not make 2%, and 2014 won't be much well -- much better. russia's import restrictions have hit: hard. -- have hit poland hard. and in the year of bumper harvests, it's pushing prices down. the transportation sector has also been -- badly hit. exports to russia have already been -- already fallen because of sanctions. and if russia cuts off gas supplies, things could worsen dramatically. the russian gas giant gazprom
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supplies nearly half of poland energy. >> to asia now, where thousands of students in hong kong have taken to the streets in pro-democracy demonstrations. students are boycotting classes and staging a sit in at the university to protest. but the giant -- >> the chinese government recently announced it would screen candidates for top leader. this means only pro-government candidates would be allowed to run. students filled the university campus in hong kong, but not to attend classes. they are staging a week of protests against with acs the government erosion of democracy in the city. -- against what they see as the government's erosion of democracy in the city. >> [speaking for them and which] >> the students say -- >>
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[speaking foreign language] >> the student say this is the only way they can get their message across to the government. >> i have been to many protests and demonstrations in hong kong. this is the last thing we can do to avoid -- to voice how we feel. but many students are angry at the chinese government's decision not to allow open nominations for the next leadership elections. instead, just a few candidates will run. many fear they will filter out any candidate it does not approve of. >> when the national people's congress made the decision, it crush the dreams of some people in hong kong, weapon fighting hard for democracy for the past 30 years. >> the protests, as chinese leader xi jinping meets with
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leaders in beijing. he says the policy over the territory will not change. >> but people here still feel demand will not be met. they continue their fight for democracy. >> and student leaders have underscored their fight for democracy in hong kong will continue beyond these protests. more on that and other stories coming up at the top of the hour. stay with us.
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>> hello and a very warm welcome to "european journal." it's very good to have you with us. let's take a look at what we have in this edition -- looming landslide -- why norwegians fear giant waves. peaceful protest -- how refugees are fighting for their rights in berlin. in asia, people have been living with the fear of tsunami's for a very long time. it will be 10 years this december since the huge tsunami wreaked havoc in many parts of asia when giant wes
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