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tv   Global 3000  PBS  September 24, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT

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>> hello, and welcome to "global 3000," your weekly update on the issues that shape our global agenda. every summer the big question in the arctic is how far the warm season will eat into the ice cover this time. in a moment we'll have more on how the ice chunks that break off from glaciers have become a global business. and here's what we have coming up for you today -- as arctic glaciers are melting away we find out why this man is hunting for icebergs. born this way? how culture shapes the way and how to get flamingos in
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kenya's lake bogoria to stay on at the national reserve. climate change in the arctic has been so dramatic in recent years that the us navy predicts the region could lose its summer sea ice cover for good within two years from now. that's more than 80 years earlier than previously expected. every summer, big chunks of ice break off from glaciers in greenland and drift towards canada's eastern newfoundland province. a spectacular sight for tourists. and the basis for a straightforward business concept here's how a new product is born. >> some iceberg water vodka, anyone? he's the fifth generation of his family to captain a ship. ed kean used to catch fish. now he hunts and hauls in icebergs. the 55-year-old newfoundlander is the only iceberg harvester on the island. the idea came from a brewery that's now one of his customers.
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>> that one there is a nice piece, isn't it, phil? >> the ice debris is from one of greenland's glaciers. it takes three years for the ocean currents to carry them to the east coast of newfoundland. ed is taking this chunk of iceberg with him. he has to stretch his net around the entire block to harvest it -- not easy on a rocking boat. then he takes the three-ton hunk of ice back to the mother ship, green waters, which hauls it away. the iceberg harvesting season is short -- june and july. in the winter he rents his ship out -- to the university of newfoundland, for example, which researches the white giants. all in all, he earns a good living from it. harvesting icebergs isn't without its risks. nine tenths of their mass lies under the surface of the water, so the largest part of an iceberg isn't visible.
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that's why ed keeps his big ship at a distance. >> we don't like an unstable piece of ice with what we call legs -- the outcropping when it's melting. a lot of times they can flip over or turn over and cause trouble with your barge. >> from the port, the ice is transported away and sold, in places such as this distillery in st. john's, the capital of newfoundland. here it is made into vodka, mainly for the canadian and american markets, though smaller quantities go to south africa, taiwan and lithuania. biologist tarah mowry has been quality control manager here for six years. she and her co-workers regularly check the purity of the water. >> iceberg water is an excellent water source for blending
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spirits because it's so naturally pure and very low in mineral content. it's very, very neutral, has very little taste or smell to it and it's great for blending. >> the distillery can barely keep up with demand. part of the secret of its success is its marketing. many people associate iceberg water with purity. >> well, it's a very unique product and it would be the only mainstream vodka that is sold in the world that is made with iceberg water. so it's a unique canadian story that has unique packaging -- these bottles are shaped like an iceberg as well as containing iceberg water. >> we go from st. john's to the easternmost point on the north american continent -- cape spear. on summer weekends, local residents and tourists come here -- and they all want to see the huge cathedrals of ice.
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among the iceberg watchers is a local couple, nureen and glenn ford. they often come to the coast. >> this year is a particularly good year. it's probably the best year since 2003. sometimes you'll see four and five and six icebergs. this year we have already seen about 20, 25. >> is there a scientific explanation for that? we drive back to memorial university in the provincial capital. professor norm catto has been observing canada's climate for a quarter of a century. weather conditions are changing, and that has repercussions. >> we have a lot of icebergs this spring and summer because of the water being a little bit colder than average, or at least colder than it's been in the past 30 years. >> he explains that colder seawater, for instance, means the icebergs melt more slowly.
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in addition, greenland's glaciers are producing more icebergs than in the past. the wind drives them to the coast of newfoundland. >> it's only partially related to climate change. it really depends on how many bergs are produced by calving off the limits of the greenland ice mass and then you have to say, well, can they get to us? can they make their way through the ocean? can they deal with the waves? can they deal with the water temperature? so it's a combination of a variety of factors, of which the number produced off greenland is just one. >> just a few hundred metres away is c-core, a non-profit research institute that collates information from satellites, weather stations and passing ships. in that way, institute staff know how and where the icebergs are moving -- at least, the larger ones. >> so if you look at this iceberg map here, you can see there are icebergs running down the eastern side of labrador, coming down into newfoundland
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here, saint john's, where we're located. you can see that the icebergs are distributed all along here that we are able to see. >> it's not easy for the scientists to keep an eye on everything -- the weather, the water temperatures, the swell of the sea, long rows of colossal icebergs from the north. greenland's glaciers produce tens of thousands of icebergs a year, they tell us. a very few come dangerously close to oil platforms in the north atlantic. >> the primary beneficiaries of our work are the oil and gas industry. but we know that tourists are interested in icebergs and the locations of ice. so we're monitoring these icebergs all the time for various clients. >> captain ed kean also benefits from c-core's work. in the harvesting season he has to know as exactly as possible where the icebergs are. this year he plans to sell 2 million litres of iceberg water -- a quarter more than in 2013.
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>> most parents get to the point where they wonder how much of their child's development is due to their upbringing and how much is just simply down to their kids genetic make-up. answering that is tricky. a group of scientists is trying to shed light on this issue by comparing children who grow up in totally different cultural contexts. they have been comparing the behaviour of babies and small children in cameroon with kids of the same age in germany. their results show that culture starts on day one and has a profound impact on how we develop. >> finally this mother has coaxed a smile from her baby! for many parents it's the second-best moment after the birth itself. in their laboratory at the university of munich, the two psychologists joscha kärtner and
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manfred holodynski are observing smiling and laughter in babies. does it emerge inevitably as soon as the brain is adequately developed, at about two months? the researchers suspect that's not the case. they've found evidence by observing the development of infants in other societies -- for instance, here in cameroon. for more than ten years colleagues of the researchers have been visiting the nso people in rural cameroon. their video footage shows that children here are treated very differently from those in western societies. mothers always carry their babies close to their bodies, even when doing housework. moments of face-to-face contact are usually the exception. and even when the mothers play intensively with their babies, the babies simply don't smile. why is that?
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the behaviour of parents evidently plays a larger role than brain development. >> people there don't attach such importance to making a baby smile. they do it because they think it's good for the child's health or strengthens it. but they don't do it to give the child pleasure so that it smiles and laughs or because they enjoy getting it to laugh and smile. >> in western societies mothers usually hold or lay their babies down so they have eye contact. that way they can return their babies first attempts to smile and reinforce them. the psychologists observe how this baby starts to smile and the mother responds to it by smiling back, reinforcing the activity by imitating it. the baby coos and the mother mimics that as well. in cameroon it's quite
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different. the mothers in the research videos hold their children in such a way that they have to turn their heads to make eye contact. when babies are two months old, eye contact between mother and child is five times less than in western societies. carrying and co-sleeping however mean rural cameroonian babies probably have more physical contact with their mothers. >> there's a relation between social smiling and the idea that mothers in western societies treat their children in a way that they become conscious of their inner lives early on. mothers generally do this by establishing reciprocal eye contact and giving names to the baby's inner state -- what do you want? do you like this? >> mothers in the west try to reflect and reinforce their babies' feelings.
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the children respond to that and learn early to communicate their emotions. that goes down well -- here in europe. >> a child that we perceive as being happy, an infant that smiles socially, would possibly be perceived as overexcited in rural cameroon, because there a quiet and even-tempered child tends to be the ideal. and the other way around, a quiet and even-tempered child, which is the ideal in rural cameroon, would possibly be seen as passive or too quiet here. >> do differing concepts of what's desirable influence children's further development? the psychologists are testing that with the mirror self-recognition test. a dot is casually put on this toddler's nose. will he recognise it in the mirror and understand that he's the one wearing the dot? that's considered a sign that he perceives himself as a separate person.
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on average, in western societies, children recognise themselves in the mirror at the age of one and a half. in cameroon, at the same age, they usually take the mirror image to be a playmate. the psychologists have been able to determine that children in cameroon don't discover their individuality until six months later. that fits. they live in a society in which community matters more than individuality -- unlike in the west. >> we have here in western societies a very strongly individualistic orientation -- people see themselves as unique individuals, and that's what we teach children, so that they see themselves as individuals, separate from other people.
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>> so completely unconsciously, parents guide the development of their children from the first day onwards, in a way that conforms to their society. and when it comes to food there are no doubt many more differences. for us grown ups at least we now have a brand new global snack idea. this time we head to the nepalese capital kathmandu for a quick and tasty bite. kathmandu is the political and cultural centre of nepal and by far the largest city in the country. among the indigenous groups living here are the newar or newari -- and newari is the name
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of the snack bar we're visiting today. here they serve bara -- lentil patties, a speciality from the kathmandu valley. >> the white stuff is a dough from a particular type of lentil that we call 'maas' in nepal. you have to remove the skins and then take them to the mill to be ground into flour. water, ginger and herbs are added to the dough. i shape them with my hands and fry them. >> bara come with a large array of accompaniments and in three different variations. the simplest costs about 15 cents, but they can also be filled with eggs or spicy ground meat. that costs 50 cents. anita benzenkar and her husband own newari -- here, bara are traditionally served with potato
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soup. starting at noon, things really get cooking here. people come from all over the city. at first, surendra benzenkar had his doubts their snack bar would pay off. >> this isn't really a good area for a snack bar -- it's much too far from the city centre. >> benzenkar's father was a famous chef in kathmandu. the customers trust his son and like his strictly regional cuisine. >> my favourite bara is with egg and potato. for a vegetarian like me, it's the best. >> i like bara especially because the lentils here come from the kathmandu valley.
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but it's not just the lentils -- combined with egg and vegetables, they're very healthy. >> and they're mouth-wateringly tasty as well. >> and if you have a snack recipe we ought to know about, please tell us about it. jánati jahan jeny from bangladesh did. she sent us this picture of her favourite specialty -- it's called fuska and it's got quite a bit of spice. you can find the recipe on our facebook page . and janati is about to find a global 3000 apron in her postbox. if you want one too, don't be shy and just send us a recipe! >> to africa now where one region in particular is renowned as the home of the continent's largest flamingo population. kenya's lake bogoria national reserve in the north west of the country also has a reputation for being very successful at
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balancing the interests of nature with those of the people who call the region their home. and just as the lake is about to gain recognition as a top candidate for a "green list" of well protected areas, it's main attraction is deserting it in droves. we meet the rangers trying to get tens of thousands of flamingos to stay. >> chief warden william kimosop is a man who likes to take things in hand. but here he can only watch helplessly. up to two million dwarf flamingos used to wade in lake bogoria. they were the main attraction in this kenyan rift valley nature reserve. now there are only a few tens of thousands. for quite awhile, they've been leaving in droves. there's a reason for that. flamingos live on the blue-green
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algae in the lake. it used to have a high salt concentration and the algae grew well. but lately the salt in the lake has been diluted by freshwater. kimosop says that's due to movement in the rock layers under the lake. about 250 kilometres away, in a lodge near nairobi, a major issue is being discussed -- all the nature reserves in the world. what makes a nature reserve work well? an international team is compiling criteria and defining standards for a green list of well-managed protected areas. >> it's not just about giving a sticker to the very best-managed parks. it's actually a process to help all parks to improve and reach a better standard of management. >> the hundred-square-kilometre lake bogoria national reserve is a prime candidate for the green list.
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in 2011 it was declared a unesco world heritage site. the lake seems to have fallen out of time, with little human intervention. lake bogoria is considered a well-managed nature reserve. but william kimosop has no influence over the disappearance of the flamingos. >> our management response to that is our continous monitoring by the scientists. they do the water sampling in different areas, to check on all the factors including the algae level, the ph. nature is sometimes the best way to do is to just understand, but in many ways, you cannot change much. we are very much dependent on its own cycles. >> there are no fences. the people in the surrounding area and their animals have free access to the reserve. it's under local administration,
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and that's how the people see it -- as their nature preserve. heavy rainfalls and flooding are frequent. local people are allowed to build temporary shelters in the nature reserve. but that can also lead to difficulties. this woman has just told kimosop that her goats were attacked by a baboon. >> they could have killed the baboon, yes. but then all of a sudden they also remember that the water displaced them, and they are living in the same area. in a situation like this, we all depend on each other, and that is actually the essence of our management approach. >> biodiversity conservation is the reason why we establish protected areas, but if we don't work with communities, we won't succeed in protecting biodiversity so it's a necessary partnership.
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>> the reserve's hot springs are a major attraction. john bereke teaches a school class why they bubble here. bereke is one of about fifty people from the surrounding villages who work in the nature reserve. benefit to the local community is an important criterion for the green list. the boys have learned something and had fun boiling eggs à la bogoria. >> there's no human who made the water to boil. it's a natural process, and everybody is excited to be here. >> the young people here are the next generation protectors and conservationists and we couldn't get it better than giving them information here. >> we look for a greater kudu. this antelope species has become
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rare in kenya, but there are about 300 of the shy animals in the nature preserve. and suddenly we come upon one -- even though it's a small greater kudu -- a juvenile. and here are two females. there's been a drought for months. the farmers' pastures are dried out. they're allowed to take their cattle into the nature reserve. they leave natural trails open for the kudus. they could close them off, because kudus attract predators that could theaten their cattle -- but they don't. the credo here is finding compromises that benefit everyone. william kimosop refused to make compromises with philip yator. yator used to be a notorious poacher. now he's a good farmer and member of a community group. >> when i was just poaching the kudus, kimosop come and tell me
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that you have just do bad. you just leave these things, because they are just a few in our land and i just left the kudus. >> philip has since inspired many other people that they have come out and said -- yes this thing is bad. i think we need to do something else. and many more, other people like him stopped poaching. >> william kimosop's skill in managing conflicts is one reason bogoria is such a promising candidate for the green list. the experts in the green list camp are discussing global standards for good management. but how would being on the green list benefit nature reserves? >> it can be important for tourists who might be going to these protected areas to have confidence they are going to a site which is well managed, where they are likely to go and see the values of that protected area was set up to protect, and it could mean even enhanced funding for the protected areas.
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>> and the flamingos? for them, the past few months' drought has had its good side -- william kimosop says the salt content of the lake is rising again and the algae are multiplying. so there's hope flamingos will once again flock in their millions to lake bogoria. >> and we'll learn in november whether lake bagoria made it onto that green list of well-managed protected areas. and that's all for this week. as always you can watch all reports again online, where you can also start or join our global debates. for me and the whole global team, thanks for watching and bye bye!ñ?ñosñç
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