tv Journal PBS September 24, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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>> welcome to the "journal" coming to you life from dw in berlin. >> nice to have you with us. our headlines for you at this hour -- >> the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force, so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. >> u.s. president barack obama calls on the world to join in the fight against islamic militants in iraq and syria. >> meanwhile, the u.s.-led coalition launches more air strikes islamic state targets in syria. britain may be on board after iraq calls for its help in fighting the militants. >> and the indian prime minister says his country has achieved the near impossible in becoming the first asian nation to reach
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mars. >> u.s. president barack obama has made an impassioned plea to the international community to join the u.s.-led coalition to fight what he called the islamic state network of death. >> obama addressed the united nations general assembly on the heels of airstrikes against the islamic state in syria. >> he touched on a variety of foreign-policy issues. here's more. >> it was a tough position for barack obama. for most of his presidency, he has been seeking to reduce the u.s. military presence in the middle east. now he is trying to justify the u.s.-led campaign in iraq and syria. he said islamic extremism, the play -- the ukraine conflict, the ebola outbreak, and climate change all called for urgent action, appealing for help from
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the global community. >> we come together as united nations with a choice to make -- we can renew the international system that has enabled so much progress, or we can allow ourselves to be pulled act by an undertow of instability. >> the president pinpointed what he called the islamic state network of death as the greatest challenge to world peace and prosperity. obama vowed the u.s. would work to dismantle the group, which he accused of waging a brutal campaign of rape and murder. >> no god condones this terror. no grievance justifies these actions. there can be no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force.
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>> obama confirmed that 40 nations have already offered to join the u.s.-led coalition. he remarks that the task average acting sectarianism was one for the people of the middle east themselves. >> no external power can bring about a transformation of hearts and minds. but america will be a respectful and constructive partner. >> to distinguish this military campaign from the u.s.-led wars he inherited and iraq and afghanistan, obama has declared he has no intention of sending u.s. troops to occupy foreign lands. >> president obama is addressing the un security council live at this hour. let's go to new york and see what he said. >> draft resolution submitted by 101 member states. the full list of cosponsors of the rebel -- resolution will be reflected in the minutes of this meeting. i wish to draw attention of the council members to document s
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2014-648, a letter dated september 3, 2014 from the permanent representative of the united states of america to the united nations, addressed to the secretary-general, transmitting a concept paper on the item under consideration. it's my understanding that the council is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before it. i shall put the draft revolution -- resolution to the vote now. all those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document s 2014-688, please raise their hand. the results of the voting is as follows -- the draft resolution received 15 votes in favor. the draft resolution has been adopted unanimously as resolution 2178 2014.
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i now give the floor to the secretary-general, his excellency, mr. ban ki-moon. >> thank you, mr. president. i congratulate you on your presidency of the council this month. heads of state and government, honorable ministers, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, president obama, thank you for your leadership in convening this security council summit. this is the second time that you have presided over this summit on this council on a matter with grave implications for international peace and security . the world is witnessing a dramatic evolution in the nature of the terrorist threat. last year -- in the last year, terrorist attacks have killed, maimed, and disgraced many thousands of civilians, the vast
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majority of them muslims from afghanistan, somalia, nigeria, from iraq to libya. these attacks have been carried out by violent extremists who thrive conditions of insecurity, injustice, fragility, and failed leadership. these groups hijack religion to control territory and vital economic resources. they brutalize women and girls. they target and slaughter minorities. they are the enemies of faith. as muslim leaders around the world have said, groups like iso--- isil have nothing to do with islam, and they certainly do not represent a state. they should more fittingly be called the un-islamic nonstate.
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yet, these groups have become a magnet for terrorist fighters who are easy prey to simplistic a feels and -- simplistic appeals and siren songs. my team estimates that more than 13,000 foreign terrorist fighters from over 18 member states have joined isil and the al-nusra front. this growing phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters is a consequence, not a cause of the conflict in syria. the long of people and until recently, they have created a hot house of horrors. there can protection of civilians of extremist groups are permitted to act with impunity and the syrian government continues its
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assault on its own people. for more than a year, i have sounded the alarm about unjustifiable actions of these groups and the danger they pose to iraq. syria, the wider region, and international peace and security. we need a creative and comprehensive political strategy in syria. terrorists must be defeated, but we must do so in a way that the voice -- avoids the deliberate acts of provocation, victimization for the radicalization, and more civilian deaths. eliminating terrorism requires international solidarity and a multifaceted approach. among the many tools we must use, we must also tackle the
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underlying conditions that provide file and extremist groups the opportunity to take root. immediate security issues must be addressed. over the longer term, the biggest threat to terrorists is not the power of missiles. it is the politics of inclusion. as for peaceful societies and respectful human rights, education, jobs, and a real opportunity. it is leaders who listen to their people and uphold the rule of law. missiles may kill terrorists, but good governors killed terrorism. free and independent societies free from suffering, oppression, and occupation. this is what will kill terrorism. mr. president, i welcome the council resolution just adopted and its call for strengthening
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implementation of the united nations global counterterrorism strategy. through the u.n. counterterrorism implementation task force, we are stepping up in support of member states and regions seriously affected by terrorism. through the u.n. counterterrorism center, we are working with member state to enhance understanding of the foreign terrorist fighter phenomenon and to develop and implement policies to combat their force. through our collective efforts, we must ensure that all counterterrorism actions and policies are consistent with international human rights and humanitarian laws. as a custodian of the charter of the united nations, i want to emphasize that all measures must be fully in line with the goals and values and principles of the united nations. i once again welcome the new
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unity of purpose in the council on this issue under the leadership of president obama. i hope that this spirit will carry over to other pressing issues, particularly finally bringing peace to the people of syria. thank you, mr. president. >> i thank his excellency, the secretary-general, for this statement. i will now make a statement in my capacity as president of the united states. mr. state -- mr. secretary-general, heads of state and government, thank you for being here today. in the nearly 70 years of the united nations, this is only the sixth time that the security council has met at a level like this. we convene such sessions to address the most urgent threats to peace and security. i call this meeting because we must come together as nations and an international community to confront the real and growing threat of foreign terrorist fighters. as i said earlier today, the
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tactic of terrorism is not new. so many nations represented here today, including my own, have seen our citizens killed right terrorist -- killed by terrorists who target innocents, and today, the people of the world have been horrified by another brutal murder by terrorists in algeria. president hollande, we stand with you and the french people, not only as you grieve this terrible loss, but as you show is all the against terror and in defense of liberty -- as you show resulolve. what is new is the unprecedented flow of fighters to and from conflict zones including afghanistan and the foreign of africa, yemen, libya, and, most recently, syria and iraq. our intelligence agencies estimate that more than 15,000 foreign fighters from more than 80 nations have traveled to syria in recent years.
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many have joined terrorist organizations such as al qaeda's affiliate, the nusra front, and isil, which now threatens people across syria and iraq. i want to thank the prime minister of iraq for being here today. in the middle east and elsewhere, these terrorists exacerbate conflicts. they pose an immediate threat to people in these regions, and, as we have already seen in several cases, they may try to return to their home countries to carry out deadly attacks. in the face of this threat, many of our nations working together and through the united nations have increased our cooperation. around the world, foreign terrorist fighters have been arrested. plots have been disrupted, and lives have an saved. earlier this year at west point, i called for a new partnership to help nations build their capacity to meet the evolving
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threat of terrorism including foreign terror fighters, and preventing these individuals from reaching syria and then slipping back across our borders is a critical element of our strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy isil. the historic resolution we just adopted in shrines our commitment to meet this challenge. it is legally binding and establishes new obligations that nations must meet. specifically, nations are required to prevent and suppress recruiting, organizing, transporting, or equipping of foreign terrorist fighters as well as the financing of their travel or activities. nations must prevent the movement of terrorists or terrorist groups through their territory and ensure that their domestic laws allow for the prosecution of those who attempt
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to do so. the resolution we passed today calls on nations to help build the capacity of states on the front lines of this fight, including with the best practices that many of our nations approved yesterday in which the united nations will work to advance through our counterterrorism partnerships fund. this resolution will strengthen cooperation between nations, including sharing more information about the travel and activities of foreign terrorist fighters, and it makes clear -- >> lets get filled in on what happened there. we had just passed at the united nations resolution chaired by obama at the security council demanding stronger international laws to stop the flow of war and extremist fighters to conflicts around the world. richard walker is covering today's events in new york and joins us now live from there. fill us in on what we just heard. >> yeah, well, brian, this meeting has been -- we have been expecting this meeting now for
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some time. president obama saying there as we just heard, a very rare thing to have such a high level of representation on the united nations security council, and obama hailing the unanimous passing of that resolution, which is designed to impose new obligations on countries to stop the flow of foreign fighters to and from conflict stones like the ones we see in iraq and syria at the moment. current estimates that there are well about 10,000 fighters currently engaged in the conflict in syria and iraq, a large number of westerners also with western passports, so this is a huge concern for western countries. this new resolution a blight is countries to adapt their domestic law to prevent foreign fighters from traveling around to and from these kinds of conflicts. >> that's just one aspect of the right against i.s. stopping domestically the flow of
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fighters to domestic regions of syria and iraq. the president today also looking for support for his military coalition. what's it looking like theire? >> that's right. one more coury looks set to be signing up for taking part in over iraq. david cameron, prime minister of britain, tweeting from new york earlier today that he intends to recall parliament on monday to debate taking part in airstrikes in iraq. currently, only cameron saying he sees it as a separate issue that could be up for debate at some other point in time. the united kingdom, perhaps no big surprise, one of the u.s.'s closest allies, but the u.s. will be happy to add one more country to its list of countries takingar in these airstrikes. >> before we let you go, the
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president also spoke in his capacity as president of the united states to the general assembly today. what kind of support does he have domestically in congress among the american people for the airstrikes in syria? >> so far, supporting congress has been provided explicitly on one count, and that is to provide funding and training for syrian rebels who will be taking up the fight against the islamic state on the ground in syria. so far, congress has not been asked for explicit support for the airstrikes, but there are growing calls within congress and that some kind of vote is necessary now that those airstrikes have been broadened out to syria. as far as public support is concerned, a recent poll put public support for airstrikes in iraq at some 70%. in syria, above 60%. what people are really not clear about is how deep that public
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support goes. president obama warning that this is a campaign that could last several years. what we really don't know is whether there is that depth of public support to sustain all of the unperceived consequences which are inevitable when a country like the u.s. starts engaging in military action in a place as unpredictable as today's middle east. >> the work just starting really internationally and nationally to get the coalition together to take on i.s. richard walker for us in new york as the general assembly continues its discussions. hanks so very much. >> as barack obama mentioned in his statement, the french president has confirmed and condemned the execution of a french national abducted by i.s. -linked militants. he said france would continue to fight terrorists everywhere. >> the 55-year-old mountaineer was abducting while hiking east of the lg. capital.
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some 1500 of jerry and troops had been deployed in the search to find him. the algerian islamists have released a video purportedly showing that. >> joining us now for some more background on this is our correspondent in paris. how is france reacting to hollande's remarks about his total determination to fight terrorism? >> there is an amount of skepticism because it is not as if they were not totally determined before. the one thing we like that president hollande did mention is president hollande did use the word "executed." he said they did not execute people, they murder them. >> do you know anything about the group which has claimed responsibility for the murder? >> nobody has heard about this group, and the fact that they refer to the caliphate means that this is very probably a new offshoot of people already in the region deciding to ride the
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coattails of the new caliphate. all those splinter groups that suddenly reveal themselves, half of them were created very recently, and they join or do not join the center again, but they were part of the nebulous region. >> is france changing the way it deals with hostage takings and ransom payments? we do know that has paid ransoms for the release of hostages in the past. was something different here? >> that is an interesting question. i would not think that the policy was changed at the time of negotiations over this hostage because presumably, negotiations must have been going on for months. you have a third group that may
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very well have stolen the hostage back again. they are worth something. the french have said that they would stop paying ransom, but they never admitted to officially paying ransoms in the past. whether we will change one day, i do not know. >> thank you very much. >> ok, to britain now, and that country's parliament will be voting on friday on whether to take part in the u.s.-led airstrikes against i.s. >> primus to david cameron made the announcement following a meeting with iraq's new prime minister. >> i have been asked by the iraqi government for our help, so i will be recalling the british parliament on friday so that britain can take part in international airstrikes against isil in iraq. what we are doing is legal. it is right. it does not involve british combat troops on the ground, and as ever with our country, when
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we are threatened in this way, we should not turn away from what needs to be done. >> surprise announcement there -- the british parliament being recalled to debate the strikes in syria. let's go live to london now and our correspondent. first of all, does prime minister david cameron think he has the votes to get the strikes in syria approved? >> david cameron has been very careful to make sure before the debate that he will get the necessary votes. last august, there was a bitter defeat for him when he had asked for airstrikes in syria. the liberal junior partner in the coalition said that they approve airstrikes in iraq, and the labor leader also said he approves of airstrikes -- the labour leader also said he approves of airstrikes in iraq. >> what does the public think? do they see strikes is the best way forward in iraq to deal with is..s.?
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>> opinion polls have shown upward trends. now the majority of the british public does actually approve of and strikes against islamic state, and even a narrow majority in syria. we have to bear in mind that just recently, a video was released that showed the beheading of a british aid worker, and that has really shocked -- the emergence of that video has shocked the british public. >> along with that shock, there must be deep concerns that is... might target the u.k. is that the case? >> they have threatened to kill another hostage. they are holding a british taxi driver, so this threat against at least one british citizen is very real and very right now. at the moment, it is not reported that there is any indication that there is a planned attack here in the u.k., but of course, london had
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experienced a large very deadly attack on its underground, so that memory is still very alive in the public conscience. >> put his parliament is recalled to discuss airstrikes in iraq against is.s. the dutch government will be deploying six f-16 fighters to support strikes against islamic state in iraq. the nato member and close u.s. ally will be connecting flights over iraq year space and providing training and advice to iraqi and kurdish military forces. >> germany has ruled out joining the airstrikes in iraq or syria and believes they will not be enough to end the i.s. a threat. berlin has, however, given its political backing to the united states and its coalition partners. >> the fight against the islamic state was on the agenda at a german cabinet meeting on wednesday. berlin has welcomed a u.s.-led bombing campaign against the extremist militia, despite the
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lack of a un security council mandate. that was confirmed by the foreign at u.n. headquarters in new york. >> in addition to fighting the irs in iraq, it's necessary at the same time to prevent the isp taking fallback positions in syria. >> several days ago, chancellor merkel's cabinet met in a closed session to consider its position. it reportedly concluded the u.s. air attacks would not be sufficient. and that if ground troops were required, germany would not participate. but u.s. president obama plans to in list countries in the region to help finish the job. >> there has to be a military coalition like this, but it will not succeed without coordinated political leadership. >> for now, germany hopes to use
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its good relations with moderate middle eastern countries to persuade them to help in the struggle. >> ok, that's all we have time for. recapping briefly if we could for you, the un security council has unanimously voted to require all member states to crack down on foreign fighters heading to conflict areas, especially in regions where islamist militants are staking ever increasing claims. >> that's it for this hour. more news for you at the top of the coming hour. thanks for watching dw. captioned by the national captioning institute
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