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tv   Newsline  PBS  October 25, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT

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hello and thank you for joining us on this edition of "newsline". i'm raja pradhan in tokyo. officials in new york city are calling on citizens to remain calm after a man tested positive for ebola. they say there's an extremely low possibility that the virus has been transferred, but they say three people who came into close contact with him, including the man's fiance, are being monitored. >> today, testing confirmed that a patient here in new york city had tested positive for ebola. the patient is now here in bellevue hospital. we want to state at the outset, there is no reason for new yorkers to be alarmed.
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>> reporter: the patient is a medical worker who returned from west africa last week. since his return, he spent most of his time in his apartment and had been checking his temperature twice a day. officials say he went bowling one day before he developed a fever. health authorities say there's no need to worry about becoming infected from being around or living near a person with the virus. >> the way people contract ebola is by being in touch with the person who is sick with ebola and being in touch with their body fluids. >> reporter: officials from the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention will conduct further tests on the man. once the cdc confirms that he has ebola, the man will be the second person to develop symptoms in the u.s. after contracting the virus in west africa. we'll go to our new york studio for more on the current situation there. >> local media report the doctor
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is 33-year-old craig spencer, a member of doctors without borders. that is an active humanitarian organization helping people hit be ebola in west africa. he was treating patients in guinea. he returned home last week and came down on thursday with a high fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. he was rushed to bellevue hospital and is being treated in a special isolation unit. we are told he is in stable condition. there seems to be little panic among the public, but the day just started and the news about ebola is everywhere where i'm sure makes some people feel apprehensive. >> it's always a concern. we're from california and we're going to get the heck back to california as soon as we can. >> it comes closer by this news. it's a paradox. the fact that he is contaminated be have a consequence that now it will be taken care of more seriously. >> apparently, spencer has gone to the high line park which is a very popular walkway among
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locals and tourists, and he took public transportation, including a cab and a subway the day before he fell ill. mary basset, the city's health commissioner, said the probability of his subway ride posing a risk to the public was close to nil. new york is one of the most densely populated cities in the world and millions of people come every year. although the city's hospitals and emergency workers had been preparing for the appearance of the virus for months, this will put authorities on higher alert. government officials in japan are boosting efforts to prevent an ebola outbreak. >> translator: the most important thing is to prevent infected people from coming in. we'll take every possible measure to reduce the risk. >> reporter: the health ministry is stepping up checks at 30 airports that receive international flights. travelers will have to tell quarantine officers if they stayed in guinea, liberia,
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sierra leone or the democratic republic of the congo in the previous three weeks. until now, they only had to make voluntary declarations. travelers will have to answer more questions at immigration. jts students leading the pro democracy unit in hong kong are holding a vote on how to respond to the government's peace proposals. student leaders in hong kong officials met for first time on tuesday. the officials offered to give leaders in beijing a report on what the protesters want. they also offered to create a forum for public opinion. the student leaders rejected those proposals. they are now planning to hold a straw poll in some areas that demonstrators have occupied. they'll give people a chance toe vote on sunday and monday. >> translator: the government says we don't represent public opinion, we're holding the poll to show how many supporters we have. >> the students are protesting beijing's decision to ban pro
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democracy candidates from running for the post of hong kong's chief executive in 2017. they staged sit-ins on major roads and some have got into scuffles with angry residents. investigators in canada say the gunman who carried out a deadly attack at the nation's capital had planned to go to syria where islamic militants are waging war. they were pieces together clues in their effort to figure out what drove the man to kill a soldier and storm into parliament resulting in his own death. craig dale is covering the developments for us. >> reporter: canadian born michael zehaf-bibeau was portrayed as a troubled man who converted to islam, became radicalized and wanted to get to syria. his criminal record, which included robbery and drugs charges, triggered attention when he applied for a passport. >> we were contacted to conduct background checks. they didn't possess information that would reveal any national
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security related criminalalty. >> it's related to his difficult circumstances. he had been a drug abuser, spent time in homeless shelters and possibly wrestled with mental illness. whatever drove him, zehaf-bibeau charged up to the national war memorial in ottawa and shot one of the soldiers guarding it. 24-year-old corporal nathan cirillo died. >> the young man that died did nothing. he did nothing to deserve what he got, and i am so angry at the man that shot him. >> reporter: surveillance cameras captured zehaf-bibeaus next moves, which happened in a span of about four minutes. he drove to parliament in his car. then hijacked another car to get closer to the entrance. he exited that vehicle, then ran with his gun drawn as bystanders scattered. seconds after zehaf-bibeau went inside parliament, security forces shot at him.
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the sergeant-at-arms for parliament, kevin vickers, fired the fatal bullet. lawmakers praised vickers, and they also held a moment of silence for the dead soldier. then the prime minister promised enhanced security measures are on the way. >> there are laws and police powers that need to be strengthened in the area of surveillance, detention and arrest. they need to be much strengthened. >> reporter: the country clearly remains on edge. just as the prime minister and his wife laid a wreath at the war memorial, officers drew their weapons to stop a man who has crossed a police line. still, many are focused on why zehaf-bibeau did what he did. few are more confused than his mother, who spoke to the associated press. susan bibeau says, no words can express the sadness we are feeling at this time. can you ever explain something like this, she asks? and she says, we are sorry. police say zehaf-bibeau acted
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alone, which experts say makes prevention harder. >> if you have an individual who decides to commit an act, whether it's murder, terrorism or whatever, doesn't tell anyone and doesn't communicate with anyone, very difficult to track them. >> reporter: canadian investigators say zehaf-bibeau was not on a terrorist watch list but say his e-mail was in the hard drive of someone they charged with a terrorist offense. it's a weak connection but one that had been strengthened by what happened in ottawa. craig dale, nhk world. a former leader of a bangladeshi communist party has died. he was serving a 90-year sentence for war crimes. convicted last year of crimes against humanity dating back from 1971. more than 3 million people are believed to have died in the war of independence from pakistan.
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the former leader of the party died on thursday after his life support was removed. he was 91 years old. a special tribunal tried a number of senior officials from the party. some were sentenced to death. he was accused of setting up militia groups that carried out mass killings. denied committing any atrocities. the tribunal's verdicts triggered nationwide protests by people who support the party. they say it was established to purge islamist supporters. the islamic state militant group is extending its reach to syria and iraq. new recruits are joining from around the world, including southeast asia. the situation is serious in indonesia, which has the world's largest islamic population, at over 200 million. we look at how the militant group is recruiting young people who are discontented with the status quo and the widening
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wealth gap. >> reporter: in september, indonesian police arrested a man suspected of involvement with radical islamic organizations and on the verge of joining islamic state. police are clamping down on islamic state supporters. indonesian authorities increase their monitoring of islamic state in july after a video clip trying to recruit militant fighters was uploaded to the internet. the government banned people from directly supporting islamic state or urging people to support it. but its supporters are still active.
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we spoke to a man who serves as the leader of supporters of islamic state in indonesia. a terrorist take on an island in 2002 killed more than 200 people. he is said to be close to the spiritual leader of the group behind the attack. the police continue to monitor his activities. he is sympathetic to islamic state, which is hostile to europe and the united states and aims to build a country based on islamic law. he has sent many young indonesians to syria and iraq. he may have sent as many as 150 indonesians, including the recruiters in the video. >> translator: he's in iraq to
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organize our comrades. >> reporter: he says he sends young people overseas. after getting fake visas they go to neighboring malaysia. they travel to pakistan and then are smuggled over land into syria. young people seeking to join the islamic state group from all over the country flock to him. >> translator: i'm following god's will by going to the middle east. i want to save the islamic believers who are dying in the fighting. >> reporter: we asked why he keeps sending young people to the group, an organization strongly criticized by the international community. he said he is simply trying to help young people realize their ideals.
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he also feels he is helping to keep indonesia stable. >> translator: if people who want to be active take up arms here, security in this country will get worse. i'm sending these people to the middle east to keep indonesia safe. you could say i'm contributing to the safety of this country. >> reporter: the police continue to monitor him, but they can't charge him with a crime because they have no evidence that he is in fact in terrorism. the challenge for all nations is finding ways to prevent young people from becoming radicalized. nhk world, jakarta. that wraps up our bulletin i'm patchari raksawong in bangkok. >> emerging economic powers still struggling with poverty. emboldened citizens demanding
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democracy. the threat of violence, push for peace. shadow of conflict. get news on south and southeast asia every weekday live from bangkok only on nhk world "newsline." nearly two months have passed since a cease-fire brought an end to the heavy shelling of gaza. during 50 days of hostilities, more than 2100 people killed and 18,000 houses were destroyed. people in the gaza strip are now trying to rebuild their lives. little progress has been made so far. pierre is the commissioner general of the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east. he spoke to nhk world about the challenges the people of gaza are facing. >> reporter: pierre says the
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responsibilities are building homes and humanitarian assistance. >> we have 120,000 people who are homeless in gaza because homes have been destroyed by the shelling. right now we have 45,000 people in 18 schools, they are not really prepared for housing tens and thousands of people whose homes have been destroyed. but of course, nobody, none of us would want to spend months in a school classroom instead of in one's own home of the winter is coming and so the population is going to face very big difficulties if we cannot change their situation very quickly. >> it's important the people in gaza get prompt access to construction materials. israel allowed shipments for first time last week and the
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materials could be used by hamas. they are allowing the shipment to allowing uninterrupted. >> it's very important it continues, not once or twice, but every day, dozens of trucks because the destruction was so wide that you cannot only repair one or two places, you have to repair hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of apartments. if there is blocking of the construction material, if we have delays, then it o could well go into 15 or 18 years, which would be unacceptable for the people of gaza. this is why we have to have this strong push now. >> the blockade on gaza in 2007, he said the community should work towards getting the bloc
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blockade lifted. >> it is an illegal blockade and punishing the population in gaza and creating long term instability in the region. let me give you an example. in the year 2000, you had 80,000 people receiving food assistance. in 2014, it was 830,000 people. this is because the blockade led to many people losing their jobs and many businesses to close and therefore people who were successful business people before, started to receive humanitarian assistance. it's a question of dignity and rights. and so the international community has to mobilize also politically to change the para dime that is now imposing so much suffering on the people of gaza. 21 countries have officially backed the establishment of a
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multinational bank led by china. leaders in beijing proposed the institution saying the goal will be to help developing countries in asia. the countries exchanged memorandum and include china, india and countries in southeast asia. officials plan to decide on details such as their shares of financial contributions over the coming 12 months or so. they aim to have the institution up and running as soon as possible. the countries are considering placing the bank's headquarters in beijing. chinese president xi jinping said it will also welcome countries outside of asia. australia and south korea did not take part in the signing despite china's request. japan and united states are also cautious about joining. japanese finance minister aso says many points about the bank's management systems remain
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unclear, including how decisions on investment and loans will be made. >> japanese leaders are reaching out to their counterparts in china. former prime minister is getting ready to talk with president xi jinping. it could pave the way for a summit meeting. he'll be there as chairman of the forum for asia. the group organizes discussions among political, business and academic leaders. analysts say the visit could help bring about a summit between shinzo abe and president xi, that would happen on the sidelines on the economic cooperation meeting next month in beijing. he last met with xi in july and told him abe wanted to talk. a group of japanese lawmakers visiting seoul has met with park geun-hye. they passed on the message that he wants to improve ties and say the south korean leaders expressed willingness but remains cautious about holding
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summit talks with abe. members of the japan korea parliament air yan union met park on friday in the run-up in of the 50th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic ties. she took up the issue on those referred to as comfort women. she says it's the first issue to be fixed in making a new start in bilateral relations. after the meeting, the head of the group says he conveyed abe's message. >> we told her prime minister abe's message that japan and south korea are important neighbors and holding dialogue is vital. all the more, we have mutual issues to tackle. we also told her abe wants to make the 50th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic ties a good year.
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>> he also told park that abe is looking forward to meeting with her at future international conferences. european leaders have agreed to cut the eu's green house gas emissions about 40% by the year 2030 from 1990 levels. the climate change pact was reached at a meeting in brussels, officials around the world have been working onseting a new framework to replace the kyoto protocol. the eu leaders also agreed to increase the share of renewable energy in the block to 27% of total consumption predicted in 2030. they also say the eu will increase energy efficiency by at least 27% from the 2030 projections based on current consumption and technology.
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european council president says the agreement will allow the eu to bring a positive message to international climate negotiations and says it will encourage other countries to follow suit and set voluntary reduction targets. and in tokyo, a team of experts begun discussing japan's target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond 2020. the experts were appointed by the environment and industry ministries and met for first time on friday. an environmental researcher says japan needs to tackle its emissions urgently. since the 2011 nuclear accident in fukushima, the level of emissions has risen considerably. a business representative says environmental policies and economic growth su co-exist. japan doesn't need to set an emissions target until it restarts the nuclear plants and decides on the best energy mix. the experts will study what level of emissions could be cut through energy saving and other
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measures. japanese officials are warning of a possible eruption at the volcano that's a popular destination for hikers. it straddles the prefectures in southwestern japan. the peak is 1,310 meters above sea level. hikers are told to be on alert of ash deposits and authorities detected minor tremors and other signs of increased volcanic activity. >> translator: eruptions could occur at any place in the mountains with the crater, there's always a possibility of it being the starting point of an eruption. >> late last month, mt. ontake in central japan erupted. 57 people, including climbers died and six others are still missing. officials detected tremors but didn't issue a warning.
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authorities in a helicopter encouraged hikers to get off th fast as possible. since the crater could erupt, i thought it best to get away as soon as i could. >> officials closed roads and banned people from coming from one 1 kilometer of the crater and warning of ash deposits at another volcano in the range. japanese researchers have repd muscle tissue and used it to move an artificial joint. the experiment simulates the movement of a human finger. a team at the university of tokyo's institute of industrial science cultivated muscle tissue from mice and used it to develop artificial muscle. and attached it to both sides of a plastic rod. it's about the same length as a finger bone and has a joint. the researchers applied a weak electric current to the tissue and found it stretches and
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contracts causing the rod to bend like a finger. >> translator: in the long term, we want to apply this research to a robotic structure similar to the human body. >> they hope to one day develop an artificial finger that could replace a hul an one. japanese scientist could soon monitor the largest lake with a device inspired by an insect. they are testing a robot that scoots across the surface like a water strider. it's the brain child of a group at the university and floats on four legs and propels and steers itself with the other two. the developers fitted it with a camera and set it loose on the lake. >> translator: the water strider robot is good at moving on shallow water. it doesn't use a propeller so it doesn't get caught in algae.
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it's still far from perfect, we plan to make a lot of improvements. >> and now here's your three-day outlook on the world's weather.
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that's all for now on this edition of "newsline." i'm raja pradhan in tokyo. from all of us at nhk world, thanks for watching and have a good day wherever you are. xnóx
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♪ this week on "moyers & company," the crusading bill black. >> no one can claim with a straight face that if we prosecuted bankers, as opposed to banks, that it would have any negative effect. it would have huge positive effects in sending the right message of accountability and the right message of deterrence. >> announcer: funding is provided by -- anne gumowitz, encouraging the renewal of democracy. carnegie corporation of new york, supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement and the advancement of international peace and security at the ford foundation, working with visionaries on the front lines of social change worldwide. the herb alpert foundation, supporting organizations whose


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