tv Journal PBS November 20, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PST
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>> live from dw's studio two, this is your world news from berlin. >> great to have you with us. our headlines for you at this hour -- >> winter come early. a blizzard like it's much of the u.s. northeast. another is on the way. at least eight people have died. >> the u.s. city of ferguson braces for a decision on whether a white police officer should be charged or shooting dead a black teenager. >> and turning his back on the gold to ride the stallion. thanks for being with us.
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parts of the u.s. northeast already buried in deep snow are bracing for anoter blizzard. new york's governor is calling it a historic event. >> a monster winter storm earlier this week pounded the state of new york, leaving it buried under six feet -- that's about three meters -- of snow. if forecast hold true for this storm that's coming, new york will have gotten a years worth of the white stuff in just three days. >> at least eight deaths in western new york are being blamed on the winter weather so far. at least three of them from heart attacks suffered while the victims were shoveling snow. >> residence across the northeast are being told to stay indoors. >> almost two meters of snow fell over the last 24 hours in buffalo. helpless drivers were everywhere. many roads had to be closed, and hundreds of vehicles were trapped. emergency workers did all they could to reach people stranded on the highways.
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many of them could not get home and had to spend the night and public shelters. >> it was cold. >> i was really scared. i could not imagine being trapped out there in the middle of the snow. >> a woman's basketball star from niagara university spent most of the day in a bus with few supplies to hold them over. >> we just filled our water bottles up, our gatorade water bottles we use during games with snow, so that would melt and we would have water in the morning. >> parts of the state of new york have declared a state of emergency, and the national guard has been mobilized. governor andrew cuomo is telling people to stay indoors. >> we need a cooperation of residencts and citizens who have been great, but when we say stay home, really stay home. going out on the roads is
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dangerous. it's unnecessary. you are not going to get anywhere. you will get stuck, and then you will further complicate the situation. >> the internet was hopping with dramatic photos of the storm is a blue win over lake is a, bringing freezing temperatures along with the -- along for the ride. temperatures across almost all of the united states are under the freezing mark. this is only the beginning -- meteorologist in buffalo tell people to prepare for more snow before the weekend. police forces and the fbi are on higher alert. washington advising law enforcement everywhere to be on d. >> that's ahead of a grand jury decision on whether a ferguson, missouri, white police officer should be charged for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager. >> ferguson is a divided town, and a disturbing picture of american race relations. people on both sides are calling for calm.
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some are arming themselves and expecting violence whatever the decision. we have this report from missouri. >> workers like these have a lot to do. property owners in ferguson fear the city could see more rioting if the grand jury decides not to put the policeman who shot michael brown on trial. >> i think it will deter people, you know, keep them from breaking windows out and damaging the building. >> many shops and restaurants were damaged by violent protests after the unarmed teenager was shot three months ago. the scars of the riots are still clear to see. the former mayor of ferguson, brian fletcher, wants to help businesses get back on their feet and improve the city's image, so the 55-year-old founded in ngo that sells clothes to raise money for the city.
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>> the profit so far has been $15,000. we've issued three $5,000 checks. the money is given out in outright grants for businesses that received damaged during the unrest. >> a lot of people in ferguson support such private initiatives, but few have confidence that the justice system will prosecute the police officer who shot michael brown. >> there's not going to be any justice in what is going on, and i feel like as the black community, that we all should come together and not have violence in the streets, that we should come together for peace. >> i think it's a given they are not going to indict that cop. >> we hope for a trial. we hope he gets indicted, but we don't know. >> these ribbons are part of a community project supporting a new dialog of hope here, but it does not carry over to the justice system. >> away from the u.s. and in
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neighboring mexico, police are tightening security in the capital city ahead of what is expected to be a huge set of demonstrations against the disappearance of 43 students in september. >> it is presumed though students were murdered and that their deaths were carried out by a nexus of corrupt lawmakers and politicians working with drug cartels. >> the case has ignited beyond e disappearance of though students. >> that rage threatens to send the entire country into chaos. >> this is the protest that refuses to go away. parents of the missing students are among the demonstrators here in a couple go who reject what authorities have told them about the students' fate. >> we are desperate now. we want to see them. many days have passed since it is said they were kidnapped and massacred. >> we've been fighting for two months and will continue until we find the children. they took them alive, and we
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want them back alive. >> in september, the group of trainee teachers was kidnapped and probably murdered by a drug gang. the mayor and his wife have been arrested on suspicion of having ordered local police to hand them over to the thugs. authorities say the students' bodies were incinerated here, but forensic tests have failed to provide certainty. tens of thousands of mexican have been killed in gang violence in recent years, but this case has sparked mass protests because of allegations that politicians were direct the involved -- directly involved. the parents of the students just want answers. they are also campaigning against corruption and violence throughout the country. >> in other news, u.s. secretary of state john kerry has arrived in be in a in a bid to break a
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deadlock in talks on iran's nuclear program. >> he is due to meet his iranian counterpart tonight ahead of a final round of talks. earlier, he expressed hope a deal could be struck for the november 24 deadline. >> the u.s. and five other states are seeking agreement on regulating iran's nuclear capacities in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. >> just days after the u.s. and china pledged to do more to combat climate change, the world community seems to be joining in. >> global donors have pledged billions of dollars to a new united nations green climate fund. >> the international community has rarely been so resolute in the effort to stop climate change. some 30 countries have pledged to donate $9.3 billion towards the new green climate fund, but shy of the 10 billion tolerate target, but germany's environment minister was pleased, nevertheless.
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"the world is really watching us to see what we are doing for those nations who most need to adapt to climate change and at the same time sees their chances for development, to see what we are doing to really help those countries." >> starting next year,tstststste greenhouse gas emissions. there are also plans to help finance reforestation measures and irrigation schemes. the fund possible to do director praised germany's role in kickstarting the project. the german government promised to contribute $1 billion back in the summer. >> germany was the first one to pledge a contribution to the green climate fund, and that has been very much catalytic and has served as a benchmark for many more countries to move forward, make further announcements during the following months. >> it is hoped the initial $10 billion target might be met by the end of the year with some
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countries such as canada saying they are now willing to donate. in the long-term, private companies could also contribute. >> the money from the fund alone will not be enough to halt climate change, but the fact that some of the formerly least active countries in the fight against climate change like the u.s. have committed themselves together with emerging nations -- that is sending an encouraging signal to the upcoming climate conferences in lima and in paris. >> per at an's anti-european party appears set to claim its second seat in parliament, foreshadowing a possible political upheaval in next year's national election. >> today's vote was called after a second conservative member of parliament defected to the party which favors an immediate british withdrawal from the european union and dramatically reducing immigration. >> britain has a long tradition of fringe parties, but mainstream politicians who dismissed the party as eccentrics are now seriously
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worried. voters in a local election seems set to hand victory to nigel for roger and his anti-european u.k. independence party. ukip wants to see britain leave the european union and impose tougher restrictions on immigration and migrants. today's vote could put a second defector into parliament for ukip. >> they're the only party that have a nondiscriminatory system which we want to people outside of the eu. they should be treated fairly and equally rather than having a system which discriminates in favor of europeans. >> the main political parties are showing the strain. not only are they hemorrhaging voter support, they are also talking to up -- talking tough on ukip themes. >> i believe people should come
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here to work and contribute, and we need to take more action on people being able to claim benefits. >> ukip has already succeeded in pushing established parties into more populist positions on immigration, and conservative minister david cameron has promised a referendum on whether britain should leave the european union. in the country at large, the center-right conservative and centerleft labor party's have rarely been less popular. some predict ukip could break their grip on british politics altogether. focusing on further reducing dominance, hoping a good result today will give the party enough momentum to create an upset in may's general election, just half a year away. >> the point about today is that if ukip win, i think all bets
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are off and in terms of protecting what will happen next may. this will open up it is politics in a remarkable way. >> weather fears of migrants swamping britain are actually justified is not even part of the discussion. focus today seems to be ready to follow their gut feelings. >> all right, we've got one sports item for you -- it's official, four-time formula one world champion sebastian fettle is switching teams. >> starting mixes in, he'll be driving for for riley. he announced in october he was leaving red bull. until this year, he has had a pretty good run. let's take a look. >> red bull's wonder boy can look back with great satisfaction on his team. their partnership worked perfectly, bringing in four world championship titles in a row.
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>> to look back and realize what we have achieved as a team in the last 4, 3 years -- it's not just a number you can read up in a book. it's the emotions we have, the memories we share. that's something no one can take away from you. >> he announced he was leaving red bull back in october. at the time, it seemed clear that he would switch to for riley, especially in light of comments by the outgoing ferrari chairman, who suggested that fernando alonso was getting old. the spaniard will probably change to mclaren, and the new ferrari boss will focus on reviving his team's fortunes. for artery -- ferrari have not won a race in a year and a half. they're quite some expectations to live up to. >> we're back after a short rate. stay with us.
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>> welcome back, everyone. in egypt, a court has acquitted a doctor charged with committing female genital mutilation on a girl who died. >> the girls father was also cleared of responsibility. egypt banned female circumcision in 2008, but it remains commonplace, nonetheless. this was the first time people have been prosecuted for breaking the ban. female circumcision is widespread in poor, rural communities in egypt. muslims and christians view the traditional cutting as a way of controlling sexual desire in women. >> want to get more now from our correspondent in egypt. female genitalia mutilation, very tough subject. the fact that the case was tried in the first place is
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significant in and of itself, but this acquittal has to be a setback for egypt and women's rights activists. >> of course it is. do not forget, this practice is legally banned since 2008 in egypt, despite the fact that it is a very widespread practice among muslims and christians in egypt. it was seen as a success that rights activist could push for the trial, but of course, the result is very disappointing. the court acquitted the doctor of operating in an unfit medical facility as well. we do not know the reasoning yet of the court. this has to be given in a written statement. we are waiting for it. this today was only the sentence, but the lawyer of the mother said he was very surprised about the court's
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decision, saying that there was very clear evidence against the defendant. >> definitely a disturbing outcome. there is a did -- and other decision-making news from egypt. we have reports that the egyptian president is considering granting pardon to those three al jazeera journalists. what more do you know? >> to definitely seems to be movement on the case. last week, we got the presidential decree saying they could serve their prison terms in their home country. two of the journalists -- one is australian and one is egyptian-canadian -- submitted this will apply to them. an interview for a french radio station, he said that the pardons for the journalists definitely is considered and discussed. until now, he always said he would not interfere in the case.
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in any case, there is an appeal that will be examined. the court could order a retrial or reject the appeal, so everything seems up in the air regarding this tournament. >> thank you very much. returning to the previous story about egypt, the topic of female genital mutilation is also the focus of a traveling theater company that is now touring through rural egypt. >> activists hope it will bring change and provide some food for thought. >> we're watching a play for women only. people in the audience are enjoying themselves. the mere sight of a man playing a woman is hilarious here. 350 kilometers south of cairo. but the subject is serious. it is about what it means to be born female in egypt, living with strict codes of conduct,
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sexual harassment, and genital mutilation. all those here in upper egypt are affected, but none speak about it. >> what we can achieve is to get people to think. we don't lecture anyone about religion or medicine, but with the theater, we create a space where women can talk to one another about these problems, just as they do about other things. >> each act of the play is followed by a discussion. this young director wants to know what they think about female circumcision. what would they change in the future? a lively discussion ensues and meets resistance. >> we need circumcision. we are all farmers, and the girls have to work in the fields, too. we cannot pay attention to each girl that she does not get into
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trouble. >> because many people here agree, nine out of 10 women in egypt today are genitally mutilated. in rural areas like this where tradition and custom come first, the rate is even higher. the theater troupe takes a break on the road. they still have two performances today in separate villages. their project is financed by the united nations. they have another 120 performances scheduled before the end of the year. >> as long as we do not try to impose an opinion, people stay open-minded and talk more easily about these subjects. no one has a patented recipe, including us. some audience members support circumcision, and then we say we want to hear all opinions. in the end, they have to decide. we'll be gone soon.
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>> the strategy seems to be working among some women, particularly the younger ones, and they are in a position to change things. >> we are also come size here, but now the problems that cutting involves are clearer to me. i'm not going to cut my daughters so they won't have to suffer like i do. >> in egypt, it's a woman's decision whether her daughter should be circumcised. that's why this theater is important. if women change their views, they might spare their daughters a try that has become tradition. >> to business news, yahoo! is hoping to make a dent in google's internet search dominance in the united states. >> yahoo! has struck a deal with firefox, made by the mozilla company, to replace google as the default search engine on the firefox web browser in the united states. when u.s. users open firefox,
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they've a be automatically directed to yahoo!. >> it's the start of a new era at mozilla, at least in the u.s. yahoo! will be its partner for the next five years. for a decade, google paid mozilla 10 million euros a year to be the firefox browser's default search engine. the price tag paid by yahoo! has not been made public. yahoo! hopes the deal will expand its market share and therefore boost advertising revenue. experts call it a good move, but far from it enough to threaten google. google is the world's most popular search engine by far. almost 90% of internet users choose it. 4.4% prefer bing. 3.8%, yahoo!. in europe, firefox is staying with google for now, but yahoo! fans can change that with the clickable mouse.
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>> onto thursday's market action. let's look at the numbers starting off in frankfurt. the dax was up by just a tad, finishing at 9483 points. euro stoxx 50 not doing quite as well, and itching down by nearly .7%. across the atlantic on wall street at this hour, the dow up by exactly the same amount as the dax, there, 17 thousand 700 10 points. euro pretty much flat against the greenback, trading at a value of $one point 2538. executives are breathing a sigh of relief at a german steel giant which is back in the black after three loss-making years. >> they reported 195 million euros in profit after racking up almost 1.5 billion euros in losses before. the company's restructuring and loss cutting measures appear to be working. as a result, shareholders appear to be enjoying a small dividend, their first payout in three
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years. >> with the falling price of crude oil, it's not just motorists who are benefiting. so our airlines. aviation fuel prices are down by 20% compared to last year. >> but ticket prices remain high. airlines are not passing the savings on to consumers, saying that they are investing in new jets. european carriers blame the weakening euro because jet fuel is priced, as you know, in dollars. thursday is the 25th anniversary of the united nations convention on the rights of the child, the most widely ratified human rights treaty in the world. >> but the united nations says way too many children still suffer from violence, exploitation, and neglect. exploitao mark the occasion, wed children around the world where they still saw in justices and what they felt was important to them. >> here's what they said.
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>> it's not right that parents who do not have a good life send their children to work. >> the right to say what you want without anyone silencing you. >> the fact we are not beaten by our parents, that they are not allowed to be violent. >> i would like to finally be allowed to go to school on my own.
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>> going to school and get an education so they can get a good job, be successful in life and then reproduce to have them -- to make them have a successful life. >> education is important because if i do not go to school, i will be jobless, and if i go to school, i can be useful in life to contribute to society. >> we like those kids. all right, thanks for watching, everybody. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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