tv Journal PBS March 19, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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>> a warm welcome to the journal. coming to you live from dw here in religion. i'm brian jones. an eu summit underway in brussels will not bring a breakthrough in the debt crisis. we will go live with our correspondent at the talks. >> a merciless war against terrorism following an attack that left more than 28 -- 20 get. and half a millennium after his death in battle richard the third will soon be laid to rest. thanks for joining us.
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-- >> and returning it -- >> thanks for joining us. >> prior to the eu talks in brussels, athens called for bold action to in the crisis that has ravaged the country economy. >> the greek prime minister is due to hold a special meeting on the sidelines with merkel and other top u.n. officials. >> tactical win for alexis tsipras. >> so that we leave behind prices and move toward growth. >> joining greece and other lenders at the international meeting will be to others, france and germany.
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german chancellor angela merkel was keen to downplay any expert -- explanations. >> many of you will be looking very attentively toward the sideline talks with the greek prime minister. i would like to say, do not ask any solution or expect a breakthrough. that is not the format today. decisions will be reached in the eurogroup and will stay that way, too. >> also, the transatlantic trade deal with the u.n. and u.s. trade security. but once again, all eyes are on greece. >> the summit has been underway for a few hours now. that is where our car -- our correspondent is standing by. the chancellany possibility of a break drawn greek debt. what do you hear? >> not everybody is so pessimistic on it. we do not visual confirmation but everyone is thing that the
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french president hollande before the meeting told alexis tsipras that they have to find a resolution today. we know there will not be a formal decision about that today, because it is up to the eurogroup. but what they have to do because time is really running out is [inaudible] knows where this is heading. apparently the greek prime minister does have a couple of suggestions, mainly about how greece could get more money from the european central bank. >> we will have to see how that goes. the chancellor also called for eu sanctions to remain in place, but greek support for them have -- has been warms -- has been lukewarm at best. do they have broad support from the council?
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>> the sanctions are due in july to the minsk agreement. that would mean that they would be extended to the end of the year, because that is when ukraine would be -- is supposed to be taking over border control of its russian border. i think the germans wanted to hammer that out in a reliable way. it looks like that is not going to happen. now it looks like a political statement is going to happen. but you are right, in greece, it shows how difficult it is to get everyone on board. greece really does have to get out from the eurozone but they are still in the european union and they still have to take those decisions. that just shows you why it is clinically so important to keep greece on board. >> ok, max, thanks for now. in other news, an online recording purported to be from the islamic state has claimed
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responsibility for yesterday deadly terrorist attack in tunis, tunisia. >> the country has stepped up security and deployed the army major city a day after the attack in the capital, tunis, killed 23 people. >> officers have identified the gunman shot by police and a number of others. most of those killed were foreign tourists. >> italian bruno shalini was one of the lucky ones. the shoe survived the attack and is being treated in hospital in tunis. others did not manage to get away. this tunis police officer is being buried today and among the mourners is the interior minister he says he will do everything to apprehend the militant. >> we will eradicate terrorism. we are confident the support of the people is the proof. >> 15 people have been arrested
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so far in connection with the attacks. four of them are said to be directly involved. the attack on the museum in tunis was the worst in many years. the attackers opened fire and took several visitors hostage. islamic state has released an audio message claiming it carried out the attack. the attackers are reported to have first tried to storm the parliament building next door. special forces were able to end the hostage crisis after three hours. the day after, people in tunis are still in shock. they are also worried about the future. >> i don't understand anything anymore. normally in a country under terrorist threat, there should be a focus on tourist area. a museum like this were tourists come and go is not protected. it is 13 years since militants targeted tourists at a synagogue
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. now it seems that militants again are again responsible for spreading terrorism in tunisia. >> unable to stop thousands from joining the jihad is. and iraq. let's bring in daniel, an expert from zenith magazine. good to have you with us. first of all tunisia sends more jihadists abroad than any other country. what is going on? is it a hotbed? >> first, i think they are the most honest when it comes to semester. i think our country is much less honest and less accurate. the other thing is, it's fairly easy to travel to and from tunisia. and we had radical islamism in tunisia before. it was controlled by the mighty security apparatus of the diwali regimes. and we have another aspect,
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neighboring libya, and other countries in the north of africa which produce jihadists and has ongoing relations with countries with jihadists. tunisia is caught in the middle of this. >> we just are the tunisian government wants to eradicate terrorism. can't a turn things around? >> the tunisian's -- can it turn things around? >> the tunisians have cracked down in recent days. the big challenge is not to fall into the trap [no audio] members of the old regime security forces and according to the same old techniques of torture and of the police state that led to the arab spring and the uprising in tunisia. they need to be very careful of this and they need the support of european countries. >> is at least a significant portion of the population radicalize? is radical islam a danger in tunisia?
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is it stable right now? >> i think tunisia is stable right now and i think tunisians have found a compromise to reconcile secular and islamist politics. this is a sensitive issue in tunisia and we have seen islamists revert to violence before. but attacks like this, they happen in france and in other places in europe and other countries. i don't think it is good to use it as a judgment in a way. this could have happened anywhere in the world. >> as we have been saying over the past weeks charlie hebdo, we are going to maybe have to get used to these kinds of attacks. >> the attack in tunis are a big blow to the country's fragile democratic transition, and manually -- and many tunisians believe it was a strike against the economy. it is start of the tourist season in tunisia and at least
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cruise -- at least two cruise lines have halted stops there. >>'s tourism is one of the most important industries. correct in 2002, -- >> in 2002 a suicide bomber detonated a suicide bomb. 21 people died. the number of visitors dropped by half as a result. fewer people came to tunisia, being the country was unsafe. it was a heavy blow to an economy that depends on tourism. tunisia took in more than 20 thousand -- 29 euros in 2013. the travel industry accounts for 10% of its gdp and almost every job depends on on tourism. travel agents have already reacted to the latest strike. trips to tunis are being canceled. cruise ships are avoiding the capital harbors. nonetheless, many who have booked their trips to tunisia
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still want to come. next i've only been all around -- >> i've already been all around the tunisian countryside and it's pretty safe. and you have to support the tunisians. >> you have to pay attention to the advice to get, but i think it's all right. >> but experts still fit the number of tourists will drop. they project it could take two years before the tourism branch recovers from this latest attack. >> the united nations is saying that islamic state may have committed genocide against the gift cds -- against the yen azidis when it swept across the countryside. crack the extremist are believed to have committed other war crimes and crimes against to manatee. -- against humanity. >> these men are accused of carrying out the most gruesome
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attacks. -- these men are having to carry out the most gruesome of tasks. they are excavating a mass grave. one report says as many as 770 were slaughtered. it is part of a horrifying list of atrocities carried out by islamic state in the past. and detailed in the new u.n. report. yet little could be room -- could be worse than what islamic stated to the people ,the yazid this group wasis. released by is in the beginning of this year. it is difficult to give them at the lucky ones, but compared to those in captivity, they are. they speak of unimaginable atrocities being committed including murder and rape.
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>> there was a manifest pattern of killing that caused serious bodily and mental harm and also involve the false transfer of children. these attacks were aimed at destroying them as a group and this is why we say that genocide may have been perpetrated by isil. >> other islamic state abuses documented include the suspected use of chemical weapons in an bar province. witnesses say this cloud is chlorine gas, used by is on iraqi fighters. they say there is evidence to suggest they, too, have carried out extrajudicial killings in this and it also needs investigation. >> the president storm the country's international airport
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on thursday. >> these images show the airport after gunbattle with supporters of the president. officials say at least six people were killed. and an unidentified warplane attacked the presidential palace. residents say antiaircraft guns opened fire at the plane. he was evacuated to safety. prime minister's and watch has been ordered to stand trial. >> he is accused of that she is accused of wasting money and could face up to 10 years in jail. coming up, after a one minute break, edward snowden weighs in on data privacy at this year's conference.
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>> thanks for staying with us. data security is a huge topic in the german city of hanover. >> edward snowden has sparked a global debate on the issue of privacy, freedom, and the intrusion of government intelligence agencies. snowden joined via live feed wednesday. >> here at cebit, the nsa has lost none of its relevance. discussions about privacy policies are full. george is -- glenn got publicly welcomed greenwald. but edward snowden, the man who leave the document, cannot come
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to germany. >> the countries, such as germany, who benefit the most from the risk that he took the one you have most shamefully turned their backs on him. >> via link with snowden to moscow, he said he would love to return to his united states, but does not believe he would get a fair trial. >> i want to tell the jury why i did it. i want to tell the court what these programs are. i want the jury to decide whether it was right or wrong that our rights and our constitution were being violated in secret. >> the u.s. continues to argue about whether snowden is a traitor or hero. but for the makers of security technology, that is not the point. >> for us, it's an absolute business driver. edward snowden's comments have definitely raise a different awareness of security questions. >> customers are more sensitive about security matters now, but the monitoring continues said snowden. then he addresses his audience
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of i.t. professionals directly. what they are looking for the people in this room right now. -- >> they're looking for people in this room right now. you are the targets. not because you are terrorists, but because you is to the private records of people present -- people's private lives. that is what they want. >> he says he will have to ask angela merkel if you can attend the next time it takes place. >> to business now, the u.s. federal reserve wants to gradually raise interest rates not too soon and not too fast. many will say cheap for a while and that is exactly what investors wanted to hear. -- money will stay cheap for a while and that is exactly what investors wanted to hear. >> it has been nearly 10 years now since investors had high interest rates for the last time. not just in europe, but in the u.s., janet yellen held a speech
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and she docked at high interest rates. but they will not rise as high and as fast as people feared before. there will be an interest rate hike the summer, this year, but investors are quite sure that it will take a very long time until interest rates rise higher, so money will stay cheap and easy for a longer time. >> let's take a look at some of the market numbers now. germany's dax lost a fifth of percentage point to close at 11,899. in new york, trading is still going on and the tao is currently down by more than half a percentage point. and the euro also losing ground the moment, currently at one dollar 634. -- 1.634. >> ebola will be combining --
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confining some 2.5 million people in their homes aimed at stemming the epidemic. >> the virus has claimed almost 3700 lives in the impoverished west african nation. it is one of three countries that have seen its economy wrecked and health care overwhelmed in the crisis. authorities will use those three days to identify unreported cases and warm of the dangers of the virus. king richard roman three -- king richard iii is the last from the house of york. >> is defeat and death at the battle of bosworth field ended the war of roses. his remains were afterward tossed into a common grave as his memory was stricken from public memory by the notorious tutors. >> that is, until three years ago when his remains were stumbleupon underneath -- were
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discovered underneath a parking lot. he will now get a proper burial. >> a real king right under the car park of the social services office. the site now host a memorial to richard iii, the last king of the house of york. david has been fascinated with him since he was a little boy. he cannot believe the undignified way the king was treated in death. >> the grave was not really big enough for him. there was no coffin, no shroud. all of these things would have been provided in normal circumstances, even for an ordinarily rarer -- even in an ordinary burial. just to drop an anointed king to a hole in the ground -- >> he was the last king in the war of the roses. the house of lancaster beat the house of york. william shakespeare described
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picking as a ruthless man of power. but in leicester today, people stand firmly behind their richard. >> well, he will be a bit redeemed, perhaps. who knows? effect he was a king in a turbulent time come a time of change in our country. it is great that tey found his own under a carpark. >> they still teach in school and it's important to our children. >> three years ago, researchers from the university of less began excavating for evidence and found their man under the parking lot. since then richards remains have been under the care of university geneticist dr. tori king. he compared -- she compared them with his descendents. she was able to establish without a doubt that they were really has. >> we had some historical evidence about what had happened
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to richard. some of it was absolutely spot on. other bits were not quite right. he was not a hunchback. he has scoliosis, so if that -- a sideways curve. >> and now, richard fever has hit leicester. the whole city is proud of its king. preparations are under way in the cathedral. where the dead king resides right now is a very well-kept secret, but one thing is clear he will start his last journey in a few days from the university of leicester to the cathedral in the center of town. that is where he will finally begin an honorable resting place, one befitting an english monarch. [no audio] >> to its power supply during a solar eclipse. >> we will know more about that tomorrow morning when one of the biggest eclipses will sweep
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across europe, including germany. >> whatever happens, stargazers are giving up. >> this to measures -- this tube measures mona 20 meetings. -- more than 20 meters. it is the longest of its kind in the world. these are using smaller models to watch the solar eclips. felix can tell many stories about the celestial event. for instance, how did people react to eclipses in centuries past? >> they must have perceived solar eclipses of the terrible threat. it's completely a natural that this thing we depend on for light and warmth suddenly disappears. >> monstrous beasts like dragons swallow the sun, that is how
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people tried to explain the fed lots of light. they began observing the stars and skies more closely. astronomers tried to guess when the light would fall based on the light of the earth. it was a difficult task. >> legend have a -- legend has it that their love of rice wine led them to forget to announce when the next set of eclipses would come. the eclipse and everyone was unprepared. it caused great confusion. then came the punishment. both men were beheaded. >> in around 600 years bc, a grecian managed to predict a solar eclipse. his success has far-reaching consequences. >> it had said that this solar eclipse even ended a war, mainly between the lydians and the many
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in. -- and the mediums. the soldiers took it as an omen and ended the war. >> einstein's theory of relatively was proven without of a solar eclipse in the 20th century. and the fascination with its alignment in the sky continues to the present. >> it is just the idea of huge celestial bodies out there shifting around. you can see that they are moving. you sense how small your -- you yourself are. >> it is definitely something unusual, at least here in germany. >> sure, it's just a shadow, but it still affects us here on earth. for those looking -- >> for those looking forward to tomorrow's celestial show, there is just one big question. will clouds get in the way? >> the sun is central to our last story.
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the first attempt to fly around the globe by philip lane has completed its latest stage -- by solar plane has completed its latest stage. >> it has reached myanmar in just 13 hours instead of just 20. the plane will fly to china in its next stage of the trip. >> the crew will not be as lucky as us. we are having a solar eclipse tomorrow. >> i will have to get up early. >> inks for joining us. -- thanks for joining us. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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. this week on "wealthtrack," the state of corporate morality is a primary responsibility of american companies to their stockholders or toward broader set of stakeholders as well? including employees, customers and the community? financial historian richard sylla and award-winning financial editor, paul steiger, share their perspectives next on
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