tv Global 3000 PBS April 15, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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>> the bloody rampage through tunis' bardo museum has left tunisia reeling as it comes to terms with an is attack which struck at the heart of both its tourist industry, and its national identity. the country once held up as the arab spring's last beacon of hope is now faced with some tough soul-searching as it moves to tighten its security. find out more after this quick round up of today's topics, here on "global 3000." terror in tunisia radicalisation brings violence to the state and grief to families. biodiversity's playground: mexican environmentalists keep a close watch on the gulf of california.
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so long, saigon: young architects compete to give hochi minh city a makeover. the deadly attack on tourists at the bardo museum in tunis is likely to lead to a dramatic tightening of security in north african countries. tunisia, which hosts the world social forum this week, is no exception. whilst rights groups warn against rolling back freedoms won during the tunisian revolution, the urgency of the need for new counter-terrorist measures is highlighted by the fact that tunisia has become the largest source of foreign fighters for the is militia in syria and iraq. many young people have left everything behind to respond to calls for a holy war. >> we've got hold of papers belonging to tunisian suicide attackers in iraq. after hesitating for a long
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time, one of their families has agreed to talk to us. we set off for jemaal, east of the capital, tunis. over 3 thousand tunisians have joined jihadist groups in syria and iraq. many of them come from desolate-looking villages and small towns like these. we're meeting the family of walid abdel hamit, a 35-year-old taxi driver who suddenly went to neighbouring libya. there we are told he was radicalised by salafi preachers. walid then decided to head to syria. >> walid acalled us from there and told us that he was going to join the jihad. i told him that true jihad would be to look after his family and himself. but he didn't want to listen. >> his family was often able to
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talk to walid in syria. but one day he phoned them from a training camp in iraq. he said he wanted to help the sunnis there. >> he asked my mother to forgive him but that by god's grace he would be going to paradise. he told her not to be sad, and then the connection was lost. his family found out on facebook that walid was dead. the islamic state posts videos of suicide attacks on pages like these. >> walid's death has left a gaping hole. he's my brother and he loved me very much. we spent so much time together. it's impossible to forget him. it's very hard for me. >> in tunis, journalists at "inkyfada" have documented on their webpage a lack of any kind
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of controls in tunisian mosques after the revolution in 2011. the islamist party ennahda, in power until last year, tolerated extremists. these pictures show a salafi congress, where speakers call for holy war. meetings like these have since been banned. the radicals' funding comes from qatar. charitable organizations are fronts for money laundering. >> qatar finances terrorist groups in tunisia. terrorists have even made statements, explicitly thanking the emir of qatar. >> the interior ministry in tunis stresses that a number of mosques have been closed in the past year. but there are profound concerns about what will happen if thousands of jihadists start returning to tunisia.
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>> it's a ticking time bomb. we can prevent these people from leaving the country but their return poses a problem. we need the help of the international community to solve it. >> returning jihadists are a growing threat in tunisia. but for families like the kaabis, the situation is also a personal tragedy. their son, 21-year-old bilal, blew himself up in libya in 2014, killing 20 others. his family says that bilal changed when he began attending a local salafi mosque. it was then that he began embracing radical ideas. >> my son is innocent. the people who manipulated him are reponsible.
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these godless people earn money with our young men and send them to their deaths. >> the local mosque has since shut down. its preachers have disappeared. leaving in their wake a family in shock and desperation. >> and that desperation is now sadly shared by many other families worldwide. so what role can families play in protecting young people? could they prepare their children better against the influences of radical preachers or internet propaganda? join us on facebook for your part in the discussion. now, it's called the gulf of california, but don't get confused. our destination is a stretch of water the size of uruguay situated between mainland mexico and a jutting peninsular. thought to be one of the most diverse seas on the planet, it is home to a unique and rich
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ecosystem which enjoys protected status in a variety of zones. those zones are good news for, amongst others, dolphins and less photogenically, local fishermen. that's because with industrial fishing banned, both fish and tourist numbers are on the rise. >> legendary undersea explorer jaques cousteau once called the gulf of california the "aquarium of the world". it stretches along one thousand kilometers and is home to a vast variety of fish species, invertebrates and marine mammals. this spectacular biodiversity is the result of sustained conservation efforts. in 1995, cabo pulmo at the southern tip of mexico's baja
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california peninsula was made a national marine park. >> this area used to be heavily fished. but that stopped when it was made a national park. in the last 20 years loss of biodiversity has been massively reversed. biomass has grown by 400%. >> it was the fishermen themselves who appealed for help. their catches had been suffering badly. one of them was mario castro. today he works in the tourist industry, as do his neighbours. >> it's become much easier. as soon as you take the boat out, you have an income. not like with fishing sometimes you'd come back empty-handed but you'd still have to pay for fuel and ice for the fish and so on.
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now you take tourists out and you earnings are safe without risk. and most importantly, we're keeping fish stocks stable. >> there are 18 national parks lining the gulf of california. areas that aren't protected are still over-fished. marine biologist volker koch from the german development agency giz is helping the local national park service establish new conservation areas. >> it's often complicated because the general public often thinks that they can't do anything in these areas any more. it can take a while to explain to them that what's been happening so far is unsustainable but that they can follow the example of the people here in cabo pulmo, for example. ecotourism makes the most of the local biodiversity much more than fishing does.
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>> the gulf of california is a biologically rich region. the largest animals in the world, blue whales, spend the winters further north in loreto bay. they breed and calve in the temperate zones off baja california before heading off to the arctic.national park. fishing is heavily restricted and only permitted in specific zones. in winter, fisherman martin castro packs away his nets and takes tourists out on his boat to go whale spotting. sometimes, they'll also get to see dolphins. sea lions are also a popular tourist attraction.
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in recent years, tourism has become a major source of income in the region. but the industry can't be allowed to grow too much because then it would threaten local wildlife. too much development along the beaches would spell doom for biodiversity. >> the national park comprises the ocean and 5 islands, so we can regulate tourism there. but for areas outside the park we need to find other ways of preventing mass tourism, which would have serious repercussions for the conservation area. >> volker koch helps out with negotiations with authorities and investors. it's important that local conservationists communicate with each other and speak with one voice. >> each of these national parks is a kingdom unto itself. their respective directors are only responsible for their
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particular park. but one aspect of the our plan is that we move away from that arrangement, and see whether the various parks have issues in common that can be worked through together. >> they can also share best-practices. for the last few years this small fishing village near loreto has been catching ornamental fish. most of the customers are large aquariums in the us. a boxfish sells for the equivalent of about 5 euros. a porcupine fish fetches three times as much. after all, they can do some pretty amazing things. catching them is generally a man's job. but more often than not, they're working for their wives. they were the ones who had the business idea and set up an
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all-women cooperative. >> we've gained the respect of the community. our men are normal fishermen. but we've done the accounts and worked out that our little ornamental fish are worth just as much as five kilos of edible fish. >> locals pushed for the creation of the loreto national park years ago, to preempt an encroaching industrial fishing industry. but even they have been surprised by how much it's improved their lives and how well they're earning from it. >> as a fisherman your first concern is the size of your catch. nothing else matters. but now i appreciate what we have here. such riches. and we don't even need to go
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fishing and exploit stocks. all we need to do is take people out in our boats and show them what is here. this here is our future. >> that's definitely an example of a place that should be left as it is. other places could do with a makeover. that, at least, is the opinion of the founders of the global shapers hub in ho chi minh city. global shapers is a network of young leaders sponsored by the world economic forum with the aim of "building a more peaceful and inclusive world". in the case of the young people behind the ho chi minh hub, it seems that architecture and town planning have a major part to play in attaining that goal. they're calling their project 'saigon makeover'. >> these young 20-somethings want their city to look its best. the former post office dates
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back to the french colonial era. it's a tourist attraction, but clearly has seen better days. the vietnamese flag looks impressive waving in the wind, but the building itself is sorely in need of renovation. a new design competition gives locals a chance to contribute ideas how the city's looks could be improved. architects thanh hoa and doan thienphuc have come up with an idea for murals. elaine phuong nguyen is one of the competition's founders. >> even though the city is unique and very lively, we need public space that everyone can enjoy after work or where everyone can do their activities at the weekend. >> "saigon makeover" is aimed at the younger generation. >> we heard about the competition just after we had graduated. we decided immediately that we'd take part and use our creativity to improve ho chi minh city.
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elaine phuong nguyen gives them some advice on developing their idea further. right now they're off to refine their design over a drink in a privately-run cafe. places like these are popular meeting places in the bustling city. and ginger lemonade is a popular drink these days. "turtle lake" is a favourite haunt of young people in the centre of town. but there are no turtles here and the lake itself doesn't look particularly inviting. elaine phuong nguyen is meeting up here with "saigon makeover's" co-organizer. they want to talk about some of the designs submitted to the competition.
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>> the name of this place is turtle lake but the artist said why is it called that when there are no turtles. so he wants to clean up the water and make these beautiful tile murals of turtles and sea ceratures and have it lit so it would really brighten up and clean up the space. nearly 10 million people live in greater ho chi minh city. life here can be hectic. but 150 ideas were submitted to the "saigon makeover" competition. the organizers are proud of the success of their project. one of the submissions is a proposal to revamp the city's trash cans. >> because these are very popular in the streets in the morning and at the end of the day people collect trash to keep the city clean...
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make it more colourful, more amusing. the next challenge is to raise funds so that the winning idea can be implemented. for now, everyone working on the project is donating their time and input. >> we have people in finance, the start up industry, the arts. we all have a different way of viewing the world. but what we do have in common is that need and drive to make a contribution to our community. >> elaine phuong nguyen and her colleagues belong to the global shapers community and can now exchange ideas with other like-minded people around the world. although elaine studied in the us, her heart belongs to hochiminh city.
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>> from contemporary town planning, to the monolithic guardians of an ancient polynesian culture. these incredible sculptures are the famous moai of easter island which sits in the middle of the south pacific ocean, some 4,000 km away from the chilean mainland. once a year, the descendants of the ancient rapa nui civilisation, which produced the exquisite carvings, get together to celebrate their heritage and ensure that their cultural identity survives, even under chilean rule. >> the world-famous, mysterious statues of easter island in the southeastern pacific ocean. these 900 or so stone figures with their oversize heads are called moai. they were carved by the rapa nui people between the years 1250 and 1500. today they are remnants of a culture that nearly vanished.
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but the descendants of the rapa nui want to do everything to bring this culture back to life again. 34-year-old mike belongs to the rapa nui people. he makes what are called 'rongorongo' wooden tablets with inscriptions. first discovered on easter island in the 19th century, the 'rongorongo' feature a system of glyphs. >> many locals are sorry that the tradition of these glyphs has been lost and that hardly anybody knows it any more. because it's part of our lives, our culture and tradition that belongs in every corner of the island. i began to explore this legacy and the more i know of it, the more i understand who we are. >> there are many unexplained mysteries here in easter island.
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including the origins of the moai. they're a tourist landmark, locals consider them sacred. this man is performing a ritual, a greeting to his ancestors, whose souls are believed to live on in the statues. >> my message contains a melancholy melody. i feel sad when i see these moia that have lost their eyes. for some people they're just stone figures and a business opportunity. they're tourist attractions. >> recent years have seen a steep rise in tourism here. beautiful and remote, the island is a five-hour flight from chile and increasingly popular. it has 6000 inhabitants, many of whom resent the increase in traffic, although they profit from the tourists. there is widespread discontentamongst the rapa nui. they identify as polynesian
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rather than south american and many feel they suffer discrimiantion and are demanding independence from chile. >> the chilean government is no good. they are thieves! the chilean government is our biggest problem. >> chile annexed the island in 1888. it remained under martial law until 1967 and the inhabitants were not allowed to leave. even today everything on the island is administered by chile. >> in geopolitical terms this is a very useful place and therefore important to chile. >> preparations are underway for tapati, a traditional rapa nui celebration that involves two weeks of music, dance and traditional sports. mike is supplying the music. it's an event that celebrates
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the polynesian past. >> we see it as a time when the elders teach the younger generation the importance of preserving and upholding our culture.. the party starts after sundown. this is when the rapa nui tradition comes into its own. locals have been celebrating tapati since the 1960s, when under dictator augusto pinochet chile began recognizing the cultural and territorial rights of the rapanui. the tapati festival is now into its second day. sporting events are an important part of the event, rooted in the
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days of tribal wars. today they're just for fun. one discipline sees contestants racing one another weighed down with bundels of bananas. other disciplines revolve around arts and crafts from wood carving to making loincloths. tapati is all about the cultural identity of easter island's inhabitants. and that's what counts for mike. even at home with his family, the talented musician upholds the rapa nui traditions. >> i could go anywhere i wanted in polynesia or even the rest of the world. but this is the most beautiful place. it's the centre of the world, it's my life, it's everything to
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♪ >> memphis, tennessee, it has been written if music were religion, then memphis would be jerusalem and sun studio its most sacred shrine. you are here. bilbilly woodward. ♪ oh, it's got one hell of a grip ♪ ♪ baby, i got bit >> my name is billy woodward and i'm here playing with austin cook on piano and mike on lead guitar and cory on upright bass and scott on drums and adrian walker o
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