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tv   Journal  PBS  April 22, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> live from the dw studios here in berlin, this is the which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] -- this is the "journal." >> how to bring the mediterranean market crisis under control. brent: large parts of southeast australia are under water as the region struggles to cope with the aftermath of a superstorm. >> a warning to moscow -- the eu threatens gas prompt with billions in fines -- has prompt -- the eu threatens gazprom with billions in fines. >> we begin with a call for action on the mediterranean migrant crisis. >> italy's prime minister says
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that europe should create centers in africa that would process asylum applications. >> is just one of the proposals on the table as the eu cares of for an emergency meeting on thursday. >> meanwhile, there's been no let up in the flow of migrants making that dangerous journey. a group has just arrived in italy after being rescued at sea. >> they arrived in italy alive and exhausted. over 500 migrants were rescued at sea on wednesday. many needed medical care. the italian coast guard brought them to the port town of salerno where they will be divided into smaller groups and transferred to reception centers across the country. italy is feeling the pressure from hundreds of refugees trying to reach its coast every day. the country is also still reeling from the shock of sunday's tragedy when almost 900 people drowned as they attempted the crossing from libya to the eu.
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the italian parliament observed a minute of silence. the prime minister made a passionate appeal to the eu one day before an emergency summit on migrant trafficking. >> this is a matter of human dignity. we need to have the courage to say that italy's priority at this moment is for the eu to once again play a political role. european rescue operations must be strengthened. >> often, migrants try to reach the coast in dinghies that are not seaworthy. these images were filmed by the italian coast guard earlier this week. scenes like this have become increasingly frequent, which is why rome wants a viable eu solution to be found as soon as possible. >> a eu has been strongly criticized for not doing more to stop these migrant disasters. is action on the way? that emergency action plan for tomorrow be the beginning? i asked our correspondent in
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brussels. >> there's a 10-point plan, and the first steps are quite article -- to mount a sea rescue mission that will be not too difficult. germany, for instance, has promised to give more boats. that is rather easily doable. the same is true for help for italy. financially, even with the logistics, the people are there. they need help, for instance, with feeding, housing, and then registering the rest you geez. we have a european asylum agency that could help. those first steps are not that difficult, and the heads of government only need to decide. the next part, the fight against the people smugglers, is much more difficult because many voices now say for a military component, we would need a mandate of the united nations. finally, the thirds that, the most important really, where to put those refugees.
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who wants to take in those refugees? that is really contentious because some people have already said no, thank you. hungary and great britain where an election campaign is under way and where the issue of migrants is very hot. >> the shipping industry sending its own sos to the european union over the crisis in the mediterranean. under international laws, merchant ships are required to help people in boats and distress on the water. >> as merchant ships are rescuing more and more migrants this year, they say they are not equipped and cannot afford to do with the coast guard says they should be doing themselves. >> it's adding to the anger surrounding the debate over what europe should do to end this crisis. >> the german parliament paid tribute to the 800 migrants who died at attempting to cross to europe. the scale of the tragedy has sparked a fierce debate about how europe should respond to the growing migrant crisis on the mediterranean.
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>> there are no solutions -- there are no quick solutions. of course europe must not turn everyone away, but europe also cannot accept every african who wants to come here. >> opposition politicians say european policy needs an overhaul and tha no migrants should deal desperate enough to put their life in the hands of smugglers. >> we all agree that we need to hold smugglers and other criminals to account, but more than that, we need to take away the demand for their business. having a secure legal route into europe takes away the need for traffickers. >> members did agree on one point -- that the eu needs to step up rescue operations on the mediterranean. details of the mission are expected to be revealed at an emergency eu summit on thursday.
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for these protesters outside parliament, action cannot come soon enough. >> on monday, european union foreign and interior ministers did agree on an action plan for tackling the mediterranean migrant crisis. >> we reported on that right here. that plan will top the agenda of the emergency meeting in brussels tomorrow. here is a look at what is inside that plan. >> it's a tragedy in the mediterranean. an estimated 1500 people have lost their lives attempted to reach europe this spring -- worst toll so far. the eu is proposing stepping up sea patrols, one of a package of measures to ease the crisis. the eu operation triton was only officially responsible for protecting europe's borders. the plan is to expand its mission and double its funding to 6 million euros, but even then, it's budget would be considerably smaller than the italian operation that triton replaced.
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traffickers are exploiting the migrant crisis. the eu aims to curb trafficking. proposals include locating the boats of potential traffickers and destroying them. eu investigators would also try to track down those masterminding the operations and freeze their financing, but traffickers are not the cause of the migrant crisis. as long as europe does nothing to stop the breakup of states such as syria and refuses to open up legal channels for entry to the eu, migrant deaths will continue. the biggest conflict within the eu is over the number of asylum seekers each country takes an. now brussels hopes to relieve southern european nations like italy with a new distribution model. in a pilot project, the eu aims to resettle 5000 migrants relocating them proportionately between all 28 eu states, but member states are unable to
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agree on a binding distribution plan. the project is voluntary and dependent on the political will of independent countries. >> unfortunately, that danger does not end when migrants reach their destination. families are often 20 apart on their way to europe and reuniting them after their arrival is a big challenge -- families are often torn apart. >> we met one little girl who was separated from her parents by human traffickers. this is her story. >> this girl is drawing her new home and how she got here. she came to spain two years ago from congo. she was just five when she boarded a boat hacked with refugees -- packed with refugees with a man claiming to be her mother's boyfriend. >> i remember that i was on a boat. then i fell asleep and did not know where i was anymore. >> their boat ended up stranded
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in a spanish exclave on the north african coast. the man disappeared. she ended up in a children's home under the care of spanish social workers. her case is not unique. authorities can only guess what human traffickers have land for children like her. >> there is evidence to suggest that the gangs plan to make money with the kids. >> even babies have been arriving in spain accompanied by migrants who are not their parents. people smugglers but the children on board to improve the boats chances of being allowed to land. dna tests of the people on board this boat showed that in 10 of 12 cases, the children and adults were not related. >> one time a child fell into the sea and drowned as the boat was about to land.
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when the body was recovered, none of the migrants claimed the child as their own. that really is a humanitarian drama -- when a child all's into the sea, drowns, and no one claims it. >> this man knows all about human trafficking. until recently, david rodriguez monitored african trafficking gangs as an ever kinder -- as an undercover agent. what he uncovered was disturbing. he found that the people smugglers use children as collateral to force women into prostitution. >> how can people smugglers force a woman to repay her death if she lives in germany? one way is to keep her children in spain until she has paid them off. >> police are struggling to contain the problem. too often, their investigations and the country's borders --
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their investigations aend at the country's borders. >> we don't know who picked up these children and where. we don't know what happens to them. >> she's one of the lucky ones. her mother, who now lives in france, found her after a long search. soon after we filmed this report, they were set to be reunited. >> in other news, rebels and yemen say they will sit down for united nations sponsored peace talks but only if a coalition of nations led by saudi arabia stops bothering them. >> i was ago warplanes launched more airstrikes in a southern city with the rebels have seized an army base. the fresh violence comes a day after saudi arabia announced the official air campaign was over. protests have spread across the yemen as more and more civilians are killed. france says it has no intention
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of delivering lethal weapons to ukraine. the french president said kiev had not made any such request. >> the leaders stressed the importance of keeping a cease-fire between pro-russian separatists and ukraine in troops. now to a catastrophe in eastern australia as a superstorm lashes the region. >> for people are dead. more than 200 thousand homes and businesses are without power. the storm also has canceled international flights and prompted the closure of the port of newcastle, the world's largest coal exporting port. >> first came the storm. then this. large parts of new south wales including australia's biggest city of sydney, are flooded.
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they had been hit by record rainfall and cyclone-strength winds for three days. at least one of those who died in the storm and 86 year woman, was killed as her car was swept away by floodwaters. rescuers retrieved her body last night. these time lapse pictures from a train station in sydney show how the water rose over just 45 minutes. one woman and another badly hit area told of how suddenly the flood came. >> it was so quick, and it kept coming in and rising so quickly that i had to sit on a stool and wait for someone to come and help me out. >> emergency services have received more than 10,000 calls for help in the last 48 hours. they've had to rescue at least 100 people.
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and some animals. this horse was being dragged away by the current before it was saved. the government says the worst may be over, but there's still no room for complacency. >> in terms of the weather pattern, it's still very dangerous. we are seeing continuation of the wind, rain, flash flooding and while it is still dangerous the positive is that there is some easing, but we still have a lot to get through in the next 48 hours. >> windstorm does die down completely, attention will switch to the cleanup and recovery effort. the damage is expected to run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. >> were going to take a short break. when we come back, the european union accusing russian giant gazprom of that business
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practices. >> bayern munich are in the semifinals again. let's find out how they did.
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>> welcome back. the army that could not shoot straight -- that's essentially what the german army has been according to a new report. >> the problem is that the standard issue rifle loses accuracy when it heats up. troops have complained about the weapon for years. >> the defense ministry says it now plans to scrap the weapon, but critics want to know what took them so long. >> the german army standard assault rifle. the bundeswehr is equipped with someone hundred 70,000 of them. some saw active service in afghanistan, but internal reports say the weapon is not accurate in hot weather or when used in all automatic mode. in berlin, the defense minister revealed to lawmakers the findings of a report on the g
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six. >> my conclusion from this report is that the g 36 in its current form has no future in the german military. >> her predecessor was allegedly first informed about the issue three years ago but the now interior minister did nothing. the weapons maker still denies there is anything wrong with the rifle. the opposition suspects a cover-up. >> it appears someone has been protecting them, and i want to know who, why, and for how long. while those questions remain open, the defense minister stressed german officials are working to replace the weapon, but that it will take more than a year at the least. >> let's pull and terry martin, who is on the story for us here in berlin. what in the world is wrong with this weapon?
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>> well, it's very elemental. it seems it doesn't shoot straight when it's hot, and that obviously can be a very serious problem for combat troops who are facing very dangerous situations. this is the standard issue combat rifle for german troops. they used it in afghanistan extensively. it is still being used by german troops and now in mali. let's look at what the criticism is. there have been several studies on this weapon, and the latest results show that after shooting two magazines the rifle longer strikes with accuracy. it's that simple. after three magazines have been discharged, the likelihood of it hitting its target is down to about a third. when it gets really hot, it jobs below 10%, and that obviously is pretty damning for this weapon. >> the only place you would want to use that would be in the middle of the north pole. germany prides itself on its
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technical know-how. a lot of people had to be asking how this could even happen, how a weapon like this could even develop and get this far. >> it's important to point out that the manufacturer says that the rifle does exactly what it was designed to do. it meets all specifications. they point out that this rifle 1990's, so it does seem a little odd that problems would only begin to surface now. the weapon has also been escorted to many countries -- more than 20 countries including many nato allies of germany, and a say that international demand is still very strong. >> a lot of unanswered questions in the story. terry martin there on the gun that cannot shoot straight. thank you very much.
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leaders from asia and africa are gathered in jakarta for a summit on promoting closer ties. >> representatives of more than 100 countries are present and one top bilateral meeting in particular has been drawing attention. >> trade between africa and asia has burgeoned in recent years but political ties have failed to keep pace. african and asian leaders know they can only successfully challenge western dominance by working together and deepening ties. >> by working closely together, is in an african countries will gain far more than what their combined strength can achieve. we need to follow a win-win approach so that we can turn the strengths of the two continents into economic power, deepening regional and cross-regional cooperation, as well as encouraging freedom of trade and investment. but a number of difficult
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bilateral relations continue to hamper regional cooperation. japan's prime minister disappointed many by stopping short of apologizing or his country's atrocities in world war ii. >> we should never allow the powerful to bully the week unchecked -- the weak unchecked. >> japan with feelings of deep or more sober the past work, made a pledge to remain a nation that always adheres to these principles. >> and i highly symbolic move, met with china, a possible sign of thawing after years of difficult relations. >> he who controls the energy supply wields quite a bit of power. the eu looks set to try to control the power of russian natural gas supplier gazprom alleging that gazprom is engaging anticompetitive practices. >> gazprom denies the charges.
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gazprom and its german are said to be particularly close to russian president vladimir putin. >> the allegations coming from brussels are serious and potentially extremely costly. the eu accuses gazprom a charging unfair prices in eastern europe and making gas supply conditional on a chair of pipeline's. it says the russian giant is abusing its market position. the specific charges relate to eight in european countries where the eu says gazprom has charged disproportionately high prices. brussels says that has given the company and unfair monopoly. >> gazprom has been able to charge higher prices in some countries without fearing that gas will flow in from other countries from re-sailors or where the prices were lower. >> russia accounts for 40% of europe's imports, half of that via pipelines in ukraine. gazprom has 12 weeks to respond
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to the allegations. if the company is found to be in breach of eu law, it could face a fine of around $10 billion, a 10th of its annual turnover. >> greek officials are downplaying fears of a new minute default. they reportedly said they could scrape together enough cash to make the country's payment obligations into june. >> the ceiling has been raised on emergency lending by the greek central bank to other greek banks, giving them a bigger buffer to cope with withdrawals. still, athens has nt managed to put forward reforms that satisfy its international lenders, and there's little hope of a breakthrough at the meeting of eurozone finance ministers this friday in latvia. >> how is this continued uncertainty over greece hitting european markets? >> investors have decided to keep the earnings of the last few weeks.
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great numbers were nowhere to be seen for the most part of the day. the greek crisis is hitting stocks as uncertainty rises. how much money does greece have an how long? what are eurozone finance ministers going to decide next friday? the latest news confirmed there will not be a list presented to them, and everyone wants to know if they will extend aid to greece in exchange for essentially nothing. on the other hand, the eu's legal actions against russian energy giant gazprom are also a cause for concern. this will certainly affect relations between russia and the west, thus concerning investors. >> here come the market numbers starting in frankfurt with the dax, which was down by more than .5% on the day. the euro stoxx 50, the pan-european index, up ever so slightly. the dow jones industrial average in new york -- they are still trading there, but at the moment, it's up by more than
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.5%, and the euro climbing a bit against the dollar. >> we go to sports now, and the champions league quarterfinals. >> on tuesday bayern munich advanced to the semifinals by thrashing porto. >> the morning after the night before, training as usual with pep guardiola looking markedly relaxed. the team did him proud, striking early and hard. >> that was a real statement. we had our backs against the wall. that can also be a good. >> byron -- bayern seemed to thrive under the pressure. but the onslaught continued with two goals from robert levin askey and another from thomas really. it was 5-0 to byron.
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after the break, the bavarians eased their pace and allowed jackson martinez to claw one back. the final score 6-1. >> it's fun to win fun to be ahead, and fun to come one round further. >> bayern are now looking confidently ahead to saturday's match. success in that game could put the team well on their way to another bundesliga title. >> to cycling now, and the spanish writer has defended his title at the belgian race, the third time he has won the event. >> a crass just 12 kilometers for the finish put some top writers off their pace, but he aborted the malay and once again proved to be the strongest on the steep final climb. >> is before we go, we got this little gem of a story for you.
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70's auction house -- sotheby's auction house says this is the definition from perfection. flawless 100 carat diamond is the size of a walnut. >> look at it. it sold for a cool $22 million, record. in 2013, and even bigger diamond sold in hong kong for over $30 million. imagine having to put that thing on your finger. >> that's quite a walnut. >> thanks for watching. i'll see you again at the top of the hour. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute,+ which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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many north koreans have defected to south korea. their numbers now


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