tv Global 3000 PBS May 1, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> hello and welcome to "global 3000," your weekly check on the global issues beyond the headlines. and here's what we have coming up for you right now. dreaming of the sea -- why landlocked bolivia still has its own navy. ocean nightmare -- how tunisia tries to stave off an influx of foreign jellyfish. and upcycling -- how second-hand clothes become designer frocks in mozambique. now, states that don't see eye-to-eye with their neighbors are nothing unusual. but how do you get your neighbor
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back to the negotiation table over territory you lost more than 130 years ago? bolivia is trying to pressure chile by taking it to court. the loss of access to the sea in the war of the pacific, also known as the saltpeter war, is still a national trauma. so much so that landlocked bolivia still has its own navy, which is charged with a rather unusual responsibility. >> the bolivian navy completing a military drill. on lake titicaca, 3800 meters above sea level. >> the exercises are important. we're preparing for possible military operations. if we regain access to the sea,
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our people need to be well-trained. >> a navy force but no sea access. nevertheless, the country is proud of its marines. each year, there are more applications than places for young bolivians hoping to do military service with the navy. this year for the first time, the navy is introducing a military diving division. many women have chosen to join its ranks. they long for bolivia to regain its position as a naval force on the pacific. >> we no longer have access to the sea. but we long for it. sea access would solve so many problems. and i want to get to know the sea. >> bolivia lost its coastline more than 130 years ago in war
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-- in the war of the pacific against chile. it's still a source of national trauma. now, more than ever, bolivia would benefit from re-gaining access to the sea. ♪ bolivia is experiencing a boom. last year, the economy grew by 6.5%. the country is rich in reserves and sovereign debt is low. bolivia is enjoying a fresh wave of confidence under president evo morales. now it wants to reclaim its coastline from chile without bloodshed. >> bolivian people are entitled to the sea.
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for that reason, one of the objectives of the armed forces is to strengthen the navy. all bolivians should be prepared for the moment when our country wins back access to the sea using peaceful means. >> one option is to bring a case before the international court of justice. morales has tasked his predecessor, carlos mesa, with tackling the maritime issue. he is to represent bolivia in the hague. >> it's not about pursuing legal action in the form of "this piece of land belongs to us and chile should return it." it's neither a border conflict nor a territorial dispute. chile should be ordered by the hague to return to the
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negotiation table and speak to us about solutions, with an open mind. >> one solution could be to establish a sovereign harbor, something bolivia says is necessary if it's to continue to develop economically. every day, hundreds of bolivian trucks cross the plateaus in the direction of the sea. they're loaded with soy, wood and sugar. the border with chile is situated at an altitude of 5000 meters. drivers often get stuck in traffic there. >> the chilean border guards are mean. we spend an entire day here at the border. they search us from top to toe. that's to do with our demand to re-gain sea access. the only way they can exact revenge is to plague us with paperwork. >> the trucks are headed for the port city of arica. a peace deal agreed in 1904 allows bolivia to use the harbor. it's benefitted from the country's economic growth.
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bolivian imports and exports account for more than 80% of activity there. >> bolivian trade is incredibly important for this harbor. our challenge is to continue to improve our services and to adapt to our bolivian clients. >> the port of arica is coming under increasing pressure. it's in desperate need of investment -- which bolivia says it's willing to provide. a joint harbor with chile would be a compromise. >> bolivia easily has the reserves to make such an investment. it's very different from a few years ago, when we couldn't even have dreamt of doing it. >> the original bolivian harbor was located nearby, in the city of cobija. even if bolivia were to reclaim this spot, building a harbor here would cost far too much.
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once a center of trade in gold and minerals, it's now a small fishing village, home to some 100 people, all of them chilean. >> chile won the war back then, -- then. for a long time, everything was fine. now bolivia is stirring things up again. we've already had to cede land to the peruvians. now the bolivians want the sea, too. >> [chanting in foreign language] >> back on lake titicaca, the bolivian marine corps has adopted the name "calama" after a battle fought against the chileans on the topater river. >> it remains part of our country, even if we've lost it.
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we impress upon our sailors that we can never allow ourselves to forget our old coastal territory. >> for the time being, the bolivian navy will have to settle for lake titicaca. their "ersatz ocean." >> and now it's time for you, our viewers, to let us into your world. today, we follow the invitation of the vietnamese composer with plenty to tell about his living room in hanoi.
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>> i live here with beethoven. i have learned so much from him. it's thanks to german music that i've been able to write my sonatas. sometimes i sit here and talk to beethoven and find inspiration that way. he is my master. ♪ this is a german piano, an alexander herrmann. i bought it in 1957, i think. i use a german piano to compose my music. europeans call me the beethoven
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of vietnam, and quy, the master of sonatas. here, this is the certificate. it makes me proud. ♪ nowadays, the world is dominated by american music. everyone performs pop, rap, and other kinds of music, which i think are a bit too disorderly. thank you for visiting me. i hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in vietnam. ♪
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>> what a charming man. now bio-invaders sound like an , army. in fact, they often feel like one to native species. they can arrive from all over. it's more than just coincidence that the main routes for bio-invaders pretty much match -- pretty much look like a global transport map. these stowaways come at a price, causing an estimated 1 trillion euros in damage every year. some 12,000 such alien species live in the european union alone, with some of them causing serious damage. tunisia is currently having to learn to deal with an influx of jellyfish -- a pest for fishermen and tourists alike. scientists are struggling to keep them at bay and, failing that, trying to make the most of a tricky situation.
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>> these are uncharted waters for the white-spotted jellyfish. it's ended up in the mediterranean sea after coming all the way from australia. the arrival of new species has left scientists in tunisia worried. each week they head out to sea to carry out tests. in 2012, they found this jellyfish in the mediterranean sea for the first time. >> we assume that they arrived here on big merchant ships. when ships arrive at this -- the harbor, they exchange their container vessel ballast. that means they release water into the sea from other regions of the world. that introduces fish and jellyfish species that aren't
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native to the mediterranean sea. >> in the northern city of bizerte, scientists at the university are researching the diets of the new jellyfish species. they've ascertained that the animals do present a danger to the ecosystem. >> many jellyfish are carnivorous and many eat plankton. but sardines, anchovies, and young fish also need plankton. as a result, the jellyfish are competing with the other animals and organisms in the sea. >> these fishermen are also concerned. they still employ traditional fishing techniques. rather than going out on boats, they stay on shore and cast huge nets into the ocean.
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today is a good day. they've caught more regular fish than jellyfish. scientists work together with the fishermen and their families. in the last three years, there's been an enormous influx of new species of jellyfish. and they're breeding fast. >> if we end up with this many jellyfish in our nets, we have to shake everything out in order for there to be any fish left over. the jellyfish burn us. they sting. you get a burning sensation in your eyes and everywhere. >> close to the capital, tunis, the scientists and fishermen are trying to catch the offending jellyfish. but today, the creatures are hiding. when it's windy, jellyfish submerge in deeper waters. that forces the fishermen further out to sea. luckily, they're familiar with the area.
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but with more and more jellyfish in these waters, is the answer to just get used to them? >> the solution is either to reduce the fish catch or to assign a value to the jellyfish. that's why we founded a laboratory where we can extract collagen from them. >> jellyfish can in fact be used to produce collagen as an ingredient in cosmetics. this practice is common all over the world and demand is rising -- something tunisians are hoping to profit from.
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>> there are certainly enough of them. especially in the last few years, as the mediterranean has become flooded with jellyfish. why shouldn't we use them to make cosmetics and someday maybe even medicine? >> but the jellyfish are causing big problems in another sector -- tourism. thousands of people vacation on tunisia's beaches every year, and they don't want to be stung by jellyfish. the jellyfish scourge is leaving many visitors unhappy. >> when we just started swimming , you know my son got bitten as , you see by a jellyfish in the stomach and he saw a couple of them as well. and my daughter got bitten as well. which finger was it? >> this one. >> yeah. so, it's really, really stressful to be honest with you. >> we've been here about seven days and we've seen quite a few jellyfish actually. sometimes there's only a few, in
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the morning, there's not many. in the afternoon, you'll see five or six. >> in response, the scientists have set up a series of nets along the beach. the aim is to keep the jellyfish away from swimming areas. they ask tourists to fill out a questionnaire. scientists take samples, which they then use to record what jellyfish species they find at each beach. >> today we have the beach to ourselves. the current and the winds have ensured that there are barely any jellyfish directly on the beach. >> but does that make the marine biologist happy or unhappy? >> well, from a scientific perspective, it's a pity of course. it also means we have less work.
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but for tourists and fishermen, it's good. >> they wait until sundown to cast their nets, when most of the tourists have returned to their hotels. they want visitors to return here and not to bring home stories of being stung by jellyfish. scientists cannot predict whether the jellyfish population will continue to increase. but they're already speculating about what the future could hold. >> we're concerned about the future. we're already beginning to see the effect of this scourge and we're wondering whether what we're doing is enough and whether the ecosystem will find a way of recovering. but that's all written in the stars. >> the white-spotted jellyfish can grow up to 70 centimeters
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long, has eight arms, and only lives for a few months. and it's already getting used to the colder water in this part of the world. >> well, let's hope we can adapt our approach as fast as the jellyfish can. the next time you go through your wardrobe to look for old clothes to give to charity, you may think of the report that comes next. as farfetched as it may sound, that old dress that you throw into the charity box may well come back to you again with a few changes as a designer frock. that's if these two african designers decide to give it a second life on the catwalk. >> the photo shoot takes place shortly before the sun goes down. that's when the light makes the dresses nelly and nelsa have made look best against the backdrop of maputo train station. the designers customize second-hand clothing from europe. they describe their style as "modern vintage."
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>> the trains -- they haven't been renewed since the colonial times, so it kind of really fits the vintage clothes that we have. we really like the history of the place and the fact that the trains are still old and rough. we like to combine those two things. >> the station has a kind of patina, a faded charm. like the clothes sold at the market, where vendors sell second-hand clothing imported from wealthy nations, including germany. the twin sisters come here to scout for clothes to customize. it's best to come in the morning, when it's still quiet. >> i like this. i like the color a lot. and i can see that i can make a
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good change on it. like now it's like for old mama or like a bit too big. and i want to make it fresh and i already can imagine how i can do it. so i like that. >> second-hand clothing makes up around half of mozambique's textile imports. until recently, the clothes came exclusively from the west. but of late, clothes from china and korea have been arriving in the country, too. >> they may have a problem to find the size of clothes. the other problem is they have very similar clothing. you have ten pieces the same, while people use to come to the market because they are individuals. they loved clothes from germany, from australia, canada, and america because they say the , quality is very good. >> these days, few people can afford to buy new clothes.
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that hasn't always been the case though. before the outbreak of civil war in 1977, people would get their clothes personally tailored at the market. >> if you look at it at the moment, we are still producing a lot of cotton. mozambique exports cotton to china, to bangladesh for production. but at the moment there is no textile industry. of course there are projects to open, but you cannot compete with these prices. it's impossible. >> the country is still suffering from the aftermath of civil war. two decades after the war ended, maputo is still tarnished from the fighting. mozambique continues to struggle economically. but necessity is the mother of invention, and the result can be very stylish indeed. this blue dress from the market will be re-worked.
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>> so, when you look at this address, for example, it really looks very conservative, like old mama dress. very long, long sleeves. what we want to do is freshen it up. we take out the sleeves both , sides of course. >> they refer to the practice as "upcycling." they're reinventing the dress to give it a whole new look. they used to simply upcycle clothes for themselves. like many others, they couldn't afford to buy new clothes either. wearing old clothes is one thing. but creating designer pieces out of them is another matter altogether. some of the repurposed clothes are now making their way back to europe. the designers are getting ready for a fashion show in the german city of cologne. >> we're excited about our first show ever in europe. and as you said, bringing back the clothes to where they come from, for us it's exciting and we are looking forward to the experience. and the cycle, the history,
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which we're bringing, to europe as bringing the dresses there again. >> the blue dress they bought at the market is now ready to wear. the designers have gotten rid of the sleeves, as planned. they've shortened it, too. a very stylish new lease on life for second-hand clothes. >> so, watch out, upcycling could well become a trend, and you heard it here first! and that's all from us for this week. of course you can always find us online, but for now, from me here in our bonn studios thanks for watching and bye-bye. captioned by the national captioning institute
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rome grew for 500 years, peaked for 200 years, and fell for 300 years. the first half was the republic, ruled by elected senators. the last half was the empire, ruled by unelected emperors. in its glory days, the word "rome" meant not just the city, but what romans considered the entire civilized world. everyone was either roman or barbarian. people who spoke latin or greek were considered civilized, part of the empire. everyone else, barbarian. according to legend, rome was founded by two brothers, romulus and remus. abandoned in the wild and suckled by a she-wolf, they grew up to establish the city. in actuality, the first romans mixed and mingled here -- in the valley between the famous seven hills of rome. this became the roman forum. in 509, they tossed out their king and established the relatively democratic roman republic.
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that began perhaps history's greatest success story, the rise of rome. from the start, romans were expert builders, and they had a knack for effective government. this simple brick building was once richly veneered with marble and fronted by a grand portico. it's the curia. the senate met here and set the legal standards that still guide western civilization. the reign of julius caesar, who ruled around the time of christ, marked the turning point between the republic and the empire. the republic, designed to rule a small city-state, found itself trying to rule most of europe. something new and stronger was needed. caesar established a no-nonsense, more-disciplined government, became dictator for life, and, for good measure, had a month named in his honor, july. the powerful elites of the republic found all this change just too radical. in an attempt to save the republic and their political power,
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a faction of roman senators assassinated caesar. his body was burned on this spot in 44 b.c. the citizens of rome gathered here, in the heart of the forum, to hear mark antony say, in shakespeare's words, "friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. i've come to bury caesar, not to praise him." but the republic was finished, and rome became the grand capital of a grand empire. the via sacra, or sacred way, was the main street of ancient rome. it stretched from the arch of septimius severus to the arch of titus. rome's various triumphal arches, named after the emperors who built them, functioned as public-relations tools. reliefs decorating the various arches show how war and expansion were the business of state. rome's thriving economy was fueled by plunder and slaves won in distant wars.
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