tv Journal PBS May 4, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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anchor: live from the dw studios here in berlin, this is your world news. anchor: great to have you with us. coming up on the program -- germany's chancellor on the defensive as demands for answers get louder. did german intelligence help the nsa spy across europe? anchor: waiting for aid in remote areas of nepal. our reporter meets survivors in a village. anchor: and women in nigeria free from captivity under boko haram start talking about their captors brutality. anchor: germany is again embroiled in a spying scandal
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involving america's. anchor: there are claims germany's top intelligence agency help the nsa to spy on other countries and companies. anchor: angela merkel said she can but defended the country's cooperation with the nsa saying it is germany's first partner in fighting international terror threats. anchor: the parliament is not satisfied with that. some lawmakers say germany's intelligence agency may be guilty of treason. reporter: german chancellor angela merkel has wrote in her silence over the bnd affair. in a press conference with her czech counterpart, she said successful intelligence gathering is about balancing security with citizens rights. chancellor merkel: on the one hand come we have to protect the privacy of our citizens. on the other hand, we have to protect them from threats which include but are not limited to
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terrorism. reporter: to achieve that, she says german authorities need to cooperate with foreign intelligence agencies like the nsa. that is what allegedly happened at this monitoring statement -- station. sbd leader -- the sbd leader says the intelligence services have gone too far this time. >> this scandal has the potential to shatter the trust ordinary citizens and industry representatives have in the constitutional behavior of the government and the authorities. it could also permanently damage our relations with the united states. reporter: the interior minister will be questioned by a parliamentary committee on wednesday. he's accused of lying to parliament over the issue. opposition politicians say the government has to come clean. >> it is time to end this web of
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ignorance and deception. we want the chancellor to hand over proof of exactly what was known over these past few years. reporter: the responsibility flies with the chancellery. her offices they will cooperate fully with the investigation. anchor: let's pull in our political correspondent who is on the story for us. the chancellor has come out defending the cooperation with the nsa. that is her position. it's nothing new, but does her position and their or is there more she's going to have to say? reporter: there's definitely more to say about this. her position has changed a little bit. she has come and off the front foot after the tried -- after the government tried to back away, saying these operations had to be kept secret. now they are going on a transparency effect, saying they
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will cooperate with parliamentary investigations and there are several going on into the activities of the nsa in germany. her spokesman said she would appear in person if necessary but at root, the chancellor's position has not changed. she says it is important the intelligence services of the u.s. and germany and other countries cooperate fully to deal with the threat of terrorism. it is not right for friends to spy on each other but to deal with threats effectively, they have to work together. anchor: what is the opposition going to do now? the interior minister is going to speak for a committee in parliament and people have been saying he's been lying before parliament. you hear opposition politicians talking about a web of ignorance and deception. guest: indeed, the opposition is really going on the offensive. they see an opportunity to score
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a big hit. don't forget, this country is run by a coalition of the two biggest parties of the opposition is therefore very small. they don't get many chances to put the government on the back foot, but here, they are demanding a string of senior government figures appear before harlotry committees to say what they know. they also want the intelligence services to release the exact search targets that the nsa was looking for -- things like phone numbers and ip addresses, at least to release that information to the parliamentary oversight committee. they say they will take legal action if they don't do that. it is a real political battle thank you very much. anchor: turning to nepal, where the country is shifting from rescue to leave operations nine days after the earthquake there as there is little hope of
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finding survivors. immediate aid from international organizations has begun to arrive but much of it has not reached remote himalayan regions. anchor: our reporter set out for the capital, kathmandu for bansbari a settlement of several villages. until recently, it was totally cut off from the outside world. reporter: anyone renting a car in kathmandu these days has to agree to drive aid supplies into the earthquake disaster zone. our team is tasked with transporting tents and sleeping pads bound for bansbari. we drive for three hours passing countless homes destroyed by the earthquake. those living on the main road here are lucky. getting aid to them is relatively easy. suddenly, we have to stop. a mudslide has blocked the road.
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we continue on foot, but like many eight workers, we discover most of the villages are impossible to reach. just outside the village, we see more evidence of the disaster caused by the quake. many cattle were killed and their corpses are beginning to rot. that is threatening another catastrophe -- contaminated drinking water and disease. the villagers themselves have hauled bags of rice up the mountain. it is the first big a delivery since the quick dash since the quake. there's not enough for everyone, but at least that is something. other villages remain completely cut off. >> that is one big trouble because the roads have been blocked in some places. there are many villages where there is no transportation. right now, we need organized distribution and there have been so many villages that has not
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been collected and the needs have not been analyzed. reporter: next, we meet someone whose house now lies in ruins. she and her family were in the fields when the earthquake struck. she has moved her kitchen outside along with her supply of rice and other food, but a heavy downpour could wipe out a week's rations. >> we can't live in a house. we can't even goinside. we will rebuild it, but that probably won't happen this year. what we really need is a tent and drinking water so we can survive here. reporter: one consolation for the villagers -- their wheat is ready for harvest. a bright spot amid all the destruction. anchor: aid is getting to nepal
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but there are all next and difficulties reaching isolated errors -- isolated areas. we spoke to someone from the united nations association of germany. >> we need to remember this is not a critique of eight responses that mixes in many different elements because people are worried and disappointed and very scared. the coordination mechanism that you and has put in place is a very good one, where one has seven or eight clusters around the typical areas that are important. women's issues, reconstruction, and relief and rescue. these coordination clusters combine all the u.n. agencies with their different areas of expertise and work with their
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respective governments. with the nepal coordinating a and the ministry of local development. the coordination mechanics are there. anchor: what should be the biggest priority right now? guest: the priority has to be women and children. about half of the 700,000 people of the one million people who are affected, one million -- 40% of those affected our children under five. issues now arise around women who are pregnant, women who are breast-feeding and infants who can go into malnutrition if there is no clean drinking water. one also needs to say that as a cast invited society, it is an as weekly divided society that excludes some of its religious minorities such as muslims.
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to me, the priority is to put a big effort toward making sure those parts of the population are reached and get the aid to those districts and to the worst off and was vulnerable, the women and children and most vulnerable casts in those districts. anchor: thank you very much for joining us. if you are planning to take the train here in germany this week, you might want to think again. anchor: the country is bracing for the longest walk out ever in the history of the german railway operator. it affects freight and passed your trains and is expected to last all the way through sunday. reporter: punctual, reliable, and fast. that is how they want to be seen but this strike could shatter the image. the german train drivers union says it has no other choice.
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>> an employer that this regard working conditions, employees strain and overtime regulations is one that does not understand any other language. that is how our members feel about the long-term ongoing conflict. reporter: it is a blow for businesses that rely on real transit to move their goods. politicians say the strike will inflict massive damage on the economy. >> a one-week rail strike is damaging to germany possibility. if goods are not being transported and people are not getting to work, it directly affects the economy and growth. reporter: millions of passengers will have to find alternative transport. it is the 8 -- eight strike since september and people are used -- people are losing patience. >> it is annoying. i'm from dortmund, so i have to take the train. >> i don't get why it is taking so long and i don't get how
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people can negotiate so ineffectively. reporter: they say they have no intention of compromising until the summer way law comes into effect that will reduce the power of smaller unions. it could be the last opportunity for them to flex their muscles. anchor: european stock markets rose on monday boosted by a weaker euro. let's pull up the numbers for you now. in germany, the rail strike seem to have little effect on the dax which gained nearly 1.5%. the euro stoxx also up. in new york, the dow is currently in positive territory. the euro currently valued at $1.11. the founder of the french far right national front, jean-marie le pen, has been suspended from the party. anchor: this comes after he
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refused to hear a this -- refused to attend a disciplinary hearing regarding his views that nazi gas chambers were a detailed history. he has been involved with a dispute with a daughter who has been trying to distance the group from its anti-semitic image. something little more pleasant -- written's oil baby has a name -- buckingham palace palace has just announced she will be called princes charlotte elizabeth diana. anchor: princes william and -- prince william and his wife, kate, say it honors both the child's mother and grandmother. she received her first military honors at the tender age of two days old. anchor: traditional gun salutes were fired near tower bridge and hyde park in london. stay with us.
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anchor: welcome back. nigeria plus military says it has free nearly 700 people of the past week who are kidnapped by the radical islamic group boko haram. anchor: many of those taken were women and children and now some of them are telling their story for the very first time. reporter: these women are free at last. but they are still coming to terms with your deal they were put through by boko haram. >> we were left with nothing. we were hungry and could not reduce breastmilk, so the children were hungry. that's over now. we heard shots when the military jet went past. the boko haram fighters said we should stand in front of them as
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shields. when the bullets flew, they ran off and left us alone. then the soldiers came but they did not realize we were not the enemy. we shouted we were women and children, but they ran over some of us with their trucks. reporter: in recent days soldiers have advanced in to the forest, a stronghold of the islamic extremists. they have freed hundreds of people in the last week, mostly women and children. she was kidnapped from a market five months ago. the islamists shot and killed her husband. >> they told me once my baby was born, they would marry me to their commander. i gave birth at night and we were rescued by the soldiers the following morning. reporter: around 700 people have
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been freed in the last several days but hundreds of others are still waiting to be rescued. anchor: at least three people have been killed in clashes with police in burundi. demonstrations against the president are entering their second week. anchor: witnesses say police used live ammunition against demonstrators who gathered on monday following a weekend truce. opponents of the president say his bid to run for a third term as unconstitutional. at least nine people have been killed since the protests began and many have fled to neighboring rwanda. anchor: this weekend has seen what may have been the single biggest rescue operation the diteaneathis year. the italian coast guard says it has picked up nearly 7000 risk -- 7000 refugees as they attempted to dangerous crossing africa to europe.
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anchor: they were plucked from overcrowded vessels. officials covered that is recovered 10 bodies. 1500 people have died this year alone. smugglers are expected to take advantage of good weather and strong sees to get more people across in the next several months. anchor: oureporter met a human smuggler in nigeria to find out how the whole operation works. rerter: a bar in a courtyard -- despite sharia law enforced across the city, fear flows freely and women are chatting with men. prostitution also flourishes in the back room of the building. the bar plus owner prefers to remain anonymous. he is also a people smuggler. >> most of them are forced into it because of economic problems. some of them -- [indiscernible]
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reporter: the women also did not want to talk to us, but one young man did. he's promised to use john's held -- help to leave nigeria. >> i graduated two years ago and still without a job. living from hand to mouth. along with some friends, i decided to fulfill my dream and make something positive out of my life. reporter: adrian of a better life is what motivates a growing amount of people to embark on the dangerous journey to europe. john agreed to tell us more about the journey and his job as a people trafficker. john takes us out of the very road used to smuggle more than 100 people in tunisia. he's not afraid of the police since they to profit from his business.
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>> [indiscernible] reporter: how much do they normally ask for? >> sometimes 4000 per head. reporter: 500 euros is what the migrants page on so he can get them to libya. there, a colleague takes over. everyone who attempts to cross know the danger. barely half of them make it to europe. he says he has no qualms against his enterprise because he's forcing anyone to come along. >> [indiscernible]
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reporter: john says the chaos in libya means migrants have a better chance of making it into the country. it's good news for him because it means more customers in the coming months, even if he knows many of them will never make it. anchor: we want to take you had to tel aviv where tensions are running high after demonstrations and demonstrators clashed with pole during antiracism rally. anchor: thousands of ethiopian-israeli citizen stick to the streets to protest police brutality every video emerged showing authorities beating and ethiopian-israeli soldier. anchor: the policemen involved in the beating have been suspended. reporter: two policemen drag a lack man into an alley and beat him up. this is not a scene from an american city, this is tel aviv. the man being beaten is an array -- and israeli soldier of ethiopian descent. this video circulated on social
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media and sparked huge demonstrations. thousands marched in protest of what ethiopian israelis say is the institutional racism they experience every day. on sunday night, things turn violent. dozens on both sides were injured. scenes like these left politicians scrambling to shape a response. prime minister benjamin netanyahu invited the soldier to his jerusalem office. >> i hope it will be understood the ethiopian community is part of israeli society and they try to integrate into this society in every field. it is time to put an end to violence and racism. reporter: race relations are a major topic in israel. the violence of jews of different colors has left israel with difficult questions to answer. anchor: we want to pull in our
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correspondent who is on the line with us from jerusalem. we're used to hearing about palestinians and israelis fighting it out, but this story is about jew against jew. how is that being reported in israel? reporter: there is genuinely surprised about the scale of the demonstrations. today, it was a day where people called for calm from community leaders and politicians. the israeli politician said we need to listen better to this community. the young person who is being called for calm. prime minister netanyahu is trying to form his new coalition government and has reached out to community leaders and we understand that a decision was reached to have an action plan which should address some of the issues like police violence and racism towards this community. anchor: a lot of people have been talking about how shocked they were when they saw these pictures.
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should we be surprised by these events taking lace in israel? reporter: there are different communities that have immigrated to israel. this is about 140,000 people. most of them immigrated in israel and those of the third generation born in israel, they do their army service and they say they have the same feeling as any other israeli but the reason for their frustration as they feel they are still discriminated against within the society mainly because of the color of their skin or their background. they say they don't have the same chance as everyone else in the country. anchor: thank you very much. anchor: some bundesliga soccer now -- hamburg sought out a tough game, managing a win playing away from home. that clears the north german side for the time being. anchor: the lead came eight
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damien mcguinness: hello, and a and will very warm welcome to "focus on europe." bringing you the best personal stories behind the headlines. thanks very much for joining us. we have a fascinating program and lined up for you today. in italy, migrant who survived and i the world's most dangerous will you sea journey. in cyprus, the cheese that is a political issue. and in britain, the cyclist who is making the roads safer. this year, the death toll among you migrants trying to flee across the mediterranean is set the to be the worst ever. the number of migrants has athe number of migrants has remained constant, the
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