tv Journal PBS June 11, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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anchor: live from the dw studios in berlin, this is your world news. anchor: great have you with us. coming up next half hour -- anchor: a cyber attack on the german parliament. government intelligence services say the hacking attack has all the signs of a state-sponsored crime. anchor: the european commission president warns greece to stop gambling and reach a deal on its debt crisis. the imf says major differences remain in key areas for top -- key areas. anchor: and christopher lee has died.
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the german parliament is under attack -- a cyber attack. the biggest ever. anchor: the government has confirmed the parliament computer network has been compromised and data is reportedly still escaping. no word from the government on what kind of data has been lost. anchor: we do know tens of thousands of computers are tainted. german media are saying this attack is so large and complex that only state sponsored hackers could be responsible. which state could that be and is national security now threatened? here's more. reporter: who is behind the cyber attack on germany's parliament? german lawmakers still don't have the answers. one month after the attack was discovered, it still hampering the work of the entire parliament. >> we have had to shut down our computers several times.
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we introduced new security procedures in our own office because we know our communication isn't security more. reporter: he has switched to using his personal pc for all activities. for now, the bundestag network is off-limits. hackers are believed to have used trojan spy software. >> am sure this is not the work of kids in aggression want to a nor -- you want to annoy parliament. a criminal organization is behind this or a government. reporter: reports show they were able to spy on independent lawmakers. >> now we need to figure out if we can repair the system or replace the entire network. reporter: in the worst-case scenario, up to 20,000 computers in the infrastructure would have
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to be replaced, taking months of work and costing taxpayers millions of euros. anchor: for more on this story i want to go to our political correspondent. is there any word on these reports that this attack is still underway, that data and information is still being lost? guest: it seems clear that a secure firewall has been put in place around german parliamentary computers. however, that does not mean the threat is over. the president of the bundestag issued a statement saying no data has been siphoned off in the last two weeks. but this threat has been known for at least a month, and he didn't say what happened in the previous week, so we simply don't know what is going on, but we do know the computers are still affected, but they are currently secure. anchor: the big question -- is this an attack on german
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national security? lawmakers seem to be unable to give us any firm answers to that right now. guest: lawmakers are being very tightlipped about this attack. no one is saying what or if any secrets might have been stolen or what data may have been compromised. all we know at this point is that the attack is massive and it is the most serious attack on the german parliament ever. anchor: we understand at least 20,000 computers were hacked and busted today alone. people -- are they going to be about to go to their offices in the bundestag and work? guest: the government is functioning pretty much as usual. the chancellor's office and other ministries have not been
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affected. they have a different security protocol, but it is clear the german parliament is massively affected. those computers are infected with a virus and the office of information technology says the network can no longer be defended and must be a banded. the i.t. infrastructure of the german parliament will have to be overhauled. anchor: just the terminology alone is somewhat disturbing. thank you very much. we want to pull this story out a little bit for some perspective. we have invited an internet activist and former spokesman for wikileaks. a lot of people may know you from your association with them. you have unique insight into the hacker community and the nexus with government security there. we are hearing reports that this attack is likely state-sponsored, that it was so complex that a state has to be
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behind it. do you agree? guest: the information we have in the media is not very comprehensive but from the dimension this seems to have, it seems it could be a state sponsored attack. anything else is unlikely at this scale or people would have invested serious time for a long time already. anchor: we know some intelligence sources say it has all the hallmarks of coming from russia. what do they see that tells them hackers in russia could be behind it? guest: that is a good question. none of that detail is in the public. it is very hard to say and far too early to speculate on where this is coming from. there's no use in pointing fingers. we need to seize the time right now as german citizens and politicians to take this as an opportunity to understand this is what a digitally armed world
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that is in the middle of an arms race looks like. anchor: you would agree that this is an attack ended his huge . the computer network of the parliament has been compromised. would you say this is a cyber 9/11? guest: i'm not sure about the terminology there. it is certainly a new dimension and kind of a devastating attack. not sure what would make it a 9/11, but it is something we should be very concerned about. anchor: what about hackers in all of this? there are so-called good hackers and so-called at hackers. would you recommend the government pull in good hackers as their main investigators on this? are they the right people to be talking to? guest: from my personal view, most of the german hacking scene, we have an interest in privacy of data -- that is one of the things that is very high
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valued by this community and i think lots of people would be very interested in helping to find out what happened and how to prevent things like this in the future. anchor: do you think lawmakers in this country -- have they been taking the cyber threat seriously enough? guest: judging from how we speak about the whole nsa debate and how much one state should invest or engage in to destabilizing infrastructure of another state i think we are missing the biggest discussion here. maybe similar to how chancellor merkel's phone was tapped at some state, this is another catalyzing event will make people in parliament understand that they need to engage in this debate. anchor: before we let you go, what should the happening right now? what should we be hearing from the government? guest: that they take it
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seriously and they will follow-up on this topic that we need to organize living with one another in the digitally connected society. anchor: wise words there. thank you very much for coming and giving us your insight. anchor: changing gears just a little bit -- the international monetary fund says there has been no progress in talks with greece over its debt problems. anchor: the imf delegation has had enough and withdrew from talks in brussels today. anchor: the european council president also told greece to stop gambling and reach a desperately needed deal. he said the time has come for decisions. anchor: a sentiment act road -- a sentiment echoes by other leaders at the summit. reporter: jean-claude juncker is running out of patience. latin american summit may be over but the problems with grece continue. he met again with the greek prime minister and both sides
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seem willing to talk. but the pressure to reach a deal is growing. >> people are getting impatient. i'm running out of patience. we need to get the cow off the ice, so to speak but it keeps slipping. we will give it another try today. reporter: greece's latest puzzles have not been enough to satisfy its international creditors. one of the latest sticking point was pension reforms. the imf wants greece to slash pensions and raise sail tax rates before unlocking 7.2 billion euros in bailout. the eu president is worried about the failure to reach a deal. >> the greek government has to be a little more realistic. there is no more space for gambling there's no more time for gambling.
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i'm afraid it is time someone has said the game is over. reporter: the mood has become increasingly impatient as progress has been slow. the german chancellor has tried to sound optimistic and knows a deal has to come soon. chancellor merkel: i know we have to make the necessary progress now. now, every day counts. reporter: the clock is ticking. the meeting of eurozone finance ministers could be decisive in greece's effort to stay off proxy. anchor: our market correspondent has the reaction to today's events. conrad: there is a quote from the imf loss, christine lagarde who said the imf never leaves the table, but now that the negotiating team left brussels,
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a spokesman said there were major differences between the imf and greece in most key areas and there has been no progress in narrowing these differences. on the stock market in frankfurt, this caused a major setback in afternoon trading and this shows how fragile the optimism on the stock market is. there was positive economic data coming from the eurozone and from the united dates so without greece, the mood on the trading floor could be really good. anchor: greece cannot be wished away but the dax still managed some gains today, rising .6% to 11,332 points.% it looks similar for the euro stoxx. in new york, still a couple of hours in the trading day but the dow jones is looking up. the common currency is value at one u.s. dollar $.12.
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he's most argued that she's arguably the most powerful media mogul and is preparing a successor. rupert murdoch is stepping down. anchor: his son james will take over and his other son will become executive cochairman. anchor: rupert murdoch started with a single newspaper and built a vast empire. it has been embroiled in numerous scandals over the year. he will remain chairman of the company. anchor: more trouble for the fi fa president. anchor: the european parliament is demanding he step down immediately and make way for an interim leader. lawmakers voted for the resolution but he rejected the call to quit. anchor: three astronauts have
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returned to earth after a 200 day mission on the international space station. they made a hard and quick landing in the steps of central kazakhstan. anchor: the italian astronaut broke the record for a single stay by a woman in space. she and her fellow astronauts appeared to be in good health and happy to be back on earth. the return flight had been delayed for a month after rocket failure. a new promotional video from argentina is providing a lot of fun on the internet -- it asks drivers to think of people in wheelchairs when they park their cars. it's a just one way of getting past parked cars, but recognizes most people don't have a ramp handy. anchor: in the wheelchair is a former motocross rider whose legs were paralyzed in an accident.
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that's a good way to get your message across. we will be back in a few minutes. >> you'd like to study in germany and you still have lots of questions. find all you need to know about studying in germany here. information on courses admission requirements, qualifications, cost and much more. study in germany. the first port of call for anyone interested in studying in germany.
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anchor: welcome back. the big question in germany how should the country treat refugees living here? that's the subject of a summit taking place in berlin. anchor: leaders want more to take care of refugees and their housing and care. anchor: germany takes on more refugees than any other country comes of good management is important, but the system does not always run smoothly. anchor: staff at one facility were found to be physically abusing the residence. reporter: it is a relaxed almost idyllic scene. most of them have fled chaos and war in their home countries. as the biggest recipient of refugees in europe germany
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expects to see that as many as 400,000 applications this year. >> the situation in syria was too much to bear. my daughter had already graduated so i brought her and my son here. another daughter already lived in germany, so we are together again and we can live out our lives free of constant year. reporter: they were made welcome here, so they were shocked to you're not long ago refugees were being systematically eaten and abuse in this apparently safe haven. there is video evidence still on the internet. here, young refugee is forced to lie down in his own vomit and may have been beaten. in it what they call a problem room attendance -- attendance repeatedly harassed refugees. the abuse was revealed last year by a television station.
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at that time, the home was managed by a european home care and was being -- and is now being run by the red cross. >> we monitor the facilities very differently and have supervisors and tasks forces that make regular checks on sundays. i believe the alarm call of last september has worked. reporter: staff here are now more carefully vetted. the regional government has made more money available so the living quarters are being renovated and new bathrooms installed. those in charge say the issue of overcrowding has been out with while as many as 800 people used to be accommodated here. now there's a limit of 500. steps are being taken to bring the perpetrators of the abuse to justice. officials are looking at how the system could have failed across the board.
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>> we are investigating 52 people, mainly members of staff but we are also investigating social workers and the management of european home care and to employees of the regional council. reporter: today's refugees can relax. they were spared the experience of the old regime that ran the facility and say they are looking forward to beginning new , peaceful lives in germany. anchor: u.n. peacekeepers regularly paid for sex with cash or goods in countries where they are station. that's the conclusion of a draft report released by the u.n. today. anchor: it surveyed hundreds of women in haiti and nigeria. transactional sex between peacekeepers and locals is and by the u.n.. last year, more than 50
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allegations of exploitation and abuse were made against u.n. peacekeepers. anchor: south korea confirms a 10th person has died of murders. -- middle east respiratory system. anchor: there is an effort underway to isolate those who have been stricken. anchor: it's taking out only a human toll, but an economic one. reporter: not much to do at the checkout desks. shoppers prefer to stay at home, worried they may contract the virus. those who have to go to the store where masks for protection. the fear has cut attendance at about events in half. many have been canceled altogether and security has swept the country. >> we have evaluated economic conditions comprehensively and
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sluggish imports of the outbreak have resulted in bigger downside risk and are posing an obstacle to our growth. we have decided to lower this month key interest rates by a quarter of a percent. reporter: shopping malls show the impact of the fear. usually they are packed with chinese tourists but hong kong has issued a red alert for korea, putting the brakes on tourism. many chinese have called off their holidays in korea. if the thousand international visitors have canceled. in an effort to regain trust the country cleans airplanes meticulously. the importance of tourism has increased in recent years. last year, over 6 million visitors came from china alone. anchor: turning to the cinema
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world, as dracula in horror classics, he was a mortal, he has passed away. christopher lee has died at the age of 93 and london. anchor: he played bad guys in some of the silver screen possible most loved franchises. >> christopher lee in the role that shot him to fame as the bloodthirsty count dracula. he first donned the cave and fangs in 1958 that we'd revisit the character throughout his storied career. lee was a prolific actor. his roles often sell them to the darker reaches of the silver screen and pitted him against some of film's classic heroes like james bond in "the man with the golden gun." >> the english
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don't consider exporting to kill in cold blood. >> don't count on that. but these expand the generations. >> along comes "the lord of the rings" and star wars." that means i'm now known to every generation literally that exists from people 19 less down to people six. reporter: he played the villain in "lord of the rings." his work receives recognition worldwide including from queen elizabeth ii. he was knighted at buckingham palace. he died in his home city of london. anchor: a real loss to the cinema world. we are going to pull in now one of our culture reporters here at dw. the world knows christopher lee
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for his work as dracula and his work in "lord of the rings." but there's a lot more to tell. >> those were the bookends of his career. dracula was career defining for him. in some ways he was not happy with that because he became saddled with the role of dracula but made it his own, taking the legacy of delicacy. he underplayed the role in a very distinctive way as we saw in the report. he took all the darkness he had learned from his hammer horror days and gave us a dark side to james bond. that informed one of his most famous roles in a cult movie that showed the dark side of rural scotland which was a greatly celebrated film in cold circles.
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then this fantastic revamp of his career in later life with the star wars franchise and "the lord of the rings. interestingly, he was the only member of the cast who actually met j.r.r. tolkien. this was a great boon for the director, peter jackson, who is keen to hear that. anchor: he was a man of many talents outside the acting world. >> he had this incredible voice and you could hear it in his speaking voiceheas singer and he turned that kraft to something quite unexpected with heavy metal. he released in his 90's, just a couple of years ago, a heavy metal album of standards done in this very distinctive style. and he was celebrated by music fans and one the spirit of metal award at the golden gods ceremony in 2010.
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anchor: let's go back to what we know him best for playing count dracula. we understand he had ambiguous relationship to the character. when you look at him as dracula, it was almost like the benevolent, gentlemanly vampire. >> he had these stunning looks and this stature, six foot four inches tall. and a genteel miss and darkness to it. and you are right. he had an ambiguous relationship actually playing the role of dracula. he moved to the states and tried to kickstart his career. this is true, with the advent of modern horror and he felt while his dracula was a fantasy fairytale, the more modern horror films might be evan
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inspiration to copycat serial killers. anchor: we are going to have to wrap it up right there. inc. you for coming in and giving us a great account of the life and career of a cinematic great. that is going to wrap up this edition of the journal. anchor: we're back again at the top of the hour with more news from the heart of europe. see you then.
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♪ ♪ this week on "wealthtrack," the crisis is coming the crisis is coming. financial thought leader charles ellis is sounding the alarm about the fast-developing retirement crisis with a new book "falling short: the coming retirement crisis and what to do about it." the big problem and how to solve it are next on "consuelo mack wealthtrack."
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