tv DW News PBS October 2, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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in >> this is dw news live from berlin. a letter to moscow over warplanes in syria. day three of russian airstrikes supposedly aimed at islamic targets. russia claims and they destroyed bomb facilities. western allies have sent a statement to moscow, "do not target non-isis groups." the peace after multilateral talks in paris, all sides expressing renewed commitment to minsk peace accords.
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morning for victims of shooting spree at united states college, investigators uncover arsenal of weapons, all purchased legally. >> i am brent goff. russia's military gave a progress report on its airstrike campaign in syria, claiming it took out major sites where isis is making bombs, but leaders from across the world say they doubt moscow is telling the whole truth. we start tonight on the ground in syria. bull's-eye of a russian missile. come out, he says, the building is going to collapse. >> this video taken and the suburbs east of damascus reportedly shows residential buildings destroyed by russian bombs, but russia says it is
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conducting surgical strikes, and like a nato, only targeting islamic state and other terror groups. russia has 25 attack air jets, 25 strikes, this is the exact moment and airstrike hit storage depots. bomb craters are clearly visible on the field camp outside of the inhabited areas. the west fears russia is also targeting moderate syrian rebels, and has called for an immediate halt to all airstrikes outside isis controlled territory. the syrian foreign minister says his country welcomes russia's involvement, the only way to beat them is with the support of the syrian regime. >> terrorism cannot be thought only from the air, and all the previous operations to combat it have only led to its spread and outbreak.
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airstrikes are useless unless they are conducted in cooperation with the syrian-arab army. it is the only force in syria combating terrorism. >> images like these show the brutal reality on the ground for those caught up in the conflict. this video purports to show a syrian airstrike in a residential area. these people reportedly got out alive, but many continue to die every day. >> let's pull in our correspondent in washington, richard walker. we want to get the u.s. perspective on what is happening now in syria. good afternoon to you, richard. we know that president obama is expected to say something in a couple of minutes about the situation. what has been said already today in washington about syria? >> that's right.
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president obama is holding a press conference as we speak. he has been talking about other issues, but we expect him to get questions about what is going on in syria. certainly there will be a lot of attention on the language he uses about what russia has been up to. there has been a lot of doubts on the western side about whether russia is really doing what it says it is doing, going after islamic state targets. today, there is a clear statement coming not just from the united states, but also the european powers, turkey, saudi arabia, in the region, not just expressing concern about these airstrikes, but actually calling for the russians to stop them. we call on the russian federation to immediately cease its attacks on the syrian opposition and focus those efforts exclusively on the islamic state. it will be very interesting to see how the russians react to that.
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they don't have a huge amount of leverage over russia. they have imposed pretty serious sanctions on rush over ukraine, they did not change their behavior. >> excellent point. airstrikes continue, day for. we are also seeing political movement, right? >> that's right. the syrian foreign minister with speaking to the united nations earlier, and he confirmed that syrians are ready to join working groups being set up by the eu and envoy to try to come up with proposals that could lead to a third set of peace talks. those working groups, proposals being on the table for a couple of months already, but that is news that syrians are confirming they want to join. >> on the story for us there in washington, thank you very much. russia's role in syria with a
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topic of discussion at peace talks in paris, although the official focus of the talks is between russia, ukraine, france, and journey on eastern ukraine. there was some sign of progress, including an agreement on pulling heavy weapons back from the front and recommitment to minsk these accords. another summit is scheduled one-month from now, a sign of progress in and of itself. >> the welcome for russian president vladimir putin was friendly, if not warm, although many fear that the recent developments in syria would overshadow the meeting, the leaders appeared to focus on ukraine. there were signs of progress in an atmosphere that has improved largely because the cease-fire in eastern ukraine is holding. however, president francois hollande said that much time has been wasted. >> it is probable, if not
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certain, that given that three months required to organize efforts, we shall go beyond the date regarding the minsk agreement, that is saying the 31st of december this year. >> german chancellor angela merkel expressed optimism about the talks. speaking about the various laws that need to be passed by the ukrainian parliament, she added -- >> what we have managed to do today isn't sure all the participants have a clear understanding of the sequence of measures. now we have to see whether this will continue in a trilateral discussion group, but if we have not approached these talks with the fundamental positive attitude, we would not be where we are today. >> president francois hollande also announced that the four ministers would meet again to review progress next month. >> our correspondent is in
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paris, where he has been following these talks on ukraine. >> things are moving along slowly, but at least they are moving along. that is the message that the german chancellor and french president had for a in paris on friday. the cease-fire that is holding up pretty well in ukraine gives hope it things will continue to improve. they did it knowledge that the so-called minsk process, the process that is supposed to get eastern ukraine back on track, has been delayed so many times. it won't in as planned at the end of 2015. it will spill over into 2016, and that also means that one of the most crucial points they talked about in paris, local elections in the separatist regions will probably, most likely, will not plan -- happen in 2015, but also next year. >> that was max hoffman
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reporting from paris. we will try to get a connection to our correspondent in ukraine to get the reaction there. we will try to bring you that as soon as we can get the line open. moving on to the united states, more revelations about the young man who killed 10 people at a college in the western part of the country. oregon investigators have uncovered an arsenal of weapons belonging to the gunman, 13 and all. they say he left behind a manifesto for hate before going on the shooting spree that ended with his own death. ♪ >> the residence of roast burger try to give each other strength as they remember the victims of the shooting rampage in their small community college. nearly everyone here knows someone who witnessed the act. >> i was shaky because, like i said, there are a lot of my classmates there, a lot of them are friends, and i cannot bear
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the thought of any of them having to go through this. >> some of my very close family friends were shot today. she is ok or she will be fine. >> the shooting rampage has ignited the debate over stricter gun laws in the united states. president barack obama is demanding changes and cautioned against people becoming desensitized. >> we have become numb to this. we talked about this after columbine, tucson, newtown, aurora, charleston. it cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her web -- hands on a gun. >> the shooter has been identified as 26-year-old christopher harper mercer.
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journalists spoke to his father after the police questioned him. >> you have anything to say, sir? >> it has been a devastating day, for me and my family. all i ask -- i know you guys need to do your job -- all i ask is that you respect our privacy. shop is all i can say. >> as family and friends mourn victims, painful questions remain, such as what the motive could have been and how the world's most powerful country can protect its citizens. >> we want to go back to that story on four-way talks in paris and the future of ukraine. our correspondent in ukraine joins me now, frank hoffman. has there been any reaction in kyiv to those talks? >> there's not much coming out
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at the moment. one has to understand that after one and a half years of war, 8000 kill people, most of them civilians, broken promises, broken agreements, and broken cease-fires, it is hard to convince ukrainians that this is the start of a long-lasting and sustainable peace. what is clear already is that there will be questions raised towards president petro poroshenko when he is back in kyiv here, questions whether this is a reward for the rebels in the east of the country after so many killed people. there is another political problem. the president will have to reform the constitution to implement these minsk agreements , autonomy of rebel-held territories. he will need a two third
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majority in his parliament, and he has -- does not have it, so he won't need a lot of time -- he will need a lot of time to convince people to follow the minsk agreements. >> he is not enjoying a lot of media attention. a lot of people are saying that the story in ukraine faded from the headlines. what is the situation right now in the country? >> as a matter of fact, we past four weeks of cease-fire, the longest time since the start of the war. this is easing the feelings of people. however, on the same side, in the so-called security zone 50 kamala harris east and west of the front line, tanks, and both parties agree they will remove these tanks with canon calibers of less than 100 millimeters as of this weekend, so it will be the first litmus test about
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these agreements reached in paris and in minsk. >> frank hoffman force on the story in kyiv. thank you very much. now to afghanistan, where fighting continues on the outskirts of kunduz. the streets are deserted apart from security forces, and everywhere there is evidence of the rampage by taliban forces. they captured and held kunduz for three days and the biggest tactical success in 15 years. the acting governor says combat troops should not have withdrawn from afghanistan last year as they were still needed to fight the telegram. -- the taliban. still to come, jennifer -- german unification happened 20 years ago.
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>> you are with dw news live in berlin. here are the top stories. russia claims that its warplanes have destroyed islamic state bomb making facilities and a third day of airstrikes in syria. western allies expressed deep concerns, saying moscow is targeting legitimate opposition groups and civilians, not islamic state. ukraine expresses cautious optimism after peace talks in paris. all sides have renewed their commitment to the minsk these accords, designed to end the conflict in eastern ukraine. the german chancellor angle amerco -- chancellor angela
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merkel has confirmed that syria was discussed as well. tomorrow, germany will celebrate 25 years since reunification. all this week, we have been looking at aspects of the unification process and germany's current standing in the world. you can join in the discussion on twitter. we have been talking to some of the people who were posted as correspondence when division turned to unity. the rough draft authors of history as it was taking place before their very eyes. this is what the correspondent for the london-based times had to say. ♪ >> i think that it was a great thing, that it was an extraordinary remaking of europe , and it wasn't clear at the
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beginning whether it would succeed. it hasn't succeeded. ♪ -- it has succeeded. >> it was incredibly complex. you're trying to understand why germany is changing in this direction, what can we expect. the germans have this expression , and there is nothing worse than this, but germany was unpredictable. ♪ >> from margaret thatcher's point of view, it was they went germany to be the dominant power in europe. there is no room for anyone else. he will steal the oxygen from the rest of the continent, including britain. ♪ >> in fact, margaret thatcher had a meeting where she called
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in 10 experts on germany and said, should i be worried about german reunification? most of the experts said, no, you should not worry. this is a great moment in history, but be careful. all miss that you heard was, be careful. she did not hear the other bit about a great moment in history. ♪ >> west germany was the most eastern country in nato. we were worried about soviet troops, masses and masses of soviet troops in eastern germany. what would become of them? one of the great successes of the unification was the merging of the two armies. ♪ >> there are pluses and minuses about german unification, but the pluses are much bigger.
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please. ♪ >> thanks to sharing what he saw back then. what we are seeing right now, news on the world's biggest economy. >> the u.s. of economy looks strong, but is it strong enough to withstand an interest-rate hike by the federal reserve? there has not been one for a long time. the latest death that suggests turbulence in the global economy may have finally hit the nation, making a great hike this year less likely. labor figures showed slower job creation. we will go to our correspondent in a moment. first, this report. >> fewer sparks are flying on the u.s. job market these days. september, employers hired fewer people than analysts expected, 142,000, and the august numbers had to be corrected downwards. the number of unemployed looking
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for work in the united states has been dropping steadily since 2009, when the u.s. economy rebounded from the financial crisis. despite the recent numbers, the jobless rates remains at a seven-year low of 5.1%. so far, the country had seemed fairly resilient to global economic troubles, but it appears that china's slowdown has reached the u.s., and there may be more trouble ahead. >> a world economy outlook numbers will be released next week. what i can really take you is this, global growth will likely be weaker this year than last, with only a a modest acceleration expected in 2016. >> u.s. industry saw weaker demand for its products and august, with orders down more than expected. until now, the federal reserve was from for an interest-rate
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hike as early as october, but the signs point to an increase next year instead. >> our correspondent is in new york force. tell me, what do these numbers mean? jobs being created, isn't that the important thing? >> you would think so. 142,000 new jobs last month, that doesn't sound that bad, even if you consider that they were expecting 200,000. here is the problem. when you look at demographics in the united states. with a growing population, the economy has to create 100,000 new jobs each month to stay flat. 142,000 is not really that much. as we have just heard, it was not just one month as a one-off. it was the last couple of months with the july and august numbers inc. revised downwards. we are seeing not just a labor problem in september, but a
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trend that is weakening, and that is worrisome. >> this fat rake hike -- great hike -- fed great hike has been put off over and over. how have the markets reacted? is everyone confused about what is going on? >> you can say that. today was a confusing day, the biggest turnaround in the market in war years from -250 two plus 250 points, and absolutely amazing run. what happened is that people realize that a great hike is off the table for the rest of the year. then people figured out that contrary to what the market was saying, that this is actually good. there were rumors on twitter, rumors, nothing realistic about it, but some people were discussing the opportunity of seeing a quantitative easing
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again, which would be the exact opposite of what the fed had been saying. that would pump a lot of money in the market and be good for the market, but it is rumors and nobody is believing it, but still it gave the market wings. >> in new york force -- four of us. -- for us. sticking with jobs, air france will announce major layoffs on monday. manager is engaged in negotiations on three structuring plans. the tops of fail. almost 3000 jobs could be cut. -- the talks have failed. >> the standoff is the latest episode between management and pilot representatives. the two sides had until wednesday to agree on a restructuring plan that would caught costs, but the deadline passed without an agreement.
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now air france is warning of job cuts. >> unfortunately, it is a significant job reduction plan. what we have committed to doing is partly to favor voluntary redundancies as we have been doing for several years. it is recognized as a method of -- that employees except, but when necessary, we will resort to forced redundancies. >> last year, tear france pilots took to the streets of paris as the part of a two-week strike. the airline faces cutthroat competition in europe and middle east airlines. so far, no compromise is inside. >> the investment bank says the scandal will cost both wagon 78 billion year old's, a lot more than they have put aside. it admitted to cheating
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customers by reading in mission software. customers and shareholders threatening with legal action. some countries banning registration of the vehicles, and a wave of worldwide probes is growing. french prosecutors have launched an investigation into suspected fraud by both wagon. we couldn't do a business show without bringing up the w, could we? -- vw, could we? thank you very much. heavy rain has called having, causing one of the stages to be canceled. the torrential downpours you see right here caused flooding and damage to facilities near the track. they did manage to get some racing done. the polish driver set the joint fastest time in stage one. the world champion matched him for paste to get level.
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a reminder of our top stories right now, russian warplanes have long syrian targets for a third day. world leaders have called on moscow to stop attacks on syrian opposition and focus on islamic state. ukraine is expecting cautious optimism after peace talks in paris, all sides have renewed their commitment to the minsk these accords, designed to end the conflict in eastern ukraine. thanks for watching everyone. see you next time. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪
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st. patrick baptized king aengus here in about 450 a.d. in around 1100, an irish king gave cashel to the church, and it grew to become the ecclesiastical capital of all ireland. 800 years ago, this monastic community was just a chapel and a round tower standing high on this bluff. it looked out then, as it does today, over the plain of tipperary, called the golden vale because its rich soil makes it ireland's best farmland. on this historic rock, you stroll among these ruins in the footsteps of st. patrick, and wandering through my favorite celtic cross graveyard, i feel the soul of ireland.
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