tv Newsline PBS October 20, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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hello there and welcome to "newsline." it's tuesday, october 20th. i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. korean families are gathering for a rare south/north reunion. millions were separated by the korean war. now hundreds of people will get the chance to cross the boarder to see loved ones. members of south korean families are waiting in the city near the demilitarized zone. they'll travel to a resort in north korea. over the next three days, around 100 north koreans and 400 south korean family members will reunite. it will be the first such meetings in 20 months. the reunions have been suspended since february 2014.
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senior officials from both countries agreed in august to restart the programs, but there were concerns this round of reunions may not take place. pyongyang protested a joint statement critical of the north issued last week by the president of the united states and south korea. indonesian president joko widodo says he hopes to continue cooperation with japan to develop his country's infrastructure. joko spoke to nhk in jakarta for an exclusive interview ahead of his presidency's first anniversary. he talked about china winning the contract for a high-speed railway project in indonesia after a fierce competition with japan. >> translator: both proposals from japan and china had difficulty meeting our demands, but we decided to award the contract to china as it later made a new offer that does not require either state funding or loan guarantees from the indonesian government. >> joko says his country will
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continue to seek japan's support for infrastructure development. >> translator: i am willing to cooperate with japan in many other areas including the construction of port facilities and power plants. i believe indonesia and japan will continue to have a relationship of trust. >> now that member countries have reached a broad agreement, they are working to bring people back home to understand it. good morning. there are still concerns from a couple of key sectors. >> exactly. the agricultural sector is one of them. let's go into the details here. large companies in japan have welcomed tpp but farmers are
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worried they will run them out of business. japanese government officials will announce details of the tpp free trade deal tuesday. the aim is to ease people's concerns and criticism about the broad agreement reached earlier this month. japanese negotiators agreed to a tarri tariff removal rate of 95%. on vegetables will be eliminated immediately after the pact takes effect. they managed to keep the tariff on five key categories such as rice and wheat. rice will have a combined quota of 78,000 tons for the u.s. and australia. japan will maintain the existing tariff of nearly $3 per kilogram on rice. for beef and pork, japan won a concession to raise the tariffs if imports surged for a certain period of time. officials plan to stress that other tpp member countries have
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agreed to a tariff elimination rate of more than 99%. they'll point out that they convinced other countries to remove tariffs right away on japan's industrial products. japan plans to submit a draft budget at the start of the regular diet session in january so officials can implement key policies. the extra budget is to support child-rearing families as part of the recent policy of promoting active app gaugement of all citizens. shinzo abe wants to see his pet project realized as soon as possible. he plans to have measures drawn up by the end of the year. officials want to address the concern of farmers that they'll lose out in the tpp trade deal. the government will decide the size of the draft budget based off the preliminary gdp for july to september quarter. it will be available on november 16th. and now a check on the markets. some of the key indices here in asia pacific kicked off trading.
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let's go to the tokyo stock exchange. good morning. what is the focus for today? >> good morning. one thing to look out for will be the minutes from the reserve bank of australia coming out in less than a half hour. markets are very sensitive to numbers coming out from china as well as commodities, which are also likely to be the main factors behind the rba decision on monetary policy. let's look at the opening levels here in tokyo markets. open just about five minutes ago. it's tuesday october 20th here. looks like shares are rebounding. the nikkei is opening up 0.6%. broader topix opening up 0.5%. market players will start to shift their focus to earnings in japan. in new york, morgan stanley's profits fell by 40% in the third quarter, mainly due to volatility in global markets. overall, u.s. markets were
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pretty stable on monday. finally, going back to australia, an analyst based in sydney said the markets have calmly reacted to yesterday's better than expected gdp numbers from china, but unfortunately, stocks there are opening lower by 0.25%. australian stocks are on a down trend. they are being beaten by uncertainty over the chinese economy. the benchmark asx dropped about 10% in the past six months. analysts based in sydney said currently over 60% of economists based in australia are expecting a 25 basis rate cut at the central bank's policy meeting on november 3rd, which happens to be a famous major horse race. i didn't know about that. >> actually, i did.
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we saw big moves in the australian dollar after china's gdp data closely linked economies there. how is the australian dollar doing now? >> well, the australian dollar is moving pretty rangebound ahead of the rba's minutes. yesterday the aussie dollar jumped nearly 1% on china's gdp data. since moved back to its previous levels. no change after all. a senior dealer said it is likely to move rangebound today because we are expecting a speech by fed chair janet yellen later tonight. that's it for me for now. i'll be back in a few hours with an update on asia markets. back over to you. >> we'll follow that horse race, as well. thanks. tech lovers have embraced smart watches, fitness trackers and intelligent eye wear in the quest for an easy-going lifestyle. now they are about to discover
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wearable technology has life-saving potential, too. nhk world has the story. >> reporter: after toiling away under the hot sun. they could soon benefit from a shirt developed by a japanese synthetic fiber firm. people who developed the shirt say it captures heart rate data and beams it to a remote location using the system for xhuks. the site manager can monitor the information realtime and intervene when he sees something abnormal. >> it's hard to tell if a worker is in good shape from his or her outward appearance so it's really useful to have numerical
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data to make a judgment. >> reporter: the developers fit a special cloth on the inside of the shirt. it has a resin coating that captures electrical signals generated by heart movements. the developers used these microscopic fibers which are about 100 times thinner than a human hair. they explain conventional fibers make limited contact with the skin, but these tiny fibers are more adhesive and therefore better at picking up electrical pulses. >> the cloth not only captures heart rate but also muscle signals and brain weaves. we are hoping to explore wider applications in medical, health
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care and digital health-related fields. >> reporter: another product under development by a textile firm could be a big help in medical emergency. >> this is our newly-developed cloth. >> reporter: the material uses electrodes to perform electrocardiograms. conventional tests only work if they are put up immediately. technicians have difficulty quickly fitting the electrodes. >> it's hard to do that in an ambulance when a patient is unstable. >> reporter: the developers use the fabric that conduct electricity like a socket. medical workers simply have to
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wrap the clothes around the patient's torso and they get immediate results. >> wearable technology like this could become a whole new market. we plan to focus our efforts in this area. >> researchers working in this field are trying to come up with new innovations. the medical tools they create could turn out to be the difference for some between life and death. >> that's it for business news. i'll leave with you another check on the markets.
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nato is testing its ability to respond to new security threats. the alliance has mobilized personnel from more than 30 countries for its biggest military exercise in more than a decade. officials cite the spread of terror groups and a more assertive russia as concerns. the drill is scheduled to run through november across italy, spain and portugal. it involves 36,000 ground, sea and air troops from 34 countries. one operation at an airbase on sicily involves fighter jets and military helicopters. nato deputy secretary-general
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alexander vershbow says operational capability forces is more important than ever. >> in the east, russia has illegally annexed crimea. it continues to support the separatists in eastern ukraine and appears to have entered the war in syria firmly on the side of assad. to our south from syria to libya, failed and failing states have opened the door to extremist and terrorist groups eager to fill the vacuum. >> vershbow says the exercise will increase nato's ability to work together to respond to threats from anywhere. the u.s. navy has deployed a destroyer equipped with a state-of-the-art aegis missile defense system to the port of southwest of tokyo. it is part of plans to have more advanced ships ready to deal with potential situations in east asia. the "uss benfold" is 150 meters long and has a crew of 300.
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it's stationed at the base for the u.s. 7th fleet. the commanding officer spoke of the goal of the deployment. >> we aim to foster and strengthen the bond of maritime self-defense with local communities. the "benfold" provides a greater capability and capacity and all mission areas, and supports the united states commitment to the defense of japan and security and stability of the indo asia pacific region. >> u.s. officials plan to deploy one more destroyer by 2017 to deal with north korean ballistic missiles and other situations in the region. that will raise the number of u.s. aegis vessels to yokosuka to 12. japanese self-defense force ships have joined training exercises with the u.s. navy and the indian ocean. journalists were invited onboard an american aircraft carrier saturday to witness the drills. nhk world's jun onozawa explains what's going on.
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>> reporter: the joint drills are being held about 300 kilometers east of southern india. reporters were shown around the u.s. aircraft carrier, the "theodore roosevelt." indian naval officers and japanese sdf personnel are on board. >> it was really good. >> reporter: the japanese destroyer joined the navigation training drill with the indian and the u.s. navy. >> a lot of things are happening, and they're all going very, very well. >> reporter: similar drills last took place in the indian ocean eight years ago. china then strongly opposed japan's participation. it fears being insulted by other powers. what's behind the latest drills? the indian ocean, where the drills are taking place, is
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strategically important area. tankers full of crude oil pass through here on their way to japan. >> translator: it's highly significant to be able to train in these waters. >> reporter: india, japan and the u.s. are deeply concerned with china's increased maritime activities in the indian ocean. last september, a chinese submarine made a port call in sri lanka, a strategic point around the sea lane. indian prime minister narendra modi stressed last month the the importance of collaborating with the u.s. and japan. >> we're joined with these partners like japan. this will also strengthen our maritime security cooperation. >> reporter: the joint drills have helped protect the stability of sea lanes and addressed shared concerns over
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stopping china's activities. >> all of these forces are coming to india for the simple reason that we want to work closely with india and japan. together, we can accomplish much for the benefit of this region. >> reporter: i'm here with the joint exercise. india is demonstrating strategic policy of forging closer ties with japan and the u.s. >> prime minister modi has to make efforts for sustaining the peace and stability on the high seas. since the levels of u.s., japan and india coincide on the freedom of navigation and on the global commons. >> reporter: with asia's security environment changing, ties between japan, the u.s. and
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india are being closely watched. jun onozawa, nhk world, the bay of bengal. japan's aging society has seen more pets abandoned as owners become too old to take care of them or pass away. in 2013 there were nearly 130,000 euthanizations. one community managed to not put down a dog for two years. how they did it and what we can learn. >> reporter: many of the animals here were abandoned and brought to a local government-run shelter. they hold this event every month, together with animal
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welfare groups. >> we heard of cases of euthanasia. i came to see what these dogs were like instead of going to a pet shop. >> reporter: the animal protection center is responsible for all parts of the prefecture except its major cities. the shelter cares for about 50 dogs and 20 cats. a third of the animals are here because their owners passed away or became too old to take care of them. centers like this still put down abandoned animals after a per d period. but animal welfare groups have more pets coming to its care. one of the groups is called animal protection. they often take in old and sick
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dog dogs. this 16-year-old dog was left after the owner died. the dog was already in poor health. they get check-ups at a discounted rate and she was riddled with maggots and fleas. the group said the condition of these dogs suggest they may have had years of neglect. after the check-up, it's time for a trim. the groomer helps the group by providing the service for free. it took half a day to clean up these dogs. days later, the dogs were brought here where they agreed to temporarily look after the
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animals. this woman takes care of 13 dogs. eventually, the animals will go to an adoption event to find a permanent home. some of the dogs aren't adopted, but she is keen to take care of the aged or sick animals until the end, even if that means spending her own money for the extra treatment. she still takes care of the dogs that ended up dying in her care. without the dedication of these volunteers, it would be impossible to avoid euthanasia. >> these dogs may have been neglected or abused earlier in their lives. i want them to learn at the end of their lives that humans aren't all scary. >> ironically, the success protecting lives has created another issue. more owners are trying to bring
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in their pets. the volunteers and local government are facing a dilemma. >> from our position, we can't keep counting too much on volunteers. the situation requires a long-term solution, not a short one. we must do something to put less of a burden on the volunteer groups. >> one of the dogs that came into the group's care died after her health deteriorated. she was the victim of a pet boom in an aging society. in three years, the prefecture plans to have a larger animal protection center with more activities for volunteers. before them, officials and animal welfare volunteers say they want to raise awareness among pet own eers to go to zer
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abandonment. it is time for a check of the weather. people in dozens of villages in the philippines are being affected by heavy rain and floods. thousands have been forced to evacuate their homes. meteorologist robert speta joins us now. robert you've been keeping an eye on storm. what's the latest? >> yes, this is still ongoing actually out here, catherine. we are looking at, at this time, it is still lingering out here just off the northwestern coast of luzon. you have the moisture in full wrapping around the south. this is by no means no longer a typhoon. it has weakened out to a tropical storm but the rainfall is still the biggest issue with this. take a look at this, baguio city 05 millimeters reported in a 12-hour span and also indications in this area upwards of 800 to 900 millimeters of total rainfall. this is actually the past several days of total rainfall accumulation based on satellite estimates some areas toward aurora province you're looking
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at upwards of 800 to 900 millimeters as well. video what it looks like in the northern philippines some of the areas hardest hit by the continuous rainfall. flash flooding into the mountainsides and rural locations, rice growing provinces, trapping villagers in their homes. people waiting for the water to recede. hundreds of soldiers, police and volunteers converged in the area to help those who had been flooded but it is a very slow process. we're still looking at flooded roads, about 183,000 people have been impacted by this. some 65,000 people have been evacuated, and the official death toll has now climbed upwards before eight people, but there is indications by local media here that it's higher than that, which is very well possible because there are as many of these rural locations we've seen there, which still have not seen reports out of into northwestern areas of luzon, even toward the kugayan valley, limited resources getting out of there and limited roadways.
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as far as the forecast there is good news. conditions are improving. the storm is also weakening out. now a tropical storm, winds of 83, gusting to 126 kilometers per hour, pulling towards the northeast. we're still going to have the feeder bands wrapping around from the south. there is additional rainfall. the good news, baguio the rainfall report and toward manila as well it looks like the worst of the storm system is over with. this also impacts those of you in taiwan and southern japanese islands as well later on this week. i want to mention that. back toward the north one of the main reasons it's moving so slow, high pressure is dominating eastern and northeastern china, keeping things on the cold side, harbin saw temperatures drop below the freezing point in your overnight hours. tokyo a high of 23, partly cloudy skies here on your tuesday. still some showers back towards the north into sapporo, but that is going to clear up at least by the time you look into wednesday and thursday. talking about showers here into the southwestern u.s. you have been looking at this moisture in full coming off the pacific and also the gulf of
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mexico, taken has been bringing widespread heavy showers, even thunderstorms out there for you. also there have been dust storms, showers pushed down strong downdrafts and kicks up the wind so haboobs are very well possible and add a threat as we go ahead into your tuesday and wednesday. staying on the cool side toward the east, high pressure has been dominating but it is going to be on the rise, new york with a high of 19, washington, d.c., at 20, but overnight lows were rather chilly out here on your monday, it will gradually warm up there on your wednesday and thursday. quickly want to mention severe weather still possible, if you have travel plans out here across the mediterranean, watch out for that especially in southern areas of the iberian peninsula and working toward the east and moving into the balkan peninsula. i'll leave you now your extended outlook.
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announcer: euromaxx highlights. and here is your host, anne o'donnell. host: hello and welcome to "euromaxx highlights." we take a look back at the best bits of the week in lifestyle and culture news. first up, a new perspective -- germany's biggest beer bash through the eyes of a photographer. rare glimpse -- open house london is an opportunity to look behind the city's facades. and city history -- karlsruhe in southern germany was founded 300 years ago. well if you haven't already noticed, it is oktoberfest time in the bavarian capital of
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