tv Newsline PBS October 23, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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hello there. welcome to "newsline." it's friday, october 23rd. i'm catherine kobe an shi. >> shinzo abis on a week long tour of among goal la to enhance economic ties. on friday, he will have a sup mit with the president of turk man stan. abe arrived from mon goia, the first japanese prime minister to visit the country. the nation of 5.3 million people has the world's fourth largest reserves of natural gas. gas exports to china and other countries have boosted its annual growth to around 10% in
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recent years. but the current slump in oil and gas prices makes it difficult to sustain that growth going forward. in the summit talks, abe will pledge to be support japanese firms' investment in the country and help build its infrastructure. japan's defense minister general nakatani will visit vietnam early next month to meet his counterpart general phung quang thanh. they are expected to discuss china's unilateral activities including major reclamation projects and the construction of military facilities. vietnam is one of the parties involved in territorial disputes with china over the south china sea. nakatani is likely to explain japanese security legislation enacted last month. the new laws allow japan to exercise the right to the collective self-defense and expand the role of the country's
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self-defense forces. relations between people in japan and china appear to be warming up. most people who answered an opinion poll said their impressions of each other are negative but not as negative as last year. it was conducted bid a japanese nongovernmental group and the china international publishing group. more than 2,000 people responded. 9% of japanese said they have negative impressions of china. that's down 4 points from last year. 78% of chinese had negative feelings toward japan, down 9 points. 36% of chinese said they want to visit jan. that's up 13 points. reflecting a recent surge in the number of chinese visitors to japan. around one-third of japanese said they want to travel to china. most of the respondents said ties between the two nations are important. japanese government officials have disclosed trading
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rules for the transpacific partnership agreement. we are joined by the business desk. what are the new rules? >> well, it is really involves mostly the services sector. let's go into some of the details. the release came on thursday twos days after the announcement of tariff details in the tpp. the rules also require vietnam and malaysia to ease heavy regulations on service providers from abroad. now, the member countries will also strengthen crackdowns on counterfeit and pirated products. vietnam will abolish government screenings for retailers to open more stores in the country. this smooth the way for firms including japanese convenience store operators to expand into vietnam. malaysia and vietnam will relax their restrictions on investment by overseas business. malaysia will in principle eliminate limits on setting up automatic teller machines. the new rules will make it easier for foreign firms to participate in public works projects. government linked organizations
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will have to load open bidding for public works project above a certain value. trading rules will improve the protection of animation, music and other works. the protection period for copyrights will be at least 70 years after the death of the authors. if products suspected of violating copyrights are traded within tpp member nations authorities can suspend their sales even without claims from those whose rights were violated. now, policymakers at the european central bank have decided to keep their monetary mols unchanged. but the chief hinted at additional easing in the future. mario draghi and other board members it met in malta on thursday and decided to keep the key interest rate at a record low of 0.05% and maintaining the bank's monthly asset purchase of $67 billion. consumer prices in the single currency block fell in september for the first time in six months and concerns are mounting over a
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possible deapplication. draghi told reporters they'll need to re-examine the degree of monitor policy accommodation at their next meeting in december. he said if necessary the bank will continue the monetary easing beyond spent next year. his comments cheered excellent i of investors around the world. the market reaction, the share prices on major european rallied. the dax in frankfurt and cac 40 in paris finished more than 2% higher. on wall street, the dow jones industrial average closed at a two-month high at 17,489, stronger than expected earnings from mcdonald's and other american corporations, also lifted the markets. and for more on how asian markets are kicking off this friday morning, let's go to the tokyo stock exchange. av the positive handovers from europe and u.s. how is tokyo kicking off? >> tokyo is no exception. market players are calling
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draghi santa clause and expecting an early christmas from him and his elveses. here's how the nikkei look after the markets opened. the nikkei opening higher positive hitting a two-month had high and the topix is up 2%. other asian bench marks, south korea's kospi up 1%. australia's asx up nearly 2%. a pretty good morning here in the asia-pacific following the rally in europe and the u.s. draghi's comments come before his counterpart in japan and hopes force additional easing in japan is lifting markets, as well. the ecb expanded its qe program worth about 1.1 trillion euros and cut its deposit rate in the december. prospects of further easing pushed down european bond deals.
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as for government bond yields of germany, france spain and others, they all fell. >> you just mentioned the euro tumbled. it had been trading higher recently. but what are some of the current leks? >> you know what, the euro is actually trading at its two-month low against the dollar. market players will already been pricing in the prospects of easing but now many are saying draghi's comments yesterday are much clearer convincing signal they will ease at its meeting. it was trading at $1.13 level. so the euro dropped more than 2% in is 24 hours. the euro's week weak against the yen, around 133.98.p. and the dollar is benefiting the from euro traders sold the euro and bought the dollar. dollar gained at 120.96. almost 121 yen. and the last time we saw this level was a month ago. so the stronger dollar draghi's
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comments and hopes on the boj are all positive factors for markets in japan as well as the rest of asia. so fingers are crossed for this friday morning and the rest of the day. so i'll be back in a few hours. back over to you. >> thanks. good cheer coursing through the markets. reporting for us live from the tse. >> now the successful conclusion of the transpacific partnership free trade pact caused a stir in sought korea. the country relies heavily on exports. south korea preferred to pursue bilateral trade deals and distanced itself from the tpp. government appears to be changing course. nhk world has more. >> reporter: the south korean government hosted a strategy forum immediately after the trade accord was reached. industry leaders and scholars took part and exchanged views on the tpp. some expressed concern that
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south korea has missed the boat. >> translator: the era of bilateral trade deals has ended. we are now dealing with multilateral frameworks. south korea has missed an opportunity to write new international rules. >> reporter: south korea has already painstakingly carved out -- with the united states. the eu and other countries to cut tariffs and promote trade. it has taken be a wait and see stance with tpp. but the conclusion of the new trade accord has alarmed some korean auto parts manufacturers. this company makes parts for car engines. it exports 70% of its products. it plans to enter the american market next year because the bilateral trade deal lifts the tariffs on the company's products that were supposed to be more price competitive.
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once tpp is implemented, however, rival japanese companies will enjoy tariff free status too. the deal also means that tpp members states are expected to source more auto parts from within the trade bloc. the company fretz that its products might not be able to compete. >> translator: i think the tpp pact will boost the export power of our competitors in japan. it will put south korea under significant disadvantage in the medium and long-term. >> reporter: some experts want the government to the review its trade policy. >> translator: i think the trend of international trade is changing away from bilateral deals as a way to secure success. joining the tpp will benefit us in the long run even throw at
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the outset we might face various dependses by member states. we have no choice but to sign up. >> reporter: but to many pa opposed such a move. a rally against membership took place in seoul. >> meanwhile, civic groups are taking a stand against a possible membership in the tpp. rice farmers are particularly alarmed. they supply about 90% of rice consumed in the country. not surprisingly, they fear the trade deal would lead to a glut of cheap foreign rice, devastating their businesses. >> translator: if south korea joins the tpp and rice imports surge, i'm afraid we will be forced to give up farming. >> reporter: still last friday,
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south korean president made the case for adjoining the tpp at a news conference with her u.s. counterpart. >> translator: south korea and the united states would also make natural partners in the tpp. we will cooperate closely with regard to possible membership. >> reporter: south korea is pressing ahead about revision of its trade policy. the question is, can the government sell the deal to the country and pave the way for joining the regional trade bloc? kim chan. >> you nhk world. >> that's it for business news for this hour. but let's leave you with another collect on the markets.
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in the philippines more than 110,000 people are still displaced four days after the passage of typhoon kappa. rising into the waters forced evac keys to seek higher ground. 41 people have been confirmed in the storm's aftermath. the typhoon made landfall in the northern island of luzon early sunday before being downgraded. the severe storm wreaked havoc unindating buildings and devastating crops. nearly a million people were affected. in one province towards southern luzon, widespread flooding continued on on tlurs as heavy rain from the storm cascaded down the mountains. a gym serving as an evacuation
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center was flooded forcing people there to relocate again. >> translato can help us. we had no other choice. we needed to evacuate because our house was all. you can e it submerged in th >> the philippines is affected by more typhoons than almost any other country, about 20 each year. damage from the typhoon has been estimated at more than $140 million. affecting crops, instruct and homes. heavy smoke caused by forest fires in indonesia is drifting across southeast asia. it continues to pose a threat to the health of millions of people. ailand ss air pollution in some parts of the country has become dangerous and is urging residents to take precauses. in thailand's southern province of patani, fisherman had to abandon their work because of
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poor vis be the caused by the smoke. authorities are advising people to wear masks when they go outside. in the malaysian capital kuala lumpur pur after a week of mostly clear sky, the haze has returned forcing schools to close again. >> translator: asean leaders should sort this out together. we have a lot of them and between them, they should fix i it. some condo residents near tokyo are worried about the safety of their homes. they have been watching a can dal unfold over substandard construction work beneath their feet. and the problems they're dealing with puts into question the safety of many more buildings. n hk world's michael dick report reports. >> reporter: the head of the form whose subsidiary did the
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substandard construction work said they will thoroughly look into the cause of the problem. >> we will place priority on the safety and peace of mind of the residents. >> reporter: his apology is over this condo in koko hama built in 2007 but now found to be tilting. the problem came light last year after residents reported a growing difference in the heights of railings. the companies that by the and sold the condo are investigating. they found some of the underground pilings that support the building were not driven deep enough and don't touch the bedrock. they also revealed the subcontractor falsified data concerning the amount of con concrete used in the piling work. this could have real consequences in earth quake prone japan where there are strict laws on building codes.
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the real estate companitized the units as being built on solid ground. this couple was sold on that promise. they bought one of the units brand new using a retirement payout. >> translator: the problem has come at a time when we want to live happily here until we die. so this is very unfortunate. we want the contractor and other involved parties to compensate for this. >> reporter: these photographs were taken after the powerful earthquake and tsunami in march, 2011. they said their building experienced stronger jolts than others. they've been offered several solutions by the real estate company including buying back the unit, rebuilding the complex, and compensation. michael dick, nhk world.
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>> representatives of the firm whose subsidiary laid the substandard foundations took another grilling from the media. executives looked at records from the past ten years. they studied over 3,000 projects where the construction materials drove the pilings. they said the buildings include factories, medical and welfare centers and schools. they said the employee who oversaw the work on the tilting condominium building has dealt with 41 projects. >> translator: we know the employee in question has admitted he falsified data for the complex in koko hama as he admitted doing that for any other projects among the 41 he oversaw? >> translator: that's under investigation. the situation is basically the same as it was when we spoke to you on tuesday. >> reporter: the executives did not disclose the names or exact locations of the buildings
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involved. a panel tacked with selecting new emblems for the 2020 tokyo olympics and paralympics says between 100 and 300 possible designs will be chosen before the final selection in the spring. the initial emblems were scrapped following allegations of plagiarism and copyright violations against their creator. the panel said it expects tens of thousands of entries as conditions for participation in the competition have been greatly aced from the initial selection. the organizing committee for the tokyo games and outside expers will check for such things as flaws in the application format and possible trademark violations. the panel will decide how to involve a large number of people in the selection process doing such things as releasing the short list of designs to the public and holding a popular vote. >> translator: we want to find a good way to examine the designs openly. we expect a lot of people to
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take part in the screening process. >> at the start of the next year, the panel will begin a closer examination of the designs that passed the initial screening. the head of the u.n. human rights body has condemned the shek republic for detainingmy grans and refugees. the high commissioner for human rights issued a statement on thursday that denounces the treatment of migrants and refugees who have arrived in the country since august. the statement says the czech republic is reportedly detaining some migrants and refugees for up to 90 days. it also points out that migrants have been routinely strip searched by the authorities looking to confiscate money. the high commissioner says the violations appear to be an integral part of czech government policy. the high commissioner urged the government to take immediate steps to ensure respect for the human rights of migrants and
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refugees. a spokesperson for the czech president told nhk that the government is honoring people's rights and following the law. israeli officials are accusings the united nations cultural hair an edge' agency of stirring tension in the resolution. the unesco resolution that criticizes israel over mishandling holy sites in jerusalem. arab nations submitted the resolution. 26 members voted in favor while six including the united states voted against. almost as many members abstained as voted in supported. the resolution involves a compound known to jews as temple mount and to muslims at la ram al shareef. it condemns restrictions on the freedom of worship and access to the compound's ack-ack sa mosque. >> we are not happy with that decision. but as unesco is a very, very
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hostile organization toward israel. the resolution comes amid weeks of israeli, palestinian violence triggered by disputes over the side. more than 50 people have died, mostly palestinians. trouble broke out following rumors that israelis were planning to take over the site. israel denied the allegation. unesco's executive board dropped a controversial clause from the original draft. it would have declared jerusalem's western wall an integral part of the al action sag mosque. people in japan's eastern islands are being impacted about i a typhoon. we have the latest. >> what we are seeing right now is the storm system. this is our typhoon continuing to drift toward us ever so slowly out here and one of the latest storms out here. this is actually number 25 here of our typhoon season. many of them this year have gotten quite strong but this one pushinging just south of chi chi
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actually pushing it over here on your thursday evening. wind gusts upwards of 133 kilometers per hour. the good news, not a lot of people living out on these islands, about 2400 people and definitely very typhoon hardy as far as the storm systems are concerned. it does look like this eventually will pull off here towards the northeast. staying out of honshu on hokkaido back off off towards the northwest. back towards the west, i do want to mention koppu what is left of it and earlier this week, this storm system brought that devastation across the philippines. still the casualty number continues to climb out here as we get more news of what exactly occurred in the rural areas. the flooding was the big topic. now that's drifting toward the north. still scattered showers into the southern japanese islands. you want to have an umbrella ready for you. the big topic even in northern
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areas of japan willing will the fog as we head over the next several days. really reducing visibility. you may want to slow down on the roads here. we're expecting a cooldown. a cold front bringing showers in hokkaido, maybe snowfall by sunday. a high of 6 all that cold air will be spilling towards the south over the coming week. the severe weather into europe, specifically southeastern europe, this storm system right here. this has been bringing heavy rainfall, the hail some areas have reported hail of about 3 set meters. rather dangerous tornado was seen in athens in greece. flooding in greece, video showing you what took place. this is a roadway. it looks like a mountain river just ripping through this area. these floods caused many buildings to become damaged and some of them collapsed. you can see the rapid waters just sweeping away cars, even a motor bike floating away. piling up these cars.
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and some pretty significant damage here. so it wasn't just the damaging winds, the tornado reported but mrs. flash floods. all of this unfortunately is shifting farther here towards the east. athens you still have the storms in your forecast. most of it is heading off towards western areas of turkey where you still could see hail, even damaging winds and frequent lightning as some of these thunderstorms towards istanbul. kiev. the cool air spilling in behind it. things will cool off with the showers. here's our hurricane patricia, now a category 4. this is a major hurricane and this one still causing some op damage out here as it does start to pull off towards the north. it's expected to bring damage that is, as it pulls there into the western coast of mexico, we have hurricane war, in effect right now. of course, the wind is the big topic, 260 kilometers per hour. but the rainfall is thing to much wa out for because flash flooding is a major threat as it starts to hit the coastal
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one more story to share with you before we go. the annual tokyo international film festival kicked off with a star-studded opening. the festival is one of asia's biggest film events. 16 out of more than 1400 entries are in competition for the grand prix. movie fans cheered as actors and directors from japan and abroad walked the red carpet leading to an event in the district. this year's festival feature ares tro expectative of films starring ken taca occur ra who decided last november. ten of his movies will screen till next thursday. that's the heads of the first anniversary of his death. winners will be flounced october 31st. 9 final day of the event. and that wraps up this edition of "newsline." thanks for watching.
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>> on this edition of "native report," we'll attend the oklahoma premiere of the play "sliver of a full moon." >> and i think he beat her to what he believed was to death. >> we'll interview independent filmmaker alex smith... >> so, that was an early introduction to native customs and to native peoples. >> and we'll browse the vendor stands at the oneida farmers' market. we also learn something new about indian country and hear from our elders on this "native report." >> production of "native report" is made possible by grants from the shakopee mdewakanton sioux community and the blandin foundation.
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