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tv   Newsline  PBS  November 13, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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glad you can join us for nhk "newsline." i'm ross mihara in tokyo. an earthquake hit off kagoshima prefecture. the japan meteorological agency issued a tsunami advisory for southern and western japan. that advisory is still in effect. no casualties or major damage to buildings have been reported. officials in kagoshima say the plant is running normally. coast guard officials are warning fishermen and residents not to approach the water. the japanese government has set up a task force to gather
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information and get ready to take action as necessary. officials at the pentagon say they're reasonably certain a u.s. air strike in syria killed the islamic state militant known as jihadi john. he has purportedly killed a number of foreign captives, including japanese. >> it's still early. we are reasonably certain that we killed the target that we intended to kill, which is jihadi john. >> the officials say u.s. forces used a drone to target a vehicle believed to have been carrying the militant in raqqa. they say intelligence they've gathered indicates he was killed. jihadi john with his fluent british accent in english appeared in numerous videos showing the purported murders of u.s. and british hostages and japanese journalist kenji goto. goto covered numerous wars over his career. he described how vulnerable
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ordinary people become in war, especially children, and the high price they often pay. goto traveled to syria and was captured by islamic state militants. jihadi john is presumed to be a british citizen named mohammed emwazi. prime minister david cameron says britain worked closely with the u.s. to track him down. >> he was isil's lead executioner, and let us never forget that he killed many, many muslims, too. and he was intent on murdering many more people. so this was an act of self-defense. it was the right thing to do. >> cameron said it's not clear whether the air strike killed emwazi. kurdish fighters in northern iraq say they have dealt a heavy blow to the islamic state group. they have retaken the strategic mountain town of sinjar. insurgents had been in control there since last year. 7,500 kurdish fighters launched an offensive on thursday.
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the u.s.-led coalition supported them with air strikes. the attack cut a key islamic state supply line. at one end of that line is the syrian city of raqqa which the insurgents call their capital. at the other is their stronghold in iraq, the northern city of mosul. iraqi government forces have been trying to regain control of mosul. kurdish regional government president massoud barzanni says the liberation of sinjar will have a big impact on liberating mosul. islamic state fighters in sinjar killed many members of the minority yazidi sect claiming they worship the devil. they also abducted thousands of women and caused many other residents to flee. yazidis are reportedly taking part in the kurdish operation. there seems to be no end to the influx of refugees and migrants arriving on the shores of europe. most come from africa and the
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middle east, including syria. with winter approaching, the situation is growing increasingly grim. >> reporter: early tuesday morning, two rubber boats landed on the coast of the eastern greek islands of lesbos. there were about 100 people on board. they had risked their lives sailing from the opposite shore in turkey to reach a safe haven. >> as you see, we came from turkey by the boat, by rubber boat actually. we were there about 50 person. 50 person facing death. but we want to have a great life. we want to continue our life. >> reporter: there are normally about 90,000 residents living on lesbos, but the face of the island is changing. in october alone, more than 120,000 refugees and migrants reached its shores. as winter approaches and the seas become rougher, the risk of accidents is increasing. last month 400 people died while trying to reach greece after their boats capsized. the people who arrived on lesbos on this day were given health
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checks on the beach by medical volunteers. >> it was very cold, and we had a lot of people, hypothermia people. i think many more immigrants will come. so the conditions will only worsen, and we have not enough supplies to help. >> reporter: it's a long way before the migrants can undergo the check-up. the temperature drops quickly after sunset, and many of the new arrivals end up sleeping outside because there's a lack of accommodations. most often the chief destination is germany. it's been one of the most generous countries so far to accept migrants. but there are worrying signs. a right wing political party held a rally last weekend in berlin. about 5,000 people participated. the party is receiving growing support from people who see the influx of migrants as a burden and a possible threat.
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>> translator: germany will be thrown into chaos if the situation continues. i hear some 2 million people are coming. we'll never be able to handle that many. >> reporter: while the merkel administration has been receiving praise for accepting the migrants from abroad, at home, it's a different story. more than 50,000 people have been accepted in the capital berlin. last month, city workers repurposed an unused airport turning it into a temporary home for 2,500 people. there are 48 other such facilities around the city, but, still, it's not enough. >> translator: we've used all the space we have in the city to accommodate refugees and migrants. we're almost out of places to put them up. >> reporter: against this backdrop, merkel has introduced a series of measures to tighten conditions for accepting refugees and migrants. the most drastic came last week
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when the administration announced new measures aimed at deterring economic migrants. the one country in europe that has opened its door the widest to migrants and refugees appears to be withdrawing the welcome mat. myanmar's election commission says the opposition party led by aung san suu kyi has won a majority in parliament. cholaphansa narula is in the bangkok studio at nhk's general bureau for asia. >> reporter: voters in myanmar had their first election since 2011 when the country shifted to civilian government after decades of civilian rule. they used the opportunity to back aung san suu kyi's nld. members of the election commission have say they have confirmed the outcome and around 90% of contested seats. they say the nld has locked in 364 seats. they say the military-backed
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ruling union solidarity and development party has picked up 40 seats. myanmar's military is guaranteed one-fourth of the seats in parliament under the constitution. so an opposition party has to secure more than two-thirds of the contested seats to win power. the nld cleared this high hurdle to take the reins of the government in the first free nationwide election in 25 years. with the nld's historic victory, where is myanmar headed now? nhk world's thi ha thwe reports from yangon, the country's largest city. >> reporter: voters are drawn to aung san suu kyi's charismatic style of leadership. -- >> translator: i'm thrilled about the nld's victory. if the country changes, people will be happy. >> translator: the nld will do their best. they have their own plan for myanmar. i'm sure of it.
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>> reporter: aung san suu kyi and her party also won a landslide victory in the last general election 25 years ago, but the military leaders rejected the outcome and held on to power. president thein sein says this time things will be different. he's promised a peaceful transfer of power. voters are hoping he will honor his word. one reason why the military appears to be taking the ruling party's historic defeat calmly in both constitutional provisions. they effectively allow the military to hold sway over politics. the military draft the constitution. it stipulates that three top cabinet posts -- the ministers of defense, home affairs and border affairs -- be held by members of the military. they can also retake control of the government in certain situations. any change to the constitution requires the support of more
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than 75% of members of parliament. but 25% of its seats are reserved for the military. aung san suu kyi now faces a tough job building a positive working relationship with the military. they agreed to hold a meeting with president thein sein and the military chief. aung san suu kyi is effectively barred by the constitution from becoming president. that is because people with foreign nationals in their family are prohibited from assuming power. aung san suu kyi's sons are british citizens. but she has made this clear she wants to exercise leadership. she says she would be above the president, but what that means remains to be seen. aung san suu kyi must attempt a difficult task to turn myanmar into a country that enjoys civilian rule while cooperating with the military that retains strong authority under the
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constitution. the election victory represents the opening phase of a new battle for aung san suu kyi. thi ha thwe, nhk world, yangon. people in myanmar are looking ahead to life under a new government, but they're not getting carried away. they have more challenges to face. and one of those challenges could have a profound impact on future generations. nhk world's akihiro yokota reports. >> reporter: myanmar opened up its economy after a long period of military rule ended four years ago. a surge in foreign investment has brought rapid growth to major cities such as yangon. benefits have not yet reached the more remote areas of the country, and this is particularly true of education. the southern town was badly hit
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by a cyclone seven years ago. this elementary school building was reconstructed but it's still closed. the reason is simple. nobody wants to teach here. myanmar's ruling party has promised to provide teachers for each school across the country. but with more teachers opting to work in urban areas versus remote villages, the plan has yet to achieve results. in this village, there used to be one teacher who taught 70 children. but after that teacher was transferred to another school in june, her wages and working conditions made it impossible to find a replacement. >> translator: my child can't read or write. i'm really worried that he'll grow up without getting an education.
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>> reporter: he's a fourth grader. he hasn't been to school for almost six months. >> reporter: his ambition to become a doctor so he can help people in the village which has no doctor right now. he has no choice but to study at home. the village mayor has asked the authority to improve the community's educational situation so it can benefit from the nation's growing economy. but his pleas have fallen on deaf ears. >> translator: i envy children in urban areas because they can get an education.
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i had hoped that the government would increase the number of teachers, but in vain. >> reporter: who can the residents of this village entrust their futures to? people here and in other urban areas are hoping the next government will be able to provide educational opportunities for their children. akihiro yokota, nhk world, myanmar. >> that wraps up our bulletin. i'm cholaphansa narula in bangkok. pentagon officials say u.s. bombers flew near chinese-built artificial islands in the south china sea earlier this week. last month the u.s. sent a navy destroyer to the area to challenge china's activities there. pentagon officials say that two b-52 bombers left sunday night
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and returned monday. they say chinese air traffic controllers issued two warnings to the aircraft but the bombers continued their mission. the officials say the aircraft flew over the disputed spratly archipelago but did not go within 12 nautical miles of the manmade islands. one official described the mission as routine. >> we conduct b-52 flights in international air space in that part of the world all the time. >> the u.s. destroyer mission on october 27th did enter the 12-nautical-mile zone around one of the islands. washington argued countries cannot claim the territorial waters surrounding manmade features. japan's defense minister gen nakatani will continue to monitor china's actions after one of the naval vessels was spotted close to the senkaku islands. the japanese government maintains the islands in the east china sea are an inherent part of japan's territory. japan controls the islands. china and taiwan claim them. japanese defense officials said
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that an intelligence-gathering chinese navy ship was seen in islands from wednesday through thursday. they say the ship came within 44 kilometers of the islands. they said that it is rare for chinese navy vessels to sail so close to the senkakus. nakatani said he felt it was important to publicize the incident. >> translator: the vessel's actions were unusual. it sailed back and forth from west to east all day. we were closely monitoring its activities. i thought we needed to reveal the facts to people around the world. >> nakatani said the chinese military has rapidly increased training and intelligence gathering missions and will likely expand such activities. china's foreign ministry has dismissed japan's concern. its spokesman hong lei said the movements of the chinese naval vessel were completely in compliance with international
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law. top corporate leaders from japan and china have met for the first bilateral ceo summit. they discussed ways to deepen cooperation and agreed on the need to increase private sector dialogue to help improve their country's relations. leaders of about 100 major firms including toyota and bao steel gathered in tokyo. the japan business federation helped organize the event. >> translator: i believe this forum will help promote government exchanges and build a win-win relationship. >> former chinese vice premier zeng peiyan agreed the private sector has a role to play. >> translator: we need dialogue, not only on government levels, but also multichannels of the private sector to develop the chinese economy.
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>> the delegates discussed how to boost trade and investment and work together to help emerging economies build infrastructure. the toshiba group says one of its affiliates has revealed losses in its bookkeeping. the nuclear power subsidiary westinghouse was in the red in fiscal 2012 and 2013. toshiba says westinghouse had written down the value of its assets by about 160 billion yen, or around $1.3 billion, in those fiscal years combined. company officials attribute this to the severe business environment created after the accident at the fukushima daiichi nuclear plant in 2011. they had been withholding the numbers for westinghouse saying accounting rules do not mandate the disclosure of subsidiary's results. toshiba officials say they don't include the write-downs in their group results as they expect the subsidiary to be profitable.
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japan's nuclear regulator says a new entity is needed to operate a troubled prototype reactor. the nuclear regulation authority has called on the science and technology ministry to find a replacement, the first recommendation of its kind. if a new operator cannot be found, the ministry may have to scrap the facility. the fate of the reactor is likely to have a significant impact on the country's nuclear policy. the monju fast breeder reactor is located in surugua in fukui prefecture on the sea coast. it was meant to play a key role to recycle japan's nuclear fuel. spent nuclear fuel from conventional nuclear power plants contains plutonium which can be used as fuel in the monju reactor, and what's seemingly good about the design is that it can produce more plutonium than it consumes. the reactor runs on uranium, plutonium mixed oxide, or mox
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fuel, created by reprocessing spent fuel from other reactors. more than $8 billion has been spent to create and operate the prototype. when trial operations started in 1994, it was hailed as an answer to the problem of what to do with spent fuel from other reactors. but a number of safety issues have cast a shadow over the project. in 1995, a leak of sodium used to cool the reactor led to operations being halted. it was later revealed that videotapes from immediately after the leak had been concealed to cover up the extent of the accident. the organization in charge of the facility at the time, power reactor and nuclear fuel development corporation, was the target of public criticism and is now defunct. after two shakeups, the japan atomic energy agency was put in charge of the reactor in 2005. in 2010 the first test runs in 14 years began. three months later a piece of
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equipment weighing over three tons fell into the reactor and couldn't be removed. due to the seemingly endless problems the reactor has never gone into full operation. on friday, nuclear regulation authority chairman shunichi tanaka delivered the written recommendation to science and technology minister hirosi hase. it urges the ministry to designate a new operator within six months. it says the japan atomic energy agency is unfit to operate the facility safely. >> translator: this issue is closely related to the country's basic nuclear policy so my ministry will work together with other government offices to decide how to respond to the recommendation. >> translator: our core mission is to take all necessary measures to ensure safety, protect people's lives and preserve the environment in a consistent manner, no matter who we are dealing with. >> the recommendation is not legally binding, but the science
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and technology ministry may have to consider scrapping the prototype if a new operator is not found within six months. government leaders in finland are creating a place for nuclear waste to lie deep underground forever. they have given the green light to build the world's first permanent underground storage facility. they are hoping to make it operational as early as 2020. officials say they have licensed a company to build a repository in a southwestern area called olkiluoto. spent nuclear fuel in metal containers will be buried in bedrock 400 to 450 meters below the surface. scientists say the radioactivity will take 1,000 years to fall to a level that won't affect living organisms. finnish economy minister olli rehn says the permanent repository is an important step in his country's responsible use of nuclear energy. he says final disposal of waste must be safe over the long term.
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the japanese government says it's trying to increase the number of women in the workforce. but over 60% of women here quit their jobs after giving birth. many blame an issue known as matahara, or maternity harassment, for the trend. now the country's labor ministry has released the results of a survey that shed some light on the situation. nhk world's john ladue reports. >> reporter: this woman agreed to share her story of being bullied if we agreed not to reveal her identity. she says a common issue for pregnant women spawned an uncommon reaction from her colleagues. >> translator: the head nurse told me the sight of me vomiting was repulsive. she said if i was unable to work as hard as my colleagues, i need not come to work anymore.
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>> reporter: even a superior blamed her for causing problems in the workplace. so she had no choice but to quit. japan's labor ministry released the results of its first survey on the issue. nearly half of the respondents reported being called a nuisance or urged to quit, while more than 20% said they were fired. the report showed another surprising result, that the harassment came from both men and women. in nearly 20% of cases, the offender was a male supervisor, while in 11% it was a female. in terms of co-workers, about 10% were female offenders, compared to 5% of males. the current law prohibits businesses from firing or demoting employees over pregnancy or birth. but the law doesn't clearly prohibit verbal harassment. the labor ministry hosted a meeting to discuss amending such laws.
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sayaka osakabe heads a non-profit organization that helps harassment victims. she says one of the reasons people aren't supportive of pregnant co-workers is because their workload increases. and she says businesses have a responsibility to cover maternity leave. >> translator: companies successful in doing this were not only able to retain highly talented employees but also saw an increase in these types of workers. i want to see other companies realize the potential of this management strategy. >> reporter: japanese government officials say they plan to add 3 million women to the workforce, and they want those work environments to be places where women can thrive. john ladue, nhk world, tokyo. here's the weekend weather forecast.
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a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit off the coast of kagushima prefecture in japan early saturday morning local time. the japan meteorological agency issued a tsunami advisory for southern and western japan. that advisory has now been lifted. no casualties or major damage to buildings have been reported. officials at the sendai nuclear plant say the plant is running norlly. coast guard officials earlier warned fishermen and residents along the coast not to approach the water. the japanese government has set up a task force to gather information and get ready to take action as necessary. that's all we have for now. keiko kitagawa will be here at the top of the hour to bring you the latest on nhk "newsline."
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>> hello, and a very warm welcome to another edition of global 3000. are you sitting comfortably? i only ask, because if are, you might want to be rethinking that cosy armchair position, because we're off to one of our most energetic starts yet. morning drill practice -- early learning, taiwanese style. ancient answers to a modern problem -- using inka knowledge to fight drought in the andes. and exporting democracy -- ghana's role in training u.n. troops for deployment around the


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