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tv   DW News  PBS  November 25, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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♪ anchor: this is "dw news" from berlin. a war of words after a russian fighter jet is shot down by turkish warplanes. rush upon store and ministers said it looked lke a planned provocation. turkey says it was defending itself and has refused to apologize. worlds leaders urged calm. we have the latest from his and ball. getting tougher on terror, germany plans to send more troops to mali. and, pope francis gets a warm welcome in kenya at the start of his africa tour. the faithful hope that he will
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help heal ethnic and religious divisions. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] anchor: i'm sarah kelly. there has been defiance in the face of escalating tension between turkey and russia. russia's foreign minister has called the downing of a russian warplane by turkey a planned provocation. turkey says it was self-defense. both sides insisting that war is not on the table, it actions on the ground indicate an escalation. more on that in just a moment. first, let's bring you up to date with the day's relevance. reporter: it is a moment that has sent turkey-russia relations crashing to a low point. this moment has sparked an angry exchange of words by leaders of both countries.
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for syrian rebels this is a moment of triumph. they've released a video showing them celebrating the plane's downing. they say they killed one of the russian pilots. moscow adds it rescued the other. in russia, many are furious at the loss of the su-24. police made several arrests at a protest outside the turkish embassy in moscow after activists held at the building with rocks, eggs, and tomatoes. russia's government shares the anger of those protesters. >> we seriously doubt this act was spontaneous. it seems rather like a planned provocation. all of the reports from journalists on site and the internet video support that contention. reporter: ankara is still defending its decision to down the plane yesterday. even though it has led to russia's first [indiscernible] turkey is showing signs of
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wanting to cool things down. more than a day after the plane's fiery demise. >> i would like to underline that we have strong economic, cultural ties with russia. we've always been sensitive about giving way to such incidents. regarding this incident, we do not have any intention of escalating tensions with the russian federation. reporter: rebels in northern syria have welcomed the downing of the russian plane because they accuse russia of targeting them. but with moscow signaling it will now escalate its campaign in syria, the rebel satisfaction may be short-lived. anchor: let's bring in our correspondent who is standing by for us in istanbul. dorian, we are hearing reports that the turkish have increased their ground troops on the border. we're also hearing reports that the russians are sending antiaircraft systems.
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if this proves to be true, this sounds like an escalation. >> that will be the concern, especially among turkey's nato partners. it is one of the most advanced systems in the world and it will have enough range to cover the area where the russian jet was shot down. russians have a center, antimissile cruiser to the region which again will cover the turkish border region, and turkey's announcement is increasing its jets patrolling this region. added to that, the russians are also saying they will be sending fighter jets to defend their fighter-bombers when they go on operations. the key thing here will be is, can moscow continue its raids against ethnic turks, syrian turkoman, along syria's border? if they continue to do this,
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then we are seeing the potential for further confrontation. anchor: absolutely, a lot of potential for further confrontation. you follow the turkish political situation very closely in istanbul. the hand here that erdogan is playing is pretty risky. what is he thinking? >> i think he feels he doesn't have that much choice. he's made very clear that the turks have been very concerned over russia's bombing of ethnic turks across the border. it summoned the ambassador last week and said, this is unacceptable, and if they continue there will be serious consequences. turkey has raised the bar and he feels that it has to stand by its words. going forward, turkey feels it is in a strong position with its western allies as well. turkey feels it is in a strong position. anchor: when we look at the wider repercussions of this, what are they likely to be? >> i think turkey is bracing
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itself for russian retaliation. you've already seen the russian foreign minister advised russian tourists not to go to turkey. russian tourists are the second-biggest number that visit turkey. tourists account for 10% of the economy. the turks will be more worried about energy. it depends for more than half of their energy on winter gas. the fear is that russia could turn off the tap. russia does depend on turkey for $27 billion for that gas. russia has used gas against in the past. anchor: we turn to some other news and in the wake of last week's terror attacks, germany's parliament has voted to deploy more soldiers to mali, up to
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650. berlin says the troops will help keep with the peacekeeping mission and ease the pressure on french forces fighting islamic groups. chancellor merkel said the troops were needed to beat back militants who only last week attacked a hotel in bamako. the opposition was critical of the deployment and would like germany to stick to diplomacy rather than military intervention. so what exactly was the german troops be doing and mali? our west african correspondents have been finding out. reporter: identifying suspects at roadblocks, a critical task that these soldiers from mali are learning at the eu training center. >> the training is clearly structured. first there is a theory part, that participants and trainers plan the exercise right here and afterwards the soldiers are taking over there to participate in the role-play with the scenario of checkpoints and for most malian soldiers, this will
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become reality very soon because they will be deployed in the dangerous north of the country. reporter: the eu has trained about 7000 soldiers so far. they are using role-playing exercises to learn how to stop attacks from happening. at the end, the malians have overreacted. go i don't know if you're able to see it, there was a kick and a tussle. these are things that are not allowed to happen. one thing the experts agree upon is that the malian army is overwhelmed in their fight against the islamic terrorists. the german trainers also acknowledge there is a problem in leadership. >> one thing we've noticed is that leaders often have the feeling that when they're in a position of power, they can relax and everything will be taken care of. we are trying to teach them that when they are leaders, the work has just begun. reporter: the malian deputy parliament president also welcomes a stronger commitment
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from germany. he believes it is in europe's best interest to curb terrorism in his country. >> it is a breeding ground for extremism. for so many reasons, germany has to be in mali. reporter: the german soldiers are sharing their knowledge in the fight against terrorism with their malian comrades. soon they will have to apply that knowledge themselves in real-life situations. anchor: so germany is sending troops to mali to relieve french forces. in paris, chancellor angela merkel has met with french president francois hollande. correspondent lisa lewis is standing by for us in the french capital. the message very much among these leaders that now is a time for action against islamist terrorists. we understand the chancellor merkel at a french president were actually near you just moments ago there. what was the mood like?
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reporter: that is true. angela merkel came here before going to the elysées to lay down a flower, where many people come to show their support for the victims, for those who have died in these horrible attacks. it was -- she wanted to show france that germany is really standing side-by-side with france industry difficult time. -- france in these very difficult times. anchor: francois hollande wants other world leaders to stand by him. he was just in the united states. he will fly to moscow next. he was to build a grand coalition against islamic state -- wants to build a grand coalition against islamic state. what will germany's role be in this? reporter: we know germany will send another 650 staff to mali to help in the peacekeeping
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mission there, but it's very clear that a very -- very unlikely that germany will intervene militarily in a direct way, and the french government is very well aware of that. the french president has said today, we welcome this move by germany which was announced this morning, but we also know and hope for more support from the german government, but we also know this support is limited in its form. france knows very well that it will be very difficult to politically push through military intervention in mali. so germany, in iraq and syria. anchor: lisa lewis for us in paris. thank you for the update. tension is running high in chicago and the united states after the release of a police video showing the shooting of an unarmed black teenager. protesters took to the streets on tuesday night in what were largely peaceful demonstrations. the video shows a man as he was
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being shot while walking away from police. he was shot 16 times by an officer, who said he felt threatened by the teenager, who was carrying a pocket knife. more than a year after the incident happened, the officer has been charged with first-degree murder. many people have taken to twitter to express their outrage over this police video. th eman's name was mentioned as a #almost 200,000 times. let's take a look at some of those reactions. "vice" magazine wrote, simple, if the video did not exist, his killer would still be free. this from an activist, he was killed with a sense of casualness i the officer that should frighten you. others tweeted using the #15 bul6 bullets. how do you justify one bullet, let alone 16 bullets?
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this is a tragic and painful incident. you can follow this story online at -- a u.s. commanders is a deadly airstrike on a doctors without borders hotel in afghanistan was a tragic accident. general john campbell said the incident was caused primarily by human error and that those involved had been suspended from their duties. the hospital came under fire from a u.s. special operations gunship last month, killing 31 people could doctors without borders has called the attack a war crime. in iraq, kurdish forces recently secured a key victory against islamic state when they recapture the town of sinjar. now it has emerged that the militants built a network of tunnels deep down under the town, including building living
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facilities well out of the range of enemy air strikes. all of this is providing a rearview of how the group organizes on the ground. reporter: the iraqi city of sinjar was retaken by kurdish and coalition forces two weeks ago. they discovered hundreds of meters of tunnels under the city built by i.s. militants containing everything from books to coalition forces emulation. -- ammunition. they even found medicine and bomb making materials. the tunnels were used by the i.s. militants to move around the city without being exposed to kurdish and coalition fire. many of the tunnels had been fortified with sandbags to help them withstand airstrikes. above ground, things don't look much better. houses here have been reduced to rubble. anchor: we have to take a short
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one a minute break. when we come back, we will have more news, including business news. keep it here. ♪
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anchor: welcome back. this is "dw news." tensions remain high after turkish fighters shot down a russian military jet near the syrian border on tuesday. russia's foreign minister said it looked like a plant provocation, but that his country would not go to war with turkey. pope francis has started a three-nation to her of africa -- tour of africa. his tour will take them from kenya to uganda to the central african republic. after arriving in nairobi, he went to the presidential palace
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to deliver a somber message. experience shows that violence, conflict, and terrorism feed on fear, mistrust, and despair. he encouraged people to foster a spirit of solidarity. our dw correspondent is standing by for us in nairobi. what is the atmosphere like in light of the pope's visit? reporter: well, there was quite a bit of excitement earlier on when the pope arrived in the country. given that kenya has 7.8 million catholics, you can imagine there are quite a lot of people who are happy that the pope is here. headlines like "the pope of hope." anchor: the hope is there with a
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mission, as he often is. this time around, it's on use and reconciliation. -- youth and reconciliation. explain why he would use those focal points. reporter: africa has the youngest population in the world. around 200 million people aged between 16 and 24. this is also a population [indiscernible] thanks to unemployment, these people in his groups are the ones experiencing the most problems. uganda it is 64%. anchor: covering the pope's visit. thank you for the update. we turn to some business news. ben joins us. you have a case of whodunit.
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ben: brace your safe -- yourself for this one. dw says it will take months -- vw says it will take months to determine who was responsible for rigged diesel engines. the german automaker regulator has approved its plans. the refit in europe won't take more than an hour. here's how it works reporter:. volkswagen's 1.6 liter engine changes to the air filter system. this new flow transformer is the key components and will be fixed in front of the air mask sensor. >> this component stabilizes the airflow. it helps to determine the current air mass more effectively. it determines precisely how much fuel has to be injected. this will reduce admissions. volkswagen says it will take less than an hour to bring each one point six liter diesel engine in europe in line with a
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mission rules. it is a relatively simple and inexpensive change great experts say the flow transformer costs around 10 euros each. the solution for the two liter engine is even easier, it just needs a software update. these changes will be carried out on all volkswagen brands, including audi and scoda. more than 8 million cars in europe will be refitted. the german carmaker did not say if the alterations will affect the vehicle hospira format's. volkswagen is far from out of the words. a technical fix for more than half a million vehicles in the u.s. has yet to be agreed upon with regulators there. that will be more difficult because the country's omission standards are much stricter. anchor: he must have been an exciting day. he got to meet the property's comedic nation's team and find out how it actually plans to communicate its way out of this mess. >> i did.
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ben, it seems like the dust is starting to settle. they have a plan on how to fix at least some of the cars in europe. they have opened up, there was a meet and greet and press this morning, a new move towards transparency and opening up. so definitely that is happening, but there's also still a lot of things that are unclear. >> one of the unclear things being who was actually responsible. who has been fired so far? who has been kicked out of the company? >> a few people. martin, he's taking political responsibility. apart from that, it is still a little bit shady. it's unclear who was actually involved. the company has suspended 8 employees but still suspects of their innocent. yeah, the company has a program
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trying to speak up and to actually talk without being afraid of getting fired. and, but the results of that have not been analyzed. >> why is it taking so long? i guess we are talking about a mammoth company. it is a huge company with huge structures. >> there have been reports of a sort of atmosphere of fear within the company, and that needs to be opened up. >> which they said led to this crisis happening. >> they did. >> is this it, though? >> that's a big question. there is a funny incident this morning, one of our reporter colleagues asked just that question to the new head of communications at volkswagen. do you want to know what his response was? he said, as much as i wish that
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i have to be reluctant. because of, you know, the experience of the past weeks. they thought it was finally over, and then one more thing, and one more thing, and one more thing came up. >> so i could have you in the studio tomorrow night, the week after that, perhaps? >> anytime. >> thanks for coming in. russia has stopped all gas to the ukraine and ukraine says it stopped buying. the two nations are caught up in a standoff over a blackout in crimea. light has become a rare commodity there. electricity lines were blown up over the weekend in southern ukraine which supplies crimea with most of its power. russia accuses ukraine of stalling efforts to fix the power lines, and the economic fight is intensifying. moscow is considering a further embargo on crimean goods. kiev is revoking flyover rights for russian airliners and threatening retaliatory
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sanctions. lufthansa news, cabin crew union has called off a plant strike for this week after the airline met some of their demands. the union had been staging strikes to retain early retirement benefits and stave off layoffs. the carrier is under pressure to cut costs as competition from budget airlines intensifies. the two sides meet again next week. making life more difficult for counterfeiters, the european union is launching new 20 euro banknotes. it has enhanced security features, a new portrait window. the hologram striped comes transparent and reveals the greek mythological figure of europa. there you go. all the news of the business world. anchor: they have to send us some examples of this.
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thank you. now, since the attacks in paris, ticket sales for concerts in the city have nosedived, and many bands have canceled gigs. on tuesday night, legendary german rockers the scorpions decided the show must go on. almost 20,000 fans agreed, turning up for an emotional night at the arena. reporter: the band dedicated their song "send me an angel" to the victims of the attacks in paris. >> tonight, i want you to sing, sing with us together. we will sing it for them, all right? reporter: the german rocket jets use their concert to demonstrate solidarity with the city and with france. along with their familiar tunes, the scorpions led the crowd in a moving rendition of --
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♪ and of course, their big hit, "wind of change," another highlight of the evening. the bent said the concert proved to them that going through with it when so many of their colleagues have chosen to cancel there's was the right thing. >> we really have the feeling that in that moment, everyone was very closely connected, not only with the songs, but also with the people who died in such a terrible manner 11 days ago. scorpions thrilled their paris fans, and perhaps help them in some small way to start to recover from the trauma of the recent attacks. anchor: a show of defiance there in the face of terrorism. a quick reminder of our top
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stories, tensions remain high after turkish fighters shot down a russian military jet near the syrian border. russia's foreign says it looks like a planned provocation, but said his country does not intend to wage war against turkey. germany has announced a major troop deployment to mali. it will send hundreds of peacekeepers to relieve french forces fighting islamist groups. that's all we have time for. i'm sarah kelly in berlin. you have been watching us on dw. be sure to meet us again at the top of the hour. ♪
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. it's the day of the 18th anniversary of hong kong's return to china. as with other years, a demonstration opposing some of the hong kong special administrative region and government's policies is taking place. the march


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