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tv   DW News  PBS  January 25, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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brent: this is dw news live from berlin. july, mosquitoes, a virus and a warning to women inking about getting pregnant. the world health organization calls a suspected leak -- link between birth defects and the virus is expected to hit almost every country in north and south america. i will ask the who what should be done. also on the show, "business -- the president of iran visiting europe in need of foreign investment and with oil prices remaining low, a badly needed
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shopping spree for the country may have to wait. and and other greek crisis -- europe tells athens to get tough on controlling its own borders or else. it's good to have you with us. it is a relatively new virus and it is spreading across half the planet. it is suspected of causing birth defects. there is no treatment or vaccine for the virus, but tonight, a worrywart of -- worried world health organization is predicting it will spread to all countries in the americas with a likely exception of chile and canada. it is carried by a species of mosquito found in most parts of the western hmisphere. it is suspected of causing birth defects in babies born to women infected during pregnancy.
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after a spike in the number of infections, brazil has reported nearly 4000 cases of a condition where babies are born with abnormally small heads. i am joined now by a member of the world health organization in geneva. this warning is dramatic. we are talking about a relatively new virus, and yet it is new that the virus has been suspected of causing birth defects. are we talking about a mutated virus here? guest: you are exactly right. we have seen outbreaks before in africa, in asia, and yet we have not seen these cases. we have seen a neurological defect, in not too many cases.
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but here is the biggest question we have -- what is the link between this? is it the virus alone or are there other impacts? from down syndrome to alcohol, drugs and vaccines, so is it alone or is it something else with it? this is where all the scientific research has to be focused right now. brent: the suspicion that there is a connection, is it coming from brazil? is that why researchers have become worried? guest: yes. we have this huge increase of cases in brazil and for other countries right now. with this huge increase, we have
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an increase of cases from an average of 160 a year to nearly 4000. both situations appear at a time and place where the suspicion comes from. i believe seven or eight fetuses have contested after establishing for the fire is that have been found. we don't have any more evidence, but they have been lab tested. of course, everything has to focus to gather more evidence. brent: we know there is a lot of caution that has gone into this. coming on the heels of the ebola outbreak, are things being done differently in handling the possibility of there being an outbreak or is the who handling the situation different? guest: life is constant learning
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and we learned from the ebola outbreak. we have a reform process ongoing. obviously it is something natural when you see so many worried situations, something needs to be done about it. but again, we have many more questions than we have answers. that is why it is important we work with the u.s. cdc and the institute in france. brent: talking with us from geneva, thank you very much. just a few weeks ago, no one could have imagined this man would have been making this kind of trip. the iranian president is in europe tonight signing major business deals. his country is now free of economic sanctions following an
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agreement to curb development of each -- of nuclear weapons. he has been meeting with a large delegation of businessman. europe loss aviation and automobile industries are looking to contracts for a country that has been starved of investments for years. i'm joined now by an expert in international relations from lancaster university in england. good to have you. are you surprised by the way western nations are falling over themselves to do business with iran? guest: it was probably to be expected. the iranian economy is the second-largest in the region. despite that, it is usual -- it
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is crippled by the sanctions and has so much scope for development and increasing in size and output. there is so much more from this economy to come. the second thing is western european nations are struggling economically. the economic growth have not happen like many predicted or hoped for. so they are looking for additional markets to stimulate this growth across europe and i think iran provides a good opportunity to do that. brent: would you say it ron is the perfect opportunity to expand markets and because europe's economy is not growing the way people hoped, the issue of human rights for example will be put on the back burner for a while? guest: this is the elephant in the room that has been dominating policy decisions for the past five years or so. particularly in the u.k., there has been a lot of debate as to
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whether britain should be engaging in the sales of arms given the huge human rights violations and criticisms and protests that broke out five years ago. the really important issue with regard to iran, i fear economic concerns will trump human rights concerns as they have done for the past five years. brent: i have to ask about their main export, which is oil. at a time when oil prices are low and staying flat, is this going to do tend their buying power on the international stage? guest: i think it probably will. let's not forget they have the fourth largest oil reserves in the world and accounts for about 9% of opec's output. they have tried to use it to weaken the iranian economy,
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trying to push down the price they can take back from the sale of oil. saudi has accumulated a huge budget deficit with the intended consequence of weakening the economy. although they have these huge reserves, there are serious problems when they come onto the global market. brent: thank you very much. now to some of the other stories making news around the world. in cameroon, at least 28 people have been killed after suicide bombers attacked a town market. dozens of people have been evacuated. officials say they suspect boko haram militants from neighboring nigeria. u.n. brokered peace talks among syria's warring parties are set to begin.
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the syrian envoy says the primary goal is a cease-fire on the ground. the talks in geneva will not include the self-proclaimed islamic state. the conflict began in 2011 and has displaced millions of people. around 2000 migrants arrived in -- arrive in the european union every day with many heading for germany. cabinet members across the eu have been meeting in amsterdam to find a way to stem the influx of these people with many pointing the finger at greece for not doing enough to secure its borders. reporter: the netherlands holes the rotating presidency of the european union and its shift of ministers in another attempt to veto the deal. most to arrive are headed to germany. the numbers are too high thomas is the interior ministers. he wants more solidarity from his colleagues.
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>> we need a lasting, noticeable, and sustainable reduction in refugees and we needed in the coming weeks. europe is taking the right steps but it is taking them too late. reporter: most refugees reach europe via the greek coast and continue on their journey to the northwest from there. some ministers they greek border controls are too lax and athens is not doing enough to register refugees properly. >> if we don't succeed in securing europe's external borders, then the border will shift to ward central europe. it is up to greece to act as quickly as possible to dictate more resources to the problem. reporter: austria is not the only country threatening greece with expulsion. european solidarity is being put to the test again. brent: ireland's prime minister
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has warned a possible british exit from the eu would cause serious problems for northern ireland. the comments were made during a visit to london to meet prime minister david cameron. he said it could damage trade and lead to political tension% along the border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland. cameron has pledged a referendum on this next year. the video is called till wherever you find them. it is produced by islamic state and features images of david cameron with target superimposed on them. it also includes a warning that the more you wage war on islamic state, the more it will expand for we are terrorists. it's release coincides with a poll that islamic state plans more attacks on soft targets
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here. reporter: to kill as many people as possible was the goal of the attacks on paris. europe holmes says the attacks were a change in tactics for islamic state and fresh paris style attacks are in the pipeline. >> so-called islamic state has a willingness and capability to carry out further attacks. all national authorities across europe are working to prevent that from happening. reporter: this comes after the militants released a video taking part in anti-isis activities. germany could also be in danger. >> if you look at the number of foreign fighters who have gone abroad, germany is less effect it then countries like france or
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belgium. there is a slightly lesser risk, but it is higher in germany than at any point in the past five or 10 years. reporter: another problem is the suspected paris attackers do not fit the psychological profile for attackers. rule models and pure pressure may be more important than religion in motivating them. brent: france is on the verge of signing a billion dollar deal to sell combat jets to india. news came during a visit by francois hollande into delhi. they will be discussing clean energy and the battle against self-proclaimed islamic state. he reiterated his determination to fight i.s. and would hit the group again and again. you are with dw news live from berlin. five years after the arab spring, education tarp marking
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the revolution that toppled hosni mubarak. what came of their lofty aspirations? plus gerhard will be here with business news. we are back in 60 seconds. >> what do you get for $.50? >> for $.50? >> not a lot. >> did you know it costs $.50 to feed one hungry child for one full day? >> and credible.
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>> you can share your meal with children in need for just $.50 and a tap on your smart phone. smartphone users outnumber hungry children by 20 21. imagine the impact you and your friends can have. together, we can and local hunger. brent: welcome back. you are with dw news live from berlin. here are the top stories. eu ministers are clashing openly over the migration crisis, some telling greece to control the flow of migrants or leave it. greece is planning other member states for not doing more to help. five years ago today, protests erupted in egypt that marked the beginning of the end for then president hosni mubarak. but deep clinical turmoil did not stop there.
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the country seeing first and islamic government and military takeover. now israel is being led i a general from the mubarak area. though he paid tribute today to the protest movement, the general promised a tough response to any unrest linked to this week's anniversary. reporter: the chaotic and smog filled capital used to be the best place on earth for one couple. he plans to marry his fiancee but their dream became a nightmare on this bridge over the nile. last november, a few dozen demonstrators gathered to remember the victims of egypt's popular revolution. police arrested him along with several others for disturbing the peace. they have no doubt he was tortured while in custody.
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he was jailed two years for disorderly conduct. >> we are trying to draw attention to this case. we want to get him acquitted, but we also want to get married. finally see him because i am not allowed to visit him. reporter: five years after the revolution, political change has ground to a halt. virtually no one wants to be interviewed because they fear government oppression. pro-democracy activists have been on a roller coaster ride. their emotions range from determination to frustration. law and democracy has failed to take root and not just in egypt. many are wondering if the arab spring was a failure. >> egypt deserves something better. just because we have not achieved what we were aiming for doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
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we cannot say our revolution was wrong. reporter: sheets of poems on display like a gallows. young dissident writers are supported. police arrested an employee supposedly because of missing book serial numbers. >> not a week goes by that someone isn't tortured to death or someone disappears forever. i think security services are acting this way because it just before the anniversary of the revolution. these are tough times for freedom of expression in egypt. only a few people have the courage to speak out. one of them is the country's most famous cartoonist. >> they are trying to single out how much anger there is in the country. reporter: the egyptian president
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covered in pages from a calendar. brent: there is trouble at the top at twitter tonight. gerhard knows more about that. gerhard: twitter has apparent -- apparently asked half of its top press. for executives have left the company. twitter continues to disappoint investors because it is still struggling to turn a profit and show serious prospect for growth. reporter: it is a major shakeup for twitter -- four top managers are leaving the social networking country -- company. the twitter ceo and cofounder, jack dorsey, says the executives have chosen to leave. he said he was forever grateful for leading the company.
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shares of twitter have plunged 55% in the last year and the number of users has been increasing more slowly than the company would like. that makes it difficult to keep pace with companies like market leader facebook. facebook has reached 1.5 billion active users. other rivals like whatsapp or instagram continued to attract new users in huge numbers. twitter boasts 320 million active users, but new rivals like snap chat are quickly catching up. twitter is looking for ways to attract more first-time users like abandoning its 140 character limit or making it easier for people to use the newsfeed. according to media reports, the company a plans to announce two new board member sin. gerhard: german angst seems to
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have returned to the business world, though economists have a slightly more posh word for it. in germany, that indicator has fallen to its lowest level in 11 months according to the economic institute. it was called an unpleasant surprise for europe's largest economy. reporter: fears of a continued slowdown in the number two economy and turmoil in chinese stock markets are proving a train on germany's business confidence. >> the german economy is looking forward to the new year with alarm. the outlook for exports are not so good now, especially business from emerging economies are under pressure. but it is not just emerging economies causing a short supply and optimism. the spiraling price of oil has hit exporting companies hard.
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have fewer petrodollars with which to buy german exports. gerhard: mcdonald's golden arches have been sagging for a while. customer seem to have lost their appetite for the fast food fare in favor of healthier options. it has given ronald donald a reason to smile with the introduction of an all-day breakfast. the company has not managed a complete turnaround, though less than sunny sales before the fourth order means it still made a loss for the the company. if you overindulge in fast food recently, you better get your sports gear sorted out. the latest rackets and gadgets are on display in munich this year. the olympic games and european football championship will pump up the market of the sports
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industry. insiders are expecting growth to hit double digits. reporter: this is supposed to make working out front -- a pair of glasses, smartphone and at give people a chance to dive into virtual reality. it goes on the market for 7000 euros. >> in other words, it is no longer a chore. you shoot down a few drones and chase your friends over the mountains or fly over the grand canyon and end up fitter. reporter: filming yourself playing is a big start to many sports. one german company invented a camera that keeps images studied even when snowboarding or skiing. they are 360,000 euros through crowdfunding and preorders.
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>> we always filmed our exports on snowboards using action tabs -- action cams. there wasn't anything available, so we decided to create our own solution. reporter: the expo is not just a meeting place for global players but also smaller manufacturers. there's a lot happening in apparel. organic clothing is committed to recycling. for example, a ski helmet made of a polymer obtained from corn plants and old car interiors. >> we found out our customers don't necessarily buy for environmental reasons or because of the styles. for them, it's a matter of life style. reporter: one invention visitors
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can get pumped about is inflatable windsurfing equipment which goes from flat to full in 90 seconds. it is especially suitable for beginners and leisure travelers. and it is a snip at 350 euros. if skateboarding is to old school, the hit new thing is wheeling. it will set you back a whopping 1700 euros. gerhard: that is it for me. brent: thank you very much. in the last match of the bundesliga this weekend, to mature stars were key for an agreement. the heroes were the 35-year-old club captain and 37-year-old striker.
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after an early shocking header, things equalized before halftime. here's a reminder of what we are following right now. the iranian president has inked a multibillion-dollar deal with italian companies. that's the start of a european disaster i've sparked by the lifting of economic sanctions against iran. thank you for watching.
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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] michelle: hello and welcome to "focus on europe," with some of the most fascinating personal stories from across the continent. i'm michelle henery. thanks for joining us. on today's show -- german soul searching over new year's eve attacks on women. campaigners in britain demand action for "the forgotten thalidomide." and the young albanians reversing the tide of brain drain to brain gain. when you hear stories about women feeling unsafe to walk through a crowded city centre, fearing sexual assault, images of tahrir square in egypt may come to mind. during the 2011 arab spring protests and other public


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