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tv   DW News  PBS  February 18, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> this is dw news from berlin. crunch time. the future of the european union is up for grabs in brussels. leaders holding maker break sessions. will david cameron get the major reforms of britain's membership that he is demanding? also on the show, pointing fingers. turkey makes nine arrests. tensions escalate as you have
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presidential polls. they detained the opposition candidate after a day of delays at the ballot boxed. i'm sarah kelly, thank you for joining us. it has been called a make or break summit. leaders are meeting to discuss challenges that threaten to pull the block apart. migration remains a thorn in the eu side. it is britain that is top of the agenda tonight. prime minister david cameron is desperate to extract confessions from his partners over his country's membership. he needs or forms to take home for voters or britain could become the first country to ever leave the eu after a promised referendum. >> it might be sagging, but it is still there.
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the british prime minister warns it could appear if the conditions aren't met. >> we will take the deal but i will not take a deal that doesn't meet what we need. >> the deal he wants is a series of reforms which would return significant decision-making powers to london. he seeks to opt out of the desire to move towards an ever closer union. cameron wants to restrict access to welfare benefits for eu citizens. the demand would undercut the core principles of free movement. it cannot be imposed. he made clear a compromise is possible, but not at any cost.
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no country can abandon the common rules of authorities. i want great britain to stay in the european union. it must it here to the framework and principles. if not, other countries could request exceptions. a german chancellor merkel offered some guarded backing. i am going into this debate. we will do everything in our power to create conditions to keep great britain in the european union. the prime minister hopes to cut a reform deal before a u.k. referendum membership that could be held this year. britain could become the first country to leave the block. how far will the european union go to prevent that from happening?
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sarah: so much at stake this evening. leaders have been sitting down for a few hours. any progress report? >> the first round of the talks did not go to bed. that they did not want to tell us anything definitive. they will talk about those later on in the evening, probably overnight and very early in the morning. not at the big table anymore. trying to work through some of those issues that apparently still remain. what is key now is the atmosphere. we would like to the inside the room to know that.
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the president of the european parliament is there. and my colleague is talking. >> he will take the deal if it's a good one for the u.k.. how is the audience tonight among the states? >> i think the overwhelming majority might serve the other participants are answering positively. it is in the best interest of the united kingdom. therefore, everybody is prepared to find a balance between this request of the united kingdom and the appropriate necessary balance.
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it is easy to find such a compromise. but it is possible. the mood in the room is that this is the start of, perhaps, a very long-lasting thing. >> what are the remaining controversial issues? >> there is no chance to split the european union. it is a fair point to ask not to be discriminated. they try to defend the welfare system. and this emergency method like
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this, they ask for it. whatever that happens, it happens in the frame of the guarantees. sarah: a compromise is possible, but it can only go so far. it is likely to be more debate on the migration crisis. german chancellor angela merkel increasingly on the firing line over a refugee policy. do you think she's going to have to adjust today? >> it depends which part you're talking about.
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establishing the hotspots. the distribution of refugees at the whole of the european union. there was no progress on that. you have countries like the u.k. and france. it is part of the so-called coalition imagines it as taking it step-by-step.
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>> the german chancellor is trying to hammer home this point again. sarah: we will see if they buy it tonight. police there have arrested nine people. the attack killed 28 people and injured over 64. no one has claimed responsibility. >> on his arrival in turkey from
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syria, they say they were a member of the syrian kurdish militia group. he is suspected of having planned the attack with the outlaw kurdish workers party in turkey. the political arm denies responsibility for the explosion. the turkish president rejects this. >> even if the pkk and the political arm dispute this, the interior ministry as well as the intelligence service have information and evidence to prove these groups were involved. shown here, they are allied with the pkk which turkey, germany, and thethe white pg is considera western ally because of its opposition to the so-called islamic state. the turkish government has been
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-- six turkish soldiers were killed in an attack on a military convoy in the southeast of the country on thursday morning. the government blames the pkk. sarah: let's discuss the reaction, the head of the syrian kurdish democratic party and is on a visit to berlin. he lives in syria. the turkish government places the blame very squarely on the white pg. >> we are not involved in turkish and internal affairs. even the name mentioned by them, we do not know them. we asked about him. nobody knows him. sarah: can kurdish militants
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definitely be excluded? turkey seems very sure this is coming from the white pg. there have been clashes in recent months. >> there are clashes. that there is shelling from over the border. we don't have clashes with them violently. we have about 25 or 30 kilometers. we don't have any clashes. the turkish side has to blame the kurdish people. it is not the first time. they are trying to show them as a terrorist group and to announce them to some places. to connect them with other organizations. >> without trying to escalate
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this issue, they are against any political solution in syria. and especially putting this matter i had is just not to have the political solution in syria. sarah: there are concerns about the dynamic and what is going on right now. they are making inroads in syria. however, the turks are a little worried about their advances. they are worried they might lose territory to kurdish separatists. what is your response to all of that? what do you think the white pg response will be -- ypg's response will be? >> this is different.
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and we have our issue that's different. related to the democratic syria. and we have no problem. they are there from the beginning. and other places in kobani. it will attack. and democratic syrian forces. they are getting from that.
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>sarah: we have heard from the kurdish side. we appreciate your insight.
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sarah: welcome back. a quick reminder. eu leaders are holding maker break talks with eu membership high on the agenda. they can take home to voters. the have descended into chaos after police briefly detained a leading opposition figure and presidential candidate. earlier, international observers criticized delays that hampered voting in many constituencies.
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a sitting president battled for a fifth term in office. frustration turned to anger. after waiting five hours to cast ballots, voters let their true feelings be known. ballot papers should of been there. with no word from the commission , voters became protesters. [speaking in foreign language] >> the police appeared a few minutes into the scuffle. tear gas launchers in hand, forcing a temporary calm. there is still no word on the ballot papers. at another polling station, officials stood idle. the delivery of voting materials
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was also delayed. that did not seem to deter the voters. >> we will vote. we shall vote. it is impossible now. sarah>> in other areas of ugand, voting went ahead without obstruction. >> i think it is going to be a free and fair election based on what i've seen. i have to make sure i vote so the right person wins. >> accused of orchestrating delays which were mainly an opposition strongholds. the main concern is that delays and disruptions could deprive them of their constitutional right to elect a candidate of their choice. sarah: she clarified the situation surrounding the temporary detention.
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>> having spoken to one of the persons about the police department, we escorted them out of a residency that belonged to the police. it belongs to the criminal investigation department. together with his aides and supporters came to the residents claiming that ballot stuffing was happening. the police said he was trespassing or attending to trespass and they moved him saying it was not an arrest and he has not been charged with anything. sarah: time for some business news. it day no has more on the top story, the potential brexit from the eu. daniel: it has people worried.
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are you in or are you out? david cameron says he wants to stay in, but only after demanding reforms. if it doesn't go his way, it could prove extremely costly and not just for britain. the united kingdom is a fading memory of its once expansive empire. today, its long history stands in contrast to its uncertain future. the 2014 study showed a slim majority in favor of a british exit from the european union. the return of the u.k. splendid isolation comes at a cost. britain's economic performance could take a hit of about 3% by 2030. the costs could amount to 300 billion euros.
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but not only britain would suffer. economic ties with the u.k. means it's eu neighbors would feel the pinch as well. in germany, growth would contract by .3%. to balance the shortfall from a u.k. exit. more problematic than the finances would be the political fallout. they face major challenges which could threaten its very existence. and now to a link between the u.k. and the rest of the eu. euro tunnel once 29 million euros from the british and french governments for lost revenue caused by migrants trying to get to the u.k.. thousands tried making the trip last year disrupting services. the sip -- situation has since
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improved. and as we just heard, the european union is looking anything other than united. 10,000 new arrivals every week with each refugee comes a cost or a benefit for the state where they choose to settle. over one million came to germany last year alone. >> the flow of migrants shows no signs of stopping. week after week, tens of thousands are making their way to europe. many put their hopes on germany. a study shows that 1.1 million refugees arrived in germany in 2015. analysts expect 800,000 to arrive along with half a million in 2017.
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they project the cost of carrying for migrants will rise from $22.1 billion in 2016 to 27.6 next year. the most significant cost factors are food and housing. plus german lessons and integration classes to help them find work. every refugee that finds a job will take pressure off the public purse. they can even turn up profit for government coffers. >> the economy is weakening according to the oecd club of rich nations. slowing growth and developing countries. german businesses had their hopes have evaporated. >> they are dependent on international demand.
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when world markets begin to slow down, it puts the pinch on the german manufacturing sector. the oecd forecast worldwide gdp to grow around 3% this year. .3% lower than november's prediction. 2017 should see 3.3% growth. it is expected by 1.7%. experts know that they have jumpstarted the economy. >> quality projects and more ambition in structural policies that would promote synergy from the private sector would raise global gdp growth and raise financial risks. >> risks are appearing on the horizon.
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the once booming economy is starting to sputter like the russian and the zillion markets. the bottom line is clear. it means orders from goods and the rest of the eu. >> that his business news for the moment. >> a big star and a lot of hot water because filipino boxing star manny pacquiao is under fire after comments he made earlier this week where he called homosexuals worse than animals. it prompted nike to end their sponsorship. he accepts the sportswear company's decision. >> manny pacquiao had little to say after the homophobic comments drew such criticism. the boxing icon was asked about same-sex marriage. he said, if men are mating with men and women with women, then they are worse than animals.
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the comment sparked an online petition urging nike to stop pacquiao endorsing its products. they called his comments of orange. and today after the petition was launched, announced they are ending their contract. takeo said he accepted it. -- pacquiao said he accepted it. they sponsored my shirts for the fight. and our contract has ended aside from sponsoring the boxing. >> he is a sporting icon in the philippines having one world boxing titles in eight different weight classes. he now serves as a congressman. the 37-year-old apologized in a video this week, but says he still opposes same-sex marriage.
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>> britain's continued membership, they take them home to voters. you are watching dw news in berlin. i'm sarah kelly. thank you for joining me. i will see you again next time.
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