tv DW News PBS March 21, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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anchor: this is "dw news" live from berlin. tonight, history in the making between the u.s. and cuba. president obama and raul castro make a historic address, ending decades of diplomatic freeze, with more cooperation, and guantanamo bay and human rights remain sticky issues. also coming up, a new suspect in the paris attacks, the latest man on the radar, laachroui
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najim. and a smaller, cheaper iphone by apple. ♪ brent: i am brent goff. it is good to have you with eyes. it is one of the last cold war freezes. president obama has met cuban leader raul castro in have anna, the first meeting of its kind -- in havana, the first meeting of its kind. on a note of optimism, obama held a new day, but there are major diferences to overcome. castro insists the u.s. lift economic embargoes and accuse
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the u.s. to double standards when it comes to human rights. obama says the lifting of the embargo depends on how quickly those human rights issues can be resolved. reporter: a big caveat attached. president obama: and perhaps most important, i affirm that cuba's destiny will not be decided by the u.s. or any other nation. cuba is sovereign and rightly has great pride, and the future of cuba will be decided by cubans, not by anybody else. at the same time, as we do wherever we go around the world, i made it clear that the united states will continue to speak up on behalf of democracy, including the right of the cuban people to decide their own future. we will speak out on behalf of universal human rights, including freedom of assembly and religion.
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brent: let's go to our correspondent. good afternoon to you. we have heard the u.s. president talk. we have heard raul castro talk. what was the biggest take away from their speeches today? reporter: i think the biggest take away is that they spoke with each other and that they give a press conference after, so this is truly a historic moment. there are still many, many problems to be solved, mainly on the human rights side, i reckon, but there was also hope and togetherness on the stage, both making serious attempts to move forward with the relationships between the united states and cuba. brent: hold on just a second. we want to hear what he cuban
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president raul castro had to say about this historic undertaking. let's listen. >> much more will be done. we recognize the position of president obama and his administration. he has repeated appeals to congress to have it removed. the most recent measures adopted by his administration are positive but insufficient. brent: ok, that was raul castro they're speaking with u.s. president raul castro. let me ask you. he is not reluctant to talk about this embargo by the united states. in your opinion, what you are hearing there in cuba, is that the key? does that embargo have to be lifted for this new era, this
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thawing can really begin? reporter: no, and cubans make jokes about this. who is to blame if the embargo is lifted? it is a key issue, but raul also knows it is not in the hands of the president of the united states. i think he knows this will be a long journey, which can be done by the total steps. it is a key issue for the people here, and the embargo needs to be lifted within the next couple of years if you really want to make economic progress in this country. brent: it was interesting listening to the president's talk. president obama talking about the future, the next generation of cubans, and president castro
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spoke more about past problems and the end of the cold war. in your opinion, is raul castro out of touch, out of step with the times? reporter: i don't know. you know, one has to be really careful in judging him. he is taking the full thing barry serious, but he has his party behind him, and i talked to some insiders, some cuban people who are pretty well in formed, yesterday, and he said that not all politicians like this new approach from castro, so i think he is walking a very fine line, and these remarks probably also give him a little space to be more open on the other side. brent: and as many have said, this is just the beginning of a very long process. our reporter on this story in havana. thank you very much. well, that meeting in havana
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marked a sea change. they fell out 50 years ago, and it has been a long journey back to normalizing ties between the two countries. take a look. reporter: january 1961, after the cuban revolution led by fidel castro. america breaks off relations with cuba. four months later in april 1961, the cia backs the bay of pigs, aimed at the government in cuba. october 1962, the world is brought to the brink of nuclear war during the cuban missile crisis. washington discovers soviet missiles on the cuban continent and imposes a blockade. the soviet union backs down. in the decades that follow, the u.s. maintains a complete trade embargo against cuba.
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february 2008, fidel castro hands over power to his brother raul, and he makes overtures to improve ties. december 2013, and unplanned handshake tween the leaders between the two estranged leaders at the funeral of nelson mandela. 2014, obama unveils a plan to restore diplomatic ties between the u.s. and cuba. president obama: we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries. through these changes, we intend to create more opportunities for the american and cuban people. reporter: castro spoke in spanish. president castro: [speaking in spanish]
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reporter: and then what was unthinkable in 2016, a u.s. leader on cuban soil. brent: now to russia, a court is about to his a verdict concerning a pilot. it was initially thought that the judge had found her guilty, but a final verdict has not yet been delivered. the 34-year-old was captured while fighting with a battalion against russian backed rebels. she was accused of directing border fire that killed two russians. some have condemned the trial as for her to be jailed for over 20 years. in belgium, police have identified a new suspect in the
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paris attacks from last year after they found traces of dna on explosive remnants. the development follows last week's dramatic arrest of the assumed ringleader of salah abdeslam. they now want to know how he remained at large for so long despite a massive manhunt. reporter: pressure for results, and investigators say there is still much work to be done. "i hope at the salon -- i hope abdeslam help. we have several pieces of the puzzle. we are far from completing that puzzle." belgian authorities are hailing the arrest of abdeslam.
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he was shot and wounded in a district. his detention seconds later just around the corner from his family home has failed to silence the critics. this is the suspect that they are now looking for, najim laachroui. they were seen at the hungarian austrian border. another was shot dead last week. it was this that brought investigators a step closer to abdelslam, after finding fingerprints related to them during the same investigation. brent: turkish officials have arrived on a greek island to help and the refugee crisis.
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authorities are scrambling to implement the deal. it is aimed to limit the number of refugees and migrants who are trying to travel to europe. deportation of those is likely to start in the first week of april. so what about the migrants and find themselves stranded in turkey? especially those who want to join family members already in europe? well, dw went to meet one of them. reporter: he is alone. his wife and children have made it, but he is alone. he is now stock in istanbul. if he and the friends do get to greece, they are likely to be sent back to turkey. >> it is a disaster. for those who have already reached greece, they have risked everything to make it that far. there is nothing for them here in turkey.
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reporter: a district in istanbul, normally the square is teaming with migrants and with middlemen who arrange their illegal passage to greece. today, the square is emptier than usual. the perilous sea crossing. it has to ride up. one angry manner approaches our camera. his frustration is shared by the migrants. with their passage to western europe now in question, they do not know what to do next. "all we have is god. he is the only want to show us out of this situation." another program is a one-for-one program, but he is not holding out much hope. "they are taking 70,000 of us,
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but i do not expect to be among them. they will probably take those in refugee camps or registered with the united nations. someone like me, wanting to be reunited wit family, has little chance." what he and his friends can do is wait and hope. brent: the international criminal court has found a former leader guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity for crimes committed in a central african republic. some 1500 were involved in killings, rapes, and witches -- and pledging back in -- and pledgiillaging. you are watching "dw news" live from berlin.
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♪ ♪ brent: welcome back. you are with "dw news" live from berlin. our top story, u.s. president barack obama and his cuban counterpart, i will castro, have spoken together in havana, saying they will continue to improve relations despite continuing differences between the countries. women in uganda are facing abduction and violence at the hands of the lords of resistance army. the rebel group has been waging a decades long insurgency against the uganda government, and many are caught in the
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crossfire. our next report follows two victims who are trying to build new lives. reporter: her story begins when she was just 11 years old. she was on her way to school when she was snatched by the lords of resistance and taken to the ugandan jungle. "they handed me over to an old man to be a made for him and his wife, but afterwards, he changed his mind, and he began raping me." there was joseph kony, and she had her first child by him when she was 14. over the next decade, she had two more of his children. she was one of his 27 wives. she was beaten, abused, received military training, and witnessed atrocities. she went through the democratic
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public of congo and south sudan. escape was not an option. "he had guards everywhere. it was hard to escape, and if you did, he killed your family back in uganda. i wanted my family in uganda to be safe, so i stayed and prayed that one day god would return me to my mother." he let her go. traumatized, she found help with sisters who look after victims. nancy was kidnapped when she was seven. at the age of 10, she was raped by an lra officer. shrapnel tore her face. she, too, has been through a lot. "they called all of the guards together and gave us clubs. they ordered us to beat him, or
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they would kill us. these images still hotly." -- still haunt me." they may think they can sell and get psychological help. >> the trauma is more than the fighting. there is spiritual trauma. physical trauma. and the economic trauma, also. reporter: their ordeal in the jungle was many years ago, but they still live with the physical and emotional scars. every day is a step closer to recovery. brent: all right. new phones, and an illegal fight over the old ones. i must be talking about apple.
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daniel: the apple ceo, tim cook, has kicked off the company spring product launch by valley to protect customer data and privacy. the tech giant has been in a battle with the fbi, who want apple to unlock a phone that belong to one of the shooters in san bernardino. and then there is the iphone se, which offers improved battery performance in a new megapixel camera. apple is also releasing a new version of the ipad pro, with a smaller screen. an hour financial correspondent in new york has been following this story for us. so how have the new products been received by investors? reporter: well, overall, i would
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say it was a rather underwhelming presentation, but still, there was some chatter, especially if you look at the price changes. they did lower the price of the apple watch, and also this new iphone se is the cheapest or at least the least expensive iphone ever when it comes to iphone spot apple, but we probably have to wait -- when it comes to iphones by apple, but we probably have to wait. daniel: we have been hearing that the company is simply too successful. it has nowhere to go. it cannot keep up the pace. so this is not enough. reporter: yes, you are a victim of your own success. apple is the most expensive or
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highest publicly traded company on the planet, and therefore, you need to see more growth, and if these sales numbers for the iphone were on a level -- if you look at gross rates, they are less attractive at this point. daniel: ok, so apple used to be praised as one of the most innovative companies out there, but now it seems it is being put is sized for not being innovative enough. so what is next for the tech giant? reporter: yes, at this point, it is pretty much more of the same. new iphones, new ipads, new watches. that also cause to some of amusement on wall street. we may see growth from areas where we do not expect much at this point. people are talking apple may dig deeper into the health care industry, for example.
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that is still a growing industry, but for now, that is a problem with apple. it is more of the same and nothing really new or fancy to add to the stock of apple at this point. daniel: what, whether apple can regain some of that, we will have to wait and see. thanks for that insight. there is nothing big that sporting -- exporting countries like more than agreements. cameroon is one such example. products from the eu can enter the country tax-free. while that is great for some manufacturers, locals worry their products will not be able to compete. reporter: fresh flour goes in at the top and comes out packaged at the bottom. this economist is visiting the food factory outside the capital
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in cameroon. she says products like this are rare and should be more competitive. >> if you visit so many parts of cameroon today, you realize that most of our food-producing industries have been killed because of food products coming from the eu. reporter: at a supermarket, the products in cameroon aresome bee agreement will give eu products even more of an edge. they are working with the taxes on the products in august. this woman is a chicken farmer, and she is afraid of what is to come. years ago, she almost had to shut down her business. at the time, imports flooded the country. it was so cheap that local farmers could not compete.
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she and her organization have been supporting farmers. in the past, the protests were successful at halting imports. now, they face the same battle at the end. >> once the frozen chicken enters the market, the small farmers will suffer again. reporter: another has organized a stakeholder meeting, where economists and others meet representatives of the government of cameroon and the eu. "we welcome these, where people can voice their concerns, and the government can respond and discuss possible solutions." this time, or eu representatives have addressed those concerns.
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-- this time, eu representatives have addressed those concerns. >> this time, these are excluded. reporter: so a victory for local chicken farmers, but that does not solve the other issues at hand. >> if this is not going to be advantageous to us, and if the other countries have not joined, maybe we should put a hold on the implementation. reporter: the eu plans to put many euros into this misses. but many small and medium-sized witnesses will not be able to compete with the influx of european products. daniel: and that is the business news, but don't worry. brent is here with more news. brent: two superhero icons fighting it out on the screen. "batman vs. superman," with ben
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♪ damien: hello, and a very warm welcome to this week's "focus on europe" where we go behind the big headlines to see how europeans really live. i'm damien mcguinness. thanks very much for joining us. on the programme today, the asylum seekers who hoped for britain but ended up in cyprus in norway, are child protection . services overstepping the line? and urban gardening along the ancient city walls of istanbul. the big issue facing europe right now is of course the refugee crisis. and what's interesting is how different european countries are reacting to it. here in germany a lot of the people i've been talking to say
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