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tv   Global 3000  PBS  August 23, 2016 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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this week, "global 3000" is in colombia, where we find out how a rubbish dump in the capital bogota has been transformed into a small oasis. in laos, we discover how a simple soap opera can bring about real change. and we hunt for images of everyday life in syria. a slice of normality despite the war. palm sunday celebrations in damascus. this, too, is syria, a country at war. yet the world rarely gets to see images like these. syrian filmmakers have decided to show us what daily life is
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like there. these are the last pictures cameraman bassel shehade ever shot. his camera was still running as he tried to cross a street in homs in a hail of bullets. shehade never made it to the other side. abounaddara a syrian film collective has turned the footage into a harrowing document of life in syria, dedicated to shehade's murderers. [gunshots] >> the soldiers who kill us are our brothers. the frontlines in syria are extremely complicated. it's not simply a case of good or evil. some soldiers fight for the revolution, others are afraid. some of those fighting for the regime have no other choice. others are opportunists. there's a bit of everything.
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we want to show through our films that you can also have a dialogue with the enemy. >>s isfor the last five years, abounaddara has uploaded a short film onto their website every friday. that's over 400 films so far of the syria we never see. the films document the absurdity of everyday life in wartime, the dramas and comedies that the media never shows. we're all against the regime. >> so why are they doing this to each other? >>in the film douma tartous, footage of two different massacres is cut together. one is an attack carried out by soldiers loyal to bashir al assad, the other by isis. the pictures are the same. it's the kind of footage we see
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daily in the media. abounaddara calls it war porn. >> what you see in the news internationally is a catastrophe. a grave crime is being commited against humanity and it's being shown live on television in real time. these images humiliate the people in syria. all you see is wounded, mutilated or dead people. but in reality, people there are trying to get on with their lives, they're trying to put up resistance and retain their dignity. >> pictures are the collective's weapon of choice. the films they make portray all sides of everyday life in syria -- war, torture and hunger, as well as regime propaganda always without comment. the group already existed before the revolution began in 2011. back then, their films also
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showed day-to-day life in syria. but now, suddenly, the day to day is highly political. >> once there was even an article in the regime's leading newspaper which praised our work as honorable. that's exactly what we want to make contradictory, ambiguous films that confuse the viewer and force them to ask questions. our enemy is not bashar al assad our enemy is the banalisation of evil. >> the filmmakers have managed to create tiny masterpieces of absurdist theatre in their weekly videos like here, when two men try to fix a door in their home which is completely useless because the entire house has just been destroyed in an attack. >> don't put it in like that. wait a minute. >> push it towards you a bit.
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>> that's right. you're the boss, abu stef. >> is that good? what do you think? >> what's most difficult is depicting the trauma people experience. as filmmakers we're in a completely schizophrenic situation like everyone else. we've all had it up to here. but we carry on. that's why we feel obligated to make films. to tell stories that show that life is still possible. that people still have a future. >> the abounaddara film collective produces work from the frontline, at the risk of their own lives. they show us the insanity of the situation in syria right now as we've never seen it before every
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friday. >> violence against dissidents in the name of religion has become part of everyday life in bangladesh too. hit lists have been circulating since 2013 and, until recently, the primary targets were atheist bloggers and homosexual activists. now, though, they've been joined by foreigners and religious minorities. over the past three years, 48 people have been brutally murdered in this way in bangladesh. >> arif jebtik lives confined to his own home, because he writes and asks kirill questions. -- critical questions. he blogs about terrorism. he wants to know why young people become assassins, and why they do so in the name of islam. >> the word islam means peace. there are no options for killing people in this religion.
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>> arif jebtik is a muslim, but because he rejects religious violence, he's on a death list. he no longer leaves his house. >> i used to go jogging outside and going to the theatre. i used to drop off my kids at school. and now i'm not scared but we are cautious. we are trying to be alive for myself, my country and my family. but we don't know how long we can do that. >> dhaka is loud. outside, it's pulsating. but bloggers, artists and intellectuals can often no longer take part in that life. what if a murderer is lurking on a motorcycle? free sfirts must hide behind walls and windows. they're prey to suspicions, and pay for security guards. 160 million people live in bangladesh. islam is the state religion. not long ago, young people began to dream of a modern and open country. that didn't appeal to islamists.
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they put pressure on the government, which tightened legislation and shut down blogs. that only served to encourage those who advocate a radicalist form of islam. >> just for liking a facebook post in bangladesh you can be arrested. and it is happening. so there is pressure from the government. and the other side is, just for liking a facebook status you might be killed tomorrow. >> people are massacred, and the perpetrators are only half-heartedly pursued. time and again the terrorist organisations islamic state and al qaeda claim responsibility for the murders. the government denies that, saying the perpetrators come from bangladesh itself. it's hard to say which is true. in dhaka we visit a large mosque with a quran school run by the islamic unity front, a party that's accused of at least sympathising with extremists. our welcome is friendly. they tell us the murders are contrary to islam. but they also say they don't understand what all the fuss is about.
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>> i don't know why these bloggers are sitting at home in fear. i have no idea what they've done wrong, how they've violated our constitution or how they've insulted our religion. but they should recognise that and apologise. then they can lead normal lives. >> it's long been more than just bloggers and intellectuals who are being murdered. people are killed because they have different faiths. christians and hindus, for instance. the fear is palpable in the largest hindu temple. rana das gupta is sick of the debate about who's behind this wave of violence. he wants the government to finally act decisively. >> it is very unimportant to say whether there is any assistance of i.s., the taliban or al qaeda. but it is true -- the followers of al qaeda, the followers of i.s., the followers of the taliban they are doing all these nuisance acts.
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>> arif jebtik, the blogger, wants to be defiant and fearless. he does occasionally ask himself if it wouldn't be better to keep quiet but then the terrorists would have won. >> millions of people around the world suffer from malnutrition. they don't eat a balanced diet and as a result don't get enough vitamins and minerals. sometimes the problem is a lack of awareness. sometimes it's because only very few foods are available, such as rice. many babies are born under-nourished because their mothers don't get the nutrients they need. the first two years of a child's life are key, and early nutritional problems can cause life-long health issues. it would cost 3.3 billion euros to provide the world's malnourished babies and toddlers with the nutrients they need. to put that in perspective -- in europe alone, 10 billion euros is spent every year just on ice cream.
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♪ >> whether men, women or children everyone in the village of hoyka in laos is glued to the tv in the evening when "my happy family" is broadcast. it's a soap opera about a typical laotian family in a typical laotian village. hello, noy! smells good here. what have you been cooking? i'm cooking a moringa soup. it's the best thing for mothers like you and me. "my happy family" isn't just a television series. it's educational. and it revolves around nutrition. >> every second child in laos is
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stunted. that means the children are too short for their age, and also their mental development is impaired. then these children are sick more often, have low learning outcomes, reduced lifetime earnings, and are stuck in a cycle of poverty. >> especially in remote areas, people often suffer from anemia or iron deficiency. 80% of meals in laos consist of rice. once in a while a few animal proteins are added. rich in calories, but poor in vitamins and minerals. >> with our series, we've found a way to present proper nutrition to people in a way they'll remember. and in a way they'll want to copy. that works much better than with a lecture or illustrations.
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>> farmer boun phanonayak is out the very next day collecting edible wild herbs. the most recent episode of "my happy family" dealt with an indigenous type of fern, pak khut. its green fronds are delicious and prevent iron deficiency. >> in the future, i intend to try out everything i've seen. now i already know about an edible fern, asian spinach and chinese cabbage, and how to make a healthy soup from them. before the series, i had no idea that children need their own food. now i cook different dishes for my children and the grown-ups. >> the young mother cooks the ferns she's collected with sweet potatoes and fish to make a thick soup for her youngest
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children. there's not enough fish for everyone but the adults don't have to go without proteins either. they've been given seeds by the international fund for agricultural development, and they're now growing a wide range of beans. legumes are a vitamin-rich alternative to meat and fish. boun phanonayak is proud of her new culinary skills and the family likes what she cooks. they're all eagerly awaiting the next episode of my happy family. after all, a good soap opera is like good food -- once you start, you just can't stop.
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>> and now to our global ideas series. we meet people dedicated to protecting our natural world. this time we're in colombia. our reporter, michael wetzel visited the capital, bogota. there, fresh water comes from the andean mountains, along nearly 200 different streams and waterways. but pollution from rubbish, sewage and industrial waste is posing a serious problem, one that needs to be solved. but how? >> bosque calderón tejada is a small barrio on the eastern edge of bogotá, that's never before made such positive headlines. but now something unusual is going on here. clean water flows into this ravine, with no trash lying around, and where nature can come into its own again.
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nothing special? it is if you know how the ravine used to look. sofia lopez grew up here. >> it was a rubbish dump. car tires were lying around, leftover food, anything no one wanted. trash, plastic and unfortunately even corpses! it wasn't just an ugly place but also a place full of violence. >> crime and filth have now given way to natural beauty. until recently the barrios here on the hills weren't very different from other underprivileged districts in bogota. there were hardly any jobs and few prospects. instead, drugs and gangs. conservation international
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wanted to change that with an environmental project. sociologist octavio rodriguez is a member of the organisation. he, sofia lopez and many others worked hard to make the ravine look the way it does now. 53 cubic metres of rubbish had to be removed. 8,500 trees were planted, donated by the botanical garden. but it all would have pointless if the people who live here had been neglected. take these maintain -- men, for example. many of them are former criminals. edwin tapasco parra served six years in prison for drug trafficking. now he and others from the neighbourhood are employed to maintain the ravine. they keep the brooks clean, cut the grass and take care of the trees. on other days they learn about
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plants and the environment. and they earn a little money doing so. ultimately they all have obligations. edwin has seven children to court -- support. >> some people decide to beg on buses or trains. others make it even easier for themselves, pick up a weapon and rob people. this programme helps us a lot and keeps us from doing that. most of us used to be troublemakers ourselves. >> tourists and visitors have now returned to the area to marvel at the ravine, the sound of rushing water instead of traffic, and the scent of flowers instead of decay. wildlife is flourishing. the project began in 2011, and seems to be having a positive effect on the local crime rate.
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>> for a month and a half, not one crime has been registered here. the people monitor themselves. they love their barrio again and now want to have control of it and over the ravine. that's very important. danilo ochoa is one of the people who wanted to reclaim his life and the environment. long ago, he decided there was more to life than gangs and drugs. since then he's been a street artist. he's a role model for many people, and also a poster boy for the environmental project. by evening, his mural is finished. one of his favourite subjects is water. >> it's clear what links us all -- water. i also love taking pictures of frogs and toads. i paint them over and over. and i have amphibians tattooed
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on my arm. >> recently, danilo ochoa opened his own gallery in the middle of the barrio. he wants to be an inspiration to many teenagers. he wants to communicate his experiences to others, so they can find their own potential creativity and seek out new paths in life. >> 300 teenagers worked with us for a while. maybe they're doing something very different now. maybe they're no longer interested in music, painting or art. but this has given them some input to take away for themselves. >> sofia lopez and octavio rodriguez are now on their way uphill. after they pass the houses, they'll reach a nature research. it's important for the city, but has long been under threat from urban sprawl and population growth. the two hope that when respect for nature
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increases, this paradise will again have a chance for survival. the first indications are there -- some plants are already reclaiming their space. but in two years, conservation international will withdraw from the project completely. what will happen then? >> this project is designed to perpetuate itself. the people have to carry it on themselves. that's how it's planned. otherwise it would be a project that worked only from the top down. >> today, edwin tapasco parra has the day off. as always, he's spending it with his family. one thing he's sure of -- he never wants to go back to prison. and he's prepared to do a lot. he already has a plan for a business for the time after the project ends and they stop paying him.
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>> the idea is to organize trash next our barrio. we'll put up containers where people usually throw rubbish on the ground. we know where those places are. that's more than just a glimmer of hope. it's good for the environment and just what the conservation havists want. their help is also needed elsewhere. bogota has many other ravines like this one in bosque calderón tejada. global 3000 loves visiting >> people around the world. today, a family in rwanda invites us to
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their home. ♪ >> welcome to my living room. we have a small seating area. and a television. i really like these curtains. at first they wanted 3000 rwandan francs for them. i paid 2,000. actually 1500 would have been enough, but i liked the curtains so much. this is my husband. we live together happily. we wed in 1998, so we've been married for a long time. we have four children, three sons and a daughter.
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they're all in school or training. ♪ ♪ >> in the evening when we've finished our chores, we watch tv or listen to the radio in our living room. we've never been apart. we've never had problems. two of our children have just finished school and two still go to school. we thank god that though we're not rich, we're happy.
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thank you for visiting our living room. may god protect you. i wish you happiness. >> next week, we visit the amazonian rainforests of peru where, since time immemorial, indigenous fishermen have been hunting the region's largest freshwater fish. the arapaima is a delicacy in the country. but now even children are getting involved to protect it from extinction. and that's all for this week. we're back again next week with a new edition of global 3,000. you can watch us wherever you want on line and we also look forward to hearing from you. write to us or follow us on facebook. [captioning performed by the
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national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. vivivi óóññ
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♪ >> memphis, tennessee. it has been written if music were religion, then memphis would be jerusalem and sun studio its most sacred shrine. and you are here with otis gibbs! ♪ ain't no one to make ♪ seeking shelter from the dead end streets. >> hi, friends, i'm otis gibbs. i'm happy to be here at sun studio. it's great to stand inside these walls and sing songs at the spot that so many greats sang before. i'm really a sucker for the history of music and i host a radio show and iad


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