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tv   Global 3000  PBS  September 14, 2016 12:30am-1:01am PDT

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anchor: this week, global 3000 is on the west coast of india where an entire village is taking care of turtles. here, they are holy creatures - but above all, they need protection. we look at a gigantic building project in nigeria - which aims to protect the megacity of lagos from dangers caused by rising sea levels. but how will it work? but we start in berlin, where we meet a resistance fighter who's using non-violent means to combat the terror of so-called islamic state. non-violent resistance needs to have a message. and also symbols. these need to be simple. when they work well, they become a kind of brand, like the fist of the serbian organisation canvas. , it's about demonstrating without being provoked into violence.
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posters, graffiti and flyers are important too. and this is the symbol of "raqqa is being slaughtered silently", the syrian resistance group fighting is. we met up with one of its founders in berlin. abdalaziz alhamza is the face of the organisation. reporter: public beheadings. part of daily life under islamic state. this footage comes from syria. abdalaziz alhamza wants the world to know what's happening there. his aim is to combat is propoganda. it puts him in danger. >> i don't care about my life anymore. i lost a lot of relatives, a lot of friends, lot of colleagues. i am afraid only for 5 to 10
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minutes everyday when i get up. because in the morning i check my mobile phone. i am afraid if anyone of my friends will be killed. reporter: the city of raqqa is at the heart of is-controlled territory. the footage comes from his contacts there. abdalaziz alhamza lives in hiding in berlin. he posts the footage on facebook and twitter. he helped found a group called "raqqa is being slaughtered silently." it's made up of 27 activists who report on the horrors that take place there. >> isis claimed that they are real islam. and they show the islam in a photo. so for me it was a duty for my city first and second to me as a muslem to show that they are not real islam.
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reporter: he hopes this kind of documentation will make young people question isis propoganda. >> anyone who is thinking to join or to go to syria to join isis, he will think more than one time. and maybe a lot of them decide not to go because of what they saw and what they read. reporter: he came to berlin as a refugee in 20-14. -- 2014. as well as receiving welfare, he also gets support from international organisations. the 24-year-old used to study biology in raqqa and comes from a family of academics. he wasn't always political. but the arab spring changed that. he started protesting against the assad regime and the the civil war. and since 2014, he has been fighting against isis at the risk of his own safety. >> they tried a lot. they did a lot of things, they started to cut off the wifi outside the coffee shop.
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then they spread security cameras all over the city trying to catch us. to catch my colleagues inside the city. reporter: in november, his courage was honored with an award. he says the syrian people have been abandoned. >> when the syrian revolution started to ask the arab -- we asked the arab countries to help us and they didn't do anything. only the speeches of the international world. they will defeat isis soon, that they will do something. but it was only speech, nothing more than that. reporter: ten members of his group have already been murdered by is. and his life is on the line too. but for him, his former home has become a symbol of courage. >> for the international world raqqa is the capital of isis and , of extremism, for me raqqa is the capital of their resistance. civilians are still living there without joining isis, with all
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these bombings and all these things. i am proud of these people. reporter: can non-violent resistance be successful? what's your opinion? write to us on facebook or by e-mail. we'd love to hear what you think. anchor: hundreds of thousands of people have fled as far as germany to escape civil war and the terror of is. there are currently around 20,000 syrians in berlin. people from over 180 nations live in the german capital, many of whom have been here for decades. and one street seems to be of particular appeal. reporter: sunrise at zoo station. this hub in the west of berlin slowly stirs into life. here's where kantstraße begins. two and half kilometers of tried and tested integration. two and half kilometers brimming with people from all nationalities and backgrounds, working side by side.
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the theater of the west. stucco architecture. and expensive shops around the artsy district of savignyplatz. then onto cantonstraße, "cantonese street," as the asian community calls it. and from there past the late night shops, nail salons and hairdressers of the iranians, vietnamese and russians. soner gozudok is among them. some customers wonder why he speaks german so well. >> so i say "you speak german well too," then they're confused or surprised and i say, 'i was born and grew up here, just like you.' then they realize. reporter: the gozudoks were born here and got their education here. they came over to germany as guest workers. mandalina is the first store they've owned. no longer foreigners, they're part of a new german middle
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class. but they feel the pain of refugees arriving now. >> my parents came over many years ago. they were greeted with flowers, and were given money for coming. it was a pleasurable experience, you know? but even despite that, it took a long time for us to get to this stage. and i think it will take them at least 50 years. first their children will make progress and then their children. then maybe they'll be fully integrated. reporter: and who could say better than children of immigrants themselves? but what's the outlook for the future? >> i think streets like kantstraße are like an integration experiment. and integration doesn't just mean there is a group of locals and there is a separate group of newcomers. these are all transitional stages, mixtures, bridges. reporter: the kebab is turkish, but the takeaway doner kebab was actually invented here in berlin. but a good, asian noodle soup
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wasn't always easy to find here. hsien kuo ting couldn't find a decent one, and certainly none like his wife's. >> when you come to a foreign country, the most important thing is to learn the language before you find a job. i think that's a basic requirement for a refugee. reporter: when he came to taiwan -- from taiwan nearly fifty years ago, he only spoke chinese. the authorities sent him to elementary school to learn german. then he went straight into the eigth grade in high school. >> german went ok. but the other students had already had four years of english and two years of french. so i went to evening school and crammed in english and french. and that's how i graduated high school here.
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reporter hedayat, the bookshop : of abbas maroufi, one of iran's most famous writers. he was detained four times by the regime and tortured. gunter grass helped him flee to germany in 1996. there were no other options. >> for me, kantstraße is primarily a name. kant is a famous figure in iran. and i read his books when i was, i think, 22 years old. reporter: kant is the author of "perpetual peace." it's in his name that abbas maroufi fights against censorship in his home country. he's published 220 banned books. his publishing house, gardoon, is famous on the black market in afghanistan and iran. he wants new arrivals in germany to read these books. >> they have to know and learn the values of the society. and it's a lot of work.
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reporter: in this arabic kitchen the chef has turkish roots. his assistant is greek. and the german boss michael landeck lived half of his live in north africa. behind the counter is sara, she's half-egyptian and moved to berlin from cairo three years ago. >> i can still remember my first day at school, where i could wear a short skirt and nobody said, "what are you wearing?" or whatever. it was hard to get used to. of course i had much more freedom and i started to enjoy that. but you still felt constrained by the past. reporter: what newcomers need, she says, is time. gozudoks' son is seven. his favorite subjects are sports and math. the tings' son would like to take over the restaurant one day, if his mother ever tells him her soup recipe.
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>> we should talk much more about the success of society in germany, because we've accomplished a lot in terms of integration. reporter: abbas maroufi just loves the atmosphere here on kantstraße. and sara is moving to amsterdam to study. her boss has hired a replacement, also from abroad . anchor: and now to the rapid growth in worldwide population. more and more people are moving to large cities. and the numbers will increase as climate change progresses. greenhouse gases like co2 and methane create a layer around our planet which prevents the sun's warmth from escaping. as a result, the earth's temperature increases causing ice caps and glaciers to melt and sea-levels to rise. it is a problem faced by lagos, nigeria's largest city. but soon a huge project should protect parts of this metropolis. reporter this giant stone wall
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: on the coast will be eight kilometers long when it's finished. it's an important part of the "eko atlantic city" development project on the shores of lagos. the wall is designed to protect the new resort area. the wall's construction is about half-finished. david frame is the project manager. he says it'll take more than 100,000 cement blocks to finish it. >> these units weigh five tons each, and it is designed so that they locked together, so they work in unison rather than as individual units. that creates a formidable defense against aggressive wave action. reporter: 100 years ago, there was no development here, but due to rising sea levels the beaches have been disappearing and have to be restored. most of the property lots here have already been sold. the victoria island district --
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the city's main business- and financial center -- is located right beside the project. it used to be surrounded by water and swamps. the "eko atlanic city" development will benefit "victoria island" as well. >> we are reclaiming this land, protecting victoria island. but in addition to that, we are creating a necessary expansion so that commercial activity and the expansion of residential accommodation within lagos can be achieved. reporter: when the project is completed, "eko atlantic city" will be home to about 250,000 people. another 150,000 will commute to and from work here. it's a multi-billion dollar project, financed by private investors and the nigerian government.
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lagos is already one of the world's most expensive cities -- and only the truly wealthy will be able to afford to live in it. there will be none of the heavy traffic or over-crowded housing projects found in other parts of the city. for generations, soni alakija's family has lived in a poor district near the coast -- not far from the new construction site. >> there used to be lots of houses around here. a street used to run over there, where the water is. the ocean just kept rising and rising. reporter: the people who live here can't afford a wall to protect them. so during big storms, the water comes in and swallows up more and more land. and local residents say that all the construction just down the road has made the situation worse.
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marine ecologist ako amadi says this coastal area is under threat. he adds that the atlantic city project may have contributed to coastal erosion. >> we make observations, but we don't find the causes of the observations we are making. we have become so progressive, nobody has been measuring the research, and this is a problem. we should have an short the progression of what is happening. what we have seen every year is that people in these areas have had to move backward. reporter: david frame says coastal erosion is a serious problem in nigeria, but denies that his project is making it worse. >> the entire coastline of nigeria is undergoing quite
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serious erosion. it's something many its to be addressed. what we are doing in our small part, we are projecting -- protecting the commercial area and the existing parts of lagos, but we cannot protect the entire peninsula. reporter: some experts predict that the sea-level could rise here by one meter. the question remains, how will lagos meet this challenge? ♪ >> hello. i'm arnold eduard morales-rocelio. i live in cochabamba, tiquipaya in bolivia.
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>> being with my family. most of the time we hang out in the kitchen. this is my dad, my mom, and my sister. >> i love bolivian music. my favorite bolivian band is los kjarkas. >> i think one of the biggest problems is environmental damage. the pollution of the air, land and water. >> i'm scared of snakes. nothing else really. just snakes.
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>> i want to be a swimming coach. this is the pool where i go to train monday to friday between 4 -- 4:00 and 5:00. anchor there could be up to 14 : million species in the world, but 100 become extinct every day. global ideas is all about saving biodiversity, and this week we head over to india. sea turtles have been around for over 200 million years. but now almost all populations are endangered. a small village on the west coast is working hard to protect the animals.
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our reporter bettina thoma went , to check it out. reporter: virendra patie has been looking for signs of life for the past several days. now he's finally found some, and he's relieved. a sea-turtle has left tracks along the shore. >> we noticed the tracks this morning, and we followed them. we saw that the tracks led back into the water. then, we checked to see whether the turtle had laid any eggs. we found a dip, but we figured the turtle must have got her flippers caught in some roots -- so she just went back to the sea. reporter: every morning at around 5:00, virendra and his colleague samir mahadik check the beach for turtle tracks and nests.
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they work for an animal protection program headed by mohan upadhya. if they find turtle eggs, they bring them to this protected incubation area. they re-bury the eggs in the sand, and place a basket over the eggs to keep them warm. the incubation period is about 50 days. >> every day, we look for dug-out patches in the sand. if there's any movement, you can see it in the sand. that can mean that the eggs have hatched, and the baby turtles are trying to crawl to the surface. when we find them, we take them to the sea. reporter: only a few of the baby turtles will survive. one reason for that is water pollution. just one turtle in 1,000 will reach the age at which turtles can start breeding, 20 years. >> the turtles that we see around here are the olive ridley species. they're about this big, and
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weigh about 50 kilos. they're the smallest of the sea-turtles. reporter mohan and his : colleagues live in the village of velas, on the west coast of india. about 500 people live in the village. many of them are farmers. they grow crops, including pepper, cashew nuts, and mangoes. the kids at this school are learning about the local environment. mohan regularly meets with the teachers to discuss the content of their lectures. the children learn why it's important to protect the coastline. the courses are supported by an international-development company that's owned by the german government. the company is known for short
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as the g.i.z. mohan has been fascinated by animals since he was a child. when he discovered that sea-turtles in this part of india were facing extinction, he signed up with an indian ngo called s.n.m. they started a save-the-turtles program 13 years ago. here is a rare sight. these baby turtles have just been hatched, and they head instinctively for the water. >> the turtles have always laid their eggs on our beaches. but people or predatory animals used to take the eggs and eat them. some environmentalists found empty egg-shells on the beach, and decided to protect the turtles and their eggs. they also explained to local residents why the turtles are so
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important. mohan's religious faith also plays a role in his work. many people in india believe that turtles are sacred. >> we consider turtles an incarnation of lord vishnu. in many homes, you'll see images of him in this incarnation. people are emotionally attached to these images. they represent the sustaining force of life, and bring good luck. the animals have holy status so we pray to them. reporter: they're are also good for the local tourism industry. visitors from big cities travel here to see them. there aren't any hotels in velas, so they stay with local families -- for the equivalent of about eight euros a night. the number of such "home-stays" has grown over the last decade. >> the turtles provide jobs. but this year, only eight turtles laid their eggs here -- and the numbers are falling
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every year. we're quite upset. we don't know what we'd do without our turtles. reporter: and what about all the garbage in the ocean -- right where the turtles are trying to nest? mohan and his colleagues fill up bag after bag with refuse that washes up on-shore -- but they say they're fighting a losing battle. >> at high-tide, a lot of garbage ends up on the beaches. it's very dangerous for the turtles. reporter: mohan suspects the turtles mistake floating plastic bags for jelly-fish, and try to eat them. that's why it's hard to find turtles around here. >> i've been searching
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four different kinds of fishes and turtles since the last three years. i was very keen to come here and i got a chance this year. but still, unfortunately, we are not able to see any turtles. reporter: as the sun sets, mohan and his colleagues are covering up the turtle eggs in the sand again. they hope the eggs will hatch soon. that will give the tourists something to marvel at. anchor: and that's all from global 3000 this time. see you again next week! we're always pleased to hear from you so do write to us, on , facebook or at
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[soft rock music] (male narrator) memphis, tennessee. it has been written if music were religion that memphis would be jerusalem and sun studio, its most sacred shrine. you are here with tony lucca. ♪ bring her roses, bring her wine ♪ ♪ when the lights go out, when the lights go out ♪ - hey, i'm tony lucca. i'm super stoked to be performing at the sun studios sessions tonight. my inspirations growing up were really varied. i came from a huge music making family. my mom was the tenth of twelve kids and all of them sang or played something. so, family gatherings were really just big musical festivals. when you grow up in the suburbs of detroit, there's always a bit of motown in the water. and so, no matter what i did whether it was a little more pop


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