tv Newsline PBS November 4, 2016 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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hello and welcome to nhk "newsline." i'm raja pradhan with the news from tokyo. south koreans are waiting to see whether and how investigators will launch an investigation into park guen-hye. >> translator: i am again deeply sorry from the bottom of my heart for causing so much disappointment and concern. i will sincerely comply with the prosecutors' investigation if it is needed. i will even agree to submit to a special investigation.
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>> if the probe goes ahead it will be the first involve ag sitting president. the investigation is likely to focus on whether park issued orders to help her long term friend. she's under arrest. the woman is suspected of meddling in state affairs. a former presidential aide was detained on thursday on suspicion of giving choi state secrets. president park named a person close to the opposition as her new prime minister. the move comes as she tried to survive the storm and serve out her term through early 2018. all 129 lawmakers bowed their heads after her speech friday at the national assembly. they promised to communicate closely with opposition parties and asked for their cooperation.
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members of the main opposition say they are not satisfied with the apology. they are demanding that she excuse herself from state affairs. the united nations says the islamic state militant group transferred residents to strategic town nearmark -- mosul. it could cut their key supply route. the militant group has been ordering residents in a town south of mosul to hand over all children above the age of 9 to use them as soldiers. the militants threatened to punish any families that refuse. iraqi forces entered mosul tuesday to retake the islamic state stronghold.
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iraqi officials said troops on friday seized control of six eastern districts. a car bomb has detonated near a police station in southeastern turkey. at least eight people have been killed. this comes after the turkish government announced it's detained pro-kurdish lawmakers. the turkish government says police are holding the two chairpersons of the pro-kurdish's people's democratic party as well as nine other lawmakers. no details have been given about why they're being held. several hours after the announcement, a car exploded near a police station in the city of diyarbakir killing eight people and leaving about 100 injured. the city has a large kurdish population. turkish media report the incident may have been organized by kurdish militants in retaliation for the government's crackdown on the political party. the party says it's distancing itself from the kurdish militants but experts think some of the party supporters are helping militant campaigns. since the attempted coup in july
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there has been increasing pressure on pro kurdish forces. the latest u.s. jobs data show employment grew solidly in october. analysts say this could lead the federal reserve to raise its key interest rate in december for the first time in a year. the u.s. labor department said on friday nonfarm sectors added 161,000 jobs in october. that's lower than market expectations, but department officials revised the september figure upward to 191,000 from the original 156,000. officials also said the unemployment rate in october was 4.9%. that's down a tenth of a percentage point from the figure for the previous month. they said the average hourly wage, a key gauge of inflation trends, rose 2.8% from the level in the same month last year. that was the strongest growth
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since june 2009. analysts say the fed will decide whether to increase its key interest rate at its policy meeting in december. they will be digesting the jobs data, inflation trends, and the outcome of the u.s. presidential election. the u.s. central bank official said earlier this week the case for a rate hike has continued to strengthen as growth of economic activity has picked up from the modest pace in the first half this year. tens of thousands of hardline islamists have rallied in the indonesian capital of jakarta in protest against the city's governor who is facing allegations of blasphemy. patchari raksawong at our bureau in bangkok has been following the story. >> the governor is a christian and the first ethnic chinese to hold the governorship. the police deployed 18,000 officers across the capital bracing for the much hyped demonstration. nhk world was at the scene. >> reporter: demonstrators in
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white islamic robes marched to the presidential palace to demand the resignation and even arrest of the governor. the massive protest was triggered by accusations that he insulted islam by criticizing those who used a koranic reference to attack him. >> translator: we come together to arrest the governor. god is great. if police can't do it, we will. >> translator: don't sacrifice the nation because of one person. if he is wrong, he must be punished accordingly. >> reporter: he became governor in november 2014. known for his tough talking style and the strict line he takes against corruption, he's popular with jakarta middle class, but conservative muslims are wary of his growing power. he's said to be seeking a second
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term in the election to be held next february. the current confrontation is an early skirmish in the election battle which is expected to see him pitted against muslim candidates. nhk world, jakarta. a roadside bomb has killed a journalist in afghanistan's southern helmand province adding to the growing number of reporters have who lost their lives in afghanistan this year. the reporter was killed as a bomb went off outside the provincial capital when he was traveling with other journalists. no one immediately claimed responsibility. the afghan journalist safety committee says in its most recent half yearly report that 2016 has been the bloodiest year for journalists in afghanistan
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with at least ten having been killed in the first six months. the united nations has designated november 5th as world tsunami awareness day. in indonesia, children in aceh province have taken part in tsunami evacuation drills. the 2004 indian ocean tsunami killed more than 160,000 people in the province. the elementary school in the provincial capital in banda aceh, about 60 children took part in the drill. they gathered in the school playground and then followed teachers to the rooftop of an evacuation building. it was built with support from japan. >> translator: we all worked hard in the drill. >> translator: i'm glad i took part in the drill.
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if a tsunami hits, i will run to the evacuation building to save myself. >> translator: i think it's very important to have an evacuation building. at the same time, it's also very important for people to have an awareness of preventing disaster. with that in mind, we hope to use world tsunami awareness day as an opportunity to make the town disaster resistant. >> school officials from the area hit by the march 2011 northeastern japan observed the drill. a vice principal at a junior high school in kamaishi city at the time of the disaster said students at her school evacuated by themselves to escape the tsunami. >> translator: i hope the evacuation drill will take place across the country like it did today. everyone, please protect your life by yourself. >> she called on the indonesian
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students and teachers to stay calm while evacuating and look after their own safety. that will wrap up our bulletin. i'm patchari raksawong in bangkok. myanmar's state counselor and de facto leader, aung san suu kyi, wants japanese business leaders to invest more in her country. she made the request on friday at a conference held by the japan business federation, the japan chamber of commerce and industry and others in tokyo. >> i would like those who wish to do business in burma to be confident of the fact that there is a future for them in our country. >> japan business federation chairman sadayuki sakakibara said japanese companies provide myanmar with a vast range of
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technology and know-how. >> reporter: we want to work for both countries' economic development and sustainable growth by strengthening cooperation. >> the number of japanese firms doing business in myanmar has risen sixfold to more than 300 in the past five years. during her stay she found time to visit places and people she knew in the days before she became a world renowned figure. nhk world has the details. >> reporter: she's on a mission to attract more investment to help her country's economic growth. but she took the chance to talk with students of kyoto university. that's where she studied in the mid '80s and where she picked up some japanese. >> it's a great pleasure for me to be back here in the city of kyoto and in the university of kyoto. when i was in tokyo, i found that i had forgotten all of my japanese.
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but when i came to kyoto -- >> reporter: when she lived in it kyoto, she spent most weekends with her japanese friends. she has known people for decades since they met in london. she never forgot the look on her friend's face when they were ringing in the new year and she spotted a buddhist statue from myanmar. >> translator: she looked like a different person and prayed there for a long time. i thought she might be thinking she should return home. >> reporter: it was ruled by the military. anti-government protests were mounting and thousands of people were killed. she thought her friend longed to pray in her country and encouraged her to go back.
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>> translator: i told her that if i were you, i would go home. she looked at the ground while listening to me. but finally looked up at me and said, you are right. >> reporter: she returned in 1988 and led a democratic movement. the following year, she was placed under house arrest and that's how she would spend much of the next 21 years. a victory in 2015 changed her fortunes. the constitution prevented her from the presidency, she became a counselor, a position created for her. this week in kyoto she was using her life story to inspire the young students.
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>> once you have chosen one position which you hope is right, you've got to make it the right one. you've got to try your best to make it work. >> reporter: in the audience was one family of faith from members when she was just a student wondering what would become of her country. the latest wave of new technology is virtual reality. companies are rapidly adopting the new technology to gain a virtual edge in business. nhk world reports. >> chinese firms have come to
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the city to show off their latest products. the technology is gaining popularity throughout the country and the domestic vr industry is rushing to take advantage. it's not just games and other entertainment where these technologies are being used. they've also seen rapid expansion in various fields of business. this real estate company in beijing uses vr to help sell new condominiums. the technology lets their customers experience what it's like to be inside without having to actually visit them. it's especially useful since the building they are touring is far from the city, in a southern resort island. this listing is designed for elderly tenants. when customers put on the headset, they can freely move inside virtual rooms. they can check the positioning of things like handrails and furniture.
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>> reporter: company officials say that using a virtual room can be 70% cheaper than building a real one. >> translator: i felt like i was in a 3-d movie. the image area was very clear. i could see small details. i'm pleased with the equipment as well as the overall interior. >> reporter: the firm that developed the room says it can create one in six days. so far, the company has constructed 150 models in the virtual world. >> translator: i think vr will become an indispensable utility for all areas of industry, just like electricity. it offers a sense of experience, increases efficiency and cuts
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costs. >> reporter: related computer technology that's getting bigger in china is augmented reality or ar. it's what is used in pokemon go where the virtual world is overlaid on the real world. but it's not just for games. this company uses ar in manufacturing. the firm has developed a special headset for car repair facilities. when mechanics look at the part, they can also see each step of its maintenance. it's hands free guidance that reduces the chance of making a mistake, which boosts efficiency. company officials are now developing software that can be used in all kinds of industries such as power. they also plan to mass produce their ar product. >> translator: china is quick
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when it comes to applying a new technology to business. it's the country's greatest advantage. its huge market creates massive amounts of capital, giving a boost to research and development. >> reporter: the government is playing a part in this, encouraging domestic farmers to use the new technology in their business. they are hoping virtual world technology will help spur movement in the real world economy. >> the paris agreement on climate change took effect on friday providing a new international framework for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. more than 190 countries and territories signed the agreement at a u.n. climate conference in france last year. it aims to cut global emissions as quickly as possible and lower them to virtually zero in the latter half of this century. unlike the kyoto protocol that mandated only wealthy nations reduce emissions, the paris
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agreement covers all nations, including developing countries. each country must submit reduction targets every five years and implement measures to achieve them. the targets are up to each participant, but they're subject to verification. japan is the world's fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases and officials had hoped to lead global efforts to cut emissions but members of the diet still have yet to approve the necessary bills for joining the paris accord. the bills were meant to be discussed and passed in friday's lower house session but postponed due to a confrontation over another major issue, the transpacific partnership trade deal. the first conference of the paris agreement is scheduled for november 15th. japan can now only attend the meeting under an observer status, meaning it has no right to make an objection. some experts are concerned about the impact of the delay. >> translator: it could undermine japan's influence and the country may lose the support of other nations during the negotiation.
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>> a top government spokesperson played down the consequences. >> translator: we don't believe the delay will have a significant impact on japan's negotiating position. we hope to complete the procedures for entering into the agreement as soon as possible and participate in the negotiations as a party with a convincing presence. takata is working on a plan to rebuild the business. company officials say they will choose backers for its turn around and decide how to pay for recalls by the end of the year. sources say outside experts is negotiating with four companies. they include japanese and foreign auto parts makers. takata's u.s. subsidiary has been hit hard. it recalled 69 millionaire bags so far.
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officials at the parent company say the american firm might file for bankruptcy. but a takata official downplays that possibility. >> translator: we hope to rebuild our business through an out of court process with lenders. we have never changed that idea. we believe this is the only way to continue a stable supply of our products to customers. one of japan's most important art and design events is under way. tokyo design week is full of artworks and ideas inspired by japanese culture. nhk world was there to give us a look at some of the exhibits. >> reporter: tokyo design week is not just about looking at the exhibitions. it's also about participation. i think it's pumped up enough. check this out.
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so the air from the pump is making the pictures move. so this is baseball, and including baseball there are five additional sports in this balloon, and these are the additional official sports for the 2020 tokyo games. so this is one display, but if you look around, there are many more and those works are inspired by japanese culture. and it's not just professional artists, but also students who have created this art. i want to introduce two of them. come this way. now, this is a very unique piece of equipment. this is about communication. if you flip the wood in place, we can make eye contact with people on the opposite side.
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i'm pretty sure kids would definitely love this equipment. next i want to introduce my most favorite one. where this looks like a regular trampoline but it's actually not. it's supported by lots of comic magazines. now, i want to draw your attention to this spot. as you can see two magazines are attached firmly. now, you may think it's attached due to glue, but it's actually not. i have a sample. i can flip pages, so the friction of each paper is supporting the trampoline. it's a hilarious idea, isn't it? up to six people can stand on a trampoline. well, every week comic magazines are published in japan, but most of them are thrown out, so the creators wanted to use them. so manga magazine is actually one from japanese culture, but
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there are a lot of works here which were inspired by tradition too. you are looking at portraits of japanese kabuki actors produced about 200 years ago. they're by a print designer. his work has impacted countless artists over the years. all these artworks were inspired by him. and check this out. an inspired toilet. the creator had this idea to combine the art with the japanese toilet. one of the strengths of the art is the fact it's dynamic. visitors select a song on a smartphone and music inspires the art. now, i'm at a special booth that people can enter a digital
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kabuki world. you can chse onethese sk what kind of mood am i in? let's choose this one. yeah. next i step in front of a two-way mirror. now the mask has a special makeup for kabuki artists, but now the camera is detecting the design of the mask. let's see. i think it's ready. the mask is attached to my face. am i looking scary? but i feel like a real kabuki acto i'm opening my mouth now, but the mask is following my movements.
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it's hilarious. yeah, this event will be taking place until monday and the weather will stay gorgeous as today. well, i think that's all from me now from tokyo design week. i'm sayaka mori. nhk world. looking really good there. a lot of innovation packed into all those exhibits. next, here is a three-day outlook for weather for cities around the globe.
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>> this week, global 3000 heads to ghana where we meet a man willing to move mountains to save frogs. in belize, conservation can be a dangerous activity. rangers there tell us why. but first, we take a look at the philippines where many people are in fear of their lives. 58 countries around the world still have the death penalty. the punishment was actually abolished 10 years ago in the philippines. but its new president is now determined to bring it back. as part of his anti-drugs campaign, rodrigo duterte has made pubca
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