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tv   Newsline  PBS  November 9, 2016 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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hello there, welcome to nhk "newsline." it is thursday, november 10th, 10:00 a.m. i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. it is a new political reality in the united states, and people around the world are wondering what a donald trump presidency will mean. trump shock is spreading and reactions are mixed. from japan, prime minister shinzo abe sent a message of congratulations to trump on his win. abe told reporters he hoped for good future relations between the two countries. >> translator: i would like to extend my congratulations to donald trump on his victory.
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japan and the u.s. are allies and united by universal values. i hope we can strengthen the u.s./japan alliance. we will cooperate to tackle problems now facing the international community. i look forward to working with him. >> and on the streets of tokyo, major japanese newspapers handed out special editions. >> translator: i think people in the u.s. hoped things would change. now i'm half worried and half hopeful that we can build a good relationship with the u.s.
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>> translator: i was expecting a female president, but the result was that clinton didn't win. i'm very worried how the results will influence japan's economy. >> the feelings of uncertainty are in part because trump would become the first president who doesn't have a political or military background. but in his victory speech, trump tried to dispel any doubt about his foreign policy. >> i want to tell the world community that while we will always put america's interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone. with everyone. all people and all other nations. we will seek common ground, not hostility. partnership, not conflict. >> trump also had a message to his nation calling on people to unite.
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>> now it's time for america to bind the wounds of division. we have to get together. to all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. it's time. i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all americans. and this is so important to me. hillary clinton has spoken to her supporters for the first time since the outcome of the election became clear. >> last night i congratulated donald trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. i hope that he will be a successful president for all americans. this is not the outcome we
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wanted or we worked so hard for, and i'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country. but i feel -- i feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together. this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. you represent the best of america and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life. >> president barack obama says he's instructed his aides to prepare for a smooth transfer of the presidency. >> i had a chance to talk to president-elect trump last night, about 3:30 in the morning, i think it was, to congratulate him on winning the election. and i had a chance to invite him to come to the white house tomorrow to talk about making
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sure that there's a successful transition between our presidencies. >> the election results sparked reactions in other parts of asia. president obama has championed the pivot to asia policy partly to increase the u.s. influence in the region where china has become more assertive. it's uncertain whether trump is committed to the policy. asian leaders seem to be keeping a close eye on developments. philippine president rodrigo duterte offered warm congratulations to trump in a statement saying he looked forward to working with him to enhance relations. he responded sharply to u.s. criticism of his bloody war on drugs and announced ma quwhat h called a separation from the u.s. during his visit to china in october. thai interim prime minister said his country's relations with the u.s. will remain unchanged. >> translator: we have been an
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ally with the united states for over 180 years. no matter what becomes president, i think thailand will have to move forward while balancing out its foreign policy. >> malaysian prime minister said trump won the white house, more focused on their interest and welfare and less embroil eed in foreign interventions. >> translator: i'm sure he will find the right way for the u.s. to work with other countries. i know him personally. it's not someone i'm unfamiliar with. >> u.s./malaysia ties have been strained as the u.s. justice department filed lawsuits in the wake of a massive financial scandal involving najib. people in the atomic bombed cities of hiroshima and nagasaki
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are closely watching trump's nuclear policy. the president-elect once said he won't rule out using tactical nuclear weapons against islamic state militants. he also suggested japan could acquire nuclear arms to counter threats from north korea. a representative of an atomic bombing survivors' association says the issue of nuclear weapons must be viewed from a global perspective. >> translator: i hope the u.s. president will approach the matter from a humanitarian stance. >> the head of a research center at nagasaki university seeking a nuclear arms ban is wary about is hard to figure out. >> translator: we'll send messages from the atomic bomb cities to trump so he can fully understand the terror of puck
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lar weapons. >> he said trump should visit hiroshima and nagasaki as soon as possible. the impact is being felt in morocco, too, that's where delegates have gathered for the climate change conference, copp 22. trump threatened to withdraw from the landmark agreement. copp 22 delegates are discussing detailed rules for implementing the agreement they reached last year in paris. one of the issues on the table, how much financial assistance advanced countries should offer developing nations. delegates from the developed countries held an informal meeting on the sidelines. the u.s. chief negotiator suggested it's not clear what will happen after next january when trump takes office. uganda's delegate said his country won't be able to meet its climate change targets without financial support from the u.s. >> that's because of challenges of issues on technology, also
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how our technologies are very obsolete. very, very obsolete. >> nongovernmental organizations held a joint news conference to express concern about trump's apparent intention to withdraw from the paris accord. >> climate change has become a geopolitical issue of the top order and no country can be perceived as not doing its fair share on climate without serious consequences for its standing in the world. >> activists outside the copp 22 venue said young people should step up and fight climate change because donald trump won't. let's take a look at the latest in business news. markets have staged a sharp turnaround. for more details we go to ai uchida from our business desk. >> the key index in tokyo recovered almost all the losses we saw on wednesday. that was of course when investors feared that a trump administration would lead to uncertainty in the global
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economy, but take a look at what's happening this morning. the nikkei 225 trading higher. way higher. up 6.1%. 17,249. that is what we call a jump. all sectors are seeing gains. investors are focusing on possible u.s. economic stimulus and deregulation with trump in office. but some analysts are saying trump's policy statements from now on could sway markets. let's take a look at what's happening with currencies. on the screen there, dollar/yen regaining its pre-election day level at 105.70-74 against the yen. and it's a similar story with the euro. the single currency initially bounced against the dollar as a trump victory came into focus. the euro has now fallen back to two-week lows. currently at 1.09. at the lower end of that. now the yield on the ten year japanese government bond has jumped to a seven-week high. tracking u.s. treasury yields.
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that is on hopes of more spending on infrastructure under the republican president. turning to markets open in the asia-pacific region, we are seeing a jump elsewhere, too. seoul's kospi up 1.8%. australia trading higher by 3%. china markets will open in just under half an hour. well, a senior u.s. republican official has dismissed the likelihood of congress voting on the trans-pacific partnership before donald trump takes office in january. u.s. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell was referring to trump's opposition to the free trade deal. >> i think president-elect made it pretty clear he was not in favor of the current agreement. certainly not going to be brought up this year. >> mcconnell said any decision on the tpp or other future trade agreements would be up to trump. the republican party regained control of both chambers of congress in tuesday's elections.
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u.s. approval is key for the 12-country tpp to take effect. now, trump's opposition to the tpp isn't stopping the japanese government from moving ahead with the deal. members of the ruling coalition are planning to have it swiftly approved by the diet. foreign minister fumio kishida said the tpp is economically and strategically important and that japan remains committed to have it go into effect soon. >> translator: the leaders of the 12 member countries have agreed, they will try to have the pact take effect at an early date. the united states has expressed its intention to do all it can during the current administration. it's quite natural that japan will cooperate. >> the governing coalition plans to hold a vote on bills needed to approve the tpp at the lower house session on thursday and send them to the upper house.
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in other business news, japan's machinery orders fell in september for the second consecutive month. the orders are considered a leading indicator of future capital spending. government officials changed their assessment on machinery orders from picking up to standing still. officials at the cabinet office say that the orders were worth $8 billion. that's down 3.3% in yen terms from august. the figures exclude the ship building and power sectors which tend to see large fluctuations. economists at the cabinet office predict orders for capital investment will remain sluggish during the three months through december and say the outlook for the quarter will be down 5.9% from the previous period. japanese consumers, that is, they are shying away from mass-produced clothes, instead, there is growing demand for i m items made in small lots. often by little-known labels.
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nhk world's yuko fukushima reports on some of the companies taking advantage of that. >> reporter: a fashion trade show. japan's largest gathering of industry players and a window on the changes taking place. this year 100 young fashion designers are here for their product. boutique labels have found a way to compete with major fashion houses. he's one of the new comers. he's hoping his designs will catch the eyes of boutiques and department stores. >> translator: this suit is made of stretchy materials using jersey which is really soft and comfortable to wear. for the first order, we can start with 30 to 50 cents. >> reporter: size matters in fashion. small designers face a major hurdle getting their clothes
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made. sewing factories view small labels as a financial risk. many refuse orders for small lot production. now a venture firm is offering a solution. small designers bring them their product idea and the company will find someone who can produce it in small lots. and that's how he found a garment maker. the agency hooked up with 150 sewing factories across country. designers can place an order online. staff at the placement companies then begin a search. using their own database's factories, they can filter for materials, item type, gender and production volume. this factory took the order for koji's stretch suit. it has ten employees. the owner is happy to do business through the middleman. the small lot orders keep her machines running in slow periods, and the agency
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guarantees payment. >> translator: once we registered, they immediately passed orders to us. we're grateful to them for caring about us. >> reporter: staff from the agency travel the country to research production sites and keep their database updated. they want to know what the makers can and cannot do and what time of year they're free to produce small lots. one thing the scouts look at is the age of the workers. it might be a clue to the factory's longevity. >> translator: what's your hiring policy for sewers? >> translator: we recruit all ages. the youngest worker is in her early 20s. the oldest is 62. >> reporter: this matchmaker is also looking for diversity in
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skills. it's helped to fill orders for everything from fashion show costumes to restaurant chain uniforms. >> translator: the level of skill at some japanese factories is quite high. i'm looking at ways to connect these factories with foreign brands. >> reporter: japan's apparel industry has undergone some painful adjustments in recent decades. small lot production may offer a new stage of growth. yuko fukushima, nhk world. >> that is the latest in business for this hour. it is back to catherine now. >> thanks very much, ai. we go to china where a court sentenced 49 people for their roles in a fatal factory blast. it's given a suspended death sentence to the head of a logistics company that handles hazardous chemicals. warehouse explosion last year in the port of tianjin left 173 dead or missing.
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china's state run xinhua news agency has details of the court ruling. the reports say the chairman was sentenced for the illegal storage of dangerous substances and other charges. a suspended death sentence is usually commuted to life in prison after two years. the court gave others jail sentencing raising up to life imprisonment. it also jailed 25 local government officials for bribe taking and other charges. the leaders of india and japan are expected to sign an agreement on nuclear energy. indian prime minister narendra modi is heading to tokyo to meet with prime minister shinzo abe, but the nuclear deal has drawn criticism because india has developed nuclear weapons outside the nonproliferation treaty. nhk world reports. >> reporter: the agreement that allows japan to export facilities and technologies related to nuclear power. india's demand for energy is
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growing along with the economy. for japan, the deed would provide opportunities for nuclear plant manufacturers. most of the country's nuclear power plants have been offline since the meltdowns in fukushima in 2011. critics contend japan should not do a deed with a country that has not signed a nonproliferation treaty. japan, they say, should have stricter standards as the only country to have suffered nuclear bombings. india refuses to accept the treaty's limit of nuclear weapons to only five countries. the japanese government, it states -- immediately if india were to conduct a punuclear tes. skeptics are not impressed. they say the door remains open for india to conduct computer simulations using data from past
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tests. even if india does not change its stance of not joining the npt, japanese government officials believe that the signing of a new nuclear energy agreement with japan would effectively bring india under the nonproliferation framework but as long as india sees nuclear weapons as a deterrent to pakistan and china, it is unlikely to put them away. the risk for japan is it may be seen as accepting position of nuclear weapons by a non member. that might undermine the value of the treaty. a researcher who studies the country says the factor well known. >> this nuclear deal is one thing that is holding up. it is i think a stumbling block. india is definitely aware of the japanese domestic side. we're aware of the fact that japan is the only country to have suffered from the impact
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from atomic weapons. we're also aware of the fact of the fukushima disaster. so we know there are opposition. there is criticism on the japanese side and this could be a steppingstone toward the next stage of japan/india relations. >> reporter: china is on the minds of both countries. japan is concerned about the chinese navy's activities in the pacific ocean. india is wary of china's attempts to strengthen inference on indian ocean. >> we are aware that china is also try ing to increase its presence in india's backyard. see the way china is involved in the construction of the water port. >> reporter: china has been building artificial islands and facilities for military purposes in the south china sea. both japan and india want to make sure shipping lanes remain open. against this backdrop, the indian navy has been conducting
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exercises with the united states and japan. >> we are very concerned about the feelings of communications remaining free for us. india is willing to increase its interest and its influence in the south china sea region which will see an increase in the region. >> reporter: prime minister modi's visit to japan is likely to lead to further cooperation with japan on a range of interests. nhk world. prime minister modi spoke to nhk in new delhi ahead of his trip. he said india must make the shift to nuclear energy to address global warming. and he said japan is a promising partner in that field and others. >> translator: our countries have a win/win relationship. we need technological support that japan can offer.
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>> he said that india has a growing market while japan has ample funds. modi also made an apparent reference to china which is wary of stronger ties between india and japan. he stressed the importance of the bilateral relationship. >> translator: our relationship will not harm any third country but rather it's aimed at better serving global interests. >> his three-day visit begins thursday. here in tokyo, it's looking dark and gray and it's feeling chilly out there. let's get a check of the weather with our meteorologist robert speta. >> yes, definitely one of the cooler blasts of winter air across most of japan this autumn, not autumn, feels very winterlike across many areas of northern japan, extending across northern hokkaido to tohoku. the visible satellite imagery
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here taken on wednesday. just shows this incredible storm system that was set up here. low-level circulation back toward the north, that's why we have these winds reported north in hokkaido, 100 to 113 kilometers per hour. down toward the south, that classic sea-effect snow band is moving through from the northwest. this is what you often see, it starts off as dry air but picks up all that moisture over the ocean here and dumps it on the mountains. following behind our cold front which you can see stretching back here toward the west. that's why parts of hokkaido, upwards of 60 centimeters of snow on the ground at this time. i'll show you some video actually coming out from asahika asahikawa, 40 secentimeters of snowfall, two to three times higher than the average for this time of year. it has started off pretty potent this winter thus far. the morning lows already stretching across parts of
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tokyo, some of the coldest air thus far, farther toward the west. the good news, those winds out of the northwest are tapering off today. we have high pressure coming in but we do have a low coming in from the southwest. that's going to move that out of the way and bring widespread precipitation. the tokyo area, rainfall starting here by thursday night throughout the day on friday before tapering off into the weekend then another blast of cooler air kind of comes in behind that. for now, tokyo with a high of 13, though. partly cloudy skies. seoul, a high of 10. even over toward beijing, just 9. do remember the air rather stagnant out there so the air quality indices rather poor here today. even down toward south taipei, hong kong, showers, also over toward bangkok. much of thailand for that matter. take a look here into europe. we have several areas we're keeping an eye on. one back toward the east. moving across the balkan peninsula. this low-pressure area is rather potent. actually brought large hail to
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parts of greece, about two to three centimeters in diameter. lifting toward the northeast and moving into cooler air. that means areas like kiev, ukraine, over toward moscow, you're going to be looking at widespread snowfall. back toward the west, though, there into germany, we do have some heavy, wet snow in the forecast. that polar air plunging in from the north and that's going to be creating some fairly rough conditions, especially as far as the snowfall could pile up on some of the trees. you might see some downed tree limbs in a few of these areas, maybe some power outages. definitely slow go out on the roads as well as far as your travel weather is concerned. we take a look here into the americas, well, if you are traveling, it's going to be a rather decent day. as far as the weather. sunny skies for the most part. we have a big area of high pressure dominating the central u.s., so all way from fork down toward atlanta, chicago, winnipeg, denver, sunny skies in the forecast. even though santa ana winds kicking up in the l.a. area, definitely making for windy conditions but it will be on the
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warm side with a high of 31. all right. i'll leave you now with your extended outlook. and that is all for this edition of nhk "newsline." i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. thanks for joining us.
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