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tv   DW News  PBS  November 11, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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>> welcome. this is dw news live from berlin. already president-elect donald trump has shaken up his transition team. the vice president elect will take charge of getting the administration ready. out goes new jersey governor chris christie, being demoted to a deputy role. we will go to washington to find out what is going on. in turkey, the authorities arrest the chairman of the oldest newspaper. the media crackdown continues. police are investigating him for
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alleged terrorist activities. also on the program -- ♪ >> the music world mourns the death of leonard cohen at the age of 82. the singer-songwriter best known for songs such as suzanne, bird on a wire, and hallelujah. my name is christopher springer, good to have you with us. we start in the united states where president-elect donald trump has announced a major shakeup in his team. he has asked vice president mike pence to hold the process for filling the administration posts
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and preparing the new administration to take office in january. he replaces chris christie, being demoted to a deputy role. he was one of the first prominent republicans to support trumps candidacy. and for more on this, we will go right over to washington now. we will talk with mark fisher, a senior editor with one of the leading newspapers, the washington post. mark, thank you for joining us. day two of his transition, he has dumped chris christie as the leader of the transition team, installing mike pence. what is your take? mark: this is yet another change in his approach. we saw during the course of his campaign you change his campaign managers three times, and now again he has had to make a move
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because chris christie, governor of new jersey was caught in scandal in his home state. now we are seeing perhaps the insertion of controlled by the republican party as vice president elect mike pence plays a much more prominent role in the transition, which implies the party would be asserting itself in this early phase of transition. christopher: what are you hearing about the other key posts in the new administration? mark: we see from the makeup of this new transition team that donald trump is, as he has been throughout his career, loyal to the people that brought him to this point. we are seeing the key figures from the latter stages of the campaign, including stephen bannon and people from breitbart news and kellyanne conway, the campaign manager. they will play roles in the transition. a number of politicians that stood by him while the party was
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ill at ease, rudy giuliani, newt gingrich, former speaker of the house seems destined to play new roles as well as ben carson, former candidate who was one of the people who trump defeated so handily. christopher: you have just co-authored a donald trump biography called trump revealed. can you reveal what kind of president he is going to be? mark: i wish i could tell you with certainty, but certainly what we do know about donald trump is this is a kind of work he has never done before. he has been a business, always run by a tiny handful of people. now he is in charge of a much more sprawling, larger monstrosity of the federal government. he will have to listen to people who often disagree with him. it is not something he has taken kindly to in the past. he likes to have people that
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agree with him. he will have to alert to work with -- learn to work with people across the different interest groups. this requires sitting down time in meetings. his former executives tell us he has been allergic to meetings. he likes people to brief him quickly, orally, then makes decisions from the gut. we will see if that works with the complex kind of issues that come before a president. christopher: one plays of interest from a european perspective is what the candidate donald trump said about nato. he was very critical. the expectation is he will drive a very hard bargain with his european allies. is that something europe will just have to swallow? mark: not necessarily. his bark is often greater than his bite. the kind of things he says in
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public, when it comes down to write it meetings and negotiations, he is more malleable, pliable. we will have to see whether european diplomats can get to that level of discussion with him. and he is not terribly well versed in a lot of policy issues that come before him, particularly with foreign affairs. now we see a struggle on behalf of congressional leaders and leaders of the republican party who do know the issues well and have those relationships. they will try to take the upper hand in a relationship with european powers and other partners around the world. while that remains yet to be seen, he wants his own views to take primacy. the challenge from people around him will be how to get donald trump think that the policies they are suggesting are his own idea. that is when he comes along. christopher: perhaps briefly, the candidate donald trump also
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made fairly sweeping pledges as far as domestic policy in the u.s. is concerned. which of those will he deliver on? mark: few, if any. people around him say the kinds of things he said during the campaign about building a wall and keeping out muslims or deporting hispanic immigrants, those are things they say we should not have taken literally. but they are meant to appeal to americans who are worried about those issues. they are not serious policy perspectives or suggestions. there is likely to be a large gap between the rhetoric of the trump campaign and the reality of the presidency. christopher: mark fisher, thank you for talking to us. and we will go back to the issue of donald trump's attitude to nato i have been talking to mark
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fisher about. we have also been speaking to the european unions federal policy chief frederica mart -- martini -- martin rennie. >> it seems to me that the president-elect will need weeks or months to define his team, secretary of state, the defense, what will be his policy line on the main issues. after the campaign, he has said clear things during the campaign, but he has used different narratives in the messages passed to world leaders in the first hours of the election. we will see what will be the finish of the policy -- policy priorities. we will see on the basis of that where european interests and american interests will coincide.
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we will continue to work together, but it might be his policy priorities will lead america far away from some of the european basic principles or interests, and in that case, brussels as well as european capitals decides our own foreign policy priorities independently for what happens in washington. christopher: in afghanistan, taliban fighters have protective mazar-e-sharif. afghan civilians were killed and 100 people wounded. all of the consulates are reported to be safe. the taliban has taken claim for the attack in retaliation for recent airstrikes in the province. reporter: the blast was so powerfully damaged buildings over a two kilometer radius. many of the injured were hit by glass inside their homes.
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the attack was launched just before midnight. a suicide bomber drove a truck pass with -- packed with explosives. germany's foreign minister describe the barrel -- battle that ensued. >> only after fighting that took place on the grounds and insie of the continent building did troops defeat the attackers. reporter: by the morning, the combat had ceased thanks to fast action by a multinational force. >> taking part in constant security, afghan security forces and german, georgian, belgian special forces. reporter: the attack which the telegram says was in retaliation for nato airstrikes rocks in
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area which has mostly escaped the violence that has wrecked other parts of the country. >> as i'm speaking with you, people are so much panicked. everyone is asking each other why it happened. over the last 16 years, they have not seen such an attack which ruined everyone's lives today. reporter: and meanwhile, mazar-e-sharif is left to pick up the pieces. christopher: turkish police have arrested the chief executive of the oldest newspaper. officers detained him at a symbol airport after arresting nine other of his staff. they are investigating what they call terrorist activities. it is the latest move in his crack down on the press freedom. another journalist is this person.
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we filed this rather personal report on a man much loved by foreign correspondents. >> they came for him in the early hours of the morning. he was led from his home by the police. he is not the first turkish journalist to be arrested in this way. the 75-year-old man is respectfully known as a friend and partner. i am worried about him. he is never tired of explaining and commenting on turkish politics for us like he did this july after the failed coup and always with a touch of humor. >> this is the first to that has -- coup that has landed me in jail. reporter: and the turkish daily newspaper was blank today. the public prosecutor said his writing support terrorism. we have only ever heard him for call -- call for peace and
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reconciliation in germany. i encounter an angry crowd inside of his building. he was one of 13 leading journalists who was arrested. >> every day, innocent people are thrown in jail. enough is enough. reporter: this is t 24, an independent news pirtle who -- portal who sees 20 million readers a day. they express grief for writers who have lost their job. >> he is a perfectionist when it comes to language. he double checks everything before it is published. we have all learned a lot from him. i have never met anyone with such firm convictions. that will get him the strength to get through this arrest. reporter: this is the notorious lease reporters -- headquarters.
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they are being held in the antiterrorism section. after five days, we get good news. he is being released due to his age and state of his health. >> i was treated decently, but i have never seen such a trumped up indictment. we will not bow to this pressure reporter: the next morning i meet with him at the newspaper's office. he have to stand in for the editor in chief, still in jail. >> i am doing ok, but my heart is with my colleagues still in prison. we don't know whether we will survive, but i told my young colleagues, don't ask what tomorrow brings. produce a good paper today. it is our newspaper.
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reporter: that is all the time he has for me. he has to go back to planning tomorrow's edition, which may be the last. christopher: we will take a short break. plenty more to come. do stay with us.
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christopher: welcome back here with dw news. president-elect donald trump has put his vice president-elect mike pence in charge of his transition team. pence will head the process of killing -- filling key administration posts. that means chris christie is out. he had started planning the transition before trump's victory. among the many other questions that the world is asking about the future trump administration
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is this one, how will he change international trade? that and all business news now from danny. daniel:e will focus on ttip, the name of a huge transatlantic trade deal being the question for years. but under trump it is luckily -- likely it will be sunk. the trade commissioner says it will not move ahead. potential billions of euros and extra business on overnight. the ttip trade deal was supposed to turbocharge commerce between europe and the united states, creating billions in new wealth and millions of new jobs. but resistance in europe was intense, and the deal viewed as giving up channel -- giving up multinational governments the head. and in america, it was a pillar of donald trump's election campaign. it is hardly surprising that the
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e.u. trade commissioner now confirms brussels is not expecting any movement on ttip under a new american transition. >> with the new president-elect, we don't really know what will happen. there is strong reason to believe it would be held in. we will have to see. mark: enormous political capital has been put. the fifth round broke off in new york, and is looking increasingly like a will be the last, and the ttip is a ship lost at sea. daniel: as we saw earlier, america is divided with the trunk presidency. california voted for hillary clinton, and now some are saying the state should just succeed
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from the u.s. -- sisi from the u.s.. they will take their avocados and legal weed. california one of the latest state to legalize recreational marijuana use. the group yes california is campaigning for the state to leave. they say donald trump would not happen, they said brexit would not happen. while it is a long shot, they say it is possible. silicon valley adventure capitalist shaver is behind the campaign first -- for california to become its own state. could the state survive on its own? economically speaking, california is the most valuable state. if it split today, it would be the sixth biggest economy. the gdp, the value of its goods and services, is $2.5 trillion
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from the head of countries of india and france. it is growing faster than the rest of the union. this is the usa without california in it. that quick growth is down to the tech companies based in the look on valley. -- silicon valley. there is a look for it, but it would have to be accepted by 38 of 50 states. don't get your hopes up just yet. let's move over the pacific to asia. every time valentine's day comes around, you think, why isn't there a single day? in china, there is. it is big business for alibaba. they passed $13.4 billion.
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here is more on the retail phenomenon of single day. as alibaba founder jack steps onstage, fingers are twitching across china. the annual brawl has begun, a 24 hour online bargain hunt. the website is frantic with activity, the whole country gripped by spending frenzy. she stops her way through -- shops her way through breakfast, trying to get a bargain copy machine. competition is intense, but her dream product is still on sale and 30% cheaper than normal. >> you might think it is not a big deal, but when you feel thrilled, it is good, like you have won a game. reporter: around one billion parcels are sent around china. delivery companies are weird up. robots are in continuous operation.
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they support the 2.6 million employees that ensure the products reach customers. one thing is new, alibaba is inviting customers into virtual reality shopping. >> welcome to macy's. reporter: they tend apart -- go three new york department store and click on anything they want. no need for the our specs. -- vr specs. china is a company with massive internet censorship, but while shopping, the biggest online nation can serve without borders -- surf without borders. she is a big fan of online shopping anytime of year. >> it is practical and environmentally friendly, and my location is not restrict me. i can buy stuff from shanghai and did it the next day in
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beijing. reporter: the amount of orders received by delivery companies is more than a day's work, even with the help of robots. from something futuristic now people are starting to remember the past, over to you. christopher: commemorations are taking place all over europe and in other places of the world as well to mark the signing of the armistice that marked the ending of world war i. francois hollande laying a wreath here at the unknown soldier, and at the veterans from other complexed -- conflicts. they remember those who die in all conflicts. people around the world have been morning someone else, and acclaimed singer-songwriter
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leonard cohen who has died at the age of 82. he started in the 1960's with lyrics and songs of romance. people have laid tributes of flowers and candles. for many of them, he was an almost prophetic figure. the love song suzanne and the haunting ballad hallelujah have been covered numerous times. he explored many musical styles mixing sacred and sleazy, which earned him fans across the world and generations. >> ♪ on the wild get drunk in midnight quiet ♪ reporter: interweaving themes of love, desire, grief and
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redemption, he charted the human experience with a unique depth and beauty. the canadian began his career as a celebrated poet and novelist before turning his ideas to songs. his debut was not commercially successful, but revered by other songwriters and gained a cult following. it was the beginning of a musical career that spanned nearly 50 years. >> ♪ there is a crack for silverlight gets in that is how the light gets in ♪ reporter: his songs have become
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classics, covered and reworked countless times. >> i am overwhelmed to hear judy collins and katie lang to hear the songs, bring them to life i never could, sublime experience for me. i am so happy i could share it all with you because i think something extraordinary just happened. reporter: he continued to tour into his later life, gravelly tones drawing immense crowds. his final album was released weeks before his death to critical acclaim. a crowning achievement to a remarkable body of work. >> ♪ strike me down here i stand ♪ i am your man ♪ [applause] christopher: leonard cohen
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there. he died at the age of 82. a quick reminder of the top story, president-elect donald trump has put vice president elect mike pence in charge of the transition team. he will fill key administration posts. new jersey governor chris christie is a deputy role. he started planning this before trump's victory. you are watching dw news here in berlin. we will take a short break. i will be back with the day. stay with us. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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