tv Focus on Europe PBS November 26, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm PST
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♪ >> welcome to a special edition of our program, "europe after the u.s. election." donald trump was elected the new president of the united states. his surprise win on a protectionist platform rocked the political establishment on both sides of the atlantic. after a campaign that saw trump use language that divided america, some called it hateful and inflammatory, while others praised it as being unhindered by political correctness. he is now trying to present a more moderate stance. >> it is time for us to get together as one united people. [laughter] -- [applause]
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>> it is time. >> first, there was britain's vote to leave the eu. then a business savvy reality tv star was chosen as us president. what could possibly happen next? this is what many people here in europe, concerned by a growing nationalist attitude among some western leaders, are asking themselves. they, and many like them now look to germany for answers. even "the new york times" calls angela merkel "the last defender of the free west." but there are also ordinary people, juergen kasek from leipzig, who courageously fights against nationalism. >> a monday demonstration in dresden, hundreds of followers of the right-wing populist movement pegida stage a protest, spurred by populist donald trump's election as us president. -- u.s. president. like trump, they want to sweep the governing parties out of office and overturn the system. they chant "resistance" and
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"merkel" must go. jurgen kasek is on the street with 200 counter-demonstrators in dresden this evening. they want to oppose the rightwing populists. >> [chanting] >> in principle, they're just against everything. trump was elected president because he said he is against the establishment. it doesn't matter what his arguments are. and i think we have to do some hard thinking. >> the two groups will confront each other this evening. kasek has been on his feet all day. long an activist against the right, the leipzig attorney and green party politician has barely rested since the rise of pegida. >> what pegida and all these movements have done is shift the framework of discussion to the point where there's no criterion for exclusion anymore. where people from the npd, a
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neo-nazi party, stand onstage, people with a long record of assault and battery, where the former german empire's war flag waves, where speeches sound like goebbels, and where people stand beside that and say "we are concerned citizens." >> kasek sees trump's election as a bitter setback. he's from a leftist family and has long worked against rightwing extremists, who are numerous and active in his home state of saxony. >> our fear, of course, is that what we already have to a degree in europe will now intensify. in britain after the brexit and in america after trump's election, there has been a wave of racist violence. it is like they are saying "we have won and that we are going to show you." >> and he sees what they're showing every day, in the hate-filled comments on his facebook page.
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>> this comment is about america -- "viva trump" -- that is not so bad. but this one is pretty extreme, "when people like me take power, you will be on trial the next date and then you will hang." >> as an attorney, jurgen kasek takes on hundreds of cases each year, often accepting no money from his clients. this young leftist faces charges after a demonstration against pegida and will soon be tried. he wants to remain anonymous in our report. >> why were you out and about that day? >> to demonstrate against pegida. they immediately said "that is the guy." >> what's actually in the file are photos where you can't be identified. i'd also like to ask you to dress up a bit when you come to court. >> because i have a certain idea about society, some of the people i defend are punks, people who have come into
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conflict with the state. i consider my freedom extremely important. >> and he sees his freedom in danger. just a few days ago, kasek was attacked on a local train. hooligans recognized him, threatened him verbally, then threw a bottle at him. the police came just in time to prevent anything worse from happening. >> in that moment, you wonder what would happen if they pulled the emergency brake. or if they're waiting for us on the train platform in leipzig? it's a horrible feeling. only later do you ask yourself, what am i doing here? >> kasek refuses to be intimidated. in the evening, the two demonstrations in dresden cross paths. it's now or never, thinks kasek. he intentionally confronts the pegida marchers.
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>>[chanting] >> you can't stop it alone. especially after what's happened in america. we don't want to wake up one day and realize this is not the society we want to live in. we need to defend our standpoint with confidence. >> jurgen kasek is determined to make things difficult for the populists in dresden and throughout germany. >> right-wing populists feel strengthened by trump's victory, but for most europeans the president elect triggers feelings of skepticism, misunderstanding and fear. trump has attacked much of what the european union stands for , including free trade and the fight against man made climate
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change. officials in brussels, the administrative seat of the e.u. -- help that the european union will now be seen as a bastion of western liberalism. but many ask themselves, could trump ever be a reliable partner for europe? georg matthes went to brussels to find answers. >> the world in brussels has been turned upside down by this man. but top e.u. officials, for instance here in the european commission, are determined to put europe back on its feet. >> maybe this is the right chance for us to realize the power we have, the role we should play and this can be based only in a united confident e.u. so i see this also as an opportunity for europeans to come together in a much stronger way. >> is there a silver lining or is thee.u. -- the e.u. just putting on a brave face?
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that is what i asked e.u. expert roland freudenstein. >> this line of thinking was the same in case of brexit, in case of the refugee crisis in case of the financial crisis. we always thought there was going to be an external jolt and it would galvanize us into action and then we would come together as one. well, we didn't. >> so what about trump's team, i wonder. could they have a positive impact on him? >> that's the big hope. look, i talked to a couple of his advisers in july. basically the whole foreign policy team consisting of six or seven people. i met them in july. they were not impressive, you know? >> one thing is clear, the timing for europe is unfortunate. brussels is still recovering from britains's brexit vote. europeans are now asking themselves whether a president trump might end up being just like the candidate trump. >> brussels was not prepared for this scenario so the list of questions that need to be answered as long. almost everything is a big
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unknown. >> some consequences are already clear. talks between the e.u. and u.s. about a free trade deal between them are now in a deep freeze. >> now of course with the new president-elect we don't really know what will happen. there is strong reason to believe that there will be a pause, that this might not be the biggest priority for the new administration. >> so what about trump's comments to tear up the paris accord for cutting greenhouse gas emissions? or his statement that nato is obsolete? let's turn again to the expert. >> i think he is well aware that he can not break all international agreements. he can not cancel everything that's in the pipeline at the same time. america needs allies and even mr. trump knows that.
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>> ironically, trump's foremost european ally during his campaign was none other than populist nigel farage, the so-called king of brexit. he even joined donald trump out on the trail. the good news for europe here is, both men nurtured great expectations ahead of their respective votes and then they started to walk away from their promises the moment they had won. >> what could turn things around again for europe is if trump stands by these words from his acceptance speech. we will seek common ground not -- >> we will seek common ground not hostility, partnership not conflict. >> french far-right leader, marine le pen, believes that donald trump's victory has boosted her own chances of being elected president when france holds elections next year. because of her political ambitions, she has imposed a media ban on her national front party members. the party's nationalist and anti-immigration message are spread mainly via social
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networks. "focus on europe" previously interviewed a national front mayor last year, fabien engelmann from lorraine. our reporter managed to contact him again, despite the media blackout. ♪ >> armistice day on november 11 is a national holiday in france and local parades are held across the country. for fabien engelmann, the mayor of the small town of hayange in the region of lorraine, the ceremony marking the end of the first world war is the perfect opportunity for a celebration of national pride hailing france, its people and its history. >> it is very important to continue to remember these men who gave their lives for our fatherland. the passage of time makes no difference, we will remember them in 200 years.
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>> the mayor is still so young, but he really puts his heart and soul into it. it's wonderful. he finds just the right words. he always says the right thing for all the patriotic associations. >> engelmann has set about cleaning up the streets and boosting the police force. foreigners, he says, must adapt to the french way of life or leave. he sees many parallels between the public mood in france and the u.s. >> people are angry because their voices are not being heard. it's always about minorities, and today, everyone is catering to the minorities. but what about ordinary white people who live a modest life? it's the white working class that voted for trump. >> engelmann himself comes from a working-class background. he started out as a left-wing
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trade unionist, before switching to the national front. he's sympathetic to those who have lost their jobs in the demise of france's steel industry. but immigrants are a thorn in his side, although they number just a few dozen in hayange. that animosity was something the charity secours populaire soon experienced. it's been working in hayange for over 30 years, helping immigrants and the poor. but the mayor has now terminated the charity's rental contract. >> these are our facilities. the mayor has cut off our electricity and heating. here we have food supplies , flour, mashed potato, applesauce and tinned food. this is our clothes store. we sell the things very cheaply. >> the charity says engelmann
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doesn't want migrants to be attracted to hayange and so opposes services that provide for them. >> at secours populaire, we don't look at where people come from, what the color of their skin is. we ask them what their problems are, what they need. are they hungry, are they cold? mr. engelmann only wants us to help the "real" french people, as he'd call them. he accuses us of supporting migrants and refugees. >> secours populaire has collected more than 6,000 signatures calling on the mayor to allow the charity to continue using the building. the mayor remains unrepentant. >> the secours populaire has always been a political movement. right from the start, they have done nothing but sling mud at the national front. >> local news editor lucie bouvarel says engelmann is
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playing a dangerous game, deliberately inciting hatred towards migrants. >> the mayor just needs a scapegoat and he's chosen the migrants, who have never posed even the slightest problem here in hayange. they've become the bogeyman for the local people, who are also poor. it's insidious and it's very worrying. >> engelmann has been tireless in his efforts to turn hayange into a model town of the national front. in other towns, right-wing mayors have lost their jobs through economic mismanagement. but engelmann runs a tight ship. his predecessor had planned to renovate the town hall at great expense but he's put the project on hold. he's hoping his efforts will pay off in presidential elections next may. he believes the media opposition to his party is a good omen and
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once again draws parallels to the u.s. election. >> the media are part of the political establishment. >> donald trump's election victory is a kick in the rear for the establishment. the media wanted to discourage voters in the u.s. they told them that hillary clinton was in front, so that they would lose hope and not bother voting. but what happened was exactly the opposite. i'm convinced that marine le pen will also win a surprise victory here. >> engelmann is one of the few members of the national front that even speaks to the media. most remain silent. they don't want any faux pas that could undermine their mission to rule france. >> relations between the u.s. and russia had cooled in recent years, especially after the u.s. imposed sanctions for the
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russian military intervention in ukraine. but russians cheered when trump's victory was announced. a victory that not only has the potential to impact governments around the world, but also the life of a single russian peasant. cheese farmer oleg sirota is happy about the election's outcome. that is, as long as russia and the u.s. don't get too close. >> oleg sirota says that if he were american, he'd vote for trump possibly. sirota's a dairy farmer. he produces cheese. >> these beauties produce the milk for my cheese. for my russian parmesan. isn't that right, my dear? without you, there'd be no parmesan. >> he runs a successful business, thanks mainly to western economic sanctions against russia. the russian state has stepped in
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to support its farmers with cheap loans so they can produce goods that can't be imported. but perhaps not for much longer. >> as a farmer, i'm pro-trump. i like his conservative stance. and that he's in favour of economic protectionism. like all farmers all over the world. anyone who says otherwise is lying. so my gut feeling is pro-trump. but my mind tells me no. i'm worried he'll lift the sanctions against russia. not because he's a friend of russia but because he wants to sell american products, and then they'll flood our market. >> with competition from large , foreign producers, demand for sirota's cheese would decline, because it would become too expensive for russian consumers. he'd struggle to repay his loans worth millions of euros and would go broke.
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few russians worry about scenarios like this one. instead, many in moscow are relieved that donald trump won the race, rather than hillary clinton. many accuse clinton of russia-bashing. trump, in contrast, is regarded as pro-russian. or at least as someone who wants to do business in russia. pictures showing trump with russian pop stars have recently surfaced. rumor has it that trump loves all things russian. in moscow's wealthy rublyovka neighborhood, customers can pick up the unique place of -- piece of bling, a golden trump phone. >> this telephone is part of our presidential range. we also offer various putin phones and ones with other presidents as well. we've got all great leaders, really past and present. and we want to express hope that ties between our countries will improve.
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>> the trump phone and putin phone are equally expensive. both presidents are equals, if you will. here, kremlin loyalist teenagers are practising how they can back trump, with his conservative values, alongside putin. these members of the youth organization set, meaning net in english also hope the countrie'' relations will improve. >> we second putin in saying that russia is much more than matroyshka dolls, balalaikas and bears. russia is a sovereign actor in global political, economic and cultural matters. and russia has a unique set of interests and values that must be respected if one is to form a partnership with us. trump will usher in a resurgence in global conservatism. while talk of european tolerance is common, russia's civilization builds on traditional values. >> nowadays, traditional values
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are propagated all over the country, russians should have children, attend church and follow traditional gender roles, rather than cherish individualism and a diversity of opinions. another reason why progressives dread trump's ascent. >> trump hasn't said a single bad word about putin, even though russia detains political prisoners. opposition politician boris nemstov was killed. tens of thousands of people were killed in the donbass because of putin's war. a malaysian boeing was downed, killing 300 passengers. how's the russian opposition supposed to deal with trump? we'll treat him as the leader of an enemy state. >> dairy farmer oleg sirota won't go quite that far. he still has hopes that trump won't improve ties with russia overnight. and that he'll keep economic sanctions in place for another few years. >> i like trump a lot as a
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person. i'd love it if he were to be russia's president after vladimir putin, of course. but he'll be the american president, which is why i'm worried about my cheese business, my farm and my cows. i'm responsible for them. trump could destroy my livelihood. >> and so, this russian farmer's fate is intimately tied to the intricacies of world politics and trump's stance on russia. >> as many of you may have already heard, donald trump is looking to build a wall. something sturdy that will keep undersirable elements at bay. but i'm not referring to one along the u.s.-mexico border. there are plans for him to build one in ireland. his prized golf course in doonbeg, along the west coast of the emerald isle, is threatened by rising sea levels. even a man who openly denies the existence of man-made climate
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change cannot ignore the rapidly changing patterns of nature it seems. >> it's one of the crown jewels in donald trump's real estate collection, the golf resort in doonbeg on ireland's picturesque west coast. but it's this oceanside location that threatens the perfect idyll, in recent years, storm floods have washed away much of the beach. >> what will continue to happen is that the dune face will continue to erode over time, and eventually where you're standing, should nothing be done, you could be standing at the edge of the ocean. >> an irony of fate, two years ago, donald trump arrived in ireland to celebrate acquiring his golf resort. but just a few days later, storm waves washed away eight meters of beach. that's when trump decided to build a three-kilometer protective wall in the atlantic. his property is threatened by the rising sea level, a consequence of climate change. but trump is a climate change skeptic.
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on twitter, he has called global warming a hoax, a chinese invention meant to damage the u.s. economy, or simply nonsense. >> he seems a bit hypocritical, but that doesn't surprise me with the kind of personality that he seems to be. so it's very difficult. >> people in doonbeg don't understand trump's stance on climate change, but they're glad that he wants to invest 40 million euros and secure 250 jobs. without the wall, trump could lose his golf resort, and doonbeg, the jobs it entails. >> it would be a disaster for us all. an absolute disaster. we do different bits of work from time to time. i'll be employing our local guys, you know. there's a big work force working directly for trump. >> trump's atlantic wall would require 200,000 tons of stones. there has been no evaluation of its possible environmental impact. but environmental protectionists
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say that on other beaches, walls have sometimes led to the loss of more even land. >> donald trump has not yet been sworn into the oval office, but he has already proved to be someone who inspires passionate reactions, whether they are of praise or contempt. no matter where your political allegiances lie, the next four years should prove to be very interesting. if you would like to find out more, check out our new facebook site dw stories. in the meantime, goodbye from me and the whole team. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪
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steves: i'm meeting my florentine friend tommaso at i fratellini, a venerable hole in the wall much loved among locals for its tasty sandwiches and wine sold by the glass. -grazie. -tommaso: thank you. and when you're done, you leave it on the rack. steves: boy, it's intense in the city. tommaso: yes, it is. well, if you want to leave the tourists, let's cross the river, and let's go to where the real florentines live and work. -steves: what's that? -tommaso: the oltrarno area. steves: there's much more to this town than tourism, as you'll quickly find in the characteristic back lanes
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of the oltrarno district. artisans busy at work offer a rare opportunity to see traditional craftsmanship in action. you're welcome to just drop in to little shops, but, remember, it's polite to greet the proprietor. your key phrase is, "can i take a look?" -posso guardare? -man: certo. steves: grazie. here in this great city of art, there's no shortage of treasures in need of a little tlc. this is beautiful. how old is this panting? woman: this is a 17th-century painting. steves: from florence? woman: we don't know. -maybe the area is genova. -steves: genova. each shop addresses a need with passion and expertise. fine instruments deserve the finest care. grand palaces sparkle with gold leaf, thanks to the delicate and exacting skills of craftspeople like this. a satisfying way to wrap up an oltrarno experience is to enjoy a florentine steakhouse,
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which any italian meat lover knows means chianina beef. the quality is proudly on display. steaks are sold by weight and generally shared. the standard serving is about a kilo for two, meaning about a pound per person. so, both of those for four people? woman: yes. steves: the preparation is simple and well established. good luck if you want it well done. man: i am hungry, yeah. oh, look at this. ah! steves: oh, beautiful. [ laughs ] man: wow. steves: chianina beef. -woman: white beans. -steves: okay. perfect. man: and that one. steves: so, the meat is called chianina. tommaso: that's its name, because it comes from the chianti. steves: oh, from chianti. okay. and tell me about this concept of the good marriage of the food, you know? tommaso: well, when you have the chianina meat, you want to have some chianti wine, and they go together well. they marry together. we say, "si sposano bene." steves: si sposano bene. a good marriage.
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