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tv   Newsline  PBS  December 27, 2016 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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welcome to nhk "newsline." i'm mickey yam y japanese prime minister shinzo abe has visited pearl harbor with u.s. president barack obama. the first time both have stood together at the uss arizona memorial. they honored the victims of the surprise attack by japan in 1941 that drew the u.s. in world war i. we'll bring you what the leaders had to say, but first, here's the ceremony with japanese commentary. >> translator: right now, for a minister, defense minister are both waiting for the two leaders.
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this arizona memorial, deep inside, there's a place to console for the victims. >> translator: yes, if you go more inside, there will be a space to console the victims. and in the nearby, there's ceremonial well and from there, you can see deep inside the sea. and it's directly connected and there's a hole in the floor so from the top of the memorial, you can see deep down the ocean. >> translator: yes, there is two -- the president and the prime minister just arrived at the arizona >> translator: in hawaii, we
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have arrived at the arizona memorial. they are stepping inside of the memorial, president obama, and prime minister abe of and now they are touching the wreath. and this is the traditional hawaiian way of consoling the souls of the deceased and sending their sympathy and empathy to the war dead. and they are dedicating silent
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prayers. abe -- the japanese prime minister together with the president, honoring the victims of pearl harbor, and this is the first time ever. so how should we view this? >> well, prime minister abe is representing the japanese nationals and he said that he wants to offer prayer and honor the victims. and now they have moved to the ceremonial well. and they throw the flower petals into the sea. so part of the floor, there is a hole, and you can see the body
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of the battleship under the sea and they're also offering silent prayer. the petals are in the place of flowers and this is to repose the soul of the victims. the uss arizona is under the sea. i'm told that prime minister abe and president obama threw the petals of the flowers. >> as the prime minister of japan, i offer my sincere and everlasting condolences to the souls of those who lost their lives here, as well as to the
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spirits of all the brave men and women whose lives were taken by a war that commenced in this very place. and also to the souls of the countless innocent people who became victims of the we must never repeat the horrors of war again. this is a solemn vow we, the people of japan, have taken. and since the war we have created the free and democratic country that values the rule of law and has resolutely upheld our vow never again to wage war. we, the people of japan, will
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continue to uphold this unwavering principle while honoring the quiet pride in the past that we have worked as a peace-loving nation over the 70 years since the war ended. when the war ended and japan was a nation in burnt-out ruins, as far as the eye could see, suffering under abject poverty, it was the united states that sent us food to eat and clothes to wear. the japanese people managed to survive and make their way towards the future, thanks to the sweaters and milk sent by
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the american people. and it was the united states that opened up the path for japan to return to the international community once more after the war. under the leadership of the united states, japan, as a member of the free world, was able to enjoy peace and prosperity. the good will and assistance you extended to us japanese, the enemy you had fought so fiercely, together with a tremendous spirit of tolerance, were etched deeply into the hearts and minds of our grandfathers and
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it has now been 75 years since that pearl harbor. japan and the united states, which fought a fierce war that will go down in the annals of human history, have become allies with deep and strong ties rarely found anywhere in history. we are allies that will tighten -- tackle together to an even greater degree than ever before, the many challenges covering the globe. ours is an alliance of hope that will lead us to the future, what has bonded us together is the power of reconciliation made possible through the spirit of tolerance.
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even today the horrors of war have not been eradicated from the surface of the world. there is no end to the spiral where hatred creates hatred. the world needs the spirit of tolerance and the power of reconciliation now. and especially now. japan and the united states, which have eradicated hatred and cultivated friendship and trust on the basis of common values, are now and especially now taking responsibility for appealing to the world about the importance of tolerance and the power of reconciliation.
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it is my wish that our japanese children and president obama, your american children and indeed their children and grandchildren, and people all around the world will continue to remember pearl harbor as the symbol of reconciliation. we will spare no efforts to continue endeavors to make that wish a reality. together with president obama, i hereby make my steadfast pledge. >> it is here that we reflect on how war tests our most enduring
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values. how even as japanese-americans were deprived of their own liberty during the war, one of the most decorated military units in the history of the united states was the 442nd infantry regimen and it's wub 00th infantry battalion, the japanese american in that 442nd served my friend and proud hawaiian, daniel inouye. a man who was a senator from hawaii for most of my life and with whom i would find myself proud to serve in the senate chamber, a man who was not only the recipient of the medal of honor and presidential medal of freedom but was one of the most distinguished statesman
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of his generation as well. here at pearl harbor, america's first battle of the second world war roused the nation. here in so many ways america came of age. a generation of americans including my grandparents, they -- that greatest generation, they did not seek war, but they refused to shrink from it. and they all did their parts, on fronts and in factories, and while 75 years later, the proud ranks of pearl harbor survivors have thinned with time, the bravery we recall here is forever etched in our national heart. i would ask all our pearl harbor and world war ii veterans who
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are able to, to please stand our raise your hands. because a grateful nation thanks you. [ applause ] the character of nations is tested in war, but it is defined in peace. after one of the most horrific chapters in human history, one that took not tens of thousands, but tens of millions of lives. with ferocious fighting across this ocean, the united states and japan chose friendship and
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they chose peace. over the decades our alliance has made both of our nations more successful. it has helped underwrite an international order that has prevented another world war and that has lifted more than a billion people out of extreme poverty. today the alliance between the united states and japan, bound not only by shared interests but also rooted in common values, stands as the cornerstone of peace and stability in the asia pacific, and a force for progress around the globe. our alliance has never been stronger. in good times and in bad, we are there for each other. recall five years ago when a wall of water bore down on japan
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and reactors in fukushima melted. america's men and women in uniform were there to help our japanese friends. across the globe the united states and japan worked shoulder to shoulder to strengthen the security of the asia pacific and the world, turning back piracy, combatting disease, slowing the spread of nuclear weapons, keeping the peace in war-torn lands. >> that was shinzo abe and barack obama speaking in pearl harbor. earlier our editor in chief joined us from pearl harbor, she was speaking to a japanese american who lives in hawaii. >> reporter: this visit means to japan, well, it's an occasion for japan to show that the two countries have become strong allies despite the past. the japanese government under abe has pushed to build a stronger relationship with the
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u.s. and american experts in u.s./japan relations recently said the last eight years under obama administration, the bilateral relations have become most comfortable. president obama, as you remember, visited hiroshima earlier this year, and now prime minister abe visiting pearl harbor, despite some voices of discontent in respective countries, these were occasions the two leaders showed the world the state of their strong alliance. but for japan, as its asian neighbors such as china express criticism, saying there are places yet in asia japan still needs to reconcile with, so how to deal with that continues to pose a challenge. speeches of the two leaders were quite powerful and they both stressed the strong alliance of the two countries that were once bitter enemies. and prime minister abe, of
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course, stressed the power of reconciliation. and he expressed thankfulness of the japanese people who the people in the u.s. helped after world war ii, to rebuild the country. i'm joined by walter kunika who is sixth generation japanese american who lives in kona and who represents the japanese american community. so walter, you witnessed the whole event and the speeches of the two leaders. what are your thoughts now? >> well, first of all, it was very, very comforting to see that both supporters have the same values, they are embracing the same values for each other. and so that gives a lot of hope for the future. and i think that was very
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apparent to me, that this very comfortable communication between the two, the messages, that they are setting the foundation for our future -- our future partnership. and the partnership, as they spoke in their speeches, are very close, the partnership. however, i think what we still need to do as individual citizens, we need to integrate in our hearts the messages and actually as individual persons, not looking at the government, but just looking at ourselves as individuals, that we need to understand it and support it, embrace it, and try to help support as individual people. and once we do that, you know, obviously it's not just leaders talking, you know, of supporting one another. but when the two country's peoples support the idea of
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common values, then i think, you know, reaching out to other countries will become easier. and i think many of the people from all over the world are looking at this, you know, i think there's a message we need to embrace as well. because we're only one planet. and we don't want to ruin it. so we need to work with everybody. so i think the foundation is, let's spread this message of partnership. >> great, thank you very much. that was walter kunitake, who is third generation japanese american who lives in hawaii, thank you. >> thank you very much. ♪ ♪ now going on to some other stories making headlines this
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hour, authorities in tokyo are expected to refer advertising giant dent su to prosecutors. they suspect the agency broke the law by forcing employees to work excessive overtime. officials of the tokyo labor bureau started a probe last month after a 24-year-old female staff member committed suicide. they ruled that her death was due to overwork. sources say the labor bureau plans to send papers on the case to prosecutors as early as wednesday. it's seen as an attempt to target senior officials in charge of managing working hours. bureau inspectors raided dent su's head office last month. dent su's management and labor union had agreed on overtime units, but they believe the firm underreported their actual working hours. they've also searched the agency's offices in nas aka and
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elsewhere. japanese electronics giant toshiba is taking a hit for flagging a loss. share prices dropped after the company warned it's expecting billions of dollars in losses in a u.s. power acquisition. >> translator: i sincerely apologize for causing our shareholders anxiety. >> toshiba says the losses came to light after a review of the assets of a nuclear plant builder. toshiba acquired the firm last year, through westinghouse, the group's u.s. power subsidiary. toshiba booked a loss of 2.2 billion. >> translator: -- $2 billion in fiscal 2015. the group has been folkicusing its semi- conductor business, analysts say the latest development may force the company to take radical steps
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including raising capital. china has issued a white paper on its space development program. the report lays out policies for the next five years, to improve the technologies needed to operate a space station and enhanced lunar exploration. >> translator: china will boost its drive to become a space power by developing a variety of projects. >> the paper released on tuesday says china plans to enhance the capabilities of the space industry to set up a permanent space station by around 2020. as a preparatory step, it plans to launch a spacecraft to dock with an experimental space laboratory. and the paper says the nation intends to launch a lunar probe by the end of 2017. the probe will bring salt and rock samples back to earth. the country will also lost the 4
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lunar probe around 2018 to achieve what it calls mankind's first soft landing on the far side of the moon. china's leaders have made it a national goal to become a power in space development by 2030 to, catch up with the united states, the leader in the field. it's time now to check out the world weather with meteorologist robert speta. starting off with hawaii, where we've been paying attention all day to the visit by the u.s. and japanese leaders. >> yes, actually, let's start off here and you see with all the images we've been showing this morning, that it's fairly breezy out there, but really some good weather for this very rememberable occasion. but i want to note behind them, some of the waves being kicked off. we have gale warnings in place for much of hawaii, especially along the eastern seaboard. it's windy out there, but the rain is holding off. some really good news, at least
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for the next 24 hours. also do want to note that hawaii is also a popular tourist destination. a lot of people travel around the new year. the next several days we have a front moving in from the north, bringing scattered showers on and off. and definitely by friday, but at least temperatures on the warm side out there. but through the rest of tuesday, it does look like high 20s and sunny skies all day. now if we look back across the ocean towards northeastern asia, a classic winter weather set-up really dominating much of japan, even extending down to the south, into taiwan, eastern areas of china. you can see on the satellite, those northwesterly winds coming through, picking up the sea-effect snowfall, even down to the south, nock-ten now down to a tropical depression just because of that dry air and high
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vertical wind shear coming with it. where all the rough weather is now is back towards the north. if you take a look at japan, in fact, going into thursday morning, about 20 centimeters of snowfall expected. and by thursday night, you could be seeing double that. and even winds down towards the southern japanese islands, up to about 90 to 100 kilometers per hour. with this cold surge, you have the northwesterly winds coming in, ushering temperatures, beijing with of 4, seoul at 2. as we look ahead through the next several days across japan, heading into the holiday weekend, temperatures are going to be remaining rather chilly. you take a look over towards new year's eve and then new year's day, sapporo just a high of 1, even extending down there towards tokyo. and even naha, just a high of 23, if you are out in the southern japanese islands, relatively cool for that
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location. take a look at the americas. high pressure dominating following a low pressure that pushed through. still creating some blizzard conditions maybe into parts of eastern canada. but overall, that's going to clear up behind it. temperatures are going to remain on the chilly side. one thing to watch out for is another low coming in from the west. that's bringing some winter storm warnings there into parts of idaho, western areas of wyoming, even vancouver and seattle, scattered showers for you. eventually that will make its way towards the east. and then if we take a look quickly across europe, actually, if you are over here towards turkey, we do have one low coming through. that's going to bring in rough weather the next several days, even heading out towards your new year's holiday. snowfall on and off all the way throughout saturday. pretty descent conditions, but it's going to be cool. if you are traveling, do bundle up. all right, i'll leave you now with your extended outlook. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> that's nhk "newsline" for this hour, i'm miki yamamoto in tokyo. thank you for staying with us.
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elaine: beef is a major part of argentina's vibrant culture and identity. after a long and steady decline, can it once again become one of the world's top exporters of beef? i'm elaine reyes in washington, d.c. and this is "americas now." first up... tango, bold malbec wines, and tender cuts of meat; 3 reasons why people travel from all over the world to experience argentina. but the beef industry has fallen on hard times as its production and exports have dropped. [man speaking spanish] translator: a while back, the market received over 20,000 animals per day. now it's between 8,000 and 10,000. man: but that looks set to change. elaine: correspondent joel richards went to the south american country's grasslands, where the beef industry is


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