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tv   DW News  PBS  February 9, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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♪ brent: this is "dw news" live from berlin. tonight, the chancellor known for her open-door refugee policy has just clinched support for a faster way to show some migrants the exit. germany's angela merkel launches a national plan to make deportation of failed asylum-seekers more centralized, simpler, and faster. also coming up, the united nations wants nearly 2 billion euros for war-torn yemen. where millions of people are at risk tonight of starvation. we will talk to the u.s. representative in yemen.
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and throwing punches in south africa's parliament. lawmakers in a brawl during the state of the union speech by president jacob zuma. also coming up, the first night of the annual berlin film festival. the stars took to the annual -- to the red carpet for the first of 11 days of film fun. the festival's director says it will be the perfect antidote to the daily apocalypse of world news. ♪ brent: i am brent goff, it is good to have you with us tonight. this is not the policy that germany's chancellor would have championed just a year ago.
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tonight, angela merkel is now pushing a plan to make it easier and quicker to show some migrants the door. it aims to speed up the deportation of failed asylum-seekers and it puts the power and the speed back in the hands of the federal government. reporter: fewer migrants are arriving in germany well more people are being deported. and yet, germany's attorney -- interior minister is growing increasingly impatient to see the state hand over more authority to refugee policy. >> there has to be an end to set her up -- to central and federal government blaming each other. reporter: chancellor angela merkel is meeting with federal state premiers to rally behind a 16 point plan that would probably centralized germany's --
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so-called departure centers near airports would make it easier to locate or detain migrants facing deportation. tensions over germany's decision to repatriatafghan nationals highlight a wider debate of deportations. could experience the latest action plan will make it harder for migrants to have their cases heard. >> that is the end of germany's culture of welcome. we are about to see -- this is the buildup of a well oiled deportation machinery. reporter: the interior minister he is in line with year appeared there is not -- in line with europe. 16 point migration policy plan or not, germany's regional differences in deciding on who gets to stay and who has to go
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are far from over. brent: that's both our political correspondent simon young on the story in berlin. good evening to you, simon. we have this deal with the federal government basically taking a lot of the authority that the states would have had. what happens next? simon: the government says that it is going to bring forward legislation. soon to put -- legislation very soon to put these into practice. in particular to set up this national -- natural coordination center. it will probably be based in the city of pots dam near berlin. it will make sure that those will have no right to stay in germany receive the same treatment wherever they are in the country. it will help with the obtaining of the necessary paperwork from the home countries of these
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people and it will make sure the deportations do actually happen in a timely fashion. the legislation would also have some measures to focus on those who are regarded as particularly dangerous or likely to of its can't and will -- likely to absc onde. let of measures. -- a lot of measures. brent: also a lot of attention on the clock. why the sudden rush to deport asylum-seekers? simon: i think this is a very live issue. it has become particularly political following the christmas market attack in berlin. the culprits in that case as you know what somebody who should have been deported and the authorities failed to do that. in a sense this is cleaning up or trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted, as it were.
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also we are in an election year in which you have an anti-migration party coming up with strong support in making this an issue. think everyone is aware that the system so far has not been working quickly and effectively enough. they want to say we do not just ha a welcome policy as far as migration is concerned, but we can also send people all if they do not belong here. brent: there is this proposal for departure centers at airports. what would that look like? simon: that is the area of this package of measures that they have not managed to agree today. the federal states say they are not quite happy about it. the government would like to do is have centers based near airports where they can bring people together to prepare them for deportation. for instance, it would allow them more easily to bring groups like families to make sure they're already to go in a group. one of the problems has been
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police go to deport people and they are not where they are supposed to be so the deportation cannot happen. this is a measure that has been proposed. he states say they are not happy about it because it would require them to hand over more of their powers to government. they are going to look at it again. brent: simon, thank you very much. the united nations says that after two years of war, the situation in yemen is now catastrophic. it is calling for nearly 2 billion euros to assist millions who are facing famine. the republic of yemen is the poorest country in the middle east. the proposal would be the largest ever humanitarian response plan for the war-torn country. reporter: government loyalists fight rebels over control of the
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strategic port city. after nearly two years of fighting in 10,000 casualties, there is no end in sight to the war. now a humanitarian crisis is unfolding in the country. united nations is appealing for nearly 2 billion euros to combat famine. >> yemen is one of the most food-insecure countries in the world. a staggering 7.3 million people do not know where the next meal is coming from. if there is no immediate action, and despite the ongoing humanitarian efforts, famine is now a real possibility for 2017. malnutrition is rife and rising at an alarming rate. reporter: the situation is especially severe for the most vulnerable. the u.n. says more than 3 million children and pregnant breast-feeding women are acutely malnourished. of those, nearly half a million children are at risk of dying from pneumonia.
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in the capital, food is available, but the war has reduced people's buying power. the u.n. military and coordinate described the situation as catastrophic and rapidly deteriorating. >> fisherman cannot fish. farmers cannot farm. the ability for them to cope with debt crisis has been exacerbated by the conflicts. what you have is people having to make life and death decisions. do you feed your children or do you pay for medical treatment? that is a daily call for many families. reporter: the u.n.'s target is to reach 12 million people through a repeal for money. it's similar appeal last year reached just half of its funding target. brent: now to south africa. the country's esident delivered his annual state of the nation address today but jacob zuma's speech was
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interrupted by a brawl on the floor of the legislature, where security guards traded punches with opposition lawmakers after they tried to shout the president down. mr. zuma's much anticipated address about the economy was largely overshadowed by controversy. he is facing resignation calls, including parts of his own african national congress. they accuse him of corruption and blame him for the parties for recent performance and legal -- in recent elections. tell us, how to you explain these incredible scenes that we are seeing right now in the south african parliament? >> the eff, the opposition party in the red, they promised south africans that they would be disrupting the parliament as a have been doing today. they say they do not acknowledge
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president zuma as the president of the country. i say he is not -- as they say he should be in present -- should be in prison. he is not fit to hold office. brent: you are describing a constitutional crisis in the making. >> this is the thing -- the body that has the power to remove him from office is the anc, that is the place where he has a lot of support. this is why he survived no-confidence vote, impeachment votes. this is why all of these opposition attempts to have him removed will always be thrown out because of that majority. until such time as his term comes to an end, which it does in a few months, they will have to live with the president because this is what the body of the people will decide his fate.
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brent: the violence is not limited to inside the parliament. it also clashed with police outside. >> the opposition made it clear that there would be clashes inside parliament. they were going to be kicked out. the same thing happened last year. president zuma deployed military soldiers to maintain law and order. because we knew that people were going to come, it was on social media, people are angry. they say he is corrupt and does not have the country's interest at heart and he should step down. brent: we have heard this so many times. we have also heard so many times this is not the south africa of nelson mandela. what happens moving forward? >> people say the status quo cannot be maintained. president zuma's time in office has done a lot of damage. the problem of south africa is
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for a lot of black people the anc is the only option. the only opposition is white and people are not ready for that yet. policies need to change. he has been known for saying a lot of things, none of it is following through. people are saying he just needs to bring the country back to order. brent: we will follow the situation, indeed. christina, thank you very much. kenya's high court has ruled the government must not close the largest refugee camp in the world. inhabitants have feared being sent back to neighboring somalia, torn by years of war and terrorism. the court ruled the government failed to show that somalia was safe for refugees to return to. reporter: this is the sprawling camp home to more than 300,000 somalis.
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it was founded in 1991 and are multiple generations of refugee families living here. the government alleges the complex has been used as a staging ground for terror attacks by the somali-based group. today's judgment gave residents a legal lifeline. >> in kenya it is the only country i believe in africa where you can go to court' if you feel a grievance from the government. it is a freedom space. the government respects the rule of law. reporter: that feeling might be short-lived. a government spokesman said the court decision was not good for kenya. >> the government has responsibility first two kenyans. we feel this position should be
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reversed, and that is why we are appealing. reporter: refugees would almost certainly face persecution and hardship if they return to somalia. brent: we're going to take a short break. when we come back, more world news. stick around. ♪
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♪ brent: welcome back. the german chancellor angela merkel is to implement a plan to make sure that more failed asylum seekers and refugees leave the country. the deportation process will be centralized, simplified, and faster. there was chaos and south africa's parliament today as lawmakers brawled during the annual state of the union speech by president jacob zuma. opposition lawmakers tried to shout them down. they accuse him of corruption.
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javier is here with the latest business news. javier: we know that twitter has had quite some struggles. if you want to know the latest about donald trump or hollywood celebrities, of course you go on twitter and it is all right there. even if the platform continues to be popular with its core group of users, it still does not make any money. the latest figures show a net loss of 167 million u.s. dollars in the fourth quarter. unless the social network site figures out how to sell advertising, things will not get any better. reporter: donald trumps twitter rants might get a lot of attention but they have not helped the platform turn a profit. it seems the masses need something other than inflammatory statements to draw them to the network. overall twitter has failed to develop an advertising shredded sheet that works. the result, a loss of $167 million in the fourth quarter.
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the number of active users did increase slightly to 319 million but there was no increase in the u.s. twitter has done a lot to adjust the problem. ceo jack dorsey's decision to broadcast the rights of nfl games was part of a broader strategy to widen the appeal. so far it is not seem to be up to a winner. javier: nine month goes by before we tell you some bad news about deutsche bank. but now germany's number two is in the spotlight. rockets dropped by more than 74% year. the news comes as they are still in the midst -- profits dropped by more than 74% in the last year. to africa, where the german
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african business summit is taking place in nairobi, kenya. one of the big topics is the future of development aid. for years, industrialized nations have been looking for ways to sustain and successfully healthy african countries. we all know that everything has worked out as desired. germany has introduced in ambitious -- an ambitious plan that would -- germany wants to stress development rather than outright aid. reporter: this is a big event for german development minister. germany has drafted what it calls a marshall plan with africa. it is designed to create a framework for more german investment on the african continent. he told of the summit is less aid, more economic development. >> africa wants partnership. but we asking for a bit more than we have had. fighting corruption and promoting human rights. then as partners, we will be
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able to develop our economic relationship, business to business. reporter: german companies have been standoffish about the market. the german economy minister wants to change that. >> we have to advertise to german companies that we will cover them against nonpayment if they do business in an african country. this will give them more courage. reporter: the african company representatives at the summit are keen to deeper ties with germany. >> what we are looking for is a partnership that would engage in transfer of investment capital, technology, know-how. >> i think at the moment [indiscernible]
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reporter: in net spirits -- javier: it was a multibillion dollar project with a bold aim -- to double the capacity of the panama canal. it involved building a new lane at a fresh set of locks to allow larger vessels to pass. construction was completed back in june, but tebow to say there is a pretty big snag. -- but tugboat captains say there's a big snag. reporter: it is on its final leg of its journey to the newly expanded panama canal. but take a look at what a crew passing through. worn down bumpers, some of them missing entirely. the new locks were built as part of a $5 billion expansion scheme here it turns out -- scheme.
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it turns out they are not able to accommodate larger vessels. a nightmare fortugb -- a nightmare for tugboat captains. >> we are all experienced. but at the beginning we did not have enough training or practice. i think the administration was not very willing to listen to us. to sit down with us and figure out how to make the operation safer. now it is us rather than them thinking about safety. reporter: there have been at least 15 incident that resulted in damage to the locks or ships since the expansion was completed in june. the canal authority points out this represents only 2% of transit through the waterway. but when multimillion dollar
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vessels and the safety of crew members are at stake, a single incident still seems like one too many. javier: that is all from the business desk. back to brent. no matter how cloudy it is here in berlin is still full of stars. brent: it is time to get to the movies. berlin's international film festival, the berlinale kicked off today with a star-studded stroll. film director paul verboten == p -- paul verhoeven and maggie gyllenhaal were the headliner speared over 4000 films will be shown over 11 days. the opening film is "django." the film is also competing for the top prize, the golden bear.
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reporter: this year's berlin film festival opens with "django," a biopic about the world-famous jazz guitarists. it is set in german-occupied paris in 1943. his family is being hounded by nazis but his popularity makes him feel safe and he keeps performing. the director focused on what it is all about -- the music. his music, his gypsy swing, was recorded by the rosenberg trio. ♪
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when the nazi's asked him to to her germany, everything changes. django refuses and plans his flight to switzerland. for the director, the film is also political. >> i think it is very beautiful when artists respond to the world around them. to the question of freedom and commitment, through their actual work. >> "django" is a story about survival but it is also about passion and celebrating life, even in the darkest of times. brent: our correspondent on the red carpet tonight and throughout the festival is sarah harmon. she gave us her thoughts on the night in what is coming up in the next 10 days. sarah: the first day of the film
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festival got off to a fantastic start. we just had the world premiere of the french biopic "django," the real story of jango reinhardt. it is a real testament to the power of music and art during turbulent political times, a very relevant and poignant message for today's audience. the berlin film festival has never shied away from controversial and even dark topics. it is known for having an edgy, art-house reputation among european film festivals. this year looks to be no exception. brent: sarah harmon at the opening night of the berlinale. here is a reminder of the top stories we are following. angela merkel will implement a plan to make sure more failed asylum seekers and refugees leave the country. the deportation process will be centralized, simplified, and
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quicker. there was chaos and south africa's parliament today as lawmakers broke out into a fist fight during the annual state of the union speech by president jacob zuma. opposition lawmakers tried to shout zuma down. they accuse him of corruption. after a short break i will be back to take you through the day. we will take an in-depth look at getting real about fake news. stick around for that. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪
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