tv DW News PBS February 17, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm PST
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♪ host: this is "dw news." live from berlin. as the united states homes -- calm europeed -- calmed europe's nerves. also coming up, judo meets -- prime minister to donate angela merkel, and they agree on the ceta deal. and it all that snoops on your -- doll that snoops on your child. it may be speaking more than just baby talk.
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♪ sarah: i'm sarah kelly. thank you for joining us. day one of the annual munich security conference draws to a close and the question, will the united states remain true to allies? the meeting is one of the world biggest gatherings of the mass, politicians and security experts. the u.s. security of defense described in nato as the best alliance in the world, but he also said all members must contribute their fair share of the cost. reporter: unusually tight security for the unusually important conference, the biggest question being asked, is where is the u.s. and trump administration heading on security and foreign-policy issues? in an opening speech, the german
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fense minister took a clear stand in favor of nato, an organization recently described by the u.s. president as obsolete. she urged german allies to stand together. >> and goes without saying that nato is a community of shared values, which is bound to principles of human dignity. this means torture is unacceptable and that obligates us to avoid civilian casualties at all costs. it also means offering protection to those who need it. reporter: american defense secretary jim mattis said nato should be reorganized in the face of new threats and that countries must contribute more financially for the organization. he also told partners that the u.s. is committed to the alliance. >> president trump came into office and has all -- has full
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support of nato, and the need to adopt a strategic situations for it to remain credible. capable and relevant. reporter: 30 government has --h eeads will attend the conferenc. and nato is not the only topic, the relationship with russia, the syrian war and the ukrainian conflict is -- are high on the agenda. sarah: now analysis of the events. we are joined by the cofounder and director of berlin's global policy institute. you are joining us from the munich security conference. i want to begin by turning to something that the defense minister said she mentioned europe needs to do more to share the burden of defense. did it sound like it was regarding only nato, or is the european union looking for a new path? >> it is not usually -- mutually exclusive.
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i think the pat quinn be stronger cooperation among european and native allies within the nato context, to do more burden sharing, to sway american concerns that europe is not doing their fair share, and today reiterating that germany is prepared to spend more on defense. sarah: in the meantime, the word dominating the conference seems to be uncertainty. what have you seen and heard from participants so far? reporter: everybody is concerned with what path the donald trump administration will go down and uncertainty remains. defense secretary mattis gave a very brief address, did not take questions, and gave some general commitments to nato. but many were wanting to know about the modified commitment that he said they would have in
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brussels, if europe does not pay up, what it would mean. the only reiterated the overall commitment to nato, but did not go into specifics. sarah: we'll see if that is enough insurance. -- assurance. we know that the vice president will speak soon as well as angela merkel. what is expected from their speeches? reporter: i think participants expect to hear more from the vice president, what exactly the u.s. policy directions will be in the coming years. it is a tragedy in the sense that we are all kind of self absorbed with trying to figure out what the u.s. is going to do, rather than figuring out how europe will respond. in the past years, we were dealing with syria, afghanistan and other pressing world issues. right now, the munich security conference has become a lot about the uncertainties within the west and it is to the
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detriment of the discussions. sarah: a lot of questions remain. we will see if they come up with solutions over the coming days. thank you very much. we appreciate it. reporter: you are welcome. sarah: we will turn to other news. the canadian prime minister justin trudeau and angela merkel have called the ceta trade agreement a blueprint for future deals. the eu's parliament agreed to the deal on wednesday. and the effects of ceta were on the agenda as the two men today. reporter: remembering the victims together, the canadian prime minister justin trudeau express canada's support for germany even in times of terrorism and political uncertainty. he and the chancellor visited the site of the christmas market
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attack, in which 12 people were killed in december. standing together, that was the message of the politicians. they also faced resistance, protesters demonstrated in front of the chancellery against the free trade agreement. the government wants free trade, to send a signal to the protectionism of donald trump. >> ceta is an example of what we can accomplish when our countries work together to deliver positive results for our citizens. reporter: justin trudeau and merkel expressed the importance of u.s. relations, public expressed skepticism over donald trump. >> a good transatlantic relationship is in germany's interest and i will continue to work toward this, even if there are differences of opinion. >> there will always be differences of opinion, but the fact is, we can focus clearly on
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the things we have in common and the desire to help our middle classes. reporter: the meeting between the two of them sent a message directed at the u.s., germans, europeans and canadians want free trade and they share liberal values and the cosmopolitan outlook. sarah: an official watchdog in germany advising parents to destroy a speaking doll, because hackers can use it to talk directly to children. regulator says it violates privacy laws, which are strict after the gersurveillance from n nazi germany. >> the girls asked her a question and the dull replies. little cayla doll, they say, threatens the privacy of children. it transmits pictures to the outer world, even without a child relenting.
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the watchdog has ordered a withdrawal of the doll from the market, saying strangers could hack the data. >> the doll poses a threat, you can reach the private sphere of children. it has a microphone and a data transmission device that can be used from the outside to overhear private conversations happening in children's rooms. the data transmission is carried out easily by bluetooth, hence it violates german security laws and some fear that the toy companies could use it to target children. >> the child can ask a question and that all replies, so there is a risk of designing the questions in order to serve the company's interests. reporter: the doll's distributor has rejected the position, saying the ban has no legal basis. networks and agencies advising parents to already -- to parents to destroy the doll.
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sarah: for more, we are joined by ken monroe, a security and technology expert from london. thank you for joining us. it turns out, almost two years ago you have -- you hacked the doll and drew attention to the dangers of the toy. why did it take so long to make this public? >> some people did not take it seriously at the time. we show how easily it was to make this doll say crazy things, but the manufacturer did not take it seriously. they are it was a prank. that was not the point. sarah: how easy is it to hack that all? -- the doll? it sounds like a turkey -- chuckie horror movie, for example. >> it is unbelievably easy. she works as a bluetooth headset, so if you compare a
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bluetooth device with your smartphone, you can't hack it -- can hack it. she has no pin. other devices require a pin. so if you can connect bluetooth, you can hack it and listen to what she is hearing. sarah: you mentioned that the distributors were slow to react, what was the reaction you got when you contacted them? >> they dismissed it as a prank. plan showed -- we showed how serious it was, you could have somebody spy on the room or say things to the child, but they felt like it was not serious. i thought it was really serious. finally, two years later they seem to be taking it seriously. sarah: this is not the first time the issue of home technology spying on its users was raised. how worried would you say we should be? >> anything that listens to you
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have potential to do the same things. remember, one year ago we had problems with smart tvs you could speak to. in order to hear you, they needed to listen all the time, so there were cases of manufacturers sending data to third parties and not making it clear with what they were doing with the information. some smart devices, they are listening, for hopefully the right reasons. but it would be easy to make it do bad things, potentially. sarah: what would you tell viewers if they are interested in this technology, anyway to protect yourself, how can you prevent this kind of intrusion? >> it is really tough to work out what is good and secure, but if you have a bluetooth device and it does not ask for a pin, it is probably not treating your data securely. i would be wary. if you have one of these, turn
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it off right away. sarah: ok. beware. thank you very much for your expertise, ken monroe. a quick check on other stories making news. the u.s. president donald trump is doubling down on his america first and made in america pledges, on a visit to boeing in south carolina. at the rally, he touted his promise of preventing offshore jobs and going after countries that he feels are cheating trade regulations. -- trade relations. and britain's former prime minister, tony blair, has launched a campaign aiming to keep the country from leaving the european union. he wants those who are against the campaign to rise up and he , accuses the government of pushing brexit at any cost, at
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the expense of future generations. and north korea says they will reject the results of the autopsy on -- the country's ambassador says the postmortem was not overseen. -- had not been overseen by their officials. the estranged brother of kim jong-un died after being attacked at a malaysian airport earlier this week. and pakistan is in mourning after a suicide bombing at a shrine for sufi muslims in the south of the country. it killed more than 70 people. security forces have arrested dozens of people in a nationwide crackdown. it was pakistan's deadliest attack in years. the islamic state has claimed responsibility. and in hong kong, seven police officers have received prison sentences for assault during a mass protest in 2014. the officers were sentenced to at least two years after cameras caught them beating an activist. the ruling was held by pro-democracy groups, but police supporters have called for an appeal. and you are watching dw news.
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♪ sarah: welcome back. world leaders meeting in munich at the annual security conference. the u.s. secretary of defense told nato allies to adapt in order to remain credible. and the canadian prime minister justin trudeau and german chancellor angela merkel have called the ceta trade agreement between canada and the european union a blueprint for future deals. the european union's parliament approved the agreement on wednesday. and fake news, it is not just donald trump who feels like he has been a victim. the french presidential
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candidate emmanuel marcon also thinks somebody is spreading lies about him. but unlike donald trump, he is pointing the finger at russia. [chanting] reporter: they are shouting so loudly, the chant could possibly be heard in russia. bit by bit, emmanuel macron is gathering momentum. he has seen another boost in the latest opinion surveys. and as the kremlin critic continues to win favor with voters, his conservative opponent seems to be suffering amidst a financial scandal. but the russian media has a different take on macron. outlets have simultaneously accused him of leading a double life. they allege he is a homosexual and is bankrolled by a wealthy gay lobby. according to his team, it is a two-pronged attack. the media campaign came at the
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same time his team suffered a series of cyber attacks. which they say hindered his campaign. computers belonging to macron have been hit 4000 times in the last month alone. >> if we cannot communicate at all, it is a day wasted on the campaign trail for us. reporter: candidate françois fillon is pushing to end the sanctions against russia, and has not complained about cyber attacks. neither has marine le pen, who has received campaign funding from russia. the french government has expressed concern. >> no other nation should be able to influence us and choose our future president. the russian government denies these allegations. >> these rumors and allegations are completely absurd. but the fbi has accused russia of hacking to influence the u.s.
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campaigns, and donald trump has leveled similar claims. almost two years ago when a french broadcaster was hit by a cyber attack, the initial suspicion fell on the islamic state and a group calling themselves the cyber caliphate. but investigators now believe that russian hackers were behind the hit and their intentions remain unclear. but among the unpredictability of the french presidential race, some experts fear it is becoming easier to exert influence of a covert nature. sarah: we will turn to business news now and the sale of a german carmaker sparking trouble abroad. daniel winters has the story. daniel: the british prime minister theresa may has spoken to her french counterpart today as fears mount over the potential sale of key carmaker opel, which has a big presence
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in the u.k. as many as 34,000 are employed by opel directly, or in the firm's supply change. analysts say the financial buyer would likely streamline the firm, slashing jobs and closing factories. and the sale also has angela merkel worried, she says she will do what she can to protect german jobs. >> talks are underway, the federal government initiated the coordination and will do everything we can on the political level to save our jobs and sites in germany. and then we will have to wait for further discussion. daniel: and opel is woven into the very fabric of german industry, it has been making cars here since 1899. suddenly, the solid foundation is being rocked by these talks. the bloomberg news agency reports that the two firms are discussing a $2 billion price tag, but no price could be high enough for those workers whose jobs could be on the line.
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reporter: opel workers in brussels and germany talking with bosses today, demanding answers -- what will become of their jobs if peugeot takes over? despite the insecurity, many remain confident. >> no matter if it is peugeot or general motors or whoever we , will have to fight for our jobs. >> we will keep doing our jobs as always and we will not let ourselves be negatively influenced by rumors spread by the media. reporter: the two carmakers already cooperate when it comes to some models, designing some together. that saves money and such cooperation is likely to expand if opel if taken over. peugeot also has access to the lucrative chinese market, something that opel never had, and both companies are working on the development of electric cars. but there are problems as well. >> peugeot's financial resources are limited and there is probably a limit to their patience as well.
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after all peugeot just came out , of major difficulties a few years ago. and still, they won't to be able to nurse opel along for 5-10 years the way that gm did. reporter: business has been picking up at this dealership in germany in recent years, helped by the effective ad campaigns. and midsize cars or affordable -- are affordable for many customers, especially younger ones. there are signs production will continue at the opel sites in germany, but the news of a takeover has left workers here with an uneasy feeling. daniel: president trump's order to ban citizens from seven muslim countries from entering the united states was diffused by a court, but the uncertainty for four in entrepreneurs -- foreign entrepreneurs continues. if they enter the u.s. to do business, will they find themselves shut out all over again? in germany, a husband and wife team with iranian roots say they will not be bringing their company and innovation to the united states for the time being. for them, america is closed for business.
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reporter: gaining a foothold in the u.s., that used to be this start-up founder's goal. he holds german and iranian citizenship and business travel to the u.s. should not be a problem. he makes games for dementia patients, meant to foster mental fitness, but for now he is focusing on the european market. >> we are concentrating much more on europe than we would have done originally, because there is uncertainty in the u.s. it is not a good starting position for a start up. reporter: and this business owner was planning on moving her business to the u.s., where her husband lives. but she has put those plans on hold, although she holds both german and iranian passports. >> temporary intrigue -- entry
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is allowed, but the question is, how temporary is temporary? my business is not temporary. i have to do long-term planning. reporter: she developed a software program for the automotive industry. it links the onboard computer with other devices, including apps, regardless of operating system. reporter: and mr. shamsrivi receives funding from yale university and is usually there 2-3 times a year. >> what we have now is a reversal of the spirit the u.s. has always encouraged. to go there, research, innovate, bring your ideas forth into the world from there. there you get access to everything you need. that is gone. in this sense, berlin is more new york, then new york is, at the moment. but both of them say they are not completely giving up on the u.s. market. daniel: that is all your business for now.
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we will have some star magic. i'm not just talking about you, sarah. we're talking about films. sarah: we are going to the red carpet. we are going to be berlin international film festival. standing by on the red carpet is charlotte. tell us, we understand one of the final premieres is just finishing right now. charlotte: yes, you are joining us for friday night feeling going on behind me. it is packed with people. that is partly because, as you said, the world premiere of the romanian film "ana, mon amour" is just about to finish. it is also because we are expecting a big star any moment. that is hugh jackman. he is here for the premiere of "logan." that is the latest installment in the x-men movies. and also expected is patrick stewart, another massive star. expect the crowd to go absolutely crazy in a moment. "logan," though not in the
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competition, unlike "ana, mon amour," which could be in the running for a golden bear. i find it fantastic. it is a romanian film about a young couple that falls in love at university. it is really beautifully told. a very realistic love story. but in true film style the things begin to unravel and it starts to tell a very dark story. it flashes forward from university to the male character, who is in psychotherapy. and through a series of flashbacks, it talks about their love, where things start to go wrong. it is a story of mental illness. she suffers from mental illness, it becomes clear. but it also shows how much he needs her as well. so it is one to watch. i think a lot of people have been talking about the film. it is sort of a latecomer to the competition. sarah: ok. we will see if it proves to be the one to get the top prize you are mentioning, the golden bear. thank you for your reporting.
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and a quick reminder of the top stories we're following before we go. world leaders are meeting in munich at the annual security conference. the u.s. secretary of defense told nato allies to adapt in order to remain credible. and the canadian prime minister justin trudeau and german chancellor angela merkel have called the ceta trade agreement a blueprint for future deals. the two of them met in berlin. and you are up-to-date on dw news. i'm sarah kelly, thank you for watching. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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