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tv   DW News  PBS  March 1, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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♪ [inaudible] -- [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] brent: this is dw news life from berlin. politics and power as a challenger to germany's chancellor on the low merkel shifts in the high gear. on a traditional day of year, sausages, and political punches, the social democrat launches his campaign. he's already beating merkel in the polls. rallies across germany and support of a journalist retained and charged in turkey in connection with terrorism. now the german chancellor is calling for his release.
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and britain's brexit bill suffers its first debate. what is the timetable to start leaving the european union? or is it a bump in the road? u.s. president donald trump getting all presidential. president trump: friend or foe, we will find america is strong, america is free. >> unifying a divided nation. his first speech to a joint session of congress strikes a very different tone to his inaugural address. ♪ brent: the man set to face off
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against german chancellor on low merkel has vowed to fight and nationalism. commercials calling the far right afd party a disgrace to the country. he was speaking on what is known here as political ash wednesday. a day when political leaders address rallies and traditionally tear each other down. they roast each other. but first, this report. reporter: he is touted as the savior of social democrats. at the beginning of the year, the spd could not get past the arc in the polls. the spirits are soaring. the new candidate for chancellor is raising hopes. we have thousands of new party members in bavaria. so many people have turned their backs on us and have come to say we are with you now. the situation has changed completely and we are having a
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blast. the welcome committee is 5000 strong. within the conservatives have had. >> this is where the action is. >> this is a dress rehearal scholz. he's had a warm reception and knows that if he doesn't get people here revved up, he will face an uphill battle. scholz is campaigning for social justice. he's against banks and big business. >> if we are in the position to free up billions to bailout banks while the class room walls are coming at the same time, that is simply wrong. we have to change that. >> even locals have a largely conservative town nearby seem impressed with martin schultz.
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>> my first impression is a good one. there was a lot of hype. he had everyone with him. >> what can i say? he's got the right stuff. it condemns nationalism everywhere in the world. we went to sleep one night and woke up with brexit. we went to sleep another night and woke up with trump. we will wake up with victory for the social democrats. i think we can do this. martin schultz is hitting all
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the right notes when it comes to inspiring reflection about where we are going. he's telling the truth. and that is a thrill. the social democrats in bavaria are celebrating their candidate. they want to see him be chancellor merkel and seven months time. brent: let's pull in our political correspondent. a very german tradition of political ash wednesday. let's talk about mr. scholz. he said the speech today would be a milestone in his campaign to become the chancellor of germany. would you say that's what it was? reporter: that's how he was trying to present it, from his perspective. what he wanted to achieve today was, on the one hand, present the key issues that he wants to focus on. for example, social justice or that fight against nationalism.
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on the other hand, try to differentiate himself as nearly as possible from the conservatives. the conservatives will be his main opponent in the upcoming elections. today, certain attacks toward martin scholz. he is clearly very critical. and it will be interesting to see how all of this develops in the next few weeks and months. brent: we've heard what the social democrats had to say. the chancellor also's book today. one of the things she highlighted was security in the country. take a listen to what she had to say. wax for us, security and freedom are two sides of the same coin. therefore, i ask a question, who cares in this -- who is making
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sure that security services are really doing their jobs. it was always the core competence of the cdu. brent: is this what we are seeing now? the german chancellor and her reelection campaign? will she be the candidate to keep germany safe? reporter: it does look like it, brent. it seems than in particular, after the christmas market attack, security is probably the most important issue for germans who will be voting. they were also clear in the speech today that that was not the only issue today. they mentioned another series of issues.
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other issues where that party is capable of dealing with germany's problems. brent: the beginning of what promises to be an interesting campaign. the main contenders. the candidate tell supporters in paris that he will not pull out of the race despite being under investigation for payments that he made to his wife. the former front runner in the race, he has been dogged by allegations that he and his wife and children were paid for fake jobs. they've called the investigation against him a "political assassination." it's been months since
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government troops regained control of aleppo. a new investigation says both sides committed war crimes during the fight. the report slams syrian forces for dropping chlorine bombs and cluster bombs on densely populated areas. russia is criticized for its airstrikes. the report does not attribute any war crime to russia. the opposition is accused of using civilians as human shields and attacking residential areas. tonight, the british government is suffering a setback over plans to lead the european union. the upper chamber of parliament, the house of lords, they say the brexit will must include a clause guaranteeing the right to the eu nationals. supporters said that the amendment would also keep u.k. nationals currently living in the eu.
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>> if there is a unilateral guarantee now to the millions of eu citizens, contributing in this country. economically, as has been mentioned. it will also supply a crucial catalyst. brent: reciprocity. let's talk about that. the house of lords. it's proving to be controversial, isn't it? >> they were generally very pro-european in the fast place. it is something they feel very strongly about.
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getting the papers in order. this is something that they have now decided to flex their muscle on. brent: how is the government reacting to what appears to be a defeat? >> it is very early days. they don't want to throw them. and in the process of the negotiations. and the rest of the eu, they want to have a deal that tackles
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both sides, if you wish. we would hope that the lords would have adapted to the brexit bill as it is. if one of those sides are going to came in -- cave-in. brent: what happens next. >> it has another day to debate on other amendments of the brexit bill. it will go before the house of commons. they would accept the amendment by the lords and would guarantee the rights of the eu citizens.
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we will see how long it will take brent: with what is going on a parliament. thank you much. unveiling new ideas to keep the european union together as britain prepares to leave. he wants eu leaders to discuss different options focusing on the single market in moving towards a more federalist approach. a former agent for america's cia has been freed after winning a reprieve for being extradited from portugal to italy. sabrina is convicted taking part in the kidnapping of a muslim cleric 14 years ago. she was released from detention after a partial pardon.
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>> a convicted mass order is not being treated inhumanely. the decision by the court of appeals overturns a lower court ruling from 2016. he was jailed in 2011 for the massacre of 77 people into separate incidents. the coffee shop giant starbucks sets open its first cafe in italy after more than three decades in business. fans to open the store in milan in 2018 have been met with mixed reactions from coffee loving italians many doubtful that the american-style beverages will catch on. far from being worried about outside competition, local sellers say that starbucks will have a hard time replacing traditional italian coffee.
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trumps economics strategy packed a punch. it was there enough detail to satisfy them. in news on the other side of the 62nd break -- 60-second break. be right back.
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brent: welcome back with the dw news live from berlin. your top story. on this traditional day of beer, sausages, and political punches, angela merkel's main challenger has begun his campaign to take her job. the leader of the social democrats pulling for a fight against right-wing populist and nationals. the german chancellor on: merkel has called for the release of the german turkish journalist. they were detained and charged
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with spreading terrorist propaganda and inciting hatred. germany has a large turkish population. >> one of germany's biggest publishers, the nearby district, there are a lot of turkish people leaving. that support seems rather's ears. most people here have heard of the german turkish journalists. >> i'm not talking. i've got nothing more to say. i'm not going to answer your question. why not? no thank you. many people are scared they might end up criticizing president erdogan. many are afraid it. >> what of?
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>> of erdogan. got has given us one life and it is one we need to enjoy. they only have positive things to say. >> believe you me, he's doing everything right. we've never had a president like him. >> supporters say he's boosted the economy and people that run his achievements down the long behind bars. >> that man is against our country and reports only bad things. bad and wrong. that is why he's in prison. it is totally normal. >> and that is an opinion that prevails in this turkish area of berlin despite protections of rest freedom and access to
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critical media. brent: for more on this story, i'm joined via skype in turkey. she is a senior policy fellow of the european you? let's start with the charges against him. he has been arrested for "terrorist propaganda." are these charges credible? >> every journalist in jail at the moment is charged with terrorist drop again that. the journalist has been set. articles or columns.
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making this interview by writing this news column. such and such journalist is serving the interest of the terrorist organization. without having to prove an actual link to a terrorist group. i have colleagues in jail. whereby the prosecutor alleged that they were supporting, and i'm quoting directly, although not a member, it is to say the terrorist organization, which are two different organizations, for starters. although they are not a member of it, their writing is in support of these organizations. it doesn't even have to be one specific terrorist organization. it can be more than one in some
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cases. that is the unique legal situation. brent: we are cognizant of the dangers that can happen to journalist like yourself. are they meant to intimidate journalists? >> it is impossible to say what the lines are and what the red lines are. and sometimes where you think the red lines are. it seems to me that there is some type of a red line on the kurdish issue. to be some type of a red line -- brent: i just been told we are out of time but thank you for talking with us tonight. in turkey tonight with the european council of foreign relations. thank you very much. u.s. president donald trump says
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that he wants to begin a new chapter of american greatness in his first speech to a joint session of congress. he toned down the negative rhetoric that has marked his first two and office and also made an appeal. >> it is my distinct honor for presenting to you the president of the united states. >> presidential and softer. some say president trump's first address was kind. he usually a predictable leader sounded more inclusive, opening his speech with a message to his opponents. president trump: i am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength. it is a message deeply delivered from my heart. >> much of the content remained the same. trump again said he wants to
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repeal and replace the affordable care act. he affirmed his tough stance on immigration. president trump: attacks in france, belgium, and germany. it is not compassion but reckless to allow uncontrolled entry from places where proper vetting can not occur. reporter: none were more pleased to hear that than these trump supporters in michigan. >> really overwhelmingly positive. it was a fantastic's each. i didn't expect anything less. i really didn't. reporter: in washington, these critics are still not sold. >> he is giving us the same exact a message every day but just changing the words. >> he can say whatever he wants but will turn around and do whatever he wants. and that is where the distrust is for me. reporter: he is struggling with
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his approval rating and this could be the unlikely bridge between an increasingly divided america. brent: she has more about president trump's speech. the late-night speech that some of us watched. reporter: investors. the world over are watching closely as president trump talked. they wanted to see if his economic growth strategy was viable. laying out what he called a program. without any precise dates were much detail. >> it was a point. a rated during his speech to date. it was short on details. >> my economic team is developing historic tax reform.
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reporter: and the so-called border tax on border products, would it be implemented? as tax plans are kept a vague, he outlined other economic policies. president trump: i will be asking congress to produce legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in infrastructure in the united states, financed through both public and private capital. creating millions of new jobs. reporter: it is one of the things likely to find wide support.
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>> here is another interesting fact. trump said american companies are taxed at one of the highest rates in the world. he is right. in p or he. -- in theory. in ireland, they are charged 2.5% on profits. in the u.k., corporation tax is a lot higher. in germany, companies have to pay roughly 30%. the official u.s. rate is a step above the rest as you can see with almost 40%. many u.s. enterprises are rated in the state of delaware. that is a legal tax haven. the rate there is a .7% and that number puts the rest to shame. there are plenty of other havens around the world that shelter american companies. february is often a quiet period on the german labor market and
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things did not pick up until a few months later. the trend has been changing. february, unemployment is falling. it is the lowest february numbers since 1991. the overall unemployment rate remains unchanged at 6.3%. germany's central bank says -- all right. we will be back in just a minute. stay on dw. ♪
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china, more than 2,000 comic conventions are held each year. selling many products related to magna, anime and games. there's 200 million fans of the


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