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tv   DW News  PBS  April 20, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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you live from berlin. a police officer shot and killed and be shown below say -- in the heart of paris. police believe it was a terror attack. our correspondent is standing by with the latest. ♪ >> we begin with some breaking news. one police officer has been
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killed and another wounded in what police say is a terror attack in the heart of paris. a gunman of them fired in the historic champs-elysees. police are warning the public to avoid the area. let's go live to paris. what are you hearing about this incident, what is at the latest? >> the spokesperson for the interior minister was interviewed by a police -- one man got out of the car, he started shooting with a machine gun at the police car and killed one police officer. two others were wounded in the exchange. there are rumors about another attacker.
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the interior minister did not confirm that. they are very cautious about any information getting out at the moment. it is a developing situation. as long as it is not confirmed by the police or the interior minister, we should not believe anything. no one is getting access to the champs-elysees at the moment. >> we're getting new details in every minute. we are seeing reports police are treating this as a terror attack, are you confirming that? >> this is something the spokesperson for the interior minister has not confirmed and i personally do not believe it is possible at this very early stage to say what kind of attack it was. it does not look like an armed robbery, it could be a terror attack, but that is not confirmed. >> is it fair to say the police
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appear to be the target at this point? >> it sounds like it, it looks like it. if the gunman got out of the car and started shooting at the police car, but we don't know why he did that. we don't know anything about the attacker. if someone else was helping him and all this we will certainly no more in the coming hours and days. >> did the french interior ministry spokesman indicate when he would give an update to the public about the latest state of affairs? >> he said the interior minister was watching this, that the government was watching this, that they were looking into it and he was giving interviews but it was not an official press conference. as soon as they know more, they will send out a press release. >> this attack comes ahead of the first round of french presidential elections on
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sunday. our people in a state of concern that this was perhaps connected? >> the government certainly was. about a week ago, there were some interviews in the press saying the state of alert is very high. we are deploying 50,000 additional police officers for the election. in the election campaign, terrorism and the fight against terrorism has been a big topic. a few days ago there were reports about two men arrested in marseille planning an imminent attack. the government is on high alert indeed. >> the developing situation there in paris. lisa we're going to ask you to stay with us. we're going to go now to brussels. go now to barbara.
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barbara, it evening to you. you have covered previous attacks in france it appears another attack, perhaps a terror attack. security services have been on high alert for weeks. do you think authorities were expecting or fearing something like this? barbara: could be, yes, they knew that there might be forces that wanted to interrupt the elections, that wanted to hamper the elections or influence them. something major happens before sunday -- happened before sunday. this might influence of the elections because 1/3rd of french voters have not decided who they will vote for.
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yes, there was a high alert and there were preparations made. also the protection for the candidates in the last election rallies were highly increased. the police was more or less everywhere in trying to anticipate what might happen. it is always something completely unexpected that finally comes and shakes of the situation. >> the first round of presidential elections in france began on sunday. it is 11 candidates, quite a broad field. if this is indeed terrorism, whose hand with that play into? >> it would play into the hand of marine le pen. she was the only one -- keep in
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mind this is the evening when the last statements of all the candidates is run on french television. not a debate but everyone after the other where everyone can make their most broad statements. marine le pen was the only one who strongly talked about terrorism and the threat of terrorism. she wants to throw out of the country anyone who is suspected of being potentially a terrorist, she wants to close the borders to france, she wants to close at the radical mosques. if something major should happen before sunday, yes, incidents like that would play into her hands. >> i just want to recap for our viewers perhaps just joining us.
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french media say that one police officer has been killed and another wounded in what many arts regulating is a-- in what many are speculating is a terrorist attack on the champs-elysees. how high is the state of alert in france right now given the terrorist attacks we have seen? >> the state of alert has been high since francois hollande instigated the first state of emergency. all the security forces the french state has are now being brought out and the election is one of the most important events that needed to be protected. yes, there was a nervousness, the state was prepared that as we see it is almost impossible to prevent every incident,
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particularly smaller incidents like attacks against policeman. if this is what has been happening this evening in paris, yes, of course it confirms the worst fears of the french government. the state of alert is high and the emergency measures are still in place but as we see it can happen again. >> i just want to update you because of the interior minister is saying police were deliberately targeted in this entire -- in this attack. who would target them? >> we have seen this before. the merger in the region in paris of two policeman at home. they were targeted by a single
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person, a single extremist. police have been the target again and again and of course the they are very visible in public. it could be anybody. it could be extremists but it could be extremists of another political persuasion. we really don't know at the moment because all of this is regulation. please are out in the public, enforce, everywhere in all public places. in all the metro stations, in all the places where the election rallies were held or people are meeting. they are visible so of course they can be targeted easily. >> one police officer we know has lost his life this evening in a gun attack on the champs-elysees barbara -- on the champs-elysees.
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you just returned from paris, what was it like there? >> they did not deal much with terror because france has had a period of calm. it was about this totally unexpected race between four candidates. this has never happened before in french history. the two main parties are not certain of one of them making it into the second round. it is a neck and neck race. we have the extreme left and the very extreme right. did we have one totally new person in manuel noriega -- manuel macron. and then we have the traditional
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candidate from the conservatives francois fillon. this is a interesting field that has occupied the french because of the tension is very high. the polls even said that it might be possible that the left winger and right winger would make it into the second round which would mean on april 6, the french which is between two very extreme parties. which is very unheard of. it is a period of great insecurity and political tension and unrest in france at the moment. these elections have been far from normal. >> we know that u.s. president donald trump has offered his condolences to the people of france after the killing of that
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police officer in paris, saying it looks like another terrorist attack, something french authorities have not confirmed. we want to be explicit about that at this time. a swift response from president trump. are you surprised to see him say that so quickly? >> he has been very eager to put the fight against terrorism on the top of his agenda. that was one of the things he has repeated a lot of times that what he wants to do internationally is to get together with other countries and fight terrorism. he reacted swiftly to this, this is probably more less to be suspected. we don't really quite know what the thinking in the white house is at the moment with regard to further intervention in the middle east as we saw with the
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attack in syria on the air base of the assad forces. he looks at terrorism internationally and is very swift to react to that, that is not really such a great surprise. >> it is a very fluid situation. we are just getting french media reports unconfirmed of further shots in the city. we will bring our viewers the latest on this as it comes. thank you very much, barbara. we'll be coming back to you later. a quick recap before we head into a break. confirmed right now, one police officer has been killed in paris on the champs-elysees french authorities have not confirmed if it was terrorism. u.s. president donald trump has offered his condolences to the people of france after the killing of that one police
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officer. you be back in 60 seconds with an update. stay with us for the latest on this developing story.
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♪ >> welcome back. you are watching dw news live from berlin. we are tracking a developing story for you. one police officer killed, another wounded on the champs-elysees in paris. police are searching for additional attackers and the area has been field off. authorities asking the public to stay away. u.s. donald -- u.s. president donald trump is offering his condolences. we go now live to paris where
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our correspondent is standing by for the latest in this developing story. lisa, good to see you. what more can you tell us? lisa: apparently the police has widened the perimeter of security. they are looking for more people who might have been helping the man who was killed tonight. around 9:00 at night, he pulled up next to a police car and started shooting with a machine gun at police officers. one police officer was killed and two others were wounded. >> do we know at this point whether or not this was terrorism? lisa: we cannot do sure but the antiterrorism department of the prosecutor's office has been seen. it seems like the government is seriously considering that this might have been a terror attack.
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>> the government seriously considering this might have been a terror attack. and a few days ago we were seeing reports that french authorities may have foiled a terror plot in paris. do you have any idea if these two situations are connected? >> that is unknown for now. we know the police is on high alert and so is it the government. they have deployed 50,000 additional police officers to make sure there will be no attacks during the presidential election campaign. one spokesperson said they were on very high alert and the likelihood that more attacks -- new terror attacks might happen is very high. a few days ago the police arrested two men in marseille who were planning an imminent attack. they found various guns and explosives at the house of these
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two people and apparently they were planning to attack someone. it appears it was one of the candidates. >> right now we know that one police officer has been killed. we do not know if it was a terror attack. we are also getting reports that there were other shootings in paris. can you confirm that? lisa: i cannot confirm that so far. what i have heard is that there was apparently and armed robbery -- an armed robbery a few blocks away. people thought that might be linked but i cannot confirm that. >> lisa lewis of their in paris for us with a very developing situation. one police officer shot in paris on the champs-elysees. we will come back to you later in the program.
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we will continue to monitor this story for you throughout the program. we are going to turn with some business news. the world of finance is turning its eyes to the u.s. capitol. >> the head of the international monetary fund christine lagarde says of that perspective for the global economy is actually very good. that group hopes it will be sustained longer-term. that is if one key element is not disrupted, world trade. the imf is upbeat about global growth prospects and is predicting 3.5 percent growth prospects followed by an additional 10th of a percent next year. she called trade a major pillar
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for prosperity. >> we certainly will be looking at how we can participate in that. how we can continue to support the growth of trade and how it can be done in the most efficient, fair and global way as possible and that implies clearly a level of distorted measures and no protectionist measures moving forward. >> world bank president jim young kim said a lot of risk looms over the developing world. >> we are encouraged to see stronger economic prospects after years of disappointing global growth. there are downside risks. countries within the fiscal space need to continue structural reforms. >> amid increasing technology
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and rising aspirations, he called for finding innovative ways to reach the poor and make the world more secure and stable. >> that sounds quite good. we are joined by our correspondent at the new york stock exchange. good to see you. we sell the dow jones index drop of two 200 points. -- up to 200 points today but is not because of these meetings, right? >> when you look at remarks about the trump administration is looking at getting rid of some of the bureaucracy we see in the financial institutions, it could be part of the reason we saw banking stocks trading to the of style. -- trading to the upside. another major reason why the market is trading to the upside is at the steel stocks.
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president donald trump met with representatives of the steel industry as he tries to get rid of cheap steel imports. there is even talk of national security being threatened by the cheap steel imports. >> thank you very much for the analysis. and we are now continuing our live coverage of the building situation in paris. hani over to sarah. sarah: we want to update you on the situation in paris. three police sources are saying this shooting could be an attentive armed robbery. that after previous speculation it could be an act of terror.
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what we do know is one police officer is confirmed dead in a shooting that took place along the champs-elysees in central paris. we are going to cross to brussels where our correspondent robert -- barbara is standing by. she just returned from a report in paris where she was looking into the french elections. do we have any more details? >> we don't have any more details other than the motives are under doubt from what you just cited the police sources and the interior ministry said that this might have been something else, not terror but probably a gang-related shooting or possible robbery that went wrong. this is very diffused. it is not very concrete, however, the police confirmed there are no further police actions underway in paris.
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this seems to be the only spot where something like this happened because of their were early reports of that the shootings were other places. that was of course a case of the nerves. maybe even the police --not really clear why this happened. we know what happened. sarah: this appears to be an isolated incident on the champs-elysees. one police officer confirmed today. president hollande has scheduled an emergency meeting. should we expect a statement soon? >> maybe, but only if you have something to say that is terror related. he has always been quick in incidents to come out quick and tell the public that the police and the security services have the situation in hand, to
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explain what had happened and so on. this was probably a criminal act as they do happen in all big cities all over the world. the pressure is a less to go out tonight. what we have at the same time tonight is the long string of the last statements of all the 11 candidates for the french election, the first round which will take place on sunday. we could expect some sort of an immediate reaction there. looking into those discussions and statements, everyone has been cautious in trying to not directly say something that will not turn out to be true. it is still possible that we might see some first reactions later because francois fillon, the conservative candidate, he's expected to speak to the french public around midnight. we will see whether he will have something to say.
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sarah: we are learning that the second police officer on the scene has a died. that means it to police officers -- that means two police officer shot and killed on the champs-elysees. a quick recap of what we know this hour. two police officers have been killed in paris. thanks for watching. our coverage continues at the top of hour.
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>> this week on "welt track" is the gig up wealth funds. the state of etfs is next on "wealth track." ♪


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