tv Global 3000 PBS May 6, 2017 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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entrepreneurs and look at the challenges they've had to cope with. they'll both be at the women20 summit in berlin at the end of april, which focuses on financial inclusion for women worldwide. while 76% of the world's men have a job, only 44% of women are paid for the work that they do. but that doesn't mean they're not working. women do around 5 hours of unpaid work a day, including housework, looking after children and caring for sick and elderly relatives. and even in cases where there are no differences in qualification, only 25%of
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leadership positions worldwide are filled by women. there's inequality in terms of internet access too. women go online less, 44%, in comparison to 56% of men. a difference of 12%. and in africa, estimates suggest the difference is as high as 23%. it's time for tech savvy women to take the floor. >> it's 6:00 a.m. in cape town's southern suburbs. the miyas are having breakfast together -- a rare occasion for the busy family. one thing that's always present at the breakfast table -- electronic devices. what other parents might ban is actually encouraged in the miya household. >> we are very techy, so i can't, i don't imagine myself without a phone. we do our family arrangements
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over google, so we do google meetings. >> baratang miya lives and breathes i.t. the south african is the founder of girlhype, an organization that teaches coding to underprivileged girls. her youngest daughter thato is still in school. the rest of the family is involved in the business. baratang hurries to her office, a co-working space in woodstock, cape town's creative hub. on the schedule this morning is a meeting with her daughter, thoko. they discuss the new curriculum for girlhype. the aim of the organization is to bring more women into stem careers -- stem is short for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. baratang is passionate about coding. >> someone taught me how to code in about an hour and i realized, beautiful, this is a skill that everybody should learn, every
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child, and having been on the feminist side i thought you know what i should focus on what i know which is girls. >> baratang founded girlhype in 2003 after graduating from the course. thoko was one of her first students. she was ten at the time, and accompanied her mother to all her coding classes. >> i've coded my first website when i was 11, it was an html, and from there i was hooked. this is what i want to be in and i have been doing that and persuing that little goal since then. >> today thoko studies journalism and works as an ambassador and administrator for girlhype alongside her mother. it's truly a family affair. baratang's son lebo runs his business from the same workspace in woodstock. the 20-year-old dropped out of school at age 16. baratang home-schooled him to become a software developer.
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today he runs his own coding school, focused on unemployed youth in the townships. lebo doesn't agree with the new draft curriculum of girlhype. but he has learned to separate work from family life. >> if we have work issues, it's work issues, and then at home, she's mum, i get annoyed with my mother for doing mum things, it's the same normal life relationship, its just at work, we're at work. >> baratang appreciates her son's input. >> we have to be professional around each other, so when he is advising me, i totally forget that he is my son. i am thinking, oh these are the questions that other people will ask. >> early in the afternoon baratang heads out of the city, , towards the philippi township. here, at a community centre, she teaches one of her girlhype coding classes.
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in total, girlhype provides after-school lessons to six township schools, funded by donations and joint ventures with tech companies. on average 500 girls a year learn how to code through girlhype. today baratang teaches html. she wants to provide the girls with job opportunities. it's not always an easy venture. >> we always have to convince the girls that coding will change their lives and it's purely because there isn't enough role models and its not something they can see end results very quick. so that's why we exist, we want to produce lots of women in the developing side which is very technical and once we have girls that can develop and they can see end results quick then i think it will be easier for us to convince them. >> 16-year-old likhona is already convinced. >> when you use html you just write a few lines of code and then your result is something like huge like a website.
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>> baratang's workday has come to an end, and she heads out into nature. the social entrepreneur is an avid hiker. her cell phone stays tucked away for the moment. the mountains around cape town are her refuge from the busy tech world. >> it gives me that spiritual balance and i take one step a time to get to the top. >> baratang has an ambitious goal. it's to teach 200,000 girls by 2020. >> you need money to start a business. last year, 60 startups in india received high-level incentives - of up to 200 million euros. but only three of these were headed by women. another three were co-founded by women. india has around 58 million entrepreneurs. of which only 8 million are
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women. and 79% of them had to finance their companies themselves, because no one was prepared to give them a loan. we head to bangalore. >> it's all about the right spices. >> so this is your kitchen. sucharita eashwar is in bangalore visiting entrepreneur gayathri rao. she makes spice mixes. she wants to make sure the packaging is appealing, and she hopes sucharita eashwar can help her market her products nationwide. >> gayathri is a startup entrepreneur, so that's one group who comes to us. and we are very excited because it's a new idea, they are at the starting stage so we can be with them right from the beginning of the journey. gayathri's website has recently gone online. now she's working on a business plan, because she needs a bank
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loan to increase production. but she's also dealing with a different challenge. >> i've had experiences when i had to deal with vendors or things to be done when we were putting up the unit they wouldn't respond to my calls but they would immediately respond if my dad made a call or my brother made a call. >> sucharita eashwar understands this problem. as a young woman, she wanted to have a career. when her marriage failed sixteen years ago, she felt stranded. as a single mother, she had to take care of her finances and raise two daughters by herself. >> all that made me realize that it is very very important for girls to be brought up in a way where they are totally independent and they think independently, and they are not influenced by the cultural conditioning which exists in our world that women are seen primarily as homemakers and
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mothers. >> when she created her own company with a circle of like-minded entrepreneurs, many of her friends were skeptical. for her daughter tara, though, it was a logical step. >> honestly i think the one thing that she continues to keep telling me is, she is like, don't think small, think big. just imagine whatever you want and follow your heart. that is the one thing that she has to keep reminding me once in a while as well. >> all this violence against women, attacks and molestation of women that you see is often against girls who are working who have chosen to lead an independent life and the boys are still being brought up to think that women are there as
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subservient to them and it's ok to attack them or they need to be taught a lesson so that they start going back to their traditional roles. so we are seeing a lot more of conflict in the society because of that. >> sucharita eashwar and her network aim to help women achieve their business goals. at meetings like this, they share their experiences. the young entrepreneurs present their products and have to answer some tough questions before they receive any support for the next stage. >> access to finance is a big challenge, the second one is access to markets. so they do start out and then as they think of growing bigger they are thinking ok where do i actually now start marketing who might be additional customers or market segments that i can address. how do i reach them so that's another big area.
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the third one is the challenge in using technology. >> the network also encourages women. it hosts frequent gatherings. this evening they are at a popular bar in bangalore. >> connecting to the right resources, getting information about what the government is doing for women entrepreneurs. and you know what is the right way forward. so that is the kind of support is the first thing i m getting from cwe and second is getting to know how other women entrepreneurs are doing it so it's a great platform to do shared learning. >> we are a public relations firm so we are specifically looking for companys who are interested in media visibility for their start up or their firm. so through a meet like this we met quite a few interesting start ups who have great media potential. >> positions are held by men. so when you go and tell them i would like to do business with you, it's like a setback, you
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are a woman, you'll be able to understand what we are doing? >> that is something many of these educated independent-minded women get to -- don't like to hear. for sucharita eashwar, it is clear that woman entrepreneurs are making the world a better place. >> i think they really stay in a business for the long run. so they create sustainable businesses. when they seriously getting into starting and running a business they are not thinking of exiting it and selling it in 3 or 5 years and making a big pile of money and going out. they are looking to grow it consistently year on year. >> sucharita eashwar says that if she and her network succeed in improving the situation of even one young female entrepreneur, it will all have been worthwhile.
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>> women are disadvantaged in argentina to, and violence is commonplace. but huge numbers are now protesting against the macho, male-dominated society that consistently favours men. argentine women are worse off financially too. and only a very few dare to set up their own business. >> delia flores works in a man's world. conversations with truck drivers, organizing convoys of trucks, border traffic and dusty roads are all in a day's work for her. then there's the never-ending pressure of delivering on time. delia flores heads up a logistics company. her drivers transport food and animal feed in the border region between argentina, brazil and paraguay. when she first started her own company at the age of 30, her business partners often didn't take her seriously.
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>> it wasn't easy. one time i went to give a presentation in buenos aires. i had a letter of recommendation. but when i arrived the director's secretary wouldn't let me through. she said, oh no the boss doesn't have any time right now, he has an important meeting. i had to learn to deal with that. it wasn't easy. >> today, delia flores has 45 employees and 8 offices in two countries. >> what did you think at the start, jorge? be honest. along comes this woman, so sure of herself. >> of course i was surprised that she was a woman. but she has the ability to do the job. and i congratulate her because she's come a long way. she's very capable and a real personality.
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>> a single bridge spanning the uruguay river links argentina and brazil at this point. hundreds of trucks cross the border every day. they have to queue for hours and sometimes even days. delia fores started off as a bank clerk. then she moved to the customs office. she enjoyed the work, but not all her memories are positive. she says many men hurt their female colleagues with their off-the-cuff remarks. >> 30 years ago, women were much more affected by things like that. the men knew all they had to do was spread a rumour or a falsehood and a woman would be much more bothered by it than any of the men. but i have to say that that has actually motivated me more than ever, and it often spurs me on. >> there are very few women running businesses in this area
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around the city of pasos de los libres. in fact, across argentina, only about 43% of women are in paid employment -- and most of them are poorly paid, working as carers and domestics. even when women are as well qualified as men, and have jobs in industry, they generally earn 30% less than their male colleagues. at her office, delia flores is surrounded almost exclusively by men. she's worked with her office manager for over 20 years. the two of them have a great working relationship and have rarely experienced any problems. she believes women are often their own worst enemy. >> we women face both cultural and social limitations. we tend to stick to our training and our upbringing.
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it's not the case that we're banned from doing things, >> in the evening she gives an address at a local hall. women from all over argentina have come to listen. eight years ago delia flores set up an association for women executives like herself. it's a forum where women can discuss their experiences and support each other, in the face of the machismo that is still widespread in argentina. >> perhaps the biggest mistake of our generation was that we didn't prepare men for their new role and the new role of women. and so we hear of lots of new cases of violence, particularly against women. we women are of course also partly to blame. we teach our sons to act like
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their fathers. wait till your dad comes home for supper we say. we've created a culture where everything revolves around the men. >> this is a new path that we're taking. but it's good to realise that others are often facing the same fight with the same insecurities and experiencing the same setbacks. >> delia flores and the other businesswomen are fighting for a new culture in argentina. one where it is normal for women to be boss and run companies. >> and now to our global ideas series, when we meet people committed to protecting our planet's plants and animals. most countries have veterinary surgeons, but there are still many areas without them. malawi, in south east africa, is one of the poorest countries in the world. most people are farmers, dependent on their livestock.
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but animal epidemics often spread like wildfire, leaving the country's few vets powerless to stop them. our reporter, jurgen schneider, joined a group of future veterinarians on a new study programme which has been on offer at the capital's university since 2015. >> play time is over for this young goat. he's not amused. boniface chikufenji is going to give it a medical check-up. these veterinary students at luana university in malawi's capital lilongwe are here for ten days of hands-on work experience as part of their training. malawi urgently needs vets. there are only about thirty in the whole country to tend to the needs of more than twenty-five
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million farm animals. animal diseases are widespread. a berlin-based animal-welfare organisation, welttierschutzgesellschaft, helped establish a veterinarian training programme two years ago. south african robyn mccann, the director here, set up the training program in malawi. >> these veterinarians we are training will be the first group that will graduate from the veterinarian program in malawi. so this is the only program there is in malawi at luana and they will be the first vets to graduate. we have paravets but they're not veterinarians. >> the fieldwork at the farms is complemented by classroom training seminars where the students learn hands-on examination and surgical techniques. >> your must hear that sound, duff duff. one, two, catch my end. >> this ensures that the veterinarians don't end up doing
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the animals more harm than good. after theoretical practice, it's back outside to put what they've learned into practice. much of malawi has been cultivated for farmland, so the wilderness areas are growing smaller. that also means that sick farm animals pose a greater threat to animals in the wild. >> the main diseases we have in livestock in malawi are east coast fever and foot and mouth disease. and these are transmitted to wildlife to wild animals like buffalo and those who have hooves like all antelope. and the reason that there are problems is that buffalo or wildlife and livestock inhabit the same areas. so these diseases are transmitted from one to the other and we have seen great losses in both populations because of this disease transmission. >> that's why students also learn to care for wild animals. today they're at the wildlife center in the middle of lilongwe. the animal welfare station takes
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in sick animals, and looks after them until they can be released back into the wild. amanda lee salb, the center's director is also a veterinarian. , the students are more than welcome here. >> malawi does have veterinarians but it is not enough. there is not enough to take care of all the wildlife work that needs to be done, especially at centers like this we would like to have a malawian veterinarian working here as the centre vet. that's why we are so hopeful for this class and also we need the -- them to be out in the field to be assisting animals who have been the subject of human wildlife conflict. >> that's because malawi's nature is under threat. the human population is exploding in the already densely populated country. there's endemic poverty and periodic famine. with most people in dire need of basic necessities, animal protection plays a subordinate role. humans and animals often live in close proximity. there are dogs everywhere, with
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some forty thousand strays in the capital alone. the students skills are put to their first real test in a suburb of lilongwe. they're helping an animal protection organization carry out vaccination campaign. a lot of people have turned up for the event. this is a special moment for boniface chikufenji. >> i feel very happy, very excited because this is now helping the community, preventing rabies. you know here even if you are bitten by a single dog it means you can get the virus, the rabies virus. but if you vaccinate a lot of dogs like this we are helping the community here. >> most families have dogs, but no one to care for them. there aren't even enough doctors for the human population. here the busy team can only attend to the most urgent cases.
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>> guys, you need to instruct these people on how to carry their goats. >> the dogs often have festering wounds where parasites can breed. that's the cause of death for many dogs. >> the health situation of the animals as you can see is really not optimum. they are very, very thin, they've got external and internal parasites. they are depressed and lethargic and very pale so probably tick born diseases and unfortunately it's not a good situation. >> boniface doesn't have a moment's rest. but he feels good about the work. >> it's just a part of the course. it's not hectic. as you can see the dogs, there are not many of them. it's just a good number of them. we try as much as possible to finish vaccinating the dogs. >> everyone's grateful for the free treatment their pets receive. operations like this rarely
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occur outside the capital. maybe that'll change when the country has more vets. their schooling is almost complete. malawi will soon have fifteen more veterinarians in a country of sixteen million people. host: that's all for today. but we love hearing from you, so do get in touch. visit us on facebook - "dw global society" or email us at see you soon.
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