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tv   DW News  PBS  October 11, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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♪ brent: this is "dw news," live from berlin. tonight, spain gives catalonia a bit line and in order to explain what just happened. catalan leaders now have five days to clarify whether they declared independence on tuesday. the prime minister tells catalonia to respect the will of law or face the consequences. we will take you to madrid and barcelona for reaction. also coming up, a german journalist facies turkish justice. mesale tolu said she is not guilty of terrorism in a case that is inflating tension between berlin and on correct.
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-- and turkey. and harvey weinstein is now in europe for sex addiction rehab as the allegations mount against the film producer. also coming up, the future of north american free-trade. nafta negotiations around for -- f round four kick off today. can the neighbors hold the deal together? ♪ brent: i am brent goff. it is good to have you with us. tonight, spain has put catalonia on the clock and on notice. the prime minister has given the regional government until monday to say whether it has declared independence from the rest of spain or not.
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he has promised to do everything possible to prevent the breakaway, even threatening to suspend catalonia's autonomy. reporter: locked in a standoff, the prime minister of spain is determined to not give an inch. speaking to parliament in which rid -- in majority -- in madrid, he rejected offers of international mediation. >> it is not possible to accept a dialogue to agree on what is expressly for bitten by the constitution, to negotiate over the sovereignty that belongs to all spaniards and the unbreakable unity of spain. reporter: it was a clear rebuke to catalan president carles puigdemont whose talks for peace have repeatedly been rejected. he has been given five days to drop catalonia's independence bid. >> it is really important that
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those people who violated the constitution rectify this. reporter: if catalonia ignores the warning, rajoy has threatened to employ direct rule. >> the truth is we have two government leaders who have acted very irresponsibly. we're asking you to take on responsibility and govern for everyone in spain and catalonia. we need the possibility of dialogue. reporter: days more of uncertainty. on the streets of our so lona, people are frustrated. >> it's ridiculous to everest this point because we the people pay for the politicians and it is their fault. they pass problems on the people when they should have solve them. reporter: --
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>> no one knows what is going to happen. reporter: now the ball is back in catalonia's court and in spain the waiting game continues. brent: we want to go to our correspondence. oliver is in barcelona. now we have an ultimatum. that is a significant escalation by the spam -- by the spanish prime minister? guest: no doubt rajoy is shifting years on the conflict. carles puigdemont on tuesday asked the regional government to suspend independence for the coming weeks to allow negotiations. instead role boy -- rajoy gave him one week. that is a clear message from the
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spanish government that will not accept any negotiation unless carles puigdemont gives up independence and abides by the spanish constitution. there's definitely in escalation. brent: what does it feel like in barcelona? where does this leave the catalan leadership, particularly the president? guest: carles puigdemont finds himself in an increasingly complicated situation here tonight. he might be realizing that he is walking down this road with a dead end and slowly coming to terms that he does not know how to return. because he is receiving pressure from two sides. from arianna roy, the span -- from the spanish prime minister.
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if you declare independence then we will have article 155 waiting for you which would mean an end to the political career of carles puigdemont and the autonomy of catalonia. this cannot be in his interest. at the same time we have the far left party waiting with another ultimatum. they said if in four weeks from now there is no declaration of independence than they will step down from government and that would mean he would lose his majority and the government is finished. no matter what he does is looking like a very complex situation. people on the street here are talking about this poker game where carles puigdemont went all in yesterday and slowly realized he did not have a good and. brent: that's a -- a good hand. what is rajoy's goal here? he is trying to use politics against his catalan counterpart.
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does he want the catalan government to collapse? guest: certainly i agree with my colleague in barcelona. rajoy has already labeled carles puigdemont as non-valid interlopers. after tuesday's declaration of independence, there is no unity in the camp. some members of parliament even in carles puigdemont's party have been trying to avoid unilateral declaration of independence. he is in the middle of a crossfire between knows who want quick independence versus those who think maybe carles puigdemont went too far. yeah, that is the possibility that the government collapses.
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even if that happens, new elections would have to be called and he would have to apply 155. brent: our correspondence in madrid and barcelona. thank you very much. here are some other stories making headlines around the world. the so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility for suicide attack in the syrian capital of damascus. three bombers killed at least two people and wounded several more. it's the second such attack on a damascus police station in recent weeks. u.s. bombers have thrown -- flown over the korean peninsula in a show of force after months of escalating tensions. the u.s. also flew joint missions with japan and south korea over the sea of japan. protesters in kenya have clashed with police as confusion mounts
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over a presidential election this month. kenya's election commission says it still considers odinga a candidate. in election was declared null and void by the supreme court. to the u.s., where the death -- the death toll from wildfires in california has reached 21. hundreds are still unaccounted for. firefighters are struggling to contain the outbreaks which have destroyed 3500 homes and businesses. officers shot this video of the conditions. the worst hit county is sonoma. it's one of the most devastating wildfires in california history. reporter: the wildfires ravaging northern california are leaving a landscape of destruction in their wake.
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hotels, schools, and some of the most prestigious wineries in net of valley and sonoma reduced to ruins. for returning residents, all that is left of their homes is charred rubble. >> horrible to see what we have built and put in. now it is reduced to what you see here. we are here trying to find what we can salvage. our plan is to keep those things. and when we rebuild, there will be momentos of what we have lived through. reporter: flames were fanned across the landscape by powerful wind after breaking out sunday. 17 separate wildfires laced in california. among the deadliest in the state's history. the ferocity of the fires caused
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thousands to flee. in one of the worst affected towns, santa rosa, returning evacuees are finding an entire district raised to the ground. the lives of families and friends, shattered. >> it was a super cute house. she had a dance studio where she taught ballet. that's gone. we used to do canning every summer. that's all gone. their whole life is gone. reporter: for some, there is relief as they find their homes intact. >> i am feeling better to see my house. reporter: but others have been left with nothing. with the fire still raging across california, authorities say the number of dead and injured can only increase. brent: the sex scandal surrounding hollywood producer harvey weinstein just keeps getting bigger.
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more and more women are coming forward to level allegations against weinstein, including several who say they -- he raped them. he denies the allegations. his wife is filing for divorce, describing his actions as quote, unforgivable. reporter: harvey weinstein's alleged sexual misconduct has been an open secret in hollywood for years. in his opinion all the encounters were consensual, but more and more women are coming forward with harrowing stories of harassment. >> he led me to his bathroom pleading that i let him ma sturbate. my heart was racing and i was very scared. i pulled my arm away finally, and headed to the door. he started following me and telling me he could introduce me to bob weinstein and i to get a three picture deal and he would greenlight my script but it had to watch them masturbate. reporter: the new york times
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recently published an audio recording where weinstein appears to confess to the sexual assault of an italian model. hollywood a-listers have come forward with their own stories of sexual harassment, including angelina jolie, who told the new york times she had a bad experience with weinstein in her youth and chose never to work with him again and to warn others when they did. gwyneth paltrow said weinstein had groped her as a 22-year-old and suggested they massage each other. she refused. >> it's awful. my heart goes out to anyone who has experienced or went through that situation or was manipulated in any way. the women are shedding light on the issue. >> it's going to definitely make the next guy in harvey's position think twice about doing
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something like that. reporter: hillary clinton sexually shocked and appalled by the revelations. weinstein had been a big supporter of the democrats, donating around $1.5 million to the party over 25 years. weinstein's wife has announced she is leaving him and he has been fired by his ex studio. he is now seeking professional help for sex addiction. brent: you're watching "dw news." still to come, a german olympian's tragic death now a story of hope and inspiration. the heart that keeps beating in brazil. some good news there. now let's get is this ne and answed qstions wheit cos toafta. javi: a lot of you know it is a difficult topic and it is difficult renegotiating. but it is getting more complicated by the minute. it is no surprise that deals are
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difficult to agree on, but as time passes and the fourth round of negotiations begins in washington, it becomes clear that mexico, canada and the u.s. have very different ideas about how the new nafta should look. president trump is taking it all in his stride. reporter: there was a julio welcome for justin trudeau as he arrived at the white house. but donald trump warn tough negotiations lay ahead on nafta. the u.s. president has long opposed the free-trade agreement and said he would be willing to see it come to an end. >> i said we will renegotiate. i think justin understands this. if we can't make a deal, it will be terminated, and we will be fine. but maybe that won't be necessary. but it has to be fair to both countries. reporter: the third country already appear to be preparing for the worst, saying it had no interest in hidden protectionism. >> we cannot allow the
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free-trade agreement stop being for free trade. if red trait -- that does not suit mexico. we have to be prepared to say no. mexico is bigger than nafta. reporter: an agreement that took 20 years to negotiate is hard to renegotiate. but mexico says it is willing to try. still, mexican negotiators want to avoid new tariffs trump has suggested to prevent companies leaving mexico for the u.s. not many support trump's position. even the u.s. chamber of commerce is turning its back. >> we have been patient, full headed and constructive. but let me right now the forceful and direct. there are several poison pills, proposals still on the table that could doom this entire deal. reporter: that could spell trouble for the three country's economies.
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they are each other's most important trading partners. many companies depend on nafta and for them, there is no plan b. javier: many companies are watching the unfolding negotiations. let's bring in jens korte, our financial correspondent on wall street. thank you for being here. we know how important the nafta agreement is and yet president trump seems quite relaxed about it. our investors just as cool? jens: wall street watches, but wall street does not react at this point. overall if you look at most in the streets in the united states, it is hard to see -- if nafta were to fail. the u.s. car industry relies on back-and-forth trade and also suppliers. if for example you were to have higher tariffs on imports, that
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would probably increases prices here in the united states. the same is true for the fashion or retail industry and also for most parts of agriculture. but so far everything is pretty abstract and that is why wall street is not reacting. let's listen in to what the president had to say. >> it's possible we will be able to reach a deal with one or the other. in the meantime we will make a deal with one. but i think we have a chance to do something very creative that is good for canada, mexico and the united states. javier: that was donald trump. i know we are talking about donald trump here come up with something very creative, what could he mean by that? jens: well, only the white house knows. for instance, one could be that there would be a free-trade agreement between the u.s. and canada, and not with mexico at this point.
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that's at least one theory. if you look at the trade balance, canada and the u.s., canada is one of the few industrial nations where the u.s. does not have a huge trade deficit with. it's different when you look at mexico, even if the trade deficit with the u.s. and mexico narrowed in the past couple years. that could be one idea of how likely that his remains to be seen. i'm sure there is a lot of lobbying going on from the u.s. industries to keep nafta alive. javier: we will see how that round of negotiations goes. thank you very much for the analysis. some other topics, israeli spies have observed russian government hackers as they scour computers around the world for codenames of u.s. intelligence programs. that's according to american newspapers. detected more than two years ago
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, the intrusion used antivirus software written by a russian firm. the israelis had also hacked into that network and alerted american officials who has since removed the software from government computers. it has 400 million customers worldwide, and they denied any knowledge or involvement in the matter. brent: the trial of a german journalist in turkey has been adjourned until december. the court ruled that mesale tolu must remain in custody until a verdict is reese -- is reached. she has been in detention since april and accused of being involved in terrorist propaganda. she attended events organized by the extreme left party which is designated by a desert -- as a terrorist group. she maintains her innocence. she's one of 11 german nationals currently detained inside turkey.
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for more now i want to bring in the director of reporters for without borders here in germany. it is good to see you again. your colleagues were monitoring that hearing in istanbul. from your point of view, is mesale tolu getting a fair trial? guest: no, i do not think she is getting a fair trial, and that is not really a surprise from what we know of other trials. what are colleagues observed today in istanbul is that the prosecutor did not introduce any new evidence regarding the accusation mesale tolu is confronted with. two accusations. one is that she has been working for a for britain news agency -- for a forbidden website. the second accusation is that she would have participated in a funeral -- this is for the
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prosecutor, an explanation why she would the part of a terrorist organization providing propaganda. today's prosecutor did not introduce any new evidence for this. brent: being an interpreter at a funeral in a foreign language is considered pushing terrorist propaganda in his trial, is that correct? guest: that is correct. this is pretty absurd. that's why we were really curious if the prosecutor would introduce today some new evidence for the harsh accusation, and the prosecutor did not. brent: we have got some foreign journalists in turkey who have been released without a trial. and we have some like mesale tolu who have to stay in custody until there is some sort of verdict. do we know why there is this
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discrepancy, this difference? guest: well, i was honestly expecting, maybe, a release after the most recent signals of the turkish foreign minister towards germany, saying that maybe we do need a kind of restart. and maybe there are different groups within the turkish government which have different interests, and i think that today's decision is a political decision. for me it is an expression that the turkish government does not have an interest in making things easier in dealing with germany. brent: if german journalists are being targeted in germany, do you think the germany government is doing enough, when it should to help them? guest: i mean, on the practical level i think they are doing quite a lot.
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the consulate staff in istanbul and -- i think they are trying hard to provide her with children's books for the little son she is imprisoned with. i think german authorities are doing a lot even if turkey is rejecting legitimate rights, which all governments worldwide in the vienna convention. but on the political level here in berlin, i have the impression that it took too long for the german government to take a clear stand on the case of mesale tolu. and i think it took too long to look for a joint european position on eu affairs and now it is high time to do this for increasing the pressure in turkey for releasing foreign prisoners and turkish political prisoners as well. brent: thank you.
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guest: thank you. brent: next, a story of renewal that dates to the 2016 olympics in rio de janeiro. that's when a german canoeing coach was tragically killed in a car accident in the city. but the family of the 35-year-old allowed his major organs to be harvested and four lives were saved as a result. his heart never left rio, and its new owner has pledged to pursue inactive -- an active lifestyle. reporter: a 67-year-old brazilian grandmother with a new lease on life. she suffered a heart attack in 2012 and afternoon to years on a waiting list she received a new heart. the 2004 olympic medalist-turned-coach whose life ended prematurely.
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participating in her first sporting event since the operation says it is like doing her own olympic medal. she is more than grateful for a second chance. >> i really taking care of this heart. i would like to give his mother a hug because i am also a mother and i know how much she must be suffering. because there is no greater painted a mother losing her child. -- pain than a mother losing her child. i would help them and tell them i'm going to do everything i can to make sure this heart is alive for a long time and i'm going to try to do as much as i can. reporter: she plans on doing a lot. she also plans to take up canoeing in the future. her heart would definitely be into it. brent: a beautiful story. here's a reminder of our top story.
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spain's prime minister has given catalan leaders until monday to decide whether they declare independence or not. he rejected mediation and demanded a return to the will of law. madrid is threatening to suspend catalonia's autonomy if it tries to break away. after a short break i will be back to jacob today. -- to take you through the day. stick around for that. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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cambodia. every year millions of tourists come to marvel at the world heritage site. at night in the s


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