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tv   DW News  PBS  May 11, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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berlin. the war of words in the middle east escalates, a senior iranian cleric threatens israel is with annihilation as worshipers at friday prayers chance death to israel and death to america. in israel the defense minister called on syria to throw out iranian forces. also on the program, over 750,000 children in the democratic republic of -- of the congo are suffering from malnutrition. half could die if they don't did help soon. they are stuck in a vast jungle region hit by conflict between the robust -- the rebels and the army. in europe gears up for it festival.
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the eurovision song contest taking place in the portuguese capital this weekend. we will take a look at favorites for you. ♪ >> hello, and welcome. good to have you with us. world leaders are stepping up their efforts to save the iran nuclear deal with the foreign ministers of germany among france and britain. the diplomatic scramble comes after israel attacked iran's positions in syria earlier thursday in response to alleged iranian attacks on israeli positions on the golan heights. a war of words as escalating on both sides. -- is escalating on both sides. reporter: two days after the attacks, tensions in the middle east continue to soar, a senior
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threat that -- threatened israel with destruction. >> it is foolish. we will erase tel aviv and haifa to the ground. reporter: israel is not mincing its words either. >> i have a message. get ready of the a ring that get rid of the iranians, their forces. they are not helping you. they are only harming, and their presence will cause problems in damage. reporter: the developments come days after the u.s. withdrawal from the nuclear deal. many iranians see this as another provocation from israel's ally. on the streets of iran, protesters held banners reading death to america. global leaders are calling on iran and israel for restraint some of the ring the lack of stability in the region could lead to war. their goal, preserve what is left of the nuclear deal. german chancellor ayala merkel
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underlined that intention again, throwing harsh words of the u.s. administration. >> i don't think it is correct to pull out of a deal that has been agreed upon, that has been voted for unanimously in the u.n. security council. that violates the trust in the international order. reporter: iran's foreign ministry signaled in a statement it is prepared to work with europe to save the nuclear deal. but it is unclear whether that would help ease the conflict with israel. christopher: let's talk to our correspondent who is in the lebanese capital of beirut. give us an idea with the mood is at the moment in the middle east. our people preparing for conflict with israel? reporter: the reason is on edge, and not seen it like this thus far.
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they withdrew tensions, but there is always sort of this wave in the middle east, and it is preparing for next war, but this time it is different. all five have been talking to israel and sources in lebanon, somebody -- nobody really wants a war, but the situation is tense. even though we have seen israeli attacks on it rainy and -- on iranian assets, this is quite a direct hit. is there going to be war, a full-fledged war? as we have seen, as bryce treggs are concerned, directly from the iranian side, it has been measured. you talk about a certain cleric, but as far as the spiritual leader is not making a threat, it is not as serious. but when you look at israel and the rhetoric, from israel it is hyped up because with trump in power they believe time is on their side. how far will this go in sending
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this message to syria and israel ? that is what we need to look and see. christopher: what about lebanon? there has been an election. the iranian backed hezbollah won half the seats in parliament. they saw major gains. thursday we saw major world powers urging lebanon to maintain its policy of staying out of regional conflicts. is that likely to stay the case, burglaries 11 on getting involved? reporter: lebanon would. there is always a debate of lebanese nationalists saying, we don't want hezbollah fighting in syria. we don't want them getting in a conflict with israel. we would like these. but hezbollah is a strong force on the ground. they are making political gains by saying that their cause which is the destruction of israel is legitimate. the fighters in the south of goal a height on the syrian side
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of goal on are the hezbollah fighters. these are the fighters who trained in the syrian side of golan heights, and i met several of them myself. if there is a war, those fighters are likely to join. hezbollah is present in syria. hezbollah is in lebanon. so whatever conflict happens, whether in syria or in lebanon, hezbollah is likely to participate. christopher: and shall not break good prospects. . -- thanks. time to catch up on other stories. officials in gaza say on israeli soldiers shot dead one palestinian and wounded dozens more during the sixth week of protests at the border with israel. two german -- journalists and a paramedic or among the injured. palestinians are demonstrating
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against the decade old blockade of gaza and america's decision to move its embassy to jerusalem. u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo has said america could help rebuild north korea's economy if the country gives up its nuclear weapons. he made the comment at a news conference alongside his south korean counterpart. he added robust verification of any denuclearization would be needed. and south africa's elite police unit has taken over the investigation into an attack on a mosque outside durban. they think religious extremism is a motive. one person died and two others were wounded in the attack which occurred after midday prayers thursday. now hundreds of thousands of children are facing starvation in the democratic republic of the congo. that is a grin to the children's fund. unicef says swift action is
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needed to provide food, water and medical supplies to more than 750,000 children in this province. recent fighting between rebel forces and government troops has caused a complete breakdown of essential services including health care, sanitation and food supplies. reporter: the violence has subsided. the displays are beginning to return home, but the recent civil conflict in this province has forced hundreds of thousands to the brink of starvation. aid workers are fighting an uphill battle to treat malnourished children and prevent the spread of cholera and measles. the hospital that survived the conflict are overwhelmed area >> actually we were shocked by what i saw and what i heard in the region. i visited several hospital for children were treated for complications, serious non-deficient, struggling to survive. i came back to the same hospitals three days later.
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within three days i saw that children, some children had died and that new people had arrived with children that were malnourished. reporter: the fighting made food scarce. in some areas farmers have not been able to plant crops for three seasons. the conflict stopped the flow of basic supplies across the nearby angola border. as the province late for crops and trade to return, the challenge and groups are facing is enormous. unicef has only received a quarter of the 90 million it needs to provide assistance. in the meantime for the children of this region, food is a precious commodity. christopher: in a separate development in the democratic republic of the congo, there has been an outbreak of ebola. the u.n. is preparing for all
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eventualities including a rapid spread of the disease to other provinces. most of the cases have been recorded new the town in the equity or province where doctors have received another suspected case. the world health organization is helping congo with the use of experiment of vaccine. the who has warned that the treatment is not a magic bullet. the," has seen it and pulled up -- the," has -- congo has seen eight table outbreaks. country still waiting for new government but talks in rome between the populist five-star movement and the far right the party finally appear to be making progress. the parties' leaders hope to propose a new prime minister on sunday. reporter: it could be the end of the waiting game. matteo, heart -- head of the far right league, made his way through journalists again little way. after weeks of stalemate, it was
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up to this person, the coalition partner from the populist five-star movement to spill the goods. >> first of all we are very proud we arrived at this point in a linear and coherent way. yesterday evening we finally laid the foundations for an agreement with the league and launched a project for government change that we want. this afternoon our parliamentary members and experts will start working on a government contract. that remains our most important focus. reporter: just last monday the italian president declared the negotiations to build a new government had failed area for weeks he had been pressuring the parties to come to an agreement, threatening to call fresh elections if they failed to do so. the fact that italian voters won't have to go to the polls again, and the political impasse mason be over, is largely down
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to one man. sergio bellus tony. -- belasconi. he stepped aside in an act of generosity, as his party put it. that paves the way for the league to negotiate with the five-star movement. that party had categorically refuse to strike a deal as long as this man was still in office. the coalition partners are looking to build a government i the beginning of next week. on sunday they hope to name their new head of government. media reports say it could be an independent candidate. but ultimately it will be italy's president who have the last word. christopher: still to come, red, delicious, and over here in berlin a plague of crayfish. it has invaded the streams and lakes of the german capital.
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more on that and a second, but first donald trump's decision to withdraw from the iran nuclear deal putting pressure on industries across the globe. daniel: they are having to cancel investments. the president wants to reinstate sanctions against iran over concerns on the nuclear program. that could not have come at a worse time for the iranian economy. take a look. the currency has been under pressure for months. they have lost a third of its value against the dollar since december. tehran is also grappling with high unemployment among recent university graduates. 36% of men cannot find work. that number is staggering. 50% when it comes to women. that is not the only challenge iran is facing. a lack of private investment due in part to a banking sector that can barely afford to issue loans. tehran is investing less than 3% of its gdp in maintaining the aging infrastructure which further hampers business
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development. companies worldwide can lose out as the u.s. reimpose a sanctions. take european aircraft manufacturers which face losing 38 billion dollars worth of deals. reporter: thanks to the iran nuclear agreement, airbus was able to secure a deal for 100 aircraft with iran. however at least 10% of the components for its planes come from u.s. producers, and this detail is likely to pull the plug on the sale. >> anything that has u.s. content, dealings with the u.s., then gets exported, will come under scrutiny. that may need to be looked at very carefully. reporter: boeing, which struck a deal for 80 planes with iran, is likely to be forced to cancel their contracts along with various other aircraft producers. among the companies, french oil
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producer to tell -- totale looks to cash in. they struck a deal to [indiscernible] now it seems unlikely that the country will be able to continue sales in many markets. >> this will be a very significant thing. what the markets have already found is that yes, there will be tension, prices have risen before the announcement which was expected, come down since. reporter: international carmakers also had high hopes. peugeot wanted to build a plant in iran, and they were hoping to produce cars in other companies. volkswagen was hoping to enter the market. now all those companies and iran itself are seeing their plans
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further out of reach. because of one country's determination to strike out a deal. chri at&t admits it made a make mistake -- made a big mistake by hiring michael cohen. the funds are now under the spotlight as michael is under the spotlight. he was hired to advise at&t on the trump administration, which the firm's ceo says they -- says was a serious misjudgment. the lawyer for adult film star stormy daniels revealed earlier that a slew of companies paid michael cohen to get information on the presidency. the disclosure of the relationship with michael cohen could predict whether a deal to get time warner gets approval next month, one which doldrums called not good for the country. and now wall street. shares of time warner have not
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suffered much since this affair came to light. is this a sign that investors see this tie up as doomed anyway , or the current issue is currently political? jens: at the end it is not the decision of donald trump at this point if the deal comes through or not, but the debate with the justice department, and the decision here is due probably on june 12th. but so far wall street does not believe the whole michael cohen fair is going to affect the decision, if the deal will be approved or not. otherwise probably you would have seen some pressure on the stock of time warner as they are getting bought by at&t for $85 billion at least that is the plan for now. at&t is not alone. a swiss pharmaceutical company admitted that it was a mistake to actually higher michael cohen's firm, and to pay about
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1.2 million dollars, and also there it is not going to have a lasting image affect on novartis. christopher: speaking of pharmaceuticals, donald trump wants to drive down drug prices. what does he want to do, and what can he do? jens: he had a big appearance here on friday. he had promised during his campaign to bring drug prices for example down. there are no two opinions in the u.s. that health care is too expensive. some of the ideas are jews read the process and to bring new drug on the market, so that should increase competition and therefore also put some pressure on isis, but also the president called it unfair that other countries have the same drugs for much less than we see it in the united eights, but what donald trump also said here on friday, it is a very complicated system, and changes will not
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come anytime soon, but it will take years to actually fix and change the system. christopher: it could be a hard pill to swallow. thank you. now elaborate costumes and dodgy performances. not talking about dw news, the eurovision final is coming up. reporter: the song contest, people across europe gearing up for this annual pop extravaganza. the past week has seen a need -- a lot of portuguese -- many entries getting ready for the grand finale saturday evening. >> eurovision is as much about the spectacle as the song, and as far as that goes, estonia's performer will be hard to beat. the opera singer will be wearing a giant down decorated by 360 and elaborate projections that move and change along with the
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music. ♪ >> but eurovision has also been used for political or social messages and france is in the running with a song about the refugee crisis. this duo are singing mercy, which was inspired by the true story of a little girl born on a rescue ship in the mediterranean. one of the hot tips to win is israel's performer who has chosen the correct topic with her song. >> the strong -- it has a strong message of #metoo, and i thought of something funky that sounds like the cycle of abuse. like the fence. and then it goes over and over and over again.
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it is like happy by -- vibe but it has a strong message between the lines. >> a message of a different kind is offered by the 2009 winner from norway. he is back this year with a song explaining just how to write a song. ♪ ♪ >> the current favorite is cyprus, represented by this person with this song. no political message, just a classic sexy dance track. ♪ >> the competition is also known for surprised upsets. and with people from so many different countries voting, it can be difficult to predict who will come out the winner saturday night. [applause] christopher: in germany the
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final weekend of the bundesliga season beckons. the top of the table, three teams locked in a fierce tussle for champions league qualification while at the bottom we see the climax of a tense relegation battle. as for the title, there is little change. reporter: another year, another title for by your -- bayern. there will be more pictures only with different pictures as they celebrate their sixth title in a row. in the battle for the remaining champions league spots, this group takes on dortmund while lisicki is still in the show. dortmund looking to redeem themselves. >> of course i am confident we can go there and get a point or a win. it is an exciting game as hoffenheim needs to take risks. reporter: down the bottom they have other concerns. survival by any means the target.
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freiburg in 15th spot needs only a point to guarantee safety. but it is a tense battle between wolfsburg and hamburg. the walls have nosedived in recent weeks, but a chance to save themselves the other regular -- relegation playoff. >> it is in our hands, so we don't it worry about with the other teams are doing. reporter: second last hamburg need a miracle. a win is the minimum requirement. but the belief among supporters is back. >> you can see the team's achievements have got the fans back behind us. the team and fans are united. reporter: bayern will be a name -- aiming to finish strong for the cup final. this man's final match in charge.
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christopher: they are being dubbed the berlin lobsters, but these are swamped crayfish from louisiana, so why are they being found in such large numbers in the waterways of the german capital? biologists think a few of them were abandoned as pets and death multiplied. the latest attempt to control their numbers involves capturing, cooking and crunching. reporter: curley and are crawling with the new inhabitant. they have noticed and authorities warned that local waters are facing an invasion by the north american crayfish. >> two years ago berlin released a predator in an attempt to eradicate the greatest, but it could not eat the greatest fast enough as they were reproducing at the same time. now the senate of berlin changed their strategy. they are allowing berliners to eat the crayfish, but for that we first have to catch them. ♪
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>> it seems i have not got what it takes, so i need some help. reporter: this local expert and his fisherman are out. they have been awarded the contract to kill and sell these cut -- these creatures. >> what are my chances of catching one? >> pretty good, feel pinching. >> what do i have to do to get some? >> the material of your net is too thin. the crayfish would teradata. -- terry -- tear it up. reporter: the catch their hall. it was just a few days for them to bring in thousands of the little omnivorous creatures.
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>> we think that someone had some in his aquarium. they got too big, and he put him out here in the waters. these are ready to reproduce when they are six months old, and they reproduce rapidly. reporter: this local think -- fishmonger has exclusive rights to sell these berlin lobsters in the trendy markets. >> first you just twist the head off. and then you turn it over on its back. use your thumbnail to crack and peel off the shell. then you are left with the belly which just lifts out. >> it is really tasty and i am glad i tried it now. the berlin big city lobster is a
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delicacy that might not be on the menu for very long. the goal of this license to kill is to exterminate the creatures for the good of the local wildlife. ♪ christopher: you are watching dw news in berlin. i will be back in a second with the day on an in-depth look at the top stories. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ xnóx
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♪ meggin: hi everyone, and welcome to our highlights edition with the best picks of the week. here's a look at what we've put together today. playful pictures -- the witty photos of an instagram duo from spain. beautiful buses -- a convention for classic omnibus collectors. and blossoming buds -- a flower festival on the portuguese island of madeira. the photo sharing site instagram has some 700 million subscribers. so, to make a name for yourself or to get your photos seen by the masses, you either have to be a really adorable cat or you have to do something to stand


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