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tv   Teen Kids News  FOX  January 17, 2016 6:30am-7:00am MST

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@[ theme music plays ] `>> welcome to "teen kids news." `i'm veronique. `here's this week's top story. @for many of us, getting a @mosquito bite means endless @itching and a red bump that @takes forever to go away. @but there are places in this @world where mosquito bites are @more than an annoyance.
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@emily reports on an american @teen who's come up with an @innovative way to fight back. @ @>> officially called @the united republic of tanzania, @tanzania is located on the east @coast of africa. @famous for its immense and open @plains, tanzania is home to @elephants, lions, and rhinos, @but it's also home to a tiny and @deadly insect, @the anopheles mosquito. @actually, it's not the mosquito @that kills, but the disease the @mosquito carries -- malaria. `in fact, more than 600,000 `people in tanzania die each year `from malaria. @that's equal to losing every @man, woman, and child living in @the city of baltimore, maryland. @to high school student @thomas forman, this was @unacceptable. @captain of his new jersey @football squad, he worked with @his parents and teammates to @kick off a unique fundraiser. @they call it
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@hi, thomas. @welcome to "teen kids news." @>> hi. thanks for having me on @today. @>> so, what inspired you to take @on fighting malaria in tanzania? @>> well, actually, it's a funny @story. @i was on a plane ride home from @china, and next to me was @a canadian businessman. `i struck up a conversation with `this man, and he told me all `about malaria. `i was vaguely familiar with `the disease, but he told me `all about it -- who it killed, @how it worked, and regions where @it was most prevalent. @a few days later, i went down @to the jersey shore with my @family. @on this day, there was a breeze @coming off the bay, which caused @mosquito nets to get riled up, @and my ankles were attacked by @mosquito bites. @football pre-season was only @like a couple of days away, @and i knew i had to do something @with this newfound information. @everything kind of just clicked. @i talked to my parents, talked @to my coaches, talked to the @administrators, and @tackles4tanzania was born. @it was a really simple idea, and @i got to work. @>> so, how exactly does @tackles4tanzania work? @>> well, actually, it's a really @simple process.
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@it can be as low as a penny; @it can be as much as a dollar -- @for every solo tackle the @football team makes during the @season. @at the end of the season, @tackles are counted, and @notifications are sent to @participants. @once all the money is collected, @we send a check to @nothing but nets, who @distributes the nets in @tanzania. @we chose to partner with @nothing but nets because they're @really well respected and had a @great reputation, and they had a @distribution system already set @up in tanzania. @>> why are nets so needed @in tanzania? @why don't people just buy their @own nets? @are they very expensive? @>> no, they're not expensive. @they just don't have the @resources available. @they're only about $10, but @unfortunately, with the extreme @poverty in tanzania, it's hard @for them to get access to nets. @>> did you find that people were @eager to donate? @or was it a little hard at @first? @>> well, at first, it was @a little hard. @i mean, people -- we had to get @clearance with the state. @we had to get clearance with the @school. @but after all those obstacles @were overcome, people were very @excited and enthusiastic to @donate. @once they heard about how many @people were ravaged by this @disease, people lined up to @donate. @it was really great, and we've
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@>> so, $7,000 at about $10 a @net, does that mean you bought @about 700 nets? @>> yep, we bought about 700 nets @that were distributed to @tanzania, and we saved countless @lives. @>> so, what have you personally @learned from this experience? @>> well, i learned that to @follow your dreams and to make @something a reality, it really @does pay off. @i mean, i combined my two @passions -- football and giving @back -- and i created something @that helped save lives. @anybody can do it. @i'm just a teenager from @new jersey. @so, if i can do it, @anyone can do it. @college soon. @will you continue to stay @involved with tackles4tanzania? @>> oh, yeah, definitely. @we've already expanded from my @high school, pingry, to include @three other independent schools @in the area, and we're looking @to grow even more. @we're looking to go from a state @thing to a regional to a @national foundation. @at william and mary, i'm trying @to get the football team @involved there, and we'll see @where it goes. @>> william and mary being @the school you're going to? @>> yes, i'm attending @william and mary. @>> terrific. @best of luck to you. @>> thank you. i appreciate it.
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@visit @to get involved. @>> nothing but nets is an @malaria. @they welcome motivated teens who @are willing to come up with @ideas for fundraising. `so, if you're looking for a good `service project, reach out to `them at `remember, every net can save a `life. `for "teen kids news," `i'm emily. `>> here's a pop quiz. `what's meant by "pop culture"? `i'll pop back with the answer
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`[ theme music plays ] `>> not far from where `the baltimore orioles play ball, `there is a museum dedicated to `all kinds of play. `geppi's entertainment museum is `dedicated to pop culture. @ @>> pop culture is popular @culture.
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@books, comics, the gamut of all @the things we enjoy. @ @>> games and toys are part of @pop culture, too. @this amazing array of artifacts @all belong to a man named @stephen geppi. `>> his collection got to the `point where he looked at it and `said, "i like this stuff. `and i hear from a lot of people `that they like this stuff. @so why don't i put it out so @everybody can enjoy it?" @>> so, what are the top five @things that teens shouldn't miss @when they come here? @>> well, scott, let me show you. @come on. @ @as you can see on the walls of @our museum, we have several @pictures spanning the eras of @each room -- 1928 leading into @1945 over here. @>> because the exhibits are @organized by date, you can see @how our culture changed through @the years, like the dawn of @the television era in the 1950s. @>> also, over here we have the @'60s revolution -- a lot of fun
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@and 1971 to 1990 is where the @first surprise is. @[ fanfare plays ] @>> the number-5 artifact @is what's called a one-sheet, @the kind of movie poster @displayed in a movie theater. `if you're a "star wars" fan, `you'll see there's something `strange going on here -- `a poster for a movie `before its title changed. `>> the original title of `"return of the jedi" was `supposed to be `"revenge of the jedi." `and before they had a chance to `make this decision, they had `already promoted the movie as `"revenge of the jedi" `for a short period of time. @>> i wouldn't have known one of @my favorite movies had a @different title before. @>> oh, when i was a child, that @was commonplace on the @playground to talk about why @"revenge" got turned to @"return." @people said that a jedi would @never, ever want to have @revenge. @it was too hostile a force for @the buddha-esque jedis.
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@in our next room, "revolution: @1961 to 1970," we have a very @special, very fun, very @hands-on number 4 -- @rock 'em sock 'em robots. @>> hey! i remember this game. @but i didn't know it's been @around since the '60s. @>> not only has this game @continued to be replicated into @the present day, but at the @time, "you knocked my block off" @became a classic saying. @you knocked my block off. @ @>> attraction number 3 is for @kids who ask, "how can i be @strong like a superhero?" @>> the answer is... @[ fanfare plays ] @the superman golden @muscle building set. @>> wow. @>> 1954. @peter puppet playthings, a @wonderful muscle-building kit @that not only has everything you @need to become big and strong @but also shows that superman @will personally fly into your @house and show you how to use
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@>> well, i can quit my gym @membership. @[ rim shot ] `don't go away. `we'll be right back with the top `two attractions at `geppi's entertainment museum.
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`[ theme music plays ] `>> we're at `also known as `the museum of pop culture. @andy is the museum's @assistant curator. @we've been counting down the top @five attractions that teens @shouldn't miss when coming to @visit. `number 5 was the "star wars" `poster with `the discarded movie title. @number 4, the battling @rock 'em sock 'em robots. @number 3 helped kids in the @1950s spring into action with @superman's muscle building kit. @[ fanfare plays ] `>> for our next piece, number 2,
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`this was actually one of the `first toys that tied in directly `to a newspaper comic strip. @>> the toy gun is 80 years old. @to protect the metal, andy wears @gloves. @when this item was introduced at @macy's, they expected it would @be popular, but eyidn't @expect 5,000 people would line @up to get it. @>> this is the buck rogers @xz-31 rocket gun from @daisy manufacturing. @1934. @[ zaps ] @>> the geppi's entertainment @museum got its start with a @collection of comic books, and @that's where we end our tour -- @a case full of comics, each @introducing a famous character @for the very first time. @[ fanfare plays ] @>> for our number one... @>> number one... @>> ...a story in four colors. @our comic room. @our number one is number
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@number one, debut of superman, @walt disney's comics and @stories' number one, the start @of an illustrious comic career @for donald duck and @detective comics' number 27, @the number-one appearance of @batman. @>> rare-edition comic books like @these have sold for millions of @dollars. @[ cash register dings ] `the pop culture museum is `fascinating. `you'll not only get a kick out `of it. `so will your mom and your pop. `[ chuckles ] `at the geppi entertainment `museum in baltimore... @[ dramatic music plays ] @...i'm scott for @"teen kids news." `>> while the first cy young `award was given out in 1956, `the first reliever to ever win @the cy young award wasn't until @1974 when mike marshall won it @for the los angeles dodgers. @that year, he posted a record @of 15-12 with 21 saves,
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`and 143 strikeouts. @the next relief pitcher to win @the cy young award and the first @american league pitcher to do so @was sparkey lyle of @the new york yankees in 1977. @that year, he won 13 games, `saved 26 games, had an e.r.a. of `2.17, and struck out 68 batters. @i'm matt for "teen kids news." @>> this message is brought to @you by the national road safety @foundation. @they want you to keep your hands @on the wheel, your eyes on the @road, and your mind on driving. @[ pencil scribbling on paper ] @[ car door closes ] @[ engine starts ] @
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@>> oh, no! @>> [gasps] oh! @[ seatbelt clicks ] @[ chuckles ] @[ horn honks ] ` `>> don't go anywhere. `there's lots more to tell you
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`>> it's one of the scariest `places we'll ever experience, `and most of us will spend three `or four years there. @i'm talking about high school. @that's the subject of this @week's video from the website
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@[ boing, boing ] @>> hooplaha! `>> high school is hard. `it's so important for us to have `that approval at that age `from our peers. `if school could be the place `where they came to and they got `support, that would be a gift. ` @>> good morning! @>> good morning! @>> all right. we just want to @officially welcome you @to challenge day. @maybe some of you have someone @here you don't like very much. @maybe you used to be really @close, something crazy happened, @and now you don't even talk to @each other anymore. @today we're gonna ask you to set @all that stuff aside. @[ cheers and applause ] @today, students get an @opportunity to let go of all of `their labels, the stereotypes, `break out of that for a second, `and get to see each other as `human beings. `>> students feel safe enough `just to be themselves `and to express themselves
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`typically wouldn't share `otherwise. `and throughout that process, `they start to realize that we're `way more alike than different. @>> when they walk in, a lot of @them think, "what i'm holding, @what i'm going through in my @life, the feelings i have, i'm @the only one that feels this @way, and people @don't understand me." @when they go through these @activities, they realize that @is no longer true. @so, here's how this activity @works. @it's called "cross the line." @crossing this line, it's gonna @tell a story about your life. @all right, everyone, just take a @deep breath, please. @in silence, please cross the @line if you have ever been hurt @or judged because of the color @of your skin or your cultural @background. @in silence, please. @>> as people cross the line, @you can feel lights going off, @like "oh, wow. @i realize i'm not alone." @>> i've seen miracles. @i've had a few students go to @our school board, and one of `them last year stated, you know, `"if it wasn't for challenge day, `i wouldn't be alive." @challenge day just gave her an @opportunity to, for the first @time, to talk about what she's @going through, what she's @dealing with.
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@share something, you feel @something else within you that @makes you feel comfortable. @like "i can talk about this. `it's okay. `it's okay to feel this. `it's okay to cry and show things `that in society aren't really `looked upon as okay." `>> they talk about lowering the `water line and `being 100% of who you are. @they talk -- well, your image is @the 10%, so people only see @your 10%, so in order to keep @challenge day alive, we have to @lower it down and be 100% all @the time, but i think in doing @that, you're gonna change the @world. @>> teenagers, in my opinion, are @the freethinkers of our world, @and if we can remind them of @their power at this age, we have @no idea what those students will @end up doing with their lives as @adults. @and if we can just remind them, @i believe that they will step @into that power. @ `[ upbeat music plays ] `>> "speak of the week" is when `we get to hear what you have to `say.
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` `>> nasa recently sent a space `probe to take photos of pluto. `it cost almost a billion dollars `to do that. `so, what do you think? `should the government spend `money on missions like this? `or would the money be better `spent on education `and wiping out poverty? `>> probably getting rid of `poverty and all of those other `things because i think that `that's, like, more important for `us right now. `>> i think the government should `give the funds to education. `>> it might actually help us in `the long run, and it might `improve upon education. `we don't know until we try. `[ chuckles ] `>> i think that they should `spend this money because they `should -- to explore the new `planets and try to figure out `what's -- if there's life on `there or if there's water or `anything like that, so, yeah. `>> saving the earth right now is
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@>> of course, the government @will be quick to point out that @many of today's must-have @products come from the space @program -- for example, paint @that protects against rust, @eyeglass lenses that are @scratch proof, the insulin pump @used by millions of people with @diabetes, solar-power devices, @highly efficient filters that @protect our municipal water @supplies, and even @the personal computer. @guess you could say that that @list is literally @out of this world. @with "speak of the week," @i'm eden. `>> want to spice up your `lemonade? `i'll show you how when `"teen kids news" continues.
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`>> we've got another easy recipe `to impress your family and `friends with courtesy of the `culinary institute of america. `>> ice-cold lemonade can `certainly quench your thirst, `and this one has a twist with `mint and honey. `it makes it just a little bit `more special. `i'll show you how to make it. @first thing you're gonna do is @boil one cup of water.
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@2 tablespoons of honey into the @water just like that. @okay. @and you're gonna throw in some @mint leaves in there as well. @let this sit for about @5 to 10 minutes until all the @flavors are combined. @and we'll just give this @a stir. @okay. @great. @next, we're gonna make our @mint ice cubes. @they're really easy to make. @i've filled up a tray with @water, and all i have to do is @put a couple little pieces of @mint in each of the ice cubes. @so, when they melt in the @lemonade, it gives it a bit more @of flavor. @okay, just like that. @just press them right in there. @great. @this is really refreshing on a
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@and the mint makes it really @nice and bright with the lemon. @now we're gonna cut some wheels @just for the garnish -- with @parents' permission. @make sure you can do that. @use a knife, and you slowly cut @little wheels. @just like that. @watch your fingers. @great. @and here i have 3 cups of water. @i'm gonna add my mint ice cubes @that i already have made. @oh! ice cubes everywhere. @okay. just like that. @and you're gonna add the juice @of 5 lemons. @perfect. @some lemon wheels. @you're gonna give that a stir.
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@okay. and add some more mint @leaves for some color. @okay. @now you're gonna take your hot @water that's been mixed with the @honey and pour that right in. @be very careful. @it's gonna be hot. @okay. @and give it one last stir. @okay. @now all i have to do is just @grab a glass @and pour it right in. @and enjoy. @mmm. that's super good. @at the culinary institute of @america, for "teen kids news," @i'm nicole. @>> that looks really good. @we'll see you again next week @with another edition of @"teen kids news." @see you.
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