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tv   Iowa In Focus  FOX  November 22, 2015 9:30am-10:00am CST

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international affairs today. welcome to iowa in focus.we're here each week giving context to what you see happening on the campaign trail and in the news.that process starts with the barnstorm. barnstorm. the scenes from paris last week were terrifying -- when a friday night turned into a nightmare in multiple areas across the city. citytyininhe week since -- the world has learned more about the men who planned and carried out the attack -- and why there might be more on the leaders now have been tasked with looking ahead -- learning from what went wrong in paris.much of that focus is on new york city -- which was specifically mentioned in an isis video. "fear is the oxygen of terrorists. they want to spad it, they want to stoke it. they want to keep it alive. more importantly we need to know about before the attack. . at happened that they didn't detect it. the focus has also shifted not only to national security -- but the syrian refugee crisis. at least one of the attackers is believed to have gotten into europe with the thousands of refugees crossing boarders to escape war in their homeland.
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homeland.the united states pledged to increase the number of refugees it would take to try to help -- causing a huge backlash from governor's in more than half the 50 states -- who are refusing to relocate refugees to their states.iowa and governor terry branstand are on that list. iowa senator joni ernst says the u-s needs to slow down. ""i am advocating for a pause. we need to stop. we need to make sure that what we're doing will pututamericans first. so i think the governor's along those same thoughts and many many other governors are as well.'s important to note that it's unclear if the governors would actually be able to prevent refugees from being relocated to their states. on the campaign trail -- even with nearly 20 candidates in both major political parties still in the race -- ideas for the best way to protect the united states split mostly along party lines. lines.former democratic governor martin o'malley says he understands the need to make sure potential refugees
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aren't terrorists -- but that it would be unamerican *not to help a group of people in need. if a terror threat or fear of the "other" as are fanned in the immigration context, make us less than american, then we need to push back against that." that."push back against that." that."push back we need to push back against that." that.""we will not turn our backs on the refugees from syria and afghanistan." but we can't act as though we're shutting the doors to people in need without undermining who we are as americans and the values we have stood for. republicans generally sided with the majority of united states governor's in their party -- rejecting the idea of bringing in many refugees -- and focusing even more on the importance of making sure the united states' borders are secure. "bringing people into this country from that area of the world i think is a huge mistake.
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it's not that we don't want to. it's that we can't. there's no way to background check someone from syria. syria.i think our focus ought to be on the cistians who have no place in syria anymore. they're being beheaded, they're being executed by both sides. and we do'nt even know who they are. there's no paperwork. there's no anything. and all you have to do is look at the website for obamacare to know that we're never going to figure it out. candidates on both sides of the aisle have talked about how the rise of isis marks a new way nations will fight in the 21st century.gone are the days of nation-states declaring war on a battlefield. now -- wars are fought in internet chat rooms -- and in living rooms -- where parents do what they can to make sure their children don't become radicalized online.steffi lee explains how that new way to fight affects americans in ways they might not even realize. realize. "that legitimizes this kind of violence and says yes this is a legitimate way of expressing islam."luther professor todd
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green says the terrorist attacks on parifurther fuel fear against muslims. "islamophobia is exactly what isis wants. the very reason why i believe they struck at paris was to generate more tension between muslims living there and the non muslim majority."with more than 100 deaths and even more injuries, greeeesays it's an impulse to automatically associate the bloodshed with the religion. "isis attacks other muslims who they believe do not fit in to their religious particular worldview."but he says too often - we worldview." particular religious fit in to their religious particular worldview."but he says too often - we don't realize that. "that's why when we say we stand with paris, by all means stand with paris, but standing with paris doesn't mean standing against muslims."just a day before the paris attacks, 43 died after isis suicide bombings exploded in lebanon.many criticized the uneven coverage between both tragedies."but i do think it sends a signal in many ways implicitly that certain lives are more valuable than others." as foreign policy continues to be a heated topic"we want to fight isis, we have to start fighting islamophobia."he also expects islamophobic rhetoric
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to play a huge role in the presidential election cycle. "instead to use that platform to generate animosity and hostility towards other human b eings, that is tragic, i think that goes against american values the attacks in paris -- at least for now -- has changed many of the discussions going on in the 2016 race for the white help us figure out what's next for the candidates and their poilicies -- i sat down with cornell college political sciecne professor hans hassell. hassell. barrya terrorist attack has huge impact, what impact does it have on a popution trying to figure out its next presidenthassellthere are some there are hassellpresidentnext presidenthassellthere are some fascinating studies that came out right about 9/11 that studied fear's effect on policy preferences and they found that and they policy about 9/11 that studies that some presidentnext figure out its trying to population on a does it have what impact huge impact, attack has a terrorist barrya terrorist attack has huge impact, what impact does it have on a population trying to figure out its next presidenthassellthere are some fascinating studies that came out right about 9/11 that studied fear's effect on policy preferences and they und that people are much more likely to vote
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conservatively. so this might have an influence in that it t turns s the talk to issues that favor the republican party more becuase people are more likely to think about their own think about their own personal welfare instead of reaching out to others which is traditionally more an issue for democratsfor more an issue traditionally more an issue for democratsbarryclinton creates a complication because her background as secretary of
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hassellone of the hardest things for candidates to do is to show foreign policy expertise. you don't get this at all as a agovernor and you don't get it as a senator. this is something that is different and beneificial to herbarryher beneificial to different and that is different and beneificial to herbarrywhat does this mean for the three republicans who aren't politicians at all.hasselli think voters are trying to create a narrative for these candidates. this might be a
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them with international affairs and other heads of state? you have the interaction about meeting putin in the green room at 60 minutes. how do y they actually have the expertise to meet with individuals leading other countries and are they going to be able to set up the united states to be successful in the international arena. every week -- we'll be going inside iowa politics -- talking about the people not trying to move into the white house. the caucus came early for some linn county high 2 news reporter steffi lee shows us how those who can't$ vote yet - are still wanting to make a difference. difference. in a high school lunch oom - it's not surprising to see the usual staple of a high schooler's diet.on the menu... menu..."i'm a big fan of gun control - affordable college
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is a big one for me because i'm a high school student." food for thought. thought. "i can't really vote and i can't caucus in the actual caucus so i come here and do what i can."the linn county mock youth caucus taught almost 100 students how the iowa caucuses can be like a game of red rover... rover...and how democrats and republicans each handle the process come february first. candidate ben carson and democrat bernie sanders were the evening's'sfavorites. favorites."bernie is a great candidate, martin o malley is a great candidate as well, but with the fact that he's literally polling within te margin of error."and those who are staunch supporters of thososcandidates - didn't back down. down."the platform starts right here in our neighborhood s and it goes from the caucus to the county convention to the district convention to the state conveveion aa
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ultimately can be considered for the national convention." for this generation of young minds - staying prideful for what's first in the nation starts in a place with pizza and politics. politics."you really don't know what the future holds, so if you look at it with a positive outlook, you can at least attempt to achieve positive things." the statewide republican favorite w w ben carson and for the dedecrats - bernie sanders. coming up next...we've seen the distruction that isis can cause -- but find out from one of the university of iowa's experts on the middle east the role they play in the world
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changing. welcome back - we're joined by nicholas grossman talking about isis. were you surprised? surprised? a little surprised but not too much. to be honest, not too much. surprised but a little surprised? surprised?isis. were you surprised?
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surprised?a little surprised but not too much. to be honest, i'm surprised d his hasn't happened before. after mombai, we found out this kind of coordinated attack is extremely difficult tostop and and lot of people from france were going to syria and we knew they were interested in attacking western targets. does this show the new 21st century warfare> warfare>all the wars that have threatened powows in the 21st century have been asymetric warfare. the other thing ats different is thats other thing
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different is that al-queda different is thats warfare. the asymetric have been powers in the threatened that have all the wars that have threatened powers in the 21st century have been asymetric warfare. the other thing thats different is that al-queda focused on symbolic targets. they'd hit transporation hubs or the world trade center. isis seems willing to go againt any soft targets where people are. al-queda gave security forces somewhere to focus. somewhere to forces somewhere to focus.
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putting out open-ended calls no matter the impact? impact?in part, isis is trying to establish a global brand. they want to give the sense a small group of disaffected muslims that they can join something global. it's think globally, act locally. it gives them a sense that isis gives them a sense that isis is something bigger than people in just iraq and syria
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syria what's the importance of them not just focusing on the califate where they lose and gain cities? cities? it means they're becomeing more of a global presence. there were a number of attacks over the past few months. they also have months. they the past few months. they also have gotten pledges of loyalty from a number of different groups. this gives them like a franchise model in the same way you have a franchise model like mcdonalds and subway. the individual person get's the
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cocoercials on tv - but the greater brand gets the benefit of having all of these sandwhich shops with their names on it. they have their core but they have these other people that t are like their franchises elsewhere. it helps make their targets more afraid of them which is theieigoal. coming up next...we take a look back in this week's "real story" at how isis was created
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welcome back.this is the real story -- we're going to take the time to give context to some of the events that will go on during the 2016 race for the white house.sometimes we'll have to go back a few days -- weeks or months -- or even years that are still relevant. we find out today
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is having with isis started long ago. a lot of people have heard about the conflict between shshte and sunni people -- but not many people know exactly how it factors into the middle east today.shiites and sunnis represent the two main branches of islam -- created over a disagreement over who should lead the religion after the prophet muhammad died. sunni's are considered to be more orthodox and by far the majority -- making up 85-90 percent of muslims around the world.shiite's make up only about a tenth of the muslim population -- but they have majority populations in iran -- iraq and other countries -- and large communities in many other nations.---those divisions have been more significant insome parts of history than others.for a time in iraq -- for instanan -- intermarriage was fairly common in some urban areas.but 2003 -- jordanian militants created isis's predecessor -- called al-queda in iraq that attacked shiite people -- trying to get them to retaliate against the sunni's.
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then -- iraq's prime minister - - nouri al-maliki -- flammed the fire by counteracting saddam hussein's sunni favoritism with disproportion ate benefits for shiites. sunni's felt more disenfranchised -- creating more support for what would eventually become isis.--- while sectarian differences between the shiites and sunni's were getting worse -- american forces in iraq pulled out in 2010.the next year in syria -- rebels challenged bashar al-assad's regime -- and the group that became known as the islamic state stepped in -- fighting the same anti-government forces that al-assad was.the syrian president and the islamic state seemed to have come to an agreement that even if they weren't explicitly helping each other -- they at least wouldn't hurt each other -- since they had an enemy -- the anti-government forces -- in common.from there -- isis expanded into northern iraq -- contained only when they met kurdish and shiite forces backed by u-s led airstrikes. ---in the areas where isis has been in control -- the world
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has seen some of the most gruesome acts of violence in decades.they've kidnapped journalists and other people from the region -- and killed them on camera in a variety of ways -- making a spectical of each one.then -- they spread those disturbing images and threats of future violence around the world through the internet with slickly produced videos.the days of grainy videos from osama bin laden are over. just in the past few weeks -- the man nicknamed jihadi john -- who was nortorius for killing prisoners on camera -- was killed himself in an airstrike.professor nicholas grossman at the university of iowa says the stated goal for the group is to have their own state.but he says realistically -- constantly trading cities and land between isis control and other armed forces seems more likely now. after the break...what you have to say about the balance between taking in people who need help -- and making sure
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across the nation weighed in on if they'll accept syrian refugees to their state -- swisher's mayor chris taylor also jumped in the fray -- saying he would welcome refugees to his community. responses... responses...jacob said -- where does he think he is going to put them.. swisher isn't very big. maybe he is just because he or she says yes don't mean they can put them wherever they please.. please..elizabeth stood up for
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mayor taylor -- saying "bravo to the brave mayor of swisher. look at all the hate stirred up? and this man of this tiny town stood up and said "yes. bring me your tired. your poor. your huddled masses." it isn't easy doing what is right." now -- we look at their voice -- what the candidates and their campaigns are posting on social media. media.this week -- the president pushed back on a lot the statements comingngrom many republicans about accepting or not accepting syrian of the ideas floated would be to accept christian refugees -- but not muslims.that prompted the president to say -- and then tweet... tweet...slamming the door in the face of refugees would betray our deepest values. that's not who we are. and it's not what we're going to do. do.we will provide refuge to at least 10,000 refugees fleeing violence in syria over the next year after they pass the highest security checks. checks.that prompted presidential candidate ted cruz to say that the president was singling him out...and challenging the president to a debatesenanar cruz tweeted:
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tweeted:mr. president, if you want to insult me, insult me to my face. let's have a debate on syrian refugees right now! you can follow along on twitter and facebook all week long.see our interviews as we do them -- chime in with what you think -- send us your favorite can also find the shows on our website -- on the iowa in focus section. every week we'll end with the week ahead...'s a chance for you to see what different campaigns have scheduled. scheduled.florida senator marco rubio wraps up his latest iowa swing in council bluffs and cedar rapids.carly fiorina will also be in western iowa mondayaynd finishes her trip in des moines tuesday.we haven't touched on it yet -- but one campaign not returning is louisiana governor bobby jindal's.he suspended his campaign -- saying this just isn't his time.he'll finiuh out his second and final term as lououiana's governor before hitting his term limit. come back right here next week to get the clear facts on iowa
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tony romo, he is back, ladies and gentlemen. i know one guy in particular is very happy about that. jerry jones is very happy he will be back under center. julio jones leaving the nfl.
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randy, big day for him?
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